_______________THE MICHIGAN -,A LY Health Serivice Is Not ii Maximum Use By Students Monthly Report Indicate A Substantial Increase Over Last Year Reasons Not Cited Degree To Which People Are Educated To Us Service important The medical services of the Uni- versity Health "Service have not yet reached the point of maximum de- mand by the student population, ac- cording to its monthly health report for November. No unusual conditions are recog- nized as responsible for the substan- tial increases in numbers of services over last year. Perhaps the amount of medical service needed by any population is not determinable; it probably depends upon the ease with which it may be received and the degree to which people are educated to use it, the report stated. Statistical data for the month of November of 1932 as compared with that of November of 1933 is as fol- lows: Dispensary calls increased from 9026 to 9496; room calls decreased from 148 to 125; hospital patients increased from 16 to 27; infirmary patients increased from 147 to 160; laboratory examinations increased from 942 to 1257; special ear, nose and throat treatments increased from 302 to 312; physiotherapy treatments decreased from 1005 to 995; special dermatology treatments decreased from 342 to 316; acute respiratory infections decreased from 755 to 584; acute appendicitis cases increased from 10 to 12; tuberculosis active (lungs) decreased from six to four; and pneumonia cases were static at Included in the monthly report is a brief °survey of: the problem of sythe, Director of the Health Service. It continues in full. "The recent spread of an intestinal infection from a cook to many guests of a leading Chicago hotel disturbed health of- ficials generally. The possible spread of disease by food handlers has been well recognized, but its prevention is a very difficult problem. It involves a close supervision of very large num- bers of people, based upon a medical examination at stated intervals. "The health certification is a prob- lem of decision between that obtain- able from the average physician without extensive laboratory tests, and that which includes an x-ray of the lungs, a throat culture, and a microscopic and bacteriological ex- amination of the urine and feces. The laboratory and x-ray tests are time- consuming and expensive, but the prevention of epidemic disease from food handlers requires the tests." Russia Today To Be Robins' Lecture Topic (Continued from Page 1) that "he is a fascinating and fearless lecturer and an enlightening evening can be expected." Robins was born in New York City and received a degree in law from George Washington University in 1896 and as a young man just out of col- lege followed the gold rush to the Klondike and there he became inter- ested in the condition of the miners, Mr. Lewis, said. "From the beginning, he contin- ued, Robins' interest in the problems of the working people and surpressed classes grew and he entered the so- cial service, working with Miss Jane Addams of Hull House, in Chicago. Although a Progressive Republican in politics, a member of the adminis- tration of Theodore Roosevelt, and a candidate for Senator from Illinois on the progressive ticket, Robins was Lindberghs' Complete Route On Recent Flight Shown W N SReINS RG u 4~ GODT14AAB °. , . rR G'o65IS . O1T /INGFORS v .1HOPr~DALE QPENA ti7 n-CARTWRIGHTW C AA _ 0pl A ..TLA 1'ZC AM3TEiRAM 3ANE 4A tU''L. AMP7 . r E U R pE TA A EN VA NORTH HA~ l*o Fl lFAX SA UNITPM NEW YQu RK OTCLSNAf~ SATEPOA DEL*GA - t~~~AS PALSMAI c MA, CA A A A VILLA C1SNEROS r~a Ni*GE N VA 4Y ttGSTw 4,VffTRICOA'n CA'Pfp !,a 2/PA RAfl. A S.1 PAOE K PRTOPRAIA*ATHUiAXR I SARANUILLtA o7R/I/ D/ LKRA AIiY /DE DDMTONM,9 U NI E 'SN.W0YVTKH PAEZA "~ ft IYAN PA4D.MAS * M A M t R!C A 'PERNAMBYCO -Associated Press Map Here is the complete route of America's, famous flying couple, Colonel and Mrs. Charles A. Lind- bergh, who "are heading toward New York to be home by Cht-istmas. Oiginally taking off from New York, they surveyed North Atlantic air routes, then made a tour of Europe before hopping the South Atlantic 'froncAfrica to Btrazi.A Modern Auto Efficiency Is Attributed To The Use Of High-Compression The discovery that the modern mo- tor car owes its increased power and efficiency to high-compression en- gines rather than to the use of spe- cial anti-knock fuels has just been made in a series of experiments con- ducted by Professor George Granger Brown, head of the chemical engi- neering department. It was also found that certain blends of alcohol and gasoline, re- cently advocated, would give equal power as compared with straight gasoline, but at an increase in quan- tity required per mile. For every 10 per cent of alcohol added to gasoline, from four to five per cent more of the mixed fuel is required to get the same power and mileage which straight g a s o lii n e would yield, Professor Brown found. This is due to the fact that the ener- gy obtainable by burning one gallon of gasoline is 50 per cent more than that obtainable from a gallon of al- cohol. The high compression ratio of modern automobile engines makes possible their greater power and effi- ciency, when used with any fuel. Spe- cial anti-knock gasolines may be nec- essary in some cars to eliminate ob- jectionable knock, but do not in themselves give greater power or ef- ficiency. Ease of starting and accel- eration with a given automobile are due in large measure to fuel vola- tility, which is usually independent of the octane or anti-knock rating. Color Printing Discussed By Ma'rch Sunday Perfection Is Claimed For Japanese In This Field Of Artistic Endeavor Speaking on the color printing of the Japanese, Dr. Benjamin March, curator of the Division of the Orient of the Museum of Anthropology and lecturer on Far Eastern art, said that this medium of artistry had reached its most perfect form in the land of the Shoguns, which at present is the only country where contempor- ary work in this field is being done. Although block-color printing ori- ginated in China, said Dr. March, the oldest block print now in exist- ence is Japanese. At first used for Bedhistic purposes, block prints have since been utilized for illustrative and decorative effects, he said. Contemporary Japanese wood block designers aim their work toward achieving light and pleasant scenes, and not for emotional or spiritual ef- fects, he continued. On exhibition in Alumni Hall are the works of nine celebrated con- temporary masters of Japanese color woodcut designers, including some pictures by Kazuma, Hasui, and Shinsui. Containing 250 woodcuts, the exhibit is the second largest of its kind ever to be shown in the United States. The exhibit will con- tinue for the rest of December and is open to the public. appointed by President Wilson as an unofficial observer in Russia. ' According to an advance statement when Robins returned from Russia, people have been asking him to go there again for one purpose or an- other. But Colonel Robins had been too close to the birth of the Soviet Republic to want to revisit it too soon. He wanted it to get out of its swaddling clothes, to complete its adolescence before renewing contact and rendering an opinion. In 1933 he revisited Russia. He covered the Soviet Union thoroughly. It is on his findings there after 15 years of the great social experiment that he will lecture on tonight. He will reveal Russia as it is today. HAMPDEN, Maine -Three mara- thon dancers lost their lives when fire broke out in the dance hall where they had been competing for many weeks. Many others were injured. DETROIT - Civil Works Admin- istration authorities -made 2,980 new jobs available in various sections of the state. CHICAGO - Earle Wynekoop was acquitted of the charge of being an accessory to the murder of his wife Rheta. MOSCOW-The Star Spangled Banner flew officially over the city for the first time in the history of the Soviet Republic. The occasion was the arrival of United States Am- bassador William C. Bullitt. ** * TOKIO - The Japanese govern- ment planned to retaliate against the trade barriers established by Euro- pean countries against Japanese goods, by instituting a high recip- rocal tariff. BERLIN -- According to informa- tion received by the Associated Press, German Protestants will drop the Ar- yan clause from the new evangelical church law. * ** LANSING - Loans amounting to $729,000 were made to 446 Michigan farmers by the Federal Land Bank of St. Paul during the month of No- vember, it was announced. Exactly one half of the memebrs of the Marquette University football squad read the sport page before they turn to any other part of their daily paper. One-fourth glance at the headlines first; a few find the comic strips as their first interest, and one enjoys the editorials. New Relioiou Social Council Is Organizedi (Continued on Page 3) ganizations are in close touch with actual cases of students needing funds, and that they can bring these names forward at the meeting of their executive committee and Dean Bursley. In this way, they feel the, campaign this year will not only pro- duce more money but the distribution -of this money will be more syste- matic than was the case last year. The council was formed primarily through the work of the Undergradu- ate Council, which is a member of the new organization, and last night a vote of thanks was extended to the Undergraduate Council and to its president, Gilbert E. Bursley, for the initiating of the co-operative body. Organizations which are mentioned in the constitution as belonging to the Co-Operative Council are: the Co-operative Boarding House, the Socialist House, the Vanguard Club, uI the Socialist Club, the National Stu- dent League, Harris Hall, Cosmopoli- tan Club, the Student Christian- As- sociation, the Baptist student organ- SERVING THE NATION FOR 94 YEARS ization, the Presbyterian student or- ganization, Avukah, Hillel Founda- tion, the Liberal Students Union, the I ALA Newman Club, the Methodist stu- d n raiain h h rh -o dent organization, the Church of Christ student organization, the Un- dergraduate Council, the Lutheran student organization, the Philippine- Michigan Club, the Hindustan Club, the Japanese Club, and the Chinese Ai Club. Other organizations are al- lowed to join if their applications are approved by a majority of those clubsA s E v .CE already members of the organiza- tion. Students' Christmas Excursion Sault Ste. Marie Mackinaw City, St. Ignace Newberry, Petoskey Cheboygan, Gaylord and intermediate points on our line. Write for rates and reservations Great Lakes Motor Bus Co. 917 Ashmun S. S. Marie, Mich. II r=- ------- __ -- = Mullison Saddle Stables FAIRGROUNDS (Out Jackson Avenue) Horses & Cutters - Plenty of Robes & Bells Large Bobs for Parties Phone 7418 flnnouncement A LECTURE: "Foods and Their Relationship To Diseases" 'This lecture will be delivered by Dr. Herbert W. Emerson, Director of Pasteur Institute and Pro- fessor of Bacteriology of the University of Michi- ga;;, on December 13, Wednesday at 3:00 at the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce ... This lecture is sponsored by the Ann Arbor Rest- aurant Association in an endeavor to further improze restaurant sanitation conditions in Ann Arbor and to acquaint the public in general with this Association's purposes and its ideals .r. rThepbcan Ria/ptbl;ir- Ht" a, c amontcar fnr 11 -i ' We invite you to join our 1934 CHRISTMAS CLUB 'Which is now forming. There are classes for all budgets. Sign up now, 1 11 1 l III .1 I I IIIIAR Nu RE B w u mmin m * -