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December 10, 1933 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-12-10

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Publish Lists Of'
Appointments In
All Departments!

Wets Attack Their Proposed Tax On Hard Liquor

Banquet To Be
Held Honoring
Two Architects'
Walter H. Blucher And G.

Give Formal Approval To
Designation Of Scholars,
Assistants, And Fellows
Made By Regentsi
All Schools And Colleges
Name Aides For Current
University Year
. = (Continued from Page 1)j
Frank M. Reed, Hugh Sebastian, and
William H. Tenney. Harold White-
hall will hold the rank of instructor.
Three assistants named in the ge-
ology department are Edward L.
Beutner, Kenneth A. Gorton, and Ir-
vin; C. Young. In Greek language
Herbert C. Youtie was named an in-
structor. He is also research asso-
ciate in papyrology.
Henrietta A. Cook, Jack A. Mintz,
and Albert G. Swanson were ap-
proved as assistants in the matema-
tics department. Archie Bahme was
named ateaching fellow in the phi-
losophy department. In the physics
department, Arthur Adel was ap-
pointed as research assistant.sHar-
vey V. Rohrer will serve as instruc-
tor in the political science depart-
In the department of romance lan-
guages Stephen M. Lincoln, Clifford
H. Prator, and Henry J. Skornia were
named teaching fellows. In the so-
ciology department Pay L. Coats,
Frank Hartung, and Henry J. Meyer
were appointed assistants; Kenneth
H. McGill, teaching fellow; and Clark
Tibbitts, assistant director of Ear-
hart Foundation research and super-
visor of Earhart Foundation scholars
and fellows. I
Brown Research Associatte
Claudius J. D. Brown was named
research associate in the zoology de-
In the College of Engineering two
other names were approved, as fol-
lows: Donald S. Ullock, assistant in
the chemical engineering depart-
ment; and Harriet Bannasch, assis-
tant in the civil engineering depart-
ment office.
In the Medical School the follow-~
ing names were approved:
Anatomy department: C h a r 1 e s
Cunningham, Russel Malcolm, Wil-
liam Vicary, Jean K. Weston, Fred-
erick W. Wilson, and Joseph H. Wit-
ter, assistant; and John Barnard and
Russel Woodburne, teaching fellows.
Internal Medicine Appointments
I nit e r n a1 medicine department:
Frank H. Bethell and Milton Gold-
hamer, instructors; and C. Howard
Ross, teaching fellow. In the ma-
teria medica department: Fleming
A. Barbour and John G. Reid, re-
search assistants in pharmacology,
and Homer A. Howes, Squibb Fellow!
in Pharmacology. Opthalmology de-
partment: Don Marshall, John E.
Weeks scholar for research work in
Pathology department: Martin A.
Bernfield, assistant, and Isador J.
Hauser, instructor. Pediatrics de-
partment: Janet S. Barnes, instruc-
Physiological chemistry depart-!
ment: Barker H. Brown, Norbert H.
Fell, and Svend Pederson, assistants.
Physiology department: George B.
Higley and Percy Murphy, assistants.
Surgery department: Dorothy Parker,.
assistant. -
In the College of Pharmacy Rol-

-Associated Press Photo
The President's Inter-departmental Committee, which Friday proposed a bill to encourage foreign trade
and the sale of beer by a $2.60 a gallon tax on hard liquor, since much attacked, is shown here. They
are, from left to right, front row: Willard L. Thorpe, director of foreign and domestic commerce; Edward
Greenbaum, chairman; Ade Fortas, AAA attorney; Frederick P. Lee, farm administration counsel. Back
row: Edward P. Lowry, treasury assistant; Frank M. Parrish, assistant to the attorney general; Dr. James
M. Doran, commissioner of industrial alcohol; Dr. Mordecai Ezekiel, economic advisor to the secretary of
agriculture; and Harris E. Willingham, .chief of beverage section of the farm administration.

These Boys Learn
To Tackle Too Well
(By Intercollegiate Press)
LINDSAY, Ont., Dec. 9.-"Listen,
youse guys," said Coach W. S. Breese
of the Lindsay Collegiate Institute
football team, "why don't you learn
to tackle?"
The coach took the ball and started
down the field.
"Here," he yelled, "two of you try
to tackle me. Hit me hard."
Two of the players hit the coach
bard. He couldn't get up. It was found
lie had a broken ankle. Pleased,
Coach Breese breezed out on a pair
of crutches next day.
land F. Feldkamp, assistant, was ap-
proved. In the School of Dentistry,
Alfred L. Rehfield, teaching fellow.
In the School of Education: Edward
E. Freed, teacher of dramatics; Fran-
cis Lake and Manley McDonald, re-
search assistants. In the School of
Business Administration; Donald J.
Bevis, Herbert. Draper, Chester Og-
den, George Rubenstein, John Sav-
age, Herbert Sharlitt, and Clarence
Tappan, assistants.
In the School of Music, Chester1
Cole, technical assistant, and Leta
Musgrave, chamber music scholar. In
the College of Architecture, Beaver
Edwards, part-time instructor in,
modelling. In the General Library,
Eugene Hart, half-time assistant in
library extension service.
inft'ructors In Hygiene
Division of Hygiene and Public
Health: William M. Brace, John V.I
Fopeano, Elizabeth P. Robinson, and
Helen Schultz, instructors; Earl
Kleinschmidt, instructor and editorj
of public health reviews. In the
Health Service Elizabeth Inglis was
named part-time clinical assistant.
Gust Carlson was approved as
part-time cataloguer in the Museum
of Anthropology. Eugene Power, pho-
tographer for the Early Modern Eng-
lish Dictionary. Sandford Meech
and Harold Whitehall were approved
as assistant editors of the Middle
English Dictionary; James Rettger,
research associate; and Eleanore
Stuhlman, secretary. Marjorie Gra-1
vit was appointed clerical assistant!
in the institute of archaeological re-

ST. JOHN, Quebec - Canadian au-
thorities held two men whom they
said were members of a ring which
has smuggled approximately $1,000,-
000 worth of gold from Canada into
the United States in the last six
*: * *
PARIS - Premier Camille Chau-
temps' new cabinet won an over-
whelming vote of confidence in the
Chamber of Deputies by a 403 to 63
* * *
LINARES, Mexico - An explosion'
which demolished a sugar mill caus-
ed the death of 16 persons. The
origin of the blast has not been de-
NASHVILLE - Col. Luke Lea and
Luke Lea, Jr., convicted of violating
the state banking laws, lost their
fight in t h e Tennessee Supreme
C o u r t to prevent extradition to
North Carolina.
-* * *
WASHINGTON - The administra-
tion, through the liquor problem, has
opened the way for establishment of
a national tax system by which the
Federal government will collect all
taxes and divide them between the
Federal, state, and local govern-
ments. This is the opinion of offi-
cial Washington.

Bailey Speaks
On Importance
Of Enineerino
"Electrical Engineering," conclud-
ing talk of the engineering series,I
was given Friday by Prof. Benjamin
F. Bailey of the College of Engineer-
ing over the University school pro-
gram on Station WJR.
"Electrical engineering is one of
the youngest of the professions, but
it has grown with enormous rapidity
and apparently will continue to do
so," Professor Bailey stated. "Can
you imagine a world with no tele-
phones, no electric light or power,
no elevators and no radio, and yet
millions of men now alive were born
before any of these things were
thought of?"
The brief history of electrical en-
gineering was discussed by Professor
Bailey, pointing out the numerous
branches of the profession today. The
lines most generally followed by the;
engineer of electricity are research,
invention, d e s i g n, manufacturing,
salesmanship, and administration, it
was pointed out.
"Electrical engineering, and, in
fact, all branches of engineering, of-
fers opportunity to a wide variety of
tastes and abilities. Electrical engi-
neering ofIers a field of wide and
fascinating possibilities," Professor
Bailey concluded.

Frank Cordner To Speak
At Dinner In Union I
A banquet will be held at 6 p.m.
in the Union honoring Walter H. ,
Blucher of the Detroit City Plan'
Commission and G. Frank Cordner,
Detroit architect, who are giving the'
last two in a series of five lectures1
on housing sponsored by the College
of Architecture, Thomas A. Crowell,
'35A, head of the committee plan-
ning the banquet announced yes-
"The p u r p o s e of the banquet,
which will feature an informal dis-
cussion led by Blucher and Cordner,"
Crowell said, "is to impress upon the
students of architecture the fact
that designing a building is only one1
phase of the architect's duties to the7
"The architect must know the
sociological condition in the com-
munity. We are trying to present theI
students of architecture with some
of the actual problems that they
might meet in actual city planning,"
he concluded.
The third lecture in the series
will be given tomorrow at 4 p.m. by
Prof. Ernest M. Fisher of the School
of Business Administration who will
speak on "The Land Problem in
Housing." He will be followed at
4:45 p.m. by Cordner who will speak
on "The Architecture of Detroit's
Slum Clearance and H o u s i n g
Blucher will give the last lecture
in the series at 7:30 p.m. on "A
Study for t h e Rehabilitation of,
Blighted Areas with Particular Ref-
erence to the Housing Problem in
Detroit." All the lectures will be
given in the main auditorium of the
Architecture building and are open1
to the general public.'
1t'nhi Winner Of Football
Contest (o Be on ~let
(By Intercollegiate Press)1
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 9.-You don't
have to attend football games to
know all about them. This was dem-
onstrated by H. Wilderman, of Me-
nard, Ill. He was the winner of a $100
newspaper prize for predicting the!
scores of a selected number of foot-'
ball games at major colleges. It
turned out Wildernan was Convict
No. 4915 in the Illinois State Prison.
The present economic situation
is loaded with dynamite. --Dean1
William H. Spencer of the University
of Chicago.

March To Talk On
Japanese Art Work
A discussion of the high place that
Japanese artists have gained in the
art of wood block color printing will
be given by Benjamin March, lecturer
on Far Eastern Art in a public lec-
ture on "The Art of the Color-Print"
to be given at 3 p. m. today in the
west gallery of Alumni Memorial
The Japanese, according to Mr.
March, have achieved the finest ex-
amples of wood block printing in
color in the history of that type of
art. They are the only ones who con-
tinue this work to any extent.
Mr. March will discuss the per-
sonalities of the various artists rep-
resented at the exhibition. There are
twenty-five examples of the painting
of the Japanese woodblock masters of
the Eighteenth and early Nineteenth
Centuries, including originals of Ho-
kusai, Harunobu, and Kaigetsudo.
There is a collection of lithographs
by Kazuma who, according to Mr.
March, developed through experimen-
tation a high degree of versatile ex-
pression in the stone medium. The
Japanese artist, who did his experi-
mental work in lithography during
the years 1916-19, is now concentrat-
ing on wood blocking, he said.
Stanford Man Says
Robins Is Unbiased
(Continued from Page 1)
him up as lost, he was found aim-
lessly wandering about in the Ken-
tucky hills. He was cross-examined
but could remember neither his name
nor anything of the happenings of
the previous two months. His lapse
of memory was attributed to over-
work and nervous strain and he spent
several months recuperating.
He knows his subject well," said
Professor Bassett. "He has spent
many years in Russia and has had
personal contacts with all of the lead-
ers of the Soviet Union."
In an advance notice Colonel Rob-
ins cites several changes in the Rus-
sian government, during the 15-year
period, that impressed him. "I was
surprised at the air of permanence
that was prevalent," Robins said.
"The country has settled down to a
new social order. Young people had
grown to manhood without knowing
any other system of living."
The tickets for the lecture are on
sale at Wahr's and are priced at 50
and 75 cents.

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T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of the Alumni Association, will
be the principal speaker at the ban-
quet of the University of Michigan
Club of Monroe to be held Dec. 19.
Union College, Schenectady, won
its first radio debate from Hartwick
College recently.



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