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December 14, 1933 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-12-14

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Established 1890

they professed before 700 of their fellow students
thatthey were thrilled by football, honored to be;
members of the team (and would still have been
honored even if the team had been other than a
winning one), and proud of the fact that they


are students at Michigan.
We feel that all of us could aim towards this
remotion. It is much more satisfying when one
actually feels it instead of laboring constantly
under an assumed one. While we are here we
should be units in the Michigan traditions, thrill
to the small, but some-day-to-be-longed-for,
events of our daily lives, and take away with us all
the emotional inscriptions that Michigan has to
r offer.

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tior a I the Big Ten News Service.
saociatgd olteiatg gmrt50
S 1933 NAT O1l 4?A G1934
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to tte use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise. credited in this paper and the local news
'published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Eichigan, as
Second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-Generml.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail.
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier,;$3.75; by
mail, $4.25.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Represeitatives: College Publications Representatives,
Ine., 40 East ThirtyPourth' Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
CITY EDI'TOR............ ......B.RACKLEY SHAW
WOMEIT'S EDITOR....................CAROL J. HANAN
NIGH'I EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil-
Afam G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George
Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
BPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird; Donald R. Bird,
Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin,
MVarfjr ie Western.

Musical Events
"Ombra mai fu" from Eerxes........ Handel
Nel cor piu non mi sento ............ Paisiello
Il mio bel foco .................... Marcello
La Zingara.....................Donizetti
Von ewiger Liebe ................... Brahms
Blinde Kuh
Die Mainacht
Traum durch die Dammerung ........ Strauss
Schlagende Herzen
Ruhe meine Seele
Habanera from "Carmen" ............ Bizet
SOME FEW PEOPLE here have been fortunate
in hearing Marie Olszewska sing, either in Chi-
cago, where she has been connected with,,the Chi-
cago Civic Opera Company, or in New York, where
she has been with the Metropolitan, or at one of
her performances with the Chicago Company
when it has been on tour. Many know her only
by reputation.. , she must have been good to get
where she is. Her publicity however, is backed by
the praise of critics whose words may be trusted.
The oracles of the East, Olin Downes and Law-
erence Gilman, proclaimed her appearance last
year in New York with unstinted remarks; Gil-
man for instance, saying that she is "endowed
with uncommon beauty, and a voice opulent and
Madame Olszewska has chosen a delightful pro-
gram that will please the ear, and rest the spirit.
Beginning with the air from Xerxes, commonly
known as the Largo, through to the Habanera
from Carmen, the program has melody, it has
graciousness and wit, it has romance and pleasan-
The program is not taxing, yet it is far from
If you possibly can finad the time for the con-
cert, you'd better go, because it will be a good
way to start your Christmas Holiday.
Sally Plaee.
- - - - -.. - - -

WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie
Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Elott Courtney
A. Evans, fited R. Evans, Bernard H. Fried, Thomas
Groehn, Robert D. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski,
Thomas H. Kleene, Richard E. Lorch, David G. Ma-
Donald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parker, Wiliam R.
Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Arthur S.
Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, A. B. Smith, Jr., Arthur
M. Taub, Philip T. Van Zile.
WOMSEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer,
Florence Harper, Marie Hed,Eleanor Johnson, Jose-
phine McLean. Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie
Resnick, Mary Robinson, Jane Schneider.
Telephone 2-1214
ZDEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
WVrd; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef-
ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmes, Van Duniakin, Milton Kra-
mer, (John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard,
James Scott, David Winkworth.
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Winifred Bell, Mary Bursley,
Peggy Cady, Betty Chapman, Patricia Daly, Jean Dri-
ham, Minna Giffen, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Isabelle Kanter, Louse Krause, Margaret
Custa~rd, Nina Polock, Elzabeth J. Sionds.
Jackson Prison
Needs BOOks
B OOKS are wanted for the inmates
of Jackson prison. It has come to
the attention of Prof. Louis W. Keeler of the
school of education that the men at Jackson urg-
ently need something to fill the large amount of
free time at their disposal. Less and less work is
available. The inmates of the prison are conse-
quently forced to spend more and more time in
their cells, There is very little that they can do
then but read.
Professor Keeler has asked Interfraterity
Council president Kelley to try to obtain from
fraternities books not- particularly desirable for
fraternity libraries. So many books lie around
in fraternities, never seeing use from one end of
the year to the next, that the request should bring
forth sizeable results.
Although only fraternities have been officially
asked to donate reading matter, there is no reason
for sororities, and for independent men and wo-
men, to refrain from participating in the project.
Everyone who stops to think of the terrific bore-
dom that can come to a person habitually con-
fronted with nothing to do will open his heart for
this cause.
Happiness In
Unsophistication .. .
the Football Smoker held Tuesday
at the Union brought before our eyes again the
much-battered question of student sophistication,
or whatever individuals may choose to call it, and
the opposite side of it.
Professor Frank G. Dickinson, originator Qf the
Dickinson rating system, left the football theme of
the evening long enough to say something that he
explained he wanted very badly to "get across."
"Don't be sophisticated," he pleaded, "but be
school boys and glad of it, or you'll grow old and
sour before your time." It is another expression, of
the sentiment that leaders, particularly here at
Michigan, have been continually voicing for the
benefit of young men and women the country
It is little short of tragedy that we who are in
the best years of our lives as far as capabilities for
enjoyment, spontaneity, and lack of care are
concerned, should attempt to drown these natural
evidences of our youth under a pseudo veil of
worldliness. The veil does not make us seem, more

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous comunications will be disre-
garded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
tors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to
less than 500 words if possible.
To The Editor:
I have noticed within the last few days a lot of
publicity about an Interfraternity Ball. Now a
dance of this sort is all right to have but why must
it be closed to non-fraternity men as it is. It is
as much a University affair as the J-Hop or the.
Union Formal or any other campus affair and yet
it is advertised that tickets will be sold only to
fraternity men. Are there not enough fraternity
parties throughout the year so that this one might
be open to independants - independant girls get
a chance to go if they are asked.
Why are we excluded - a regular League dance
would be open to us - and I think we should have
an equal chance in this dance.
Of course this is only an opinion but that's
what I understand you want for your column.
To The Editor:
Word has just come to me of the kind of a
student conference for which many of us have
been eagerly waiting. I feel certain that numer-
ous students in the University will be interested
in it but yet may receive knofirst-hand informa-
tion. Accordingly, I am taking this opportunity
and channel to broadcast the glad news.
The name is the National Conference on Stu-
dents in Politics; the place, Washington, D. C.;
the dates, December 29 through the 31st. A splen-
did array of national student organizations are
co-operating, including the Y.M.C.A. andY.W.C.A.
Student Divisions, the National Council Student
Christian Associations, the National S t u d e n t
League, the Intercollegiate Disarmament Council,
the Committee on Militarism in Education, and
numerous other. It has been endorsed by leaders
of the calibre of John Dewy, Rabbi Stephen S.
Wise, Ray Newton, Norman Thomas, John Haynes
Holmes and others. The first session (Friday
evening, December 29th.) deals with the subject
"Must S t u d e n t s Participate in Politics;" the
second session. "The Kind of a Program Students
Shall Support;" the third session, "Round Table
Discussion on National and International Affairs;"
the fourth session features a drama, "The Amer-
ican Plan;" the fifth session, "The Campus and
Public Life," and the Sixth session, "Students
And the Good Life."
Delegates will be housed in the dormitories of
Washington College to keep expenses at a mini-
Additional information concerning this Confer-
ence can be had from Kenneth Holland, Execu-
tive Secretary, 140 Nassau Street, New York) City.

fence has become a terribly perplexing matter
in our modern world. I am convinced that war is
silly, absurd, and an almost certain miscarriage
of any commendable intentions. For a civilized
people to resort to it to settle a dispute has be-
come as out-of-date as would be my use of a kero-
sene lamp tonight to do my mechcanical drawing
project for tomorrow's class. From the outlook
on human relationships which college seniors (to
put it arbitrarily) are supposed to have, war be-
longs in the part with other crude institutions
such as dueling, the papal threat of excommunic-
ation and damntion, and vicarious redemption in
But the martial rumblings from Germany and
France and other parts of the world also convince
me that we are not yet done with war. It may be
that, if we were to refuse to keep prepared for
self-defense, time would prove us fools. The
teachings of Jesus to the contrary notwithstand-
ing, I am not assured that a wholly unarmed,
peacefully inclined nation would in the final re-
sult triumph over an armed spoiler.
I admit, of course, that there is more than one
alternative to military perparedness - more, that
is, than peaceful passivity. We could do what no
nation has ever done, really; we could make our-
selves a good neighbor, even to nations that ap-
pear hostile to us. This works between individ-
uals; perhaps it might do so between groups of
persons. How thoroughly human has been the
response to friendly gestures as, for example,
Lindberg's "good-will tours!" Unless it is far dif-
ferent with nations than with individuals, then it
may be that there are even more practical ways
in which the United States could be a good neigh-
bor to Japan, Italy, and the rest.
However, with the minds of Europeans and
Orientals and Americans filled with the ideas
that they now have; and, unless we mean to be-
come as actively neighborly as we are now militar-
istic, then I must approve the R.O.T.C. and other
warlike movements. Yet, with my attitude toward
war, do think I should make a good candidate for
the "ranks?" Can you do work in a cause which
you believe crude, old-fashioned, unscientific,
nonsensical? However it may be with the rest of
you, I can willingly engage in a project only if I
believe it sensible and consistent with progress.
'lThis, then, is my predicament: My conscience re-
volts at the prospect of killing men, my reasons
scorns the foolishness of it; yet I believe the world
is still not far enough developed to throw away
their pistols and talk matters over. What should
I do when I have to vote on keeping the R.O.T.C.,
on the question as to whether I would support my
country in war, etc. What would YOU do?
E. A.
Editorial Comment
An honor in which the University of Missouri
should have shared has been bestowed on Dr.
Charles A. Ellwood, who in 1930 very sensibly left
that unfortunate institution and its cracker-and-
cheese salaries for Duke University and its mil-
lions. Dr. Ellwood, who put in 30 years as head of
the sociology department of our State university,
has just been elected president of the International
Institute of Sociology at the International Con-
gress of Sociology in Geneva. The position, carry-
ing with it the presidency of the International
Congress, is one of high recognition and has been
held by only three other Americans.
Even before the Golden Age of Wall Street came
to an end in 1929, the University of Missouri was
beset by neglect and penury. The axiom that first-
rate faculty members must have first-rate salaries
was forgotten. Our State legislators' interest was
confined to paring down miserly appropriations
and suppressing liberal thought. Thorstein Veblen
left the university and made his name. James
Harvey Rogers, who intimated that suppression of
freedom of speech had much to do with his de-
parture for Yale in 1930, is now a "brain truster"
for President Roosevelt. R. J. Kerner, historian,
who served in 1918 as a member of the Col. House
committee on inquiry into terms of peace, de-
parted in 1928 for wider fields at the University of
California. James P. McBaine, who from 1919 to
1928 was dean of the Law School, also was drawn
away to the University of California.
Until there is an awakening, the University of
Missouri is doomed to continue as a stepping stone
for ambitious educators. How long is the State

Legislature going to cast it for this unhappy part?
St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Collegiate Observer
Drake University co-eds don't mind where, just
so they go some place on a date, is the consensus
of a survey made by the weekly student news-
paper. The majority of women interviewed said
they could endure a dull dancing partner, a ride,
or a dull bridge game, but they didn't care for
sitting around home with the "date."
They were willing, they said, to fit their diver-
sion to the escort's pocketbook; they estimated the
average date at $1.25 to $2.50.
The Drake men concurred in the financial esti-
mate, fixing the average at about $1.65.
* * e:
"I like her in parts," said a professor at
Mississippi State College when asked his
opinion of Mae West. We hasten to express
our agreement with the professor's opinion-
in parts.
* * *
Freshmen at the University of Chicago wishing
to become candidates for the staff of the student
newspaper are required to pass a comprehensive
examination containing questions on the history
of the university, writing of news and feature
stories, etc. On the basis of this examination
approximately 40 freshmen were selected.
Ues a*
Undem the sponsorship of M~ortor Board, cam-

Your Last
To Get Your
M'ichiganensian for



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