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December 12, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-12-12

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Established 1890

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board In
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion a71 the Big Ten News Service.
sociated (loncjtat ttrez
£1933 _WONA - vm*Ae 1934 =
The Associated Press is exclusivelr entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered atthe Post Office at Ann Arbor, ichigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mal
$150. During regular school year by carrier $3.75; by
mail $4.25.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Represe'tatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
- Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR....................BRAC LEY SHAW
SPORTS EDITOR...................ALBERT H. NlWMAN
WOME'S EDITOR.....................CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Bll, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil-
11am G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George
Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
thur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin,
Marjorie Western.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie
Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney
A. Evans, Ted R. Evans, Bernard H. Fried,. Thomas
Groehn, Robert D. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski,
Thomas H. Kleene, Richard E. Lorch, David G. Mac-
Donald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parker, William R.
:Reed, Robert S. Ruwtch, Robert J. St. Clair, Arthur S.
Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, A. B. Smith, Jr., Arthur
M. Taub, Philip T. Van Zile.
WOMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hranmer,
Florence H rper, Marie Held, Eleanor Johnson, Jose-
R hie McIean Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie
esiick, Mary Robinson, Jane Shneder.
Telephone 2-1214
... ........... .... CATHARINE MC HENRY
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuuz; Circulation, Jack Ef-
ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunaki, Milton Kra-
mer, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard,
James Scott, David Winkworth.
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Winifred ell, Mary Burley,
Peggy -Cady, Betty Chapman, Patricia: Daly, Jean Dr-
bam, Minna Giffen, DorisGmmy Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Isabelle Kanter, Louise Krause, Margaret
Mustard, Nina Pollock, Eliabeth J. Simonds.
No Paper
L T H O U G H inflation is often
thought of only in connection with
the printing of paper money, it can be accom-
plished iI any of a number of ways affecting the
total volume of means of exchange, both hand-to-
hand money and credit. Credit expansion and
contraction, an increase or decrease in total
means of exchange, is a continual process and one
which should take place in response to business
needs in any satisfactory monetary system. Such
expansion and contraction should be for the pur-
pose of maintaining a stable price level. But when
expansion becomes arbitrary, is made an instru-
ment to serve the government and not business,
and goes to the extent where the price level is
forced sharply up, it has become inflation.
In war and post-war days European countries
struggling to balance their budgets resorted to in-
flation of the most extreme type. With taxes and
other income insufficient to meet the enormous
expenditures necessary at the time, these nations
turned to a policy of paying their bills by print-
Mg large quantities of paper money or by bor-
rowing from their central banks. Most persons
are aware of the disastrous results to government
credit of such policies.
While the present administration's monetary
policies are professedly inflationary, it is hoped
by most economists that they will not prove so
violent as to throw the monetary system into
complete confusion and destroy confidence in gov-
ernment credit. It was feared for a time that the
government might retire its bond issue which ma-
ures Dec. 15 with newly-printed paper money,

one of the inflationary means used by European
countries after the war.
Recently, however, it has been announced that
the bonds will be paid off through a new issue,
on assurance that the government will retain its
obligations and not liquidate thews by printing
paper money.
The fact that the government also continues to
sell its bonds in the open market provides some-
thing of a test of their value. When European
countries sold their bonds directly to central
banks, it was a means of borrowing that was
drastically inflationary.
With these assurances that the government in-
tends to adhere to a sound monetary and fiscal
policy, its credit status has improved in the last
few weeks rather than declined, and its first issue
washeavily over-subscribed the first day. The
President has done much 'to inspire confidence
in his understanding of the present complex
economic situation and his intention of maintain-
ina an nimniaired gofvrnment credit

Musical Events
SUNDAY was a day full of music apropos the-
Christmas season. The chiefest of these here
in Ann Arbor was the performance of the Messiah
in Hill Auditorium.
Perhaps you were one of the fortunate people
to whom the work was new; for whom there is
always a thrill no matter how it is done; for whom
a disappointingly worked out performance has no
draw-backs if the "spirit" is there. If so, then
the Messiah was for you a thrilling spectacle. It
should have been, with the Choral Union the size
it is, with the University Symphony on the up-
grade, with soloists capable of doing wonders with
the score, and with an audience of five-thousand
strong, in an anticipatory and receptive frame
of mind.
Perhaps it was only I who missed the perfection
of intonation, the fullness of tone, the resonance,
the balance of choirs in both orchestra and Choral
Union. (Were there any basses? The altos seemed
to be sure of themselves most of the time.) The
new choruses, part two of the Oratorio, were more
carefully sung by the Choral Union, than those
which were familiar from previous seasons, the
Hallelujah included.
The laurels for the soloists go to Thelma Von
Eisenhauer, for her consistent good singing. All
the artists were in complete sympathy with their
texts, if their presentation faltered at times. The
recitative "Thy rebuke hath broken his heart"
was Mr. Hackett's best, easily sung and infinitely
restrained. "He shall feed his flock" was the
nicest of Miss McClafiin's airs. Mr. Lindegren's
air "Why do the Nations So FFuriously rage?"
thoroughly sung, was lost in the fury of the or-
chestra raging against him, or words to that ef-
But don't be disheartened, the Messiah is a per-
renial that cannot be downed by inadequate per-
formances. And the thing about this one is that
it won't happen again.
More effective, it seems to me, were the works
in which there were contrasts of tone, organ, harp,
violin and cello for instance, where the tonal qual-
ity of one instrument sets off that of another. In
the harp ensemble, the one-ness of tone, there is
nothing to counteract, and the type of music
chosen could not be all-inclusive. Perhaps Miss
Pfohl and her students will be available for other
concerts of this type, which, though they reach a
very limited audience, are entertaining and pleas-
The orchestra in connection with the Student
Fellowship meetings gives small concerts every
Sunday nite. Mr. Lyle Shumate, is the conductor
and director.
THERE'S still music in the air.
At the Congregational Church Sunday night,
an innovation in Christmas programs was brought
to my attention. It seems that a small unit of the
University Symphony Orchestra is connected with
the Sunday Night Student Fellowship organiza-
tion. These students make up the nucleus of the
musical organization, which has in addition, at
least it had for this program, a harp sextet, a
trombone quartet and a junior choir. The pro-
gram was played without pause. There's the in-
It contained all the usual Christmas songs,
"O Little Town of Bethlehem," for instance, ar-
ranged in conventional part-writing for string or
trombone quartet. The interest of the evening
as far as the audience was concerned was in
the participation of the harp. The sextet, headed
by Ruth Pfohl, presented secular numbers, a
Debussy Prelude, a Salzedo Prelude, and a descrip-
tive piece entitled Carillon.
The service was really quite lovely, both for its
music and for the symbolism of the candle-light-
ing around which it was built.
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be isre-

garded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
tors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to
less than 500 words if possible.
To the Editor: -
According to the lengthy article, signed by "A
Friend of Sanity", the "Quaker" is silly; his state-
ments are the result of a hatred; charges against
Nazis are ridiculous; the committee which met in
England was composed of men who hated Nazis;
visitors of Germany assure him that stories of
mob violence against the non-Nazis and the Jews
have been greatly over-exaggerated, and that the
German people do endorse Hitler.
"If "Quaker" erred by believing the British
agents, "A Friend of Sanity" erred as much or
more by believing Nazi propaganda.
A book was just published by a graduate stu-
dent at our University who has spent one year in
Europe and recorded her very interesting experi-
ences. The reader will find in this volume the
gallery of present day history makers; Hitlerites,
Bolsheviks, Poles, Jews, dictators (Mussolini, Le-
nin, Stalin, Trotzky, Litvinov, Pilsudski, Horthy,
Kemal), czarist generals, Fania Kaplan, a young'
Jewess who shot Lenin, Clara Zetkin, "the aged
priestess of the Red International, and the only
strong 'man' that the German Communists had."
Prof. C. L. Meader, in his prefatory note, calls
the author "the unprejudiced young woman." In
my opinion, she is very unprejudiced. Her types
of "ghetto" dwellers are excellent. Her stories ex-
plode the theory that eastern jews in the man-
ner so characteristic of them, speedily gained a
foothold in the business and professional life of
There are two countries east of Germany: Po-

this, just as they cannot be blamed for most
crimes committed by the junkers and their hench-
men. "Hitler is a small insignificant man. The
Junkers gave him temporary power to do the dirty
work. They expected to obtain a spectacular, in-
ternational effect, but, instead, there is a com-
plete fiasco." This is the quotation from "In the
Clutches of the Jews" by Marie Z. Gwiazdowska.
Unfortunately, this book cannot be purchased in
Ann Arbor book stores. They declined to sell it,
according to my information. I would be glad to
loan my copy to "A Friend of Sanity," if he will
mail his address to Mitchell, 308 Maynard.
And let me quote once more from the same
source: "Minds and hearts, science and culture
must go hand in hand," then hatreds, jealousies,
massacres, pogroms, and wars will diminish.
- J. Mitchell
Screen Reflections
recommended; two stars, average; one star, inferior;
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars definitely
no stars, stay away from it.
Abby .......................Marie Dressler
The Doctor............Lionel Barrymore
Mr. Rosen .................. Jean Hersholt
Mr. Davenport ................H. B. Warner
If you are recuperating from a good cry pre-
cipitated by the superb "Little Women," Marie
Dressler will do you good in this amusing and
rather hysterical story of a deceased artist's works,
which after his death became famous, valuable,
and scarce. The play begins with the discovery
that Christopher Bean spent several years in a
certain household in Massachusetts, did some
painting there, and was linked up with the hired
girl. Three New York art dealers rush up there
and compete with each other in the discovery
and attempted purchase of the canvases. The
country doctor and his family at whose house
the artist had lived are, of course, ignorant of
the value of the paintings, and when they are
asked to see them, have to look in the attic and
the barn (where they have put some of them in
the roof to stop leaks), and all the other amus-
ing places where they have discarded the long
forgotten canvases. But Abby, the maid, knows
more about them than anybody and has the ar-
tist's masterpiece, a portrait of herself, in her
room. Soon everybody is dickering for the paint-
ings, all trying to keep Abby ignorant of the whole
proceedings. The plot works up to a very ex-
citing climax, and keeps the audience amused
from the beginning to almost the end. The only
major fault to be found is that the picture is
strung out a little too much in the end, the pur-.
pose being to show a little of Marie Dressler's
near-slapstick comedy which is not necessary.
The advance ballyhoo of this picture called it
Marie's Birthday picture, and praised her to the
skies as the grand old lady of the movies etc, etc.
It would not be strange if the public were becom-
ing a bit tired of all this. But the fact remains
that she is good, and her rather stereotyped com-
edy roles containing a vein of sentimentalism are
worthwhile. And this one is supported by an ex-
ceptional cast, including Lionel Barrymore, whose
interpretations are nearly always impeccable. It
should appeal not only to the Marie Dressler-
Lionel Barrymore fans, but to art lovers, and to
those who like comedy of the somewhat hilarious
sort accompanied by a certain amount of genuine
Collegiate Observer
A professor at the University of Detroit
declared, "If I were to say, 'I had money,
that would be the past perfect tense; but if
I were to say, 'I would have money', what
tense would that be?" "Pretense," suggested
a back-of-the room wit.
* * *
According to Shakespeare: -
Freshmen . . . Comedy of Errors.
Sophomores. . . Much Ado About Nothing
Juniorsi . . . As You Like It.
Seniors . . . All's Well That Ends Well.

An examination at the University of Mississippi
asked for the principle parts of any Latin verb,
A non-too-bright student replied: "Slippeo, slap-
pere falli, bumptus. The returned paper had these
words, falio, failere, fluncto, suspendum.
* * *
Columbia University reporters questioned peo-
ple on the street and discovered that five out of
six men think that college students are loafers.
The sixth spoke only Chinese.
* * *
From a co-ed on a nearby campus we get
the following: It isn't the men in your life
that count, but the life in your man.
* * *
The president of the University of Southern
California says that a college freshman has only
about one-half of the vocabulary of the common
laborer. "Swell," he says, "is used to describe
4972 situations."
Co-eds at Colorado University were given
the hint, so may I gently remind you:
Make your smile a little sweeter,
Cuddle closer in his arms,
Comb your hair a little neater,
Don't neglect to use your charms.
(He doesn't have many more shopping days
until Christmas !!!)
* * *
The co-eds at Vassar recently sued a candy
company for making a kind of candy known as
Vassar Kisses.
* * *
Dancing, card playing, and smoking were ban-
end by an official edict at Williamette College,
Salem, Oregon, when petitions for rescinding a
two-year rule banning student dancing were re-
jected by the university board.


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And you can't borrow one unless you're lucky!
THOUSANDS of men are still trying to borrow a copy of the last
issue of ESQUIRE-the magazine for men only. Those who were
fortunate enough to buy one, did so the morning it came out. By
noon most of the men's stores and newsstands were frantically re-
ordering and, though we printed over forty thousand additional
copies, that wasn't enough.
Anyway, the second issue of the first and only general magazine
for men is out today. And if you were one of those who got left
at the post in the scramble for copies of the first issue (or even if
you weren't) this is to offer fair warning that the first issue of
ESQUIRE gave only a sort of budding notion of what this second
issue is like.
Ernest Hemingway, John Dos Passos; Gilbert Seldes, Morley
Callaghan, Montague Glass, George Ade, Robert Buckner, Bobby
Jones-all back!
But, in addition, (slow down, big names ahead) we've included
Emil Ludwig, Paul Morand, Louis Golding; Westbrook Pegler,
Irvin S. Cobb, Dwight Fiske, Alexandre Millerand, Andr6 Maurois,
Owen Johnson, Thomas Burke, Jack Dempsey, Louis Joseph Vance,
and-well, this could go on forever-or at least for 160 large and
lively pages of the most varied entertainment a man ever picked
up between two covers-and couldn't lay down.
There is actually the wordage-total of two popular novels in
this one issue. Theretare over orty pages in color. There are full
page cartoons galore. There are full-color pages of men's clothes
that are men's clothes-not "fashions." (We mean, you can
wear them.)
As for the ladies, we have just one word of comfort. ESQUIRE
makes a swell Christmas gift for any mai. With this issue it
becomes a monthly-50 cents a copy, 5 dollars for a year's subscription.
Esquire Publishing Company, Palmolive Building, Chicago, Ill.
On Sale at All the Better Men's Shops, Department Stores and Newsstands



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