The 'Weather Mostly cloudy, slightly milder temperatures today; tomorrow, unsettled, possibly light snow. Allow, it 4 D~aii Editorials No Paper Inflation... I_ -1 i VOL. XLIV No. 67 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS I ________________________________________________ I mommommom Liquor Bill Is Passed, 17-14, In Senate Vote Majority A s s u r e s Glass Sales, Commission For Control, State Stores Measure's Return Awaited By House Lower Body Is Likely To Refuse Its Concurrence, Delay Bill Further LANSING, Dec. 12. -(P)- (Tues- day) - The Senate last night passed the legislative liquor control bill by the slender margin of 17 to 14 votes, returning the measure to the House for concurring and amendments. The larger chamber upon meeting tomor- row afternoon is expected to reject the heavily-amended bill. The bill then will go to a confer- ence committee. Members gave the bill immediate effect after a previous vote had rejected a motion to put the measure into effect at once. The bill was passed amid a final spirited. debate which rose to heights of bit- terness and comedy. A majority in the Senate had guided provisions in the bill for glass sales, state stores, and a three-man liquor control commission beyond danger signals when the membership recessed its day session to return for final consideration tonight. The House awaited return of the measure with indications that it will refuse to concur in amendments and send the bill to a conference committee for settlement of differences. After prolonged debate over the is- sue, the Senate adopted amendments permitting glass sales in all counties of 200,000 or more population and in the upper peninsula. As the measure now stands, liquor may be sold by the glass in hotels throughout the state and in restau- rants located in the upper peninsula and in Wayne, Kent, Genesee and Oakland counties. This permission would be subject to the general pro- Visions in the bill that a majority of the membership of local legislative bodies must approve glass sales. Ef- forts to permit glass sales in restau- rants in Bay county and in all coun- ties of 100,000 or more \population were rejected. The state store dispensary system w i th s to o d further attacks, but amendments were inserted denying boards of supervisors the right to prohibit the stores in the various counties. Under the measure there would be at least one store in each of the smaller counties of the state and one to each 75,000 population in the more populous counties. Senator Andrew L. Moore, Pontiac, representative of this district, voted against the bill. President Demands Low Tax To Ban Bootlegger WASHINGTON, Dec' 11- () - President Roosevelt left to Congress the fixing of the liquor tax today, but told the congressional leaders he wanted it low enough to eliminate bootlegging. After -a White House conference Cha;man Harrison of the Senate fi- nanc: .ommittee intimated that the7 recommendation for $2.60 would be trimmed considerably. He said a figure of $2.20 had been mentioned, but that no agreement had been reached or sought on a defi- nite amount pending further hear- ings on Capitol Hill. Christmas Program To I Be Given By Christian Palmer Christian, University or-" ganist, will give a special program of" Christmas music at 4:15 p. m. to- morrow in Hill Auditorium. This' concert is in the regular series of Twilight Organ Recitals, but on this occasion, Professor Christian has pre- pared music appropriate for the holi- day season. Featured on the program will be three variations of the theme, "Je- sus, Meine Freude," by Walther, Bach, and Karg-Elert. The general public is invited with the exception of small children, and is requested to be seated on time as the doors will be closed between the' numbers. To Spea On Russia UOL. RAYMONDR OBINS Ruthvens Sail Today On Trip To Alexandria Will Spend Christmas On B ard Ship, Reaching Egypt On Dec. 28 President and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven will sail today aboard the S.S. Exochorda for Egypt. The ship is scheduled to leave Pier F, Exchange Place, Jersey City, N. J., at 4 p. m. today (E.S.T.) Dr. and Mrs. Ruthven have been in New York City since yesterday morning, having left Ann Arbor Sunday. They will spend Christmas aboard ship, as they will not reach Alex- andria, their destination by sea, until Dec. 28. According to present plans, they will stop there for a very few hours before proceeding to Cairo by rail, and from Cairo to the site of the first of the University expeditions they plan to visit, 50 miles from the city. Before leaving Ann Arbor, Dr. Ruthven said that he hopes to gain an accurate knowledge of the work that is being carried on in Egypt by the University's parties. "In addi- tion," he continued, "the making-of. the trip is the fulfillment of a long- felt desire on my part to see Egypt. I have always been intensely inter- ested in the country but up to now have never been there." Dr. Ruthven stated that if the schedule as now mapped out is fol- lowed they will return here Feb. 8, making the entire trip but six weeks long. During his absence administra- tive details of the University will be handled by the three vice-presidents: Shirley W. Smith,. James D. Bruce, and Clarence S. Yoakum. Auto Ban Will Be Waived At 12 Noon Friday Storage Of Cars Following Vacation Will Require Dean's Special Saneion, The University ruling which pro- hibits the use of automobiles by stu- dents will be lifted at 12 noon Friday, to allow students to drive home for the holidays, it was announced yes- terday by Walter B. Rea, assistant to the Dean of Students. The ban will go into force again at 8 a. m., Wed- nesday, Jan. 3, when University classes are resumed. Students who drive cars before: noon Friday will be violating the rules as established by the Board of Re- gents unless previous permission has been granted, Mr. Rea explained. Those living outside a 150-mile radiusI of Ann Arbor who wish to keep their cars in storage in Ann Arbor after returning from home must register such cars with the office of the Dean of Students immediately upon return- ing to this city, he pointed out. Where there is an appreciative saving in' transportation costs students are al- lowed to leave cars in Ann Arbor be- tween vacation periods but the stor- age location; license number, and other pertinent information regard- ing these vehicles must be filed with his office as soon as the cars are brought here, Mr. Rea stated. Mr. Rea also pointed out that stu- dents who have driving permits for automobiles carrying license plates must register the number of the 1934 plates with his office just as soon as these are procured. Robins Is To Speak Today About Russia Timie Quotes Litvinoff As Calling Lecturer Oldest Friend Of Soviet Headed Red Cross Mission To Russia Phenomenal Memory Aids Him In Recalling Vivid Experiences Of 1917 Col. Raymond Robins will deliver the third lecture on the Oratorical Association series on "Russia-After Fifteen Years," at 8 p. m. today in Hill Auditorium. Tickets are priced at 50 and 75 cents and may be pur- chased at Wahr's until 5 p. m. After 7 p. m. they will be on sale at the auditorium. Time, weekly news magazine, in an article concerning Mikhail Litvinov, Soviet Commissar, stated, "Guest Lit- vinov said that the Host Coopers services 'are already inscribed in the geography of the Soviet Union and endure in the concrte of Dniepros- troy Dam,' but he singled out as 'probably the oldest friend of the Soviet Union in America' none other then the dramatic victim of amnesia, Col. Raymond Robins, who wandered off among the mountains of North Carolina while en route to visit Pres- ident Hoover in September of 1932." The article continues by saying that "In Russia where the Colonel headed a U. S. Red Cross mission in bloody 1917, and which he revisited on Red May Day, 1933, Robins is known as a man of phenomenal memory, able to recall in minute de- tail his conversations with Nikolai Lenin and the events in Lenigrad leading up to the creation of the Soviet Union. "Colonel Robins," cried Comrade Litvinov, "was the first to discern health and vitality in what other people believed to be a stillborn child." When he returned to America, ac- cording to Charles Rogers, Oratorical Association president, "he gave the American people the first true ac- count of what was happening in Rus- sia. He was denounced because he said that the Soviet leaders and gov- ernment were genuine, could not be ignored and that the Soviet rule would hold sway for sometime. His convictions have been proved correct and his keen analysis of the situation was nothing short of Phenomenal." Rev. Henry T. Lewis, rector of St. Andrews Episcopal Church, personal friend of Col. Robins and at whose house the Colonel will be guest, says (Continued on Page 3) Library Books Should Be Returned At Once Students who have not yet re- turned library books which were due yesterday should return them immediately or additional fines will be imposed, it has been an- nounced by Dr. W. W. Bishop, li- brarian. If students have a spe- cial need for certain books be- tween now and vacation, they may retain them by applying to the superintendent of circulation. If any student needs certain books for use over the vacation, he may be given permission to draw these provided they are not in general demand, on application to the superintendent of circula- tion after December 11. Technic Sales Commence On Campis T oday The December issue of the Mich- igan Technic will make its appear- ance this morning when it goes on sale in both East and West Engineer- ing Buildings. In the lead article W. W. Sloane discusses t h e technical . advances made in coal mining during the last few years. Steiner Vaksdal, '34E, in his story on "Today's Engineering Curriculum" discusses the problems which confront the engineering stu- dent in college, and the various Six From Death Trap During River Fire KANSAS CITY, Dec. 11. - (AP) - Six men, trapped for a time by fire 100 feet below the surface of the Mis- souri river, climbed to safety late to- day out of a steel caisson at the bot- tom of which they were building a pier for a bridge. The men, in danger of death by drowning had the air pressure forcing water out of the tank been cut off by the flames, were placed in a com- pression tank immediately upon reaching the surface to guard against any ill effects of their brief imprison- ment. Many Dead As Zero Weather H its Country Temperature As Low As Five Below Is Expected Here Tonight (By Associated Press) Blizzards, floods, and zero weather left a trail of death and destruction across the nation yesterday. Last night the toll stood at: Seventeen dead, one person miss- ing, hundreds homeless and property damage of more than a million dol- lars in the Pacific Northwest. Four dead at Bellefonte, Pa., after a train and an automobile crashed in a snowstorm. Two dead from cold in Phila- delphia; one in Delaware, another in IBaltimore. Six dead in Michigan from auto- mobile accidents traceable to snow- storms and icy highways. Snow blanketed most of the east- ern seaboard, snowslides blocked transportation in Northwest, and the mercury touched 24 degrees below zero in Owl's Head, N. Y.; western Wisconsin reported a temperature of 16 below; North Dakota, 14; Minne- sota, 23 below. In Detroit tonight the mercury was expected to , rop to between zero and five degree above, while in the northern portions of Michigan tem- peratures as low as five below were expected. First relief, forecasters said, will be felt in the north central and north- eastern states, in which slowly rising temperatures were promised today. Throughout the region, said weather statisticians, the temperatures had been "much below normal." Three of the six deaths in Mich- igan traceable to weather conditions occurred over the weekend in Alle- gan county. Leon Janse, 16, and Hen- rietta Tein, both of Martin, Mich., died after being struck by a skidding car. David Dennis, 37, another pedes- trian, was fatally injured when struck by an automobile. At Bay City, Mich., Walter J. So- bol lost his life when his car skidded into a dredge cut. Patricia, nine-' month-old daughter of Mrs. C. Rob- erts, of Roscommon, Mich., was killed and her mother seriously hurt when their automobile skidded into a ditch. Alfred Lamback, 23, Traverse City, Mich., was killed near Flint when the truck on which he was riding collided with another vehicle. Professors To Attend Meeting I Philadelphia Prof. Jesse Reeves and Prof. James Pollock of the political science de- partment will travel to Philadelphia at the end of this month to parti- cipate in the annual meeting of the American Political Science Academy, it was announced yesterday. The meeting will be held Dec. 27, 28, and 29. Professor Reeves will preside at the luncheon dealing with the "Sen- ate and The Making of Treaties." Professor Pollock will be chairman of a section which w i 11 discuss "Political Parties and Electoral Prob- lems." Besides professors, this section will be attended by James Farley, postmaster general of the United States, Bascom Slemp, former secre- tary to Calvin Coolidge, and Harry Mackey, former mayor of Philadel- phia. '34 'Ensian Pictures Must Be In By Friday Friday is the dead-line for all seniors to have their pictures taken Men Rescued Groups Name New Council For Campus 500 Smoker To Honor Varsity Gridders Organization Is Named Promote Betterment All Students To Of Will Confer With Bursley On Drive Kendall Wood Elected President Of Group; Include 23 Bodies As To Leading campus organizations of a religious and social nature yesterday united into a Co-operative Council with the intention of "promoting the social, economic, and spiritual bet- terment of all students of the Uni- versity," elected officers, and ap- pointed a committee which will meet with Dean Joseph Bursley to dis- tribute money which the council in- tends to collect in a student welfare fund drive immediately after the Christmas vacation. Officers of the newly formed or- ganization, which consists of 23 cam- pus groups, are Kendall Wood of the Liberal Students Union, president; Adrian Jaffe of the Vanguard Club, vice-president; and Barbara Hall of Stalker Hall, Methodist student or- ganization, secretary-treasurer. Members appointed by the officers to represent the club in the meetings with Dean Bursley are Maurice Wil- sie, the Socialist Club, Theodore Grushko, Avukah, and Karter Gill, Hindustan Club. Prof. Arthur Wood of the sociology department will be a faculty representative on the com- mittee. Another representative of the faculty will be chosen shortly. The immediate purpose of the club, as contained in the constitution, is "to collect and distribute funds for the aid of needy students, and to coordinate co-operative enterprises." It is planned that the fund campaign will be undertaken after the students return from their Christmas vaca- tion, Wood said last night. Last year a Good Will Fund drive was held to help needy students, and proved quite successful, more than $2,000 being collected. However, there was some difficulty in the distribut- ing of the funds, according to mem- bers of the council, for the only means of disbursement was through the dean's office and not all needy students were known to that office. Council members feel that their or- (Continued on Page 3) Cabaret, Fair Acclaimed As Huge Success Figures Indicate Gain Over Last Year; League Head Lauds Exhibits Termed "a huge success" by Ethel McCormick, social director of the Women's League, the Sophomore Cabaret and League Fair grossed $902.52, according to figures released yesterday by Elizabeth Rich, '36, fi- nancial chairman. Net p r ofi t s will be announced Thursday, but figures indicate an in- crease over last year's total of $632.25 and the 1931 total of $804.19. All sophomore assessments due are not collected as yet, and these col- lections will continue all week. Cen- tral committee members expressed the general opinion that co-operation by those participating and those at- tending was very gratifying. "This year's cabaret was the big- gest success for some time, with the exhibits, melodrama, and midway in- corporated in it," stated Miss Mc- Cormick. The profits from the cab- aret go to the League Undergraduate Fund, for payment on the building fund debt. Miss Rich said that final expenditures should prove much less than formerly, particularly those for costume. Alpha Kappa Delta Takes i Members Alpha Kappa Delta, h o n o r a r y sociological society, will hold its an- nual initiation banquet at 6:15 p. m. today in the League to welcome new Start To Collect Dues Today In Two Classes Class dues for the senior liter- ary class will be collected between 9 a. m. and 12 noon today and tomorrow in the lobby of Angell Hall, Harry Hattenbach, treasur- er, announced yesterday. All junior engineers are asked to pay their class dues during this week. The dues, amounting to 50 cents, may be paid to a member of the finance committee who will be stationed on the second floor at the head of the stairs every day this week at 11:30 a. m. The dues may also be paid to any one of the following men: Bob Sloane, Oliver Spark, Tom Dooling, Fran- cis Du Lyn, or Gil Shaw. Nine Initiated Into Honorary Medical Group Possibility Of Inflation Is Discussed By Reeves At Alpha Omega Alpha The formal initiation of nine sen- iors of the school of medicine into Alpha Omega Alpha, honorary scho- lastic medical society, took place last night at the Union, and was followed by a banquet in honor of the new members. Members of the society are chosen on the basis of scholarship, high moral character, and professional promise, with the aim to encourage high ideals in medical practice and research in schools of medicine. The seniors elected to membership last night are as follows: Max New- man, John Berghornt, Stanley Dean, Abraham Becker, Melvin Rowe, Harry Kraff, Rex Buxton, and Frederick Pohle. Dr. Harold Jakox, instructor in roentgenology, was elected as an hon- orary member of the fraternity. The main address at the banquet was delivered by Professor Jesse S. Reeves, chairman of the department of political science, who spoke upon the subject of our monetary policy, placing emphasis on prospects for in- flation and its effects. The toast- master was Dr. Frederick A. Coller, director of the department of surgery in the School of Medicine. The present students of Alpha Omega Alpha are William Robinson, John Hosmer, Myer Teitelbaum, and Robert Bartlett. Curriculum Not Practical, S ay s Radio Speaker The need to get away from our "traditional, classical, mathematical schools" of today, and to substitute a more practical curriculum in our educational system was pointed out by Prof. George E. Carrothers of the School of Education, Director of the Bureau of Co-Operation with Educa- tional Institutions, in the parent pro- gram over the University radio hour Sunday night. "With over five million students in high schools throughout the country, there is a need for a more varied program," Professor Carrothers said in his talk, "A High School Cur- riculum Organized to Meet Changed Conditions." Pleading for an "even break" for the high school student, he asked that interest on bond issues be re- pudiated before teaching staffs and curricula be cut any further. "There is little use for ancient his- tory in settling the problems of to- day," Professor Carrothers stated. "The problems which are surround- ing us are complex." In commenting on the changes he feels necessary in the high school curriculum of today, Professor Car- rothers advanced a plan, offering more free reading, simple sciences, and capitalizing on a series of cours- es throughout the grades and high Expected At Rockne Trophy Will Be Awarded By Dickinson At Annual Affair Yost, Kipke Will Speak on Program Captain Fay And Captain Elect Austin Scheduled To Give Talks More than 500 students, faculty members, and other followers of Michigan's championship 1933 Var- sity are expected to gather at 8 p. m. today in the Union Ballroom to wit- ness the presentation of the Knute K. Rockne National Intercollegiate Football Trophy to Michigan for the second successive year. The award will be made as a feature of the annual football smoker. Prof. Frank G. Dickinson of the University of Illinois, originator of the Dickinson rating system by which the winner of the trophy is deter- mined, will make the award. In addi- tion, Professor Dickinson will be the main speaker on the program for the evening. Others who will appear to deliver short talks include Athletic Director Fielding H. Yost, Head Coach Harry G. Kipke, Frederick C. Matthaei, president of the University of Mich- igan Club of Detroit, and the retiring captain and captain-elect of the Michigan team, Stanley Fay and Thomas Austin. The smoker is an annual affair sponsored by the Union for members of the football team, coaches, and others who had parts in the season. Officials pointed out that there is now a double incentive for Michigan students to take this opportunity to honor the team, inasmuclV'as they have not only been awarded their fourth consecutive Big Ten title but their second national one as well. One of the features of the pro- gram will be the showing of sound pictures of some of the more im- portant games that Michigan has played during the past season. A large screen has been set up for this purpose at the north end of the ball- .room. Smokes and refreshments com- plete the schedule. Debaters Will Begin Season Here Tursday Negative Team To Meet Minnesota; Affirmative Plans Western Trip Michigan's Varsity debating team will swing into action in earnest this week when the affirmative team en- gages the University of Minnesota here, at 8 p. m. Thursday, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in their first conference debate, while the negative team, the same night, meets the University of Iowa at Iowa City. Beside the Conference debate on, Thursday the negative team, made up of Abe Zwerdling, '35, Harry Run- ning, Grad., and Victor Rabinowitz '34L, will leave today for South Bend where they will meet Notre Dame to- night. Wednesday they go to Evan- ston to engage Northwestern Uni- versity in a non-decision debate. At the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre the Varsity affirmative will be repre- sented by Edward Litchfield, '36, Ed- ward Downs, '36, and Jack Weissman, '35, against the negative team of Harold LeVander, Charles Evans, and Burnell Koolish, of Minnesota. All of the debates will be on the Conference question, "Resolved: That a constitutional amendment making permanent the powers of the presi- dent as of July 1, 1933, should be adopted." Prof. Louis M. Eich of the speech department will act as chairman of the debate and the critic judge will be Prof. C. C. Cunningham, director of university debating at Northwest- ern University. No admission will be charged and the public is invited. U BsB,'rvai 1(bl 1Far Rirl r3 fOEL.Y