U~nsettled Thursday, with pos- l
sibly snow Friday and slightly Ja
wanner in east portions. IAGA4
ckson Prison Needs Books;
piness In Unsophistication.
Red Leaders
Receive U. S.
Bullitt's Reception Marks
End Of Sixteen Years Of
Official Isolation
Nations Pledged To
Friendly Relations
Envoy Favors Building Of
Embassy; Will Pick Site
For Temporary Offices
MOSCOW, Dec. 13. - (A) - Sixteen
years of official isolation between the
United States and Soviet Russia were
broken today when William C. Bul-
litt presented his ambassadorial cre-
dentials to Mikhail Kalinin. ,
The ceremony was accompanied by
more than an ordinary cordial ex-
change between the President of the
General Executive Committee and the
American envoy. It was marked by
the emphasis of both men on the fact
that while the United States and the
Soviet Union represent two widely di-
vergent political and social systems,
this in itself presents no bar to their
successful co-operation.
Both pledged their respective Gov-
ernments to "genuinely friendly rela-
Calls on Litvinoff
Upon leaving the Kremlin, where
the ceremony took place, Mr. Bul-
litt went to the Foreign Office, where
he called formally on Foreign Com-
missar Maxim Litvinoff, who himself
returned only recently from the
United States. Litvinoff engaged in
talks with President Roosevelt that
led to the establishment of normal
relations between the two nations.
Later, the American held a recep-
tion for the Soviet and the foreign
press in his suite at the National
He told the newspapermen that he
expected to remain here only long
enough to decide on a site for -the
American Embassy and then would
return to Washington to recruit his
To Leave Soon
Although Mr. Bullitt refused to
indicate the probable time of his de-
parture, it was understood that this
would probably be about one week
hence. He expects, he added to re-
turn to Moscow early in February
with the full embassy and consular
Bullitt and Kalinin met for the first
time in the old Winter Palace of the
Kremlin, the executive offices of the
Soviet Union.
Kalinin, Bullitt said, is a "delight-
ful human being." The American, too,
apparently created a favorable im-
pression upon Kremlin officials.
Mr. Bullitt, in presenting his letters,
conveyed President Roosevelt's greet-
Not A Stranger
"I do not come to your country
as a stranger," he declared. "My pro-
found interest in it has existed for
many years and I come with a deep
conviction of the importance and his-
torical significance of my mission.
"That mission is to create not
merely normal but genuinely friendly
relations between our two great peo-
ples who for so many years were
bound to each other by traditions of
Dunn Is Found
Guilty Of First
Degree Murd er
Sentence For Slayer Of
Aged Recluse Will Be
Pronounced Saturday
After a deliberation of an hour and
17 minutes, a verdict of guilty of first
degree murder with intent to commit
robbery while sane was b r o u g h t
against Brent Dunn by the jury in
Circuit Court at 4 p.m. yesterday.
The verdict brought to a close the
seven-day trial of Dunn, former res-
taurant owner, who was charged with
the murder of John Reinhart, aged
recluse, the morning of Oct. 10. The
sentence will be pronounced Saturday
Judge George W. Sample, in his
55 minute charge to the jury, recom-
mended three possib verdicts: guilty
of first degree muruer and attempt-
Debaters Who Open Conference Season. Tonight
Michigan's undefeated varsity affirmative debating team which
will meet Minnesota at 8 p. m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Reading from left to right are: Jack Weissman, '35, Edward
Downs, '36, Edward Litchfield, '36, and Clifford Ashton, '36, alternate.
Debaters Open
Fall Conference
Schedule Today
Negative Teams Hosts To
Iowa; Minnesota To Be
Affirmative Opponent
The varsity debating team will open
its conference schedule when the af-
firmative team meets the University
of Minnesota at 8 p. m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre while the
negative team is engaging the Uni-
versity of Iowa at Iowa City tonight.
Before leaving with the negative
team on its midwestern tour, Mr.
James H. McBurney, Varsity debating
coach, announced the following three
men as those who would represent
Michigan against Minnesota: Edward
Litchfield, '36, Edward Downs, '36,
and Jack Weissman, '35. They will
debate on the 1933-34 conference
question: "Resolved, That a Consti-
tutional-Amendment Making Perma-
nent the Powers of the President as
of July 1, 1933, should be adopted."
The critic judge will be Prof. C. C.
Cunningham, director of varsity de-
bating, Northwestern University. Prof.
Louis M. Eich of the speech depart-
ment here will be chairman.
At Iowa, Michigan will be repre-
sented by the negative team of Abe
Zwerdling, '35, Harry Running, Grad.,
and Victor Rabinowitz, '34L. The
judge of the Iowa debate will be Prof.
Frank Rarig, head of the department
of speech at the University of Minne-
The debaters this year have won
all of their engagements. They de-
feated the College of the City of De-
troit twice, and Tuesday night van-
quished Notre Dame at South Bend.
Last night at Evanston the negative
team opposed Northwestern Univer-
sity's team in a non-decision contest.
For the past two years Michigan
debating teams have either won or
have been close to the top in the
Western Conference. Last year they
tied with Northwestern for second
place and the year before tied with
Northwestern for first place. The
year before that they won the title
January 19 Is
Named As Date
For Soph Prom
The Sophomore Prom has been
set for Jan. 19, the second Friday
after vacation, Wencel Neumann,
chairman, announced last night.
The prom will be held, as is cus-
tomary, in the Union ballroom. The
committee is considering several
prominent bands, among which are
those of Johnny Hamp, Jimmy Gar-
rigan, Seymour Simons, Emerson Gill,
Tweet Hogan, Maurie Sherman, and
Paul Ash.
The formal ticket price has been
cut $1.00, Neumann stated. Tickets
are being offered at $2.00 this year,
he said, to fulfill numerous requests
for lower rates.
The committee men assisting Neu-
mann are Robert Merrill and Edward
Begle, music; Florence Harper, deco-
rations; Sue Thomas and William
Milne, favors and invitations; Russell
Runquist, Bernice Reed, and Robert
Atkins, publicity; Rupert Bell, Jean
Grosberg, Russell Walker, and Joel
Newman, tickets.
Inflation Predicted
By Senator Thomas
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13- () - A
prediction that the "three money
groups" in Congress would combine
and pass a bill for mandatory infla-
tion if the dollar is stabilized before
it is devalued 50 per cent was made
today by Senator Thomas, (Dem.
Okla.), a currency expansion leader.
Discussing unconfirmed rte p o r t s
that the Bank of England, the Bank
of France, and the New York Federal
Reserve bank have virtually agreed
to stabilize the dollar at the pres-
ent gold price of $34.01 an ounce -
representing about 35 per cent de-
valuation -Thomas told newspaper
men that would be disastrous.
"It will _lring on a fight that will
be terrible ,' he said. "We are too
deeply in debt to get out that way.
It will bring on a repudiation, not
because the people want to repudiate,
but they won't be able to help it."
The Oklahoma senator said he and
other infiationists would "do any-
thing to persuade the President" not
to agree to stabilization at this time.
Noted Contralto
Is To Appear In
Choral Concert
Maria Olszewska Is Hailed
As "A Master Of Vocal
Art" By Wise
Hailed as "a master of vocal art,
a vocalist whose singing is almost
pure," by Herman Wise, music critic,
Maria Olszewska comes here pre-
ceded by a flood of favorable press
notices. She appears at 8:15 p. m. in
Hill Auditorium in the 1933-34
Choral Union Concert series.
Madame Olszewska gave a concert
at the Masonic Auditorium in De-
troit, and thrilled a capacity audi-
ence, according to reviews appearing
in Detroit. "Only praise is due the
artist for the program she presented.
There are concert performers who
'get by' by playing or singing pro-
gram after program of hackneyed
and dull compositions. Obviously,
Maria Olszewska is not one of these,"
Mr. Wise stated in conclusion of his
She will be accompanied by Fred-
erick Schauwecker, who has been
called as brilliant a pianist as Mad-
ame Olszewska is an operatic lumi-
Having been a member of the Chi-
cago Opera Company for five years
until it was dissolved last year, she
is now in the Metropolitan Opera
Company, and made a brilliant de-
but in New York last year.
Her background, both cultural and
musical, insures Choral Union pa-
trons of a new experience in vocal
art, for she is gifted with good health,
vivacity, charm and experience in
concert singing, having toured the
European continent for several years
before she came to America Her
operatic debut was made 10 years
The complete program appears on
the editorial page of this issue.
Preposterous People
Select Newest Member
At the regular meeting of the
Preposterous People Club, which
was called to order at 3:42 p. m.
yesterday afternoon by President
Gilbert E. (Peko) Bursley, the se-
Watlins Talks
On Currency
At Law Club
Conservative Money Meni
Have Been Most Critical,
He States
Dollar Weight Cut
Should Come Soon
Revaluation Is Different
From Greenback Print-
ing, Says Lecturer
The return to a gold standard of
some kind should be preceded by a
de facto stabilization of foreign ex-
change value of t}, dollar, Prof.
Leonard L. Watkins of the economics
department stated in an informal
discussion of currency infiation and
related problems before the Lawyers
Club last night.
The outstanding criticisms of the
present gold policy have come from
the conservative mney group, with
Prof. O. M. W. Sprague as its leading
figure, Professor Watkins said. These
men, he said, have felt that the gold
policy might be the wedge toward
inflation, with a more radical policy
"These criticisms, I'm inclined to
think, have aided the President in
resisting the radical elements," Pro-
fessor Watkins said, explaining that
the President now had the situation
in much better control, as has been
shown by the refunding of govern-
ment obligations and the moderation
of the gold buying program.
Professor Watkins was inclined to
believe that a de facto stabilization,
such as was used by France in 1926
to stabilize her franc, and which pro-
vided for a period of testing the
movement, would be advisable. Con-
ditions here are not, however, the
same as those in France during 1926,
he pointed out.
"It is the belief of some that the1
President is heading tbward a revalu-
ation of the dollar," he said, but
would not say as to when and to
what degree. A cut in the weight of
the dollar will probably be met with
approval from the sound money
group, but the cut should be made
soon, Professor Watkins pointed out.
One objective of this move would
be to get prices up, thus relieving
debtors and stimulating business, he
announced. No one can predict how
soon and in what degree prices would
rise as a result of this action.
It is further argued that the re-
valuation would cure the alleged
shortage of gold, and relieve in some
measure the pressure on the budget
situation, he said. Such a movement
would add to the gold reserve, Pro-
fessor Watkins pointed out, the profit
from which the government could
use for additional public works and
This is entirely different from the
mere printing of greenbacks, Pro-
fessor Watkins stated, in that there
is a definite upper limit, and currency
so issued is backed by gold. "The
fall of the dollar on foreign markets
cannot be attributed to an unfavor-
able balance of trade," he said, "and
one of our problems will be to pre-
vent the value of the dollar from
rising in terms of foreign curren-
"Should Ladies Meet," the regular
Sunday show, will be brought to the
Michigan Theatre for a special pre-
showing at 11 p. m. tonight. This
comedy, from the stage success, "Vin-
egar Tree," will feature Lionel Barry-
more and Alice Brady.
Budget Will
Six Billions
Roosevelt Will Continue
CWA Work Into Spring;
To Taper It Off Then
Morgenthau Denies
Dissension Rumors
Belgium, Esthonia Decide
To Repudiate War Debts
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13. - (A') -
The Administration will ask Congress
for appropriations of at least $5,375,-
000,000 at the coming session, and
the ultimate figure may be six bil-
lions or more.
This became apparent today, as
President Roosevelt's aides added up
minimum estimates for emergency
expenditures and found that they
totaled $2,775,000,000 without figur-
ing in a cent for the Reconstruction
Finance Corp., whose requirements
cannot be forecast at this time. To
that sum they added $2,600,000,000
of Budget Bureau estimates for the
ordinary govermental operating ex-
penses of the next fiscal year.
One of the items figuring in the
budget was brought prominently to
the fore today by the disclosure by
President Roosevelt that he intended
to continue the work of the Civil
Works Administration until next
spring, gradually tapering off the
work between March 1 and May 1.
By that time the Administration
hopes that the Public Works program
will be able to absorb gradually those:
now cared for by the Civil Works
Meanwhile, Acting Secretary of the
Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, Jr.,
disturbed at continued newspaper
dispatches of dissension between him-
self and his subordinates, called re-
porters 'to his office for a special press
conference. He praised the work of
Walter J. Cummings, chairman of
the Bank Deposit Insurance Corp.,
and expressed the hope that he would
stay with the Treasury as long as
he himself continues as its chief.
Cummings is planning to retire
soon after Jan. 1 to assume an im-
portant post with a Chicago bank.
Thomas Hewes, assistant secretary,
resigned yesterday because of fric-
tion between himself and Morgenthau
resulting from orders by Morgenthau
virtually stripping him of his respon-
Earlier Morgenthau had announced'
a continuation for the day of the do-
mestic newly mined gold price that
has prevailed since Dec. 1, $34.01.
The Treasury's bookkeepers wrote off
additional sums from the scheduled
receipts of Dec. 15 with word that
Belgium and Esthonia had decided to
default on war-debt instalments to-
taling $3,294,860.
President Roosevelt renews his
study of the 1935 budget today in a
conference attended by Morgenthau,
Morgenthau's assistant, Earle Bailie,
and Lewis Douglas, director of the
Vacation Ticket Refund
Schedules Are Announced
Refund regulations on vacations
were announced yesterday by Dean
Joseph A. Bursley. All companies, it
was stated, including Greyhound
Lines, Campus Travel Bureau, and
the railroad lines, will give refunds
on tickets already sold until the time
of the actual departure, excepting in
the case of specially chartered stu-
dent buses.
Report Indicates
Football Receipts
Support Athletics
Board Estimates Home
Attendance At 201,000
Although accurate figures of at-
tendance to home football games
during the past season just ter-
minated are not available at pres-
ent, the estimated figures con-
tained in the annual report of the
Board in Control of Athletics
show that attendance at home
games this yearnincreased more
than 57,000 over the 1932 season.
The figures for the two seasons
1933 (estimated)
Michigan Sta-te ...........16,664
Cornell ...................26,108
Ohio State ...............83,529
Iowa .....................21,631
Minnesota .. ............53,621
Statement C ov e r s Fiscal
Year From July 1, 1932,
To June 30, 1933
Drinking Decreased
Michigan Did Not Play In
Rose Bowl Game Because
Of Trojan Uncertainty
Football, king - of intercollegiate
sports, again bore the financial bur-
den of Michigan's complete sports
program, according to the statement
of receipts and disbursements con-
tained in the annual report of the
Board in Control of Athletics, which
was presented last night to the Pres-
ident's office, the Board of Regents,
and the University Council by Prof.
Ralph W. Aigler, chairman of the
board. The report covers the fiscal
year from July 1, 1932, to June 30,
Michigan State ..........
Northwestern ............
Chicago .................
.. 33,786
. 26,424
. 24,012
Committee Sets
February 9 Ast
Date For J-Hop
Arrange Decorations Forg
Intramural Gymnasium,
Scene Of Annual Ball i
Following the custom of havingi
the annual Junior party the week-
end before the start of the second f
semester, it was anonmnced yester-
day. by Philip Singleton, '35E, gen-
eral chairman, that the date of ther
1934 J-Hop will be Feb. 9.
Arrangements for decorating the
Intramural Building for the eventr
are almost completed, but there has
not yet been any contract signed1
with any company for doing the job,t
Singleton announced. As soon as
the plans have been finished andt
accepted by the committee, he said,'
they will be displayed on a miniature
scale in some prominent State Street
store window.
Several prominently known orches-
tras are now under consideration for
the dance, Singleton said, but nonet
will be chosen until the beginning of
school after the Christmas recess.r
Several members of the committee
will remain in Ann Arbor over the
holiday to finish the arrangements
with the orchestras. Those bands
now being considered are George 01-
sen, Glenn Grey, Hal Kemp, Guy
LombardO, Isham Jones, Waynek
King, Waring's Pennsylvanians, and
Ted Weems.]
Fraternity and Independent booth
plans have been started and the first
letters have been sent out to ther
various groups, Sam Hazelton and
Don Cook, co-chairmen of the booth
committee, stated.
Singleton also said that the ticket
prices will be lower than those of
last year, although the actual size
of the change has not yet been de-
Comedy Club Will
Give Lonsdale Play
Comedy Club's first show of the
new season will be Frederick Lons-
dale's "The Last of Mrs. Cheyney,"
which will be given Jan. 19 and 20,
at night, with a matinee Saturday,
Jan. 20. The play will be directed
by Ferol Brinkman, who has had sev-
eral years of experience in light op-
era and directing with Gilbert and
"The Last of Mrs. Cheyney," a
three set show of English high com-
edy, has never before been given in
Ann Arbor, although it appeared as
a movie with Norma Shearer and
Basil Rathbone. In the original pro-
duction in New York, Ina Claire,
Besides football, which showed an
excess of receipts over disbursements
amounting to $127,947.91, only two of
the various sports activities were able
to produce a profit, and both of them
were outside the regular schedule of
activities. The trip of the baseball
team to Japan in the summer of
1932 showed an excess of $100.80, and
the tennis exhibition of Bill Tilden
and his troupe of professional stars
showed a gain over expenses of
Student Receipts $50,592.40
The figures, however, fail to take
into consideration the receipts ob-
tained from the sale of student cou-
pon books which amounted to $50,-
592.40. Had the receipts obtained
from student fees been apportioned
among the various sports, it is prob-
able that the losses shown by such
Varsity sports as basketball, swim-
ming and baseball, would have been
considerably decreased.
The entire financial report, which:
includes all receipts and expenditures,
shows a total excess of disbursements
over receipts amounting to $4,604.37.
However, there was a $30,000 reduc-
tion in bank loans and an expenditure
of more than $8,000 in plant addi-
tions which would make the net
profit for the fiscal year upwards of
Although revenues were far below
the average for the preceding 10
years, the report states that a profit
for the year was obtained, because
of the economies in operation, in-
cluding salary reductions for the va-
rious coaches and sports personnel.
Decrease In 1932
Football attendance figures for the
1932 season show a slight decrease
over the previous year, but this is
compensated by the considerable in-
crease in attendance during this sea-
son. The figures for this year show
an attendance of 201,553 at the five
home games, and, although these fig-
ures can only be estimated at present,
the report says that they can be
considered "approximately correct."
The figures compiled in the report
show that 85,529 spectators attended
the Ohio State game this year, which
is approximately 10,000 less than the
figures given out during the game.
The report makes reference to this
situation in stating that, although the
capacity of the Stadium is 87,000 be-
tween 3,000 and 5,000 persons were
unable to get through the gates be-
cause the sale of tickets had been
Crowd Not Expected
The report explains that the failure
to provide for the seating of the spec-
tators was because no one anticipated
that a capacity crowd would be pres-
Another situation arising out of
the Ohio State game was the appa-
rent increase in the use of liquor
by the spectators. Although the board
could not attempt to enforce the
Eighteenth Amendment, the report
states, the situation was considered
serious enough to warrant an admo-
nition to spectators, which was en-
closed with the tickets mailed to pur-
chasers of seats. The board blipves,
according to the report, that drinking
in the later games was lessened be-
cause of the admonition.
Becrause o'f the' widesa~rpgad inteirst
Records Caused By New
Report System, Bursley Says
By GEORGE VAN VLECK visers who are trying to straighten
The class of 1937 is not as dumb them out.
s the large number of freshman The possibility that the poor
'arnings and probations would in- showing night be caused by - the
icate, the apparent poor showing lowering of admission standards for
eing due to the new system of com- the class of 1937 was ruled out when
iling reports which was in opera- Registrar Ira M. Smith denied that
ion this year, in the opinion of there had been any change in ad-
rof. Philip E. Bursley, counselor to mission policy.
ew students. In order to eliminate needless
Since literary college and School clerical work in the filling out of
f Music instructors were required midsemester reports, the five-week
o make out reports for all fresh- approximate marks were used as
nen instead of limiting the warn- midsemester marks unless the in-
ngs to those who were low in their structor took the initiative in chang-
ubjects, more were reported this ing them, according to Assistant