Iu w; THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, SEPT. 29, 1933 a THE MICHIGAN DAILY Established 1890 t--A 36a - TI }X 4 i - 4 I I the importance to the entire country of the fusion -Tammany battle is at once realized. It is this fact which makes the decent citizenry everywhere in this country hope the tiger gets the licking he has too long deserved. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. _. t:ciated *!oltr~i t ress - I 933 NATIONAL COVERAGE 1934 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $ .50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by ail. $4.25. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Represevtatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 &st Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL S rAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR..........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN CITY EDITOR....................BRACKLEY SHAW EDITORIAL DIRECTOR..............C. HART SCHAAF SPORTS EDITOR...................ALBERT H. NEWMAN WOMEN'S EDITOR...................CAROL J. HANAN NIGHT EDITORS: A. llis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil- 1iam G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Elanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret Phalan, Marjorie Beck. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird, Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Marjorie Western. REPORTERS : Caspar S. Early, Thomas Groehn, Robert D. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski, Manuel Levin, Irving F. Levitt, David G. MacDonald, S. Proctor McGeachy, John O'Connell, George I. Quimby, Floyd Rabe, Mitchell Raskin, Richard Rome, Adolph Shapiro, Marshall D. Silverman, L. Wilson Trimmer, William F. Weeks. WOMEN REPORTERS: Frances Carney, Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florcnce Harper, Marie Heid, Margaret Hiscock, Eleanor Johnson, Hilda Lane, Kathleen Mac- Intyre, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Mary O'Neill, Jane Schneider, Ruth Sonnanstine, Margaret Spencer. 9 BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 ,-- - 4 'I w BUSINESS MANAGER............W. GRAFTON SHARF CREDIT MANAGER...........BERNARD E. SCHNACKE. WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER...................- ......CATHERINE MC HENRY DEPARTMENT MANAGERS Local Advertising, Fred Her- trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef- roymson. ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Willard Cohodas, Van Dunakin, Carl Fibiger, Milton Kramer, John Mason, John Marks, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard, Richard Schiff, Robert Trimby, George.Wil- liams, David Winkworth. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1933 Challenge To The Tiger. . IPA Screen Reflections AT THE MICHIGAN "MORNING GLORY" ** RED-HAIRED VITALITY IN DISTINCTIVE MOVIE Eva Lovelace ....... .Katharine Hepburn Joe Sheridan.....Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Louis Easton ........... Adolphe Menjou Rita Vernon ..............Mary Duncan Hedges.................C. Aubrey Smith Gigolo ...................Don Alvarado Henry Lawrence .......... Richard Carle Charles Van Dusen......... Tyler Brooke It can be said without much fear of contra- diction that until the present the secret of Kath- arine Hepburn's cinematic appeal and her quick jump to stardom has been her physical resem- blance to the most widely known feminine movie star of the era, Greta Garbo. But in "Morning ;Glory" it is evident that for once the producers' boasts of "the new Hepburn" and the "flaming new vitality" have materialized, for it may be immediately seen that Miss Hepburn's attack is on a new line, at least for this picture. As Eva Lovelace, a small-town Little Theatre and Presbyterian Church "star" who comes to New York to out-do Sarah Bernhardt and Ethel Barrymore, she assumes a laetificant personality which should capture the most hardened movie- goer. She is unpolished, unconstrained, breath- less, yet poised with an odd sophisticatedness which compares f vorably with Adolphe Men- jou's carpet-knight portrayal of producer Easton and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. as playwright Sheri- dan. Heartbroken and stranded with a 10-cent vaudeville troupe, she finally gains her big chance when blonde Rita Vernon backs out of the lead role in a Molnar translation at the crucial mo- ment. The fear that she will prove to be a morning glory - a flower that fades into ob- scurity after early blooming - forms a fitting climax to a uniformly well-executed production. The dapper Menjou is like Shakespeare's "glass of fashion and mould of form." Fairbanks, Jr., is a fine subordinate (as he was intended to be) to the greater talents of Miss Hepburn. C. Au- brey Smith as the veteran actor who befriends Eva in the lonely first days of her assault on New York has one of his best roles. Refreshingly different scene: That in which Eva sits on the arm of Easton's chair, sweetly saying "Hello" and getting the same reply. And many others. Added attractions: "Mother's Helper," NRA propaganda short with ZaSu Pitts and El Bren- del; Paramount News; Walt Disney' Silly Sym- phony in color, "Old King Cole" - below the high standard set by the three piglets' success and the tale of Santa Claus. Jointly with Mr. Larry King of the Spotlight column this column wishes to put its oar into the high class burlesque swim. Mr. Marcus, the proprietor of the road show which is due here next Thursday at midnight, tells in his publicity of the "statuesque odalisques, ravishing demois- elles, voluptuous houris, and delectable rosebuds" which may be seen for 83 cents or $1.10, as you see fit. What!? No sacheriferous Astartes, no ambro- sial Hyperions, no thuriferous hoydens, no nec- tareous nymphs, no jaunty baggages, no rhododen- drons fait a peindre, nor ye any resplendent asphodels?? Not even an aesthetic Hebe? And that for you and your words, Mr. Marcus. -G. M. W., Jr. M~agazine Review In The October FORUM- "EDUCATION UNVISITED" By 'Robert Hillyer Professor Hillyer's plea in this article is that more attention be payed to teacher personality. The theme is a little stale, but surely sound; and might be expected to yield a fair discussion. The author, however, goes further than mere straightline argument for his proposition, and declares that we must choose between personality and subject matter. Through his article the terms are used antithetically, and would lead to the conclusion that where you have one you cannot have the other. . What is personality? Roughly defined, it is the sum of a person's characteristics, and surely knowledge that he has spent a good part of his life acquiring must be prominent among them. Personality, in other words, includes knowledge of a subject, and cannot be contrasted to it. Think of Professor Reeves, or Waterman, or Slosson, or Winter, or any other of the outstanding profes- sorial personalities on this campus. Can they be imagined apart from their subjects? What is Dean Novy if he is not a doctor and a teacher? Per- sonality and subject are inseparably intermingled, and to plead for one at the expense of the other is, to me at least, incomprehensible. Viewed in an- other light it may be said that personality is valuable where pedagogy is concerned according to its efficacity in the teaching of a subject. Therefore to destroy the subject, as Professor Hillyer would do, is also to destroy the raison d'etre of the personality, and not, as he says, to emphasize it. PROFESSOR HILLYER puts something like the sane thought into different words further on, by contrasting "scholarship" and "education." The differences he understands to exist between the two are that the first "ought to be in posses- sion of those few to whom it pertains,' while the second "must be as widely disemminated as pos- sible." As an example of the educated man, the THE SPOTLIGHT By LARRY KING PLAN for evading the auto ban. Get a commer- cial license on your car, a chauffeur's license. and a taxicab permit. Then see Dean Rea and get a permit to drive a taxi to earn your way through school. Then get two cards to put in the window of the car saying "Flat Rate Taxi." Now you're ready. Get a date, put the cards in the windows of the car, get the girl and put her in the back seat, drive to where you're going and let her out, park the car, whip the cards out of the window, take off the chauffeur's cap, put on a hat, and join the young lady. Going home merely reverse the pro- cess. If this doesn't work let us know and we'll think up another. From the advertisement of the big-time burlesque to come here soon, "A garden of girlhood, lavish with a myriad of delectable rosebuds bursting into full bloom beneath the potent effulgence of the sovereign stars of the amusement firmament." I beg your stuff, Chollie? * * * THAT very well-dressed fellow at the Psi U house had a few dates with one of Ann Arbor's most attractive freshman co-eds. Said he on his third date, "I hope that some day you will learn to care for me as I care for you, because I be- lieve that the love of a good woman would re- form me." Oh, you big, bad boy! One of our spies who works at the Union reports that during Orientation Week a freshman woman came up to the main desk with a pot in her hand and said, "How long do I have to wear this thing after school starts." He swears it's true. * * ': * BILL CAVANAUGH at the T.D.X. house bought a set of books on the installment plan. When the collector came, Bill met him at the door. "Is Mr. Cavanaugh in?" asked the man. "No," said Mr. Cavanaugh, "I don't think he is, but I'll see." "Cavanaugh!" bellowed Cavanaugh. "Cavanaugh!" bawled Cavanaugh, and, while the bewildered brothers looked on, Mr. Cavanaugh went to the door and said, "Mr. Cavanaugh doesn't seem to be around but I'll have him call you when he gets in." And the collector went away. * * * * Republicanism is not dead but sleeping on this campus. During the recent drive to have students sign NRA pledge cards the cam- paigners reported that their importunations were often met with the remark, "Why, no, I can't sign that, I'm a Republican."' Two Turkish high officials arrived in New York on a large trans-Atlantic liner en route to the Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago. Leav- ing the boat they got into a taxi at the pier and! one of them asked, "You know the Exposition?" "Yes," said the driver, "It's in Chicago," "Well ," :aid the Turk with an imperious wave of the wrist, "Take us there." The caboy guiped, went home, collected a clean shirt and the Turkish gentlemen went to Chicago, arriving there with a taxi bill of $300. of fields in which the undergraduate of today, is expected to be familiar! It is difficult to see any consistency in the author's attitude toward the two programs, From this Professor Hillyer launches into an attack on the Ph.D. system. Using new words he repeats what he has already said: education, not scholarship, is the thing; and since Ph.D. prep- aration results in a cesspool of scholarship it should be done away with. Here my feelings run definitely counter to the eninent professor's. For whenever I see a mere two orthree years of study crowned with the highest degree in academics I feel the apprenticeship should have been more rigorous. Perhaps my ideal is too high, but I at least have the satisfaction of knowing many peo- ple share it. THE NEXT phase of Professor Hillyer's quarrel is levelled at the red tape; the requirements of so many hours of B in this and of C in that for admission to different colleges, departments, and colleges; and at the army of deans, secre- taries, committees, and sub-committees that have sprung up. Professor Hillyer, it might be remarked in passing, is amusing here, without knowing it: he seems to believe that he stands alone in his adversion to these cumbersome formalities. How pleasing it is, he says, to contemplate the quiet and peace, and especially the freedom from such red tape, of the Yale of the 1850's. To drive home his point he quotes a letter written by an 1850 Yale student-and we find that there were then an enormous total of some 500 young men in attendance. Cut down Harvard., or Yale, or Michigan, or any of the others, to 500, and what would happen to the waiting lime in the Regis- trar's offices? With so meager an enrollment of students, the necessity for detailed blank-signing would largely pass, and with it most of the ac- companying enforcement personnel. What Profes- sor Hillyer overlooks is that new methods, ones which necessarily involve red tape, have had to be devised to take care of the enormous increase in the number of those who seek education. And he cannot consistently object that there are too many students, because he has earlier pleaded for a dissemination of education that shall be wide as possible. PROFESSOR HILLYER concludes with the de- scription of what he would consider an ideal college. Again he is inconsistent, for the faculty of his school, by attracting to it the twenty gentle- men "who dominate the various fields of culture," would remove them from their present stations mid, honr~nt-P nPimn'ncc' hwi r lyAn Affuzcinn of CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Platc advertisements with Classified Avertising Department. Phone 2-1214. rfile classified columns close at five ' '1ock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no C4zh in advmce--tie per reading line ton basis of five average words to iC) for one or tw7o insertions. 10e or reading line for three or more n: errioxis. liMiinum 3 lines per insertion. ?,phone rate--15c per reading line orr0ono or Ltvo in:,rtions. _4c per reading line for three or more insertions. 10'; discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Miniroum three lines per insertion. By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one lines E. 0. D., 2 months...........3 2 lines daily, college year......... 7c 4 lines E. 0. D., college year..7c 100-insud as desired......... 9c 300 lilies used as desired ......... 8c L000 lines used as desired.........7c 2,000 lines used as desired.......6c TIhe above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 71 point 'pe. WANTED WANTED: A young man to tend fur- nace for room. Phone 2-1282. 604 E. Washington. 52 WANTED TO BUY MEN'S OLD AND new suits and overcoats. Will pay 3, 4, 5, and 8, 9 dollars. Phone Ann Arbor, 4306, Chicago Buyer, 5x NOTICE VOICE CULTURE and singing. Pri- vate and cl.ass lessons, 4 to 6 pu- pils. Grace Johnson Konold. 1908 Austin Ave. Phone 4855. 50 VOCAL instruction by experienced teacher. Miss Johnson, contralto. Graduate, University School of Music, pupil of Horatio Connell, Philadelphia. Phone 4685. Reason- able rates. 39 TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger cars. Only standard rates. 1x BOARD BOARD for Jewish students. Deli- cious home cooking. Special chick- en dinner, 50c. 611 E. Hoover. Ph. 2-3478. 31 HELP WANTED WANTED-Experienced Shoe Sales- man. Part-time work. Jacobsons' 2 FOR RENT FOR RENT: A very attractive single room, neat and clean. Steam heat, shower bath. Upperclassman. Also breakfast and dinner at night if desired. Reasonable price. Phone 7796. 49 SINGLE and double rooms. Suite with cooking privileges. Reason- able,desirable location. 429 S. Di- vision. 22 TWO front suites and large room downstairs. 513 S. Division. 46 SUITE for two men with. running water. Also single downstairs room. Shower baths. 614 Monroe. 41 DOUBLE and single room for women, $10 a month. 535 Church St. 38 THREE-room apartment with bath. Furnished or unfurnished. All mod- ern improvements. Garages in con- nection. Close to campus. 4.19 N. State. Phone 5380. 16 QUIET room for graduate student or instructor. 13 Cutting Apartments, opposite Hutchins Hall. 20 FOR SALE FOR SALE: Royal Standard and Co- rona Four typewriters. Both in good order, $25.00 cash. Edwards Letter Shop. 53 FOR SALE: Fraternities Attention! Fine combination pool and billiard table for sale. $1,000 value. To be sold very cheap. Phone 2-3649. J. Finkbeiner, 335 E. Jefferson. 51 FOR SALE, cheap. One second-handI Remington typewriter. Good condi- tion. Apt. 17 520 Jefferson. Ph. 6916. 47 I NTERFRATERN ITY DANCE Saturday Night, 9-12 FLOOR SHOW Couple-$1-Stag PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING. The Concert Art- ist Tuner. Phone 6776. Victor All- nendinger. Office at residence. Ex- clusive tuner for University School of Music. 8 LAUNDRY WANTED-Laundry. Soft water. Reasonable. Called for and deliv- Lred Phone 5291. 44 LAUNDRY carefully done and hand mended. Work guaranteed. 1780 S. State. Phone 730 F 4. 43 HOME Hand Laundry. Special, shirts beautifully finished, 13c. Phone 8894. 7x WE DO your laundry work for one- half the usual price.,Phone 2-3739. 11 LAUNDRY wanted. Silks, wools guarantee Quick service. Call for and deliver. 611 E. Hoover. Phone 5594. 32 STUDENT and family laundry. Good soft water. Will call for and de- liver. Telephone 4863. 3x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 4x _-,-_ NTERFRATERNITY DANCE LEAGUE BALLROOM * Saturday, Sept. 30, 9-12 p.m. $1 Couple or Stag CANOES -FOR. RENT SAU N DERS Foot of Cedar Street on Huron River WhILE THEY LAST New Standard Royal Portables - $45.00 302 S. State St. I CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY i i . Grand Opening Saturday, September 30th ITTING over their glasses of beer in those wigwams situated in every New York assembly district, Tammany Hall braves --from the leader down to the newest woman captain-are these days thinking deep, strong1 silent thoughts of woe. For the tiger is backed intoI a corner, and the forces of righteousness, indig- nation, and restlessness are advancing with more hope than they have shown in the post-war era, holding aloft a somewhat tarnished and musty sword named civic virtue. The sword strikes the tiger's eyes, and he doesn't like it; he has a feel- ing, too, that it may strike him between those eyes, and that he likes even less. Not until the recent primary was Tammany really worried. It seemed to John Curry and his fellow sachems that cost of the tiger criticism came from those sections of public opinion which have always been anti-Tammany: from the press, from Wall Street, from the liberal intellectuals, from all those groups, in short, which make a good deal of noise up to, but not including, the election day ballotting. This criticism never wor- ries Tammany. Let the critics rant; as long as the Coney Islanders vote in the proper manner, God's in his heaven, a Tammanyite's in city hall, and the tiger's in the money! But this time the Coney Islanders appear to be really mad. They nominated the Tammany can- didate for mayor, John P. O'Brien, as good demo- crats should, but they ousted .the tiger comptroller suggestion, substituting an independent democrat instead. It was the first time since the war that a Tammany endorsed candidate has not received the democratic nomination. Further, their sup- port for O'Brien was perfunctory rather than enthusiastic. When to this deflection within the tiger ranks is added the absence of support from Washington, a revitalized republican party which has discarded its former leader (who delighted in nothing so much as giving Tammany the least possible opposition), a tough, hard campaigner in the person of Fidello LaGuardia on the fusion ticket, and the important presence of Samuel Seabury, independent democrat, supporting this candidate-when these facts are added to the result of the recent voting, it becomes clear that the tiger is faced with a genuine fight. This Tammany battle to remain in power is of national significance because Tammany has be- come a symbol of professional political control of American cities. It may well be that other machines are as crooked as Tammany. Certainly the Vare republican machine in Philadelphia, which is also experiencing uncomfortable days, rivals the tiger in corruption. But popular feeling has assigned "the hall" to the front rank of politi- cal infamy. Beat "the hall," the reformers argue, and you beat the wickedest politicos on the Amer- ican scene. Lord Bryce once remarked that in city govern- TYPING S HOR T HA ND BOOKKEEP PNG Day and Evening Classes Starting Now - also -- Complete Courses of General Btwiness-Stenographic Private Secretarial 0 Ann Arbor Secretarial Schaal In the Arcade Phone 3330 I NTE RFRATERN IT TE R ITY DANCE Saturday, Sept. 30, 9-12 p.m. $1 at The League MAX GAIL'S BAND t f i III! 11 Iii - = - -~ .~ - - ~ ~ =--= _ = ~----~~ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ = - ~- ~. DANCING EVERY NIGHt Cute and Cozy 308 Maynard Street Ill Next to Ma jestic i Se .-7 Fohow the Crowd ...and Enjoy the Atmospliere . 0 at the -1 .AkV-.- -0 kridf'iy Evenain g 9 to ' Satu rdiay Eiening 9 to 12