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September 29, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-09-29

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The Weather
Fiday, Saturday, increasing
d~oudiness and warmer fol-
lowed by showers.

-.0 ,
iiE r.



Challenge to The




100,000 Are
On Strike In
5 Industries

Government Buyer

Reception Is
Planned For
All Faculties

Gargoyle Features
Orchestra Column

For Coming


NRA Code Said To
Been Violated By
ton Steel Co.


Union Ballroom Will
U s e d For Revival
Picturesque Custom


Pittsburgh Offices
Fear Strike Spread
Strikers At Ford Company
In Edgewater, N. Y.,
Demand 5-Day Week
(By Associated Press)
A total of strikers mounting toward
100,000 men hampered work in the
coal, steel, automobile, silk and
leather industries yesterday. One
hundred thousand workers were idle
along the West Virginia "pan-
handle" as a Clarksburg, and Wier-
ton, W. Va., and Steubenville, Ohio,
plants of the Wierton Steel Co. shut
down because of a dispute between
the company's union and the Amal-
gamated Association of Iron, Steel
and Tin Workers.
George Dunn, president of the
Steubenville local of the association,
said the company forced men to work
more than 40 hours a week in vio-
lation of the NRA code.
Pittsburgh offices said they feared
trouble in a third march of strik-
ing coal miners directed against
the Clairton, Pa.;, plant of the Car-
negie Steel Co. More than 70,000
miners were away from the shaft,
many of them spreading strike doc-
trine north into Merer and Ven-
ango counties.
Two employes of the Shamrock
Coal Co. were beaten by strikers in
Fayette county, Pennsylvania, and
two strikers were arrested. Other
strikers, numbering 100, pummeled
a mine foreman because their water
supplies were cut off. The home of
Edwin Martin, former mine deputy
for the H. C. Frick Coke Co., was
dynamited while his family slept.
Strikers of the Ford Motor Co.
plant at Edgewater, N. Y., demanded
an ve-day week, seven-hour day and
$5 daily minimum wage. Strikers
from the company's closed Chester,
Pa., plant urged the remainder of
the 2,200 employes to walk out. The
company claimed 100 men were idle,
the strikers claiming 600.
At Detroit, officials of the Ford
Motor Company declined comment
on the Edgewater situation. In Wash-
ington Senator Wagner (Dem., N.
Y.), chairman of the national labor
board, said he would seek to per-
suade Ford officials to reopen the
Chester plant.
Campaign To
Remove TIlega l
Lawyers Begun
Attorney,-General Aims To
Punish And Disbar All
Racketeer Attorneys
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28.-()-
The justice department has compiled
a list of attorneys suspected of un-
derworld connections which is to be
made the basis of a campaign to re-
move this obstacle to law enforce-
"I could put my finger on the
name of a good many lawyers who
are under suspicion," Attorney-Gen-
eral Cummings said today. "If this
remark happens to be quoted, they
can take it as a warning to mend
their ways. They should be punished
and made to suffer along with their
pals in crime."
He said the campaign against law-
yers who by connivance with the
underword and questionable legal
practices hinder the activities of
moral enforcement officials was be-
ing made an important part of the

general warfare upon racketeers and
"If I can do anything to rid the
profession of these scavengers I shall
do it," the attorney-general con-
tinued. "One f the most important
elements of predatory crime is the
manner in which some members of
the bar co-operate with the under-
world. Wherever we can prove an im-
proper connection, we propose not
only to punish such lawyers but to
disbar them.
Conferences are scheduled for an
early date to work out details of the

Abandoned in 1926
As 'Too Unwieldy'

Originated 40 Years
As A Social Event
Professors, Wives


-Associated Press Photo
Major Robert M. Littlejohn, fiscal
expert of 'the army general staff, was
selected to direct the work of buying
surplus farm products and distribut-
ing them to needy persons.
Rumor Says
Sorority May
Face Action
Eight Freshman Women
Allegedly Contacted In
Violation Of Rulings
Members of a prominent sorority
have been accused of illegal rushing
tactics, according to rumors last
night, and it is believed the organiza-
tion will face disciplinary action by
the Panhellenic Association today.
According to the reports received
at The Daily office last night, eight
freshmen women were contacted in
their rooms. The Panhellenic Asso-
ciations rushing rules state that "No
personal contact between sorority
women and rushees may be had at
this time (Sept. 23 to Oct. 4) or any
other time during this period of
rushing outside of the allotted dates,
except in the case of sisters."
If the anticipated investigation
substantiates the rumors, the sorority
may either be prevented from pledg-
ing any of the girls who were con-
tacted, or even more severe discipli-
nary action may be imposed. No of-
-ficers of the Panhellenic Association
could be reached last night who
would make any statements about
the rumors.
Although the reports came from
several sources, they were all sub-
stantially the same. This is, the first
case of illegal rushing reported this
Local Jewelry Robber
Returned To Ann Arbor
A man giving the name of Omar
Levinski, charged with breaking and
entering in the night time was re-
turned here from Detroit after he
confessed to robbing the Seyfried
jewelry store, 304 South Main St.
Levinski was arrested by Detroit
officers as he was attempting to
pawn two of four stolen watches.
Two bracelets and a necklace were
taken in addition to the watches.
Levinski will probably be arraigned
in Justice Court today.

Revival of one of the oldest and
most picturlesque of the faculty so-
cial events on the campus, the Sen-
ate Reception, was announced yes-
terday by Dr. Frank E. Robbins,, as-
sistant to President Ruthven, as be-
ing planned for this year.
Originated more than 40 years ago
as an event intended to give new
members of the faculty an opportun-
ity to meet their fellows and old
ones a chance to gather for a first
fall soci'al evening, it was dropped
about seven years ago because it had
become so unwieldy.
Two years ago, however, it was
tried once again and met with such
approval on the part of- the faculty
that it hasnbeen felt since thenthat
it should become one of the regular
features of the opening of the Uni-
versity for the fall semester.
Previous to the last reception two
years ago, it was always held in Wat-
erman Gymnasium, but the Michi-
gan Union ballroom has supplanted
the former scene.
Dr. Robbins also pointed out that
there used to be a similar event held
in the spring in honor of graduating
seniors, but this has been done away
with in favor of President Ruthven's
open house.
This year the reception will be
held at 8:30 p. in., Tuesday, Oct. 31,
at the Union, and all members of
faculties are invited, new ones in
particular, Dr. Robbins said. There
will be no personal invitations is-;
sued, he added.
Prof. Everett S. Brown of the po-
litical science department will have
general charge of arrangements.
Daly Rotogravure
To BeginTuesday
Collegiate Digest, the new roto-
gravure section that will appear in
The Daily for the first time Tues-
day, will be included in The Daily
every Sunday thereafter, according
to W. Grafton Sharp, '34, business
This syndicated feature is being
distributed by college papers through-
out the country. Pictures dealing
with events occurring on this cam-
pus will appear from time to time
in the section, which will also give
a nation-wide coverage of events of
interest to college students, including
educational, scientific and sports ac-
The Daily will offer this feature to
its readers without any increase in
subscription price, Sharp declared.

Beginning with the October issue,
the new Gargoyle will feature a na-
tionally known dance orchestra in a
new column to be run every month,
according to the editors. The col-
umn will contain photographs of the
assembled orchestra and the leader
of the organization.
Besides short biographies of the
leader and the personnel of the or-
chestra, tlae column will tell of the
radio work the organization has done
or is doing and also the phonograph-
ic recordings it has made. The col-
umn, however, will not deal exclus-
ively with this orchestra as far as
radio and recordings go, but it will
give information on the latest offer-
ings of the disc studios and the pro-
grams that attract the dial twisters.
Hal Kemp is the first leader to be
featured wtih his dance band. He
will be followed by eight others of
equal national renown.
All sophomores interested in try-
ing out for the business staff of the
Gargoyle should see Wilbur F. Bohn-
sack, '34, business manager, some
day this week, it was announced
yesterday. Because of the inability
of several of last year's staff mem-
bers to return this fall, several po-
sitions are open to sophomores on
the staff. There is also an oppor-
tunity for women on campus to re-
ceive a free year's subscription to the
Gargoyle, Bohnsack said. Any wo-
man selling fifteen subscriptions for
the Gargoyle will receive a one year's
subscription free, Bohnsack stated.
Ball Closed To
Non MIem-bers
The Interfraternity Dance will be
open only to fraternities which are
m e m b e r s of the Interfraternity
Council, according to James R. Doty,
'34, chairman of the dance commit-
tee. This announcement was a di-
rect contradiction of a statement
which was issued to The Daily yes-
terday which seemed to indicate that
the dance was to be open to anyone
wished to buy a ticket.
"The extra tickets which are be-
ing left at the desks of the League
and Union are merely for the con-
venience of those fraternity presi-
dents who could dispose of more
than their quota of tickets," Doty
All money and unsold tickets to
the dance must be turned into the
office of the Interfraternity Council
on the third floor of the Union be-
fore 5 p. m. Friday, Doty declared.
The house presidents are directly re-
sponsible for the tickets and will be
charged with any tickets which are
not returned by that time.
Among the entertainers who have
been signed for the dance are Sally
Pierce, star of the Sophomore Caba-
ret and known for appearances in
Play Production shows, Billie Grif-
fiths, also a performer in the Sopho-
more Cabaret. Mike Brennan will
also sing.
Several fraternities have made
plans to attend the dance in a body
and some have been asked to offer
their fraternity songs as part of the
entertainment. The dance will be
Dances Commence
At Union Ballroom
Following the opening dance of the
fall season last Saturday night, the
regular Union Friday and Saturday
night membership dances will go into
effect tonight and tomorrow night
in the ballroom.
Officials explained for the benefit

of students new to the campus that
only members of the Michigan Union
and their guests may be admitted to
these weekly dances.
Tonight, and every other Friday
night while the University is in reg-
ular session, the dance will last from
9 p. m. to 1 a. m., while on Saturday
nights the hours will be from 9 p. m.
to midnight.
Alleged Swindler
Is Held For Trial
Entering a plea of not guilty, in
Justice Court yesterday, E. J. Diebel
charged with obtaining money under
false pretenses was returned to the
County Jail to await trial.
Diebel carrying a briefcase with
two Michigan seals, was selling ad-
vertising matter to local merchants
which if accepted was to be distrib-
uted to various fraternities. Leaving


Four Hurt As
Trains Crash
Near Fenton
Fireman, E n g i n e e r Are
Seriously Injured; In
Dangerous Condition

Released From

Hospital In Flint
Westbound Grand Trunk,
Train Hits Sutring Of 3
Switch Locomotives
FLINT, Sept. 28.-(P)-The fire-
man and engineer of a westbound
Grand Trunk passenger train were
injured seriously and two other per-
sons suffered minor injuries when
the train collided head-on with a
string of three switch engines one-
half mile east of Fenton tonight.
The injured: Frank Hamblin,. 60
years old, Detroit, the engineer, se-
vere head injuries, fractured left
arm, cuts; Steve Hoffman, 40 years
old, Detroit, the fireman, compound
fracture of the left leg; J. J. Justin
49 years old, Muskegon, baggageman,
bruises; and John Mix, Detroit, the
express messenger, cut and bruised.
All were taken to Hurley Hospital,
Flint, where the conditions of Ham-
blin and Hoffman were pronounced
serious. Justin and Mix were treated
and released.
The passenger train, No. 19, was
due in Fenton at 6:07 p. m. and it
was about that time the wreck oc-
When they saw the collision was
imminent, Hamblin and Hoffman
jumped. The crew of the first switch
engine remained at their post and
escaped serious injury. The other
switch engines were running "dead-
head" and were not occupied by a
Between the locomotive of the pas-
senger train, and the combination
baggage-express mail car was a
wooden passenger coach, unoccupied,
which was most severely damaged.
It' was telescoped and also overran
the engine, coming to rest at an
angle of 45 degrees.
Behind the baggage car was one
passenger coach, carrying seven pas-
sengers and the train crew. They
were shaken, but otherwise unin-
New Bus Line To
tart On Monday
A special bus service for students
attending 8 a. m. and 9 a. m. classes
will be started Monday, A. H. Cady,
manager of the Ann Arbor Transpor-
tation Co., announced yesterday.
At present a large bus with a ca-
pacity of 25 is being used on experi-
mental runs between the campus and
fraternity and sorority houses. Cady
said that no definite schedule for
this bus was ready yet, but would be
announced later.
Buses will leave Seneca Avenue
and Onondaga Street every 40 min-
utes for Main Street, beginning at
7:45 a. m. From 5:20 p. m. until
11:20 p. m. service will be on a half-
hour basis.

U. S. Experts Make
Legal Study Of New
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28.-(A)-
Justice department experts are en-
gaged in a thorough study of the le-
gal aspect of repeal in an effort to
determine what new legislation will
be needed if the EighteenthAmend-
ment is removed from the Constitu-
This study is supplementary to one
conducted by a special committee in
preparation for revision of taxes,
tariff, and regulatory laws in case
the repeal amendment is ratified.
Without expressing an opinion
whether the Webb-Kenyon Law, pro-
hibiting the transportation of liquor
from wet to dry states would become
operative with repeal, Attorney-Gen-
eral Cummings said today he believed
a reduction might be made in the
number of prohibition investigators
now on duty.
If it should be decided that this
statute is effective after Repeal, it
would be the duty of the federal gov-
ernment to enforce it. The number
of prohibition agents has been cut
to 1,200. Cummings said he felt at
least, that there would be no in-
In the treasury, officials of the in-
ternal revenue and customs bureaus
and the division of industrial alco-
hol, are making studies at President
Roosevelt's direction in preparation
for what might happen if repeal
should come. They have determined
that the tax on distilled spirits, lack-
ing further legislation, would be $1.10
a gallon and the tariff $5 a gallon.
4,500 Students
Support NRA,
Council Says

Men Speak
At Banquet
Freshmen Hear T. Hawley
Tapping, Prof. Philip E.
Bursley, Harry Kipke
Student Leaders
. Address Yearlings
Gridgraph Machine Shows
Football Games Of '32
Before 250 Freshmen
More than 250 members of the
Class of '37 attended the annual
Freshman Banquet, held last night
in the ballroom of the Union.
T. Hawley Tapping, general sec-
retary of the Alumni Association.,
who delivered the principal address
of the evening, told the first-year
men of the many Michigan tradi-
tions which they would be expected
to uphold during and after their
four-year period at the University.
With particular stress upon the in-
tangible principles of democracy for
which the institution is famous, Mr.
Tapping explained -some of the un-
derlying factors which are responsi-
ble for holding together the vast
body of Michigan graduates.
"Though the Diagonal. Walk and
the Tappan Oak are two items of
distinction immediately recognizible
by all alumni," he stated, "it is the
spirit of democracy which has for-
ever bound together the tens of
thousands of Michigan men and wo-
men now scattered in all parts of
the world. This democracy, coupled
with the tradition of scholarship, is
largely responsible for making Mich-
igan the outstanding university that
it is."
Athletic Director Speaks
Mr. Tapping was followed on the
after-dinner program by Fielding H.
Yost, director of athletics, who told
the freshmen of some of the earlier
gridiron contests in which Michigan
teams had made enviable records.
Speaking of the years when he first
started coaching Wolverine players,
Mr. Yost made reference to the first
Tournament of Roses game, in which
Michigan defeated Stanford, 49 to 0,
and also described other intercolle-
giate contests of the same year.
Prof. Philip E. Bursley, counselor
to new students, pointed out some of
the advantages to which the first-
year men could look forward during
their university life. He emphasized
the ideals toward which they should
strive and the qualities of leadership
which they should attempt to devel-

Local Leaders
City Is 100
Behind Mov



Undergraduate students of the
University of Michigan are now
under the NRA, as consumers, if the
results of the recent campus drive,
conducted by the Undergraduate
Council with the co-operation of the
Interfraternity Council, the League
Board of Directors, and the Union,
can be considered a fair criterion.
According to the leaders of these
organizations, more than 4,500 cam-
pus men and women have signed the
pledge cards which were distributed
this week.
A small number of the cards have
not been turned in but will be col-
lected today by the Interfraternity
Council. Stickers will then be sent to
the fraternities where the pledges
were sighed.
Each card signifies the intention of
the individual signing to purchase
merchandise only from those stores
displaying the blue eagle. Since per-
manent Ann Arbor residents were
canvassed duing the summer, when
the act first went into effect, local
NRA leaders claim that the city is
now almost 100 per cent behind the
President's movement to bring back
prosperity through re-employment
France Cannot Aid
Reich Rearmament
GENEVA, Sept. 28- (P) -France
cannot sponsor any re-armament of
Germany, Joseph Paul Boncour, the
French foreign minister, made plain
today a short time after a Reich of-
ficial had told .correspondents his
country should be treated as an hon-
est partner in the reconstruction of
a peaceful Europe.

Condemnation Of Theatre Marks
Passing Of Campus Landmark

At the election of officers of the
Hillel Foundation, held yesterday
afternoon those elected were presi-
'dent, Abner Friedman, '35; vice-
president, Frank Rosenbaum; and
secretary, Rowena Goldstein, '35.

A few weeks ago
State Fire Marshall,
through Ann Arbor.
some of the buildings
borhood, his eye was

Win Sterling,
was touring
Looking over
in the neigh-
arrested by a

sight that is irritating to most fire
marshalls. The building was a wea-
ther-beaten, wooden s t r u c t u r e,
known to students during the past
few years as the Laboratory Thea-
Not long afterwards, Mr. Sterling
tacked up a notice on the door which
sealed the doom of further dramatic
activity in the old building.
As the summer season of the Rep-
ertory Players at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre neared a conclu-
sion, Valentine B. Windt, director,
realized that there was no place to
move his stage furniture, costumes,
wigs, and several hundred feet of
scenery. The League offices had to
be vacated.
A conference took place between
University officials and Mr. Sterling.
It was decided that the Laboratory
Theatre would be cleaned thoroughly,
the signs taken down, and re-openedI

Rich in history and tradition, the
theatre is one of the landmarks of
the campus. Many years ago it served
the purpose of the men's Union. Stu-
dents danced rag-time one-steps in
the theatre proper until the present
Union took its place.
The building was moved to its
present site and used occasionally
until the back burned. It was at that
time that the stage and "flies" were
built. The dance floor was raised,
seats installed, and the Union was
converted into the Mimes Theatre.
For a number of years it was the
center of campus dramatic activity
-the Mimes' productions and the
Union Operas.
In spite of the fact that the Uni-
versity Hall Theatre had been con-
demned before Play Production,
under the direction of Mr. Windt,
'moved in, it served as a laboratory
until the Mimes Theatre was pre-
sented to the Department of Speech.
It was officially reopened Dec. 1, 1930
at a formal dedication ceremony,
which was attended by prominent
fpeople throughout the state.

18 Exiled German Professors
Plan To Teach In This Country

Head football coach, Harry G.
Kipke, called upon the students for
their loyal support to Michigan
teams during all intercollegiate ath-
letic contests. He explained the val-
ue of student support during a los-
ing streak and demonstrated the
quality of the Michigan spirit which
has followed championship teams of
the past. Stanley Fay, '34, captain
of the 1933 Varsity football team,
selected for his subject, as an item
of obvious interest to the Freshmen,
the distinction between college and
high school football.
Gridgraph Demonstrated
Thomas K. Connellan, '34, manag-
ing editor of The Daily, spoke on
Michigan traditions, explaining to
the freshmen the value of class uni-
ty which has been built up through
the observance of age-old customs
perpetuated on the campus. Robert
E. Saltzstein, '34, president of the
Union, welcomed the class in behalf
of that organization. Edward W.
McCormick, '34, secretary of the Un-
ion, acted as toastmaster for the
The showing of the Gridgraph, the
new mechanism which is to be used
for exhibiting 1933 football games
played away from home, was inaugu-
rated with an explanation of its fea-
tures by Albert H. Newman, '34,
sports editor of The Daily. He was
assisted by Thomas B. Roberts, '34,
head cheerleader, who also led a
number of Michigan cheers.
A part of the third quarter of last
year's Michigan-Minnesota game
was then depicted as an exhibition
on the Gridgraph. This was ,accom-
panied by a description by Roberts
and the playing of Michigan songs.
This was the first time that the
Gridgraph had been put into actual
use since its arrival here several
days ago.
Detroit Men Under
A . As'.. Wr~ _

* (By Intercollegiate Press)
NEW YORK, Sept. 28.-At least
eighteen of the many liberal-minded
German university professors exiled
by the Hitler government are, to
teach this year in the United States.
Three of them-Prof. Otto Stern,
experimental physicist; Prof. I. Es-
terman, his assistant, and Prof. Er-
nst Berl, chemist-are to join the
faculty of the Carnegie Institute of
Technology at Pittsburgh, where they
will divide their time between teach-
ing and research.
Fifteen others, five of whose names
are still withheld to allow them to
wind up their affairs in Germany
with as little trouble as possible, will
become members of the faculty of
the University in Exile of the New
School of Social Research, to be
, - - -AT T

The new institution's University in
Exile was planned this summer when
it became evident that a. large num-
ber of distinguished German educa-
tors "furloughed" by Hitler would be
available and could be banded to-
gether in one of the most distin-
guished faculties a scholarly student
can hope to study under.
Here are ten of the fifteen who
will make up this faculty: Prof. Max
Wertheimer, experimental psychol-
ogy, logic and philosophy; E. Von
Hornboste, musicology, psychology
and ethnology; his son, J. Hornboste,
physics; Frieda Wunderlich, eco-
nomics and sociology; Karl Brandt,
agricultural economics; Emil Lederer,
labor and social problems; Gerhard
Colm, public finance; Arthur Fieler,
inf -en . fin, nnl Hn.. TArm -.,-,'

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