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January 06, 1934 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-06

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Filene States
Ideas On Profit
And Profiteers
Says Downfall Of System
Will Be Brought About
By Its Own Advocates
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 5. -- P) -
Edward A. Filene, Boston merchant
and chairman of the Massachusetts
state recovery board, said in a speech
before the American Academy of Po-
litical and Social Science today that
if the profit system is destroyed "it
will be destroyed by those very busi-
ness men who believe most profound-
ly in the profit system and are shout-
ing the loudest about individual in-
"At present, however, I see no dan-
ger of this," Filene said. "Practically
all America seems to be behind the
President in his great effort to dis-
cover the underlying laws governing
production and distribution and thus
to effect an orderly arrangement of
the processes.
The academy, opening a two-day
conference, has as its theme, "prog-
ress toward national recovery."
"Fundamentals Same"
"The NRA and the other parts of
the President's program have not re-
pealed a single fundamental law of
the social order of 1929 or of 1919,"
Filene said. "They have simply recog-
nized the fundamental laws of that
order -laws which for the time be-
ing were cheerfully disregarded.
"The recognition of our responsi-
bilities in a machine age has come
upon us suddenly, after three or four
years of headache; but the responsi-
bilities existed long before they were
"They existed in previous adminis-
trations quite as definitely as they
exist today; and had we then looked
realistically at the world in which
we're living, we would have taken
much the same course, which we
are taking now.
Calls Business Uncivilized'
"We have been living for several
generations now within a business
civilization, but we have had no un-
derstanding of what business is for
and business has remained uncivil-
ized. We thought we were governed
by the almighty dollar, but that dol-
lar became so drunk and disorderly
that it could not solve our human
"But now we are beginning to
understand. We are learning that
business is for the consumer - the
mass consumer. Only with that un-
derstanding and only as we exalt
and reverence the consumer's dollar,
can we effect an orderly arrangement
of human affairs."
RFC Flops As Lender
Harry Eaton of Washington, in a
paper on human elements in the re-
covery program, said the mainstay of
the recovery program at present is
the expenditure of government
He asserted that unless future
developments require abandonment of
the whole constitutional system, the
effort to use the police power as an
agency in national planning must be
looked on as a passing phase.
"As lenders, the Public Works Ad-
ministration and the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation have been
flops," he stated.
"As spenders, through themselves
and the Civil Works Administration,
they have been making real headway
once the President had given the
signal to shoot. The Agricultural Ad-
justment Administration has shown
some pronounced results in certain
sections of the country because the

money has been given away, not

Morgenthau Takes New Job; Garner Greets Senators; Lee I. C. C. Head
-Associated Press Photos


Herbert E. Gaston (left), assistant to the secretary of the treasury,
congratulates Henry Morgenthau, Jr., upon his appointment to succeed
William H. Woodin, resigned. For several weeks Morgenthau has been
acting secretary.

Vice-President Garner (right) received new members of the United States Senate in his office as
Congress convened. Left to right: Ernest Gibson of Vermont, Carl Hatch of New Mexico anid Joseph C.
O'Mahoney of Montana.

The old "regular" Democratic or-
ganization in New Orleans, now op-
posed to Senator Huey Long, en-
dorsed Mayor T. Semmes Walmsley
(above) of New Orleans for renomi-
nation in the city's January 23 pri-
m ary.
Dieting Et Al
Is Bunk, Says
Dr. Clendening

Alderman Oscar F. Nelson (right) and Dr. Benjamin Squires (left),t
University of Chicago economist, went on trial in Chicago with 16
others, including labor union officials and alleged sluggers, on charge
of conspiracy to racketeer in the cleaning and dyeing, carbonated
beverages and laundry industries. Center is Attorney W. A. Cunnea,
defense counsel.
Oberammeraglau's Passion Play
Will Be Presented This Year

William E. Lee, Idaho Republican,
is the newly elected chairman of
the Interstate Commerce Commis-
Sociolooist Is
Given Post By
Clark Tibbitts of the department
of sociology has been appointed sta-
tistician for the Federal Employment
Relief Administration and director of
the study of problems of relief in
rural areas by the director of rural
relief in Washington.
Mr. Tibbitts was contacted in Chi-
cago where he is well known as a
statistician, and will be occupied with
his position in Washington until the
beginning of next semester, when he
will return to Ann Arbor after get-
ting the bureau of rural relief set
Affliliated with the Bureau of the
Census in 1930, and director of the
unemployment census in Chicago
two years ago, Mr. Tibbitts is con-
sidered to be well qualified for his
position. Last summer he was of-
fered a position on the Illinois parole
board, but turned it down to return
to Ann Arbor to complete the map-
ping of census tracts to be used in
the prospective Federal Census of
1934 which is expected to be proposed
and passed on by Congress in its cur-
rent session.

Fe r Of Mob
Arrest Delay
Two Negroes Implicated
In Statement Issued By
Baltimore Detectives
CRISFIELD, Md., Jan. 5-- )-
The threat of "possible mob action"
',oday caused authorities, investigat-
;ng the murder of an aged Marion
Station woman on New Year's Eve,
to delay the apprehension of any
suspect in the case.
A formal statement, issued by two
Baltimore detectives co-operating
with Somerset County officials in the
probe, indicated a Negro was wanted
in connection with the slaying of
Mrs. Margaret Brumbley, whose body
was found on her bed early Monday.
"Due to information received
hrough authorities of possible mob
action," the statement of the de-
tectives said, "we thought it advisa-
)le to postpone our activities until
we received advice from higher au-
The detectives, Sgt. Walter Mar-
tin and Sgt. Stewart Deal, declined
to elaborate on the statement. While
Sergeant Martin refused to say who
were meant by "higher authorities,"
they were understood to include the
sheriff, state's attorney and circuit
court judge.
Mrs. Brumbley, an 85-year-old
farm woman, was found, lying partly
clothed, on the bed with her head
battered by a blunt instrument and
stabbed twice. The stab wounds were
believed by authorities to have been
made with an oyster knife.
Crisfield and Marion Station are
located in Somerset County where
on Oct. 18, a mob dragged George
Armwood, Negro, accused of attack-
ing an aged white woman, from the
Princess Anne jail and hanged him
near the outskirts of the town.
The intimation of mob action was
received with expressions of surprise
by Gov. Albert C. Ritchie at Anna-
polis and Charles H. Gaither, Balti-
more police commissioner, who sent
Martin and Deal here at the re-
quest of Somerset County officials.
Among other fines imposed upon
undergraduates at Union College,
Schenectady, is a fine of 6 cents if
caught wearing hats within the walls
of the college.

Published For
Summer School
Many Courses Are To Be
Offered By Schools And
(dolleges Of University
(Continued from Page 1)
four camps are maintained in dif-
ferent parts of the country for sum-
mer work. A biological station is
maintained on Douglas Lake in Che-
boygan County, where extensive re-
search and field work is carried on.
Camp Davis, the camp for field
work in surveying, is located near
Jackson, Wyo. Intensive field cours-
es in geology and geography are con-
ducted in the vicinity of Mills
Springs, Kentucky. The School of
Forestry and Conservation maintains
a summer camp in the Upper Pe-
Courses in the various schools and
colleges vary in length, including
those of four, five, six, eight, and 10
weeks duration. The session of the
Medical School is six weeks in length,
except for certain courses which con-
tinue for eight weeks. The Law
School session is two periods of five
weeks each, while courses in the
Division of Hygiene and Public
Health are six weeks in length.
To meet the needs of teachers and
educational administrators who can
not attend the full session, a nm-
ber of special shorter courses of for
weeks duration are offered in the
School of Education. All the other
schools and colleges are in session for
a period of eight weeks.
All departments are offering full
programs, and numerous educators
from other parts of the country will
be on the campus to supplement the
regular faculty. Added features of
the session will be courses in fine
arts, offered only every other Sum-
mer Session, and a Physics Collo-
quium in that department.
The College of Engineering will of-
fer a wide range of graduate courses
in chemical engineering, a Summe
Session speciality, and special work
in engineering mechanics. Profes-
sor Stephen Timoshenko's courses in
this department will be handled by
Professor Westergaard of the Uni-
versity of Illinois.
The abridged announcements of
the Summer Session just issued may
be secured at the director's office, and
copies may be seen in the various'
department offices. The complete an-
nouncements, which will be ready
for distribution about March 15, and
which give full descriptions of each
course, may be ordered from Louis
M. Eich, secretary of the session,
Shull Elected
Head Of Body
Of Naturalists
Prof. A. F. Shull of the zoology
department was elected president of
the American Society of Naturalists
at the recent meeting of the society
held in Boston.
The group is the oldest biological
society in America, having been or-
ganized in 1833. Its membership in-
cludes representatives of all the high-
ly specialized branches of biology.
The aim is to diuect attention to
those fundamental phases of biology,
such as evolution, which lie at the
basis of all the specialized biological
Professor Shull has at various
times in the past been secretary,
member of the executive committee,
and vice-president of this body. He
was formerly president of the Mich-
igan Academy of Science. He is the
author of several scientific works

and a contributor to various period-

Live A

s You Please And It
Be The Same In
End, He Asserts

COLMA, France -Nine persons
were drowned in a flood caused by
a burst pipe which supplied turbines
on an electric power project nearby.
HALLE, Germany-Lutheran bish-
ops declared their intention of se-
ceding from the German Evangelical
church unless Reichbishop Ludwig
Mueller yielded in his insistence that
a German Christian be a member of
the new church cabinet.
HAVANA - The peace plan for
Cuba advanced by Benjamin Fer-
nandez de Medina, Uruguayan min-
ister, received great opposition from
the backers of President Grau San
WASHINGTON- Leading Demo-
crats privately discussed the possibil-
ity of forcing a caucus on patronage
DETROIT-The Detroit Council
of Churches began operations under
the code which it adopted at its
recent fifteenth annual session.
ROME-Sir John Simon, British

(By Intercollegiate Press)
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 5. -All
this stuff about dieting, exercising
and abstaining is more or less poppy-
cock, in the opinion of Dr. Logan
Clendening, debunker of medical
"Live just about as you please," he
says. "It will probably come out
about the same in the end anyway.
A man may forego smoking, chewing,
drinking, eating meat, and cussing,
and then be run over by a hit-skip
driver. Think of all the fun he
"And these health faddists-did
you know graham bread was named
after a man named Alexander Gra-
ham, who was going to live forever,
but unfortunately died at the age of
"Most of the hygeia foisted on the
public is made up out of some earnest
reformer's mind.
"Among the people who live long-
est often are the guys never seen
withou$ a snipe in their mouths
Their relatives have been plying
them with liquor for years trying to
get rid of them, but they just live
on and on and on.
"We have no proof that exercise
lengthens life or makes one immune
from infectious diseases. Each year
we read of football players laid up
with pneumonia or appendicitis. A
lot of the people who live the longest
are the ones who never stir out of a
chair except to go to the bathroom
or the dining table.
"The anti-niccutine uplifteOs say)
women are ruining their health and
sprouting beards by smoking. There's
a place up in Nova Scotia where the
women, who have always smoked,
and pipes, at that, are known for
their fertility. The death rate of
their children is very low."

The Oberammergau Passion Play,
the story of the passion and death
of Jesus Christ, will be presented
this year in commemoration of the
three hundredth anniversary of the
deliverance of this mountain village
from the plague of the Black Death
in 1634.
Students and teachers are expected
to attend this extraordinary perform-
ance of the great spectacle in even
more numerous crowds than in 1930,
the last presentation year, when more
than 400,000 witnessed it, one-third
of whom were estimated to be Amer-
According to F. H. Boegenrieder, a
citizen of Oberammergau, who de-
scribed the event in the last issue of
the annual publication entitled
"Christmas," the traditional story of!
the making of the Passion Play vow
relates the struggles of the commu-
nity, threatened by the horror of the
Black Death which was decimating
the citizens of nearby towns. Every
road leading to the village was block-
aded for fear someone might expose
the inhabitants to the disease.
In spite of the precautions which
were taken by the town council, a
man brought contagion to the vil-
lage, and during the winter of 1632-
33, nearly 100 persons succumbed. All
efforts to stop the plague seemed in
Turning to God in their extremity,
the village fathers made a vow in
the village church that "if God would
deliver them from this calamity, they
would henceforth, out of thankful-
ness and in remembrance of this ter-
rible scourge, present, every 10 years,
the Passion tragedy," that is, a
sacred dramatization of the suffer-
ings and death of Jesus Christ.
Since that time, the Passion Play
has been given every 10 years ex-
cept in 1811 and 1822. The War was
responsible for the inability of the
citizens to present the drama in 1920,

and the depression of 1922 wiped out
the entire proceeds of the perform-
Since the original presentation of
the Passion Play, the work has re-
mained almost unchanged, the elim-
ination of several parts having been
made necessary with the shortening
of the spectacle from three days to
one day.
Health Service Records
Sell-Oiit For Infirmary
It took only three days to fill all
the available beds in the University
Health Service with the resumption
of school after the Christmas holi-
days, according to attendant nurses
interviewed yesterc; ay. Coldst and
kindred ailments were the most nu-
merous complaints with a variety of
indispositions accounting for the
other occupancies.

I wish to announce my
appointment as student
representative of the
cNcratb Y diiuu


Now, for the first time,
students or other resi-
dents may have the con-
venience of delivery to
their rooms or homes
on Sunday. I can also
handle mail subscrip-
tions for the daily issue.




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