THE MICHIGAN DAILY WE I: [CHIGAN DAILY Established 1890 Obligations Of Brotherhood;... -S 7- 1 - ~ Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion a-1 the Big Ten News Service. cssothiated U0 iat rezz 1933 ao'T Re 19 34 :MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusivel;r entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Ilichigan, as 3econd class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-Genera~l. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail. $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by mail, $4.25. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.. Representatives. CollegePublications Representatives,1 Inc., 40 Etist Thirty-Fourth Street, -New :York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANI GLNG EDITOR .......... THOMAS K. CONNELLAN CITY EDITOR....................BRACKLEY SHAW EDITORIAL DIRECTOR..............C. HART SCHAAF SPORTS EDITOR.................ALBERT H1. NEWMAN WOMEI'S EDITOR.....................CAROL J. HANAN NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Bll, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil- 11am G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird, Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie Western. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan. REPORTERS: Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Ted R. Evans, Bernard H. Fried, Thomas Groehn, Robert D. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski, Thomas H. Kleene, Richard E. Lorch, David G. Mac- Donald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parker, William R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Arthur S. Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, A. B. Smith, Jr., Arthur M. Taub, Philip T. Van Zile. WOMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie Held, Eleanor Johnson, Jose- phine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Mary Robinson, Jane Schneider. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINES MANAGER............W. GRAFTON SHARP CREDIT MANAGER:.......... BERNARD El. SCHNACKE WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......... . ........................... CATIARINE MC HENRY DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her- trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef- roymson. ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra- mer, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard, James Scott, David Winkworth. WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Winifred Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady, Betty Chapman, Patricia Daly, Jean Dur- ham, Minna Giffen, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Janet Jackson, Isabelle Kanter, Louise Krause, Margaret Mustard, Nina Pollock, Elizabeth J. Simonds. NIGHT EDITOR: E. JEROME PETTIT T HE permission granted recently by the Senate Committee on Student Affairs to freshmen, allowing them to move into their fraternity houses at the beginning of the second semester if they make sufficiently good grades and get their parents' consent increases the the obligation of the house to its freshmen as well as offering houses an oppportunity to refute the widespread criticism of the fraternity system for failing to realize its full potentialities along the lines of scholastic guidance. No one expects that fraternity houses will throw the full weight of their authority over their new men towards turning them into grinds, but it is not to be denied that the men who came here with the primary purpose of studying the courses offered at the University should not be allowed to lose the best part of their college life, and perhaps all of it, as freshmen- often permit themselves to do. A required minimum amount of studying under the supervision of older students familiar with the subject, a good example in habits of studying, and advice in the selection of material for review work will help the freshmen with his new situation. On the score of criticism of the fraternity sys- tem as a whole for failing to realize its full poten- tialities, it may easily be said that hardly a meet- ing of deans, a conference of fraternity leaders, or a fraternity convention is held that does not bring forth a speech striking at the failure of houses to pay attention to the primary function of college - study. Fraternities at Michigan vary widely in grades, attitudes, and scholarship super- vision, but their obligation to their freshmen and to their freshmen's parents remain the same -the obligation to see that they get all out of college that they can. Musical Eventst TWILIGHT ORGAN RECITAL Fantasie: Weihnacht in der uralten Marienkirche zy Kraku.......Nowowiejski Christmas ...........................Foote Partita on Jesu Meine Freude ...... Walther Choral Prelude on "Jesu Meine Freude".. Bach Chor Fugue and Chorale on "Jesu Meine Freude"................Karg-Elert Christmas Chimes................ d'Antalffy Alsatian Noel: Sleep well, Thou Heavenly Child ............ Guilmant (arr.) Communion for Midnight Mass........ Hure Walloon Christmas Rhapsody.........Ferrari THERE'S music in the air! Palmer Christian has chosen this Christmas program with es- pecial care to include all nationalities and all ages. The first, the Fantasie, is based on Polish airs, while the last, the Walloon Rhapsody utilizes carols from the Netherlands region. Foote's Christ- mas contains three traditional English carols. The Hure "Communion for Midnight Mass" was used by Mr. Christian when he gave the opening recital on the organ at St Mary the Virgin, last January. Mr. Christian considers it a particularly exquisite thing. The feature of the program, if such a thing there is among the many Christmas selections, is the Chorale "Jesu, Meine Freude" which will be presented in three settings, one by Walther a con- temporary of Bach, a second by Bach himself, and the third, by a present-day German, Karg-Elet. Walther's is a set of nine variations, Bach's is a simple portrayal emphasizing the mystical signifi- cance, while Karg-Elert's seems to portray the "glorious magniture of the meaning of Christmas." This recital, if nothing else, will surely create the spirit of Christmas for you. CHRISTMAS MUSIC FESTIVAL The first concert of the annual Christmas Music Festival given Monday night in Holland, Michigan, in which the School of Music Trio and the Uni- versity Symphony Orchestra participated, was a great success, according to word received from Dr. Earl V. Moore yesterday. The trio composed of Wassily Besekirsky, violinist, Hanns Pick, 'cellist, and Joseph Brinkman, pianist, played the Bee- thoven Triple-Concerto in C major, to an enthusi- astic audience. The orchestra assisted, under the direction of Dr. Moore. The orchestra performed three numbers which it has given in Ann Arbor with success, equally well: Prelude to Die Meistersinger: Wagner; "Un- finished" Symphony: Schubert; and "Spanish Rhapsody:" Chabrier. Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre- garded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu- tors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 500 words if possible. MAYBE CURTAILED LIBRARY HOURS EXPLAIN LOW GRADES To The Editor: "The purpose of college life is not dancing and the movies," as Dean Lloyd remarks in her recent open letter. She also states that there was an open letter. She also states that there was an un- precedented number of warnings and probations Furthermore, "there has been too much illness due to fatigue." She has, doubtless, considered these matters carefully and has access to informa- tion which gives her reason to know whereof she speaks. It is true that when our parents send us to college, they expect us to gain some measure of "success" in our college work. Or, if we are living on $18.00 a month earned by the labour of our hands we would like to "succeed." It is too bad that success is measured by grades, isn't it? Have you ever experienced the difficulties of a lot of calorie energy or horse power and makes for fatigue). We can even study our lecture notes. But what if our professors don't believe in giving us textbooks to memorize and consequently, ex- pect us to .read a large number of references? What if someone, who may have more time, gets ahead of us by taking out most of the current references over Saturday night and Sunday? If we happen to be lucky enough to get such volumes out on a week night we may have to stay up until 2 or 3 a.m. to make our luck worth while. If Lady Luck is against us in the matter of reference snatching, pity our poor grades! If she's with us for a long stretch, how about fatigue and the matter of staying awake during lectures? It would be nice to know whether or not there is any correlation between the "unprecedented number of warnings" and the very much curtailed library study hall hours. At best they were never overwhelmingly generous. Have you ever inves- tigated library hours and facilities in the Uni- versity of California, for instance? Our library has one of the finest collections of books in the country but, oh how hard to get a book that we want to use during our best time for uninterrupted study. Our library is also a quiet place in which we can study in peace before 12 p.m., but when we need such a place most, it is closed. It is true that there is a real and great difficulty in meeting the expense of longer library hours and better facilities for distributing reference books. But if there is a possibility of effecting "success" and health is it worth the price? Most of the students will be very eager to take advantage of even a small concession in hours an facilities, especially during the month between Christmas vacation and final examination: Please try it and see what the results are, even at this late date. Student UNDERGRADUATE COUNCIL REPORTS ON FALL ACTIVITIES To the Editor: - Elections were run off in about 9 schools and usually in all 4 classes. These elections were run off on successive Wed- nesdays and were all completed early in No- vember. Elections were arranged by the Council for all classes having pages in the 'Ensian last year. Any other class could have an election arranged for it by handing in a petition with the names of 10 of its members or if it had less than 10 members, with the names of at least three-fourths of said members. Several classes availed themselves of this privilege. Eligibility lists were provided in some schools by the recorder's office. In other schools a stu- dent directory had to be used for checking names. Identification of some sort was required. Candi- dates from all factions were allowed to challenge any voter or else requested to forever hold their peace. Each election was under the supervision and re- sponsibility of a member of the Undergraduate Council. These councilmen were ably assisted by committeemen from the Michigan Union. The Union committeemen in charge of these assist- ants was Lewis Kearns, a junior, and he per- formed his work very ably. Ballots were placed in sealed ballot boxes and were counted in the presence of all factions. A final tabulation was always certified and signed by representatives of all factions. No complaints were registered and no recounts or re-runs were necessary. Class Committees All needless class committees were eliminated this year. Outside of special committees in a few classes each class was permitted to have only a finance committee and an executive committee. In the literary college these two committees could have 6 members, in the engineering college 5 members, and in all other schools 3 each. The duty of the finance committee is to assist the class treasurer in collecting dues. The ex- ecutive committee performs any remaining func- tions. These committeemen have already been called on as assistants in running the straw vote last month. Each class has its dance committee. The Frosh Frolic and Soph Prom were cut from 16 lits and 5 engineers to 10 lits and 3 engineers. The J-Hop committeemen, being elective, are the same in number as last year. The Senior ball was cut like the two lower class dances. The J-Hop and Senior Ball also have representatives from other col- leges on their committees. All dance committee chairmanships are in the engineering school this year. All committee appointments were made within one week. It is hoped that more worthy functions can be thought up during the coming year; if anyone has any suggestions we would be glad to have them. There will probably be a meeting of all class committee men in the next month or so. Straw Vote Last month the Undergraduate Council con- ducted a campus wide straw vote on 10 issues worded in 26 questions. The vote of over 3,450 was the highest ever cast at Michigan, by 50 per cent. This voting took place during the morning, aft- ernoon, and evening, in ballot boxes at various strategic places. A canvas was made of fraterni- ties, sororities, and dormitories at dinner time and voting was also carried on at the pep meeting. The man in charge of the polling was Allen McCombs of the Union Staff and much credit is due him for the precise way in which the voting was run off. Class committees furnished the per- sonnel for the conduct of the election and for the counting. They were assisted by a few Union committeemen. These individuals all put in many hours hard work and their names are being kept on file at the Council offices. Voters names were checked in student direc- tories by placing the number of the ballot behind the name of the individual and then checking di- rectories at the end of the day. -Thus duplicate ballots were thrown out. No one can promise any action on these issues. TYPEWRITING SHORTHAND STENOTYPY ACCOUNTING 19TH YEAR DAY AND EVENING HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE State & William Streets . H . * * * YOUR LAST CHANCE To Get Your 'Ensian For $3.50 CAMPUS SALE Wednesday and Thursday SENIOR PICTURES MUST be taken by DECEMBER 15th I , "There I S a Santa Claus" says the girl who gets (JO!D SIRIPF STOCKINGS 95c to $1.50 GOODYEAR'S COLLEGE SHOP CHRI STMAS GIFTS5 The Newest and Best in BOOKS, STATIONERY, NOVELTIES, ETC. THE NEW MICHIGAN CALENDAR UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE STATE STREET MAIN STREET Open Evenings Until Christmas 'h 10 A Appearance Of A New Council . . . T HE newly formed Co-operative Council, which has evolved from the original idea of co-ordinating those campus groups most directly concerned with the necessi- ties of needy students into one organization for a good-will fund drive, is quite likely a bigger~ organization than its members at present realize. In the first place, what was initially intended to be simply a loose group working together has become a bona fide organization with an impor- tant purpose of its own. The individual campus organizations which are members have, whether they realize it or not, erected an organization which is distinctly their superior. In the second place, the new council gives every indication of being permanent, and not merely a loose confederation brought together for the immediate purpose of raising money and distrib- uting it among those who need it most. The council itself apparently recognizes this fact, for it says that its purpose is, besides the good-will fund campaign, "to co-ordinate co-operative enter- prises." And its preamble says it is "to promote the social, economic, and- spiritual betterment of all students of the University." In the third place, the new council is composed of those campus groups which were badly in need of some organization which could give them all representation and unify their objectives. In this fashion the Co-operative Council is similar to the Undergraduate Council. The former or- ganization is composed of representatives from worth-while campus activities in the same fashion that the latter is, although the groups represented are different in both cases, being much wider in the new body. The new council thus has within itself the power to take a position of 1great respect and importance. The two organizations, repre- senting as they do practically every group on campus, should work together harmoniously, and it is to the credit of the Undergraduate Council that it has offered its services to the new body in the coming good-will drive. This importance which it is within the Co-op- erative Council's power to attain, if it is properly run, has attendant responsibilities. A number of the organizations which are members of the new body have distinguished themselves on campus for their rather naive efforts to "play parliament." They are kiddie organizations, with a good deal to discuss and little to do. They are political pretenders, and the sort of petty politics which has too frequently characterized them is not wanted f r o m the Co-operative Council. The If You Are Goingw IHome For Christmas Michiuran Da~ly* Classified Columns can supply you with either rides or Passengers. . The Daily classified advertising columns are the most econv i- cal and most efficient means of contacting the student body... (:ASH RATES. . . . . 1 eling; 4 I