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December 09, 1933 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-12-09

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The Weather
Generally fair, rising tem-
perature in west today; tomor-
row unsettled and warmer.



44 ii


Boys .



VOL. XLIV No. 65



__._ _

State Senate
Liquor Bill Debate Will
Come Before Body In
Monday Session
Glass Sales Still
Permitted By Act

Two Are Killed 4s Trains Collide In Virginia Wreck

Changes Seen
In Extent Of
League Duties
France Will R e s is t Any
Radical Attempt To Vary
League Of Nations
Disarmament Felt
Paramount Issue

Pleased With Repeal

Measure Will Return T
House After Passage By
LANSING, Dec. 8-. -(/1) - The
Legislature stood adjourned for the
week-end tonight, leaving behind it
in the Senate a badly mangled liquoi
bill, laden with 46 amendments.
After two days of bitter debate, th
Senate this morning completed work
on the measure in committee of the
whole, by retaining the controversial
clause permitting glass sales of liquor
on a majority vote of local legislative
bodies. It will return here Monday to
resume debate leading toward the
final passage of the measure and its
return to the House.
Clouded with grave doubts as to its
constitutionality a n d containing
highly controversial amendments,
the measure will ultimately go to a
conference committee. Retained in
the Senate for 13 days already, the
measurecannot possibly be enacted
before the middle of next week.
As the bill emerged from committee
of the whole, the extreme wet minor-
ity lost its fight for unlimited sale
of liquor by the glass. An amendment
by Senator Leo G. Karwick, Dem.,
Detroit, to throw the state wide open
to glass sales until prohibited by local
legislative ,bodies was defeated. Sim-
ilarly, an attempt by Senator James
T. Upjohn, Rep., Prohibitionist of
Kalamazoo, to outlaw glass sales ex-
cept by a referendum, was set aside.
Karwick also lost a fight to give
Wayne County glass sales immediate-
ly without a vote of the Common
The bill now permits glass sales of
hard liquor in hotels, in communities
where a majority of the legislative
bodies vote for such a plan. Sale of
liquor by the glass would be pro-
hibited in restaurants throughout the
state except in Wayne County and
in the Upper Peninsula.
College students won back the fight
for beer when the Senate lowered the
age limit of those eligible to purchase
brew from 21 to 18. The Senate also
inserted amendments requiring the
liquor commission to accept low bids
on its purchases and removing the
penalty on minor infractions of com-
mission regulation.,
Attempts during the debate to abol-
ish the so-called modern "set-ups" in
public places and to divert local rev-
enues to the schools were defeated.
The first amendment would have re-
quired consumption of all package
liquor at home
Wiekenden To
Speak Before
S .... Group
A "get-acquainted" meeting of the
Michigan engineering faculties is be-
ing held today in the Union under
the auspices of the Michigan Com-
mittee of the Society for the Promo-
tion of Engineering Education. Two
meetings are being held, the first of
which will be presided over by R. H.
Spahr and will be addressed by Mr.
Franklin J. Keller, now director of
the National Occupational Confer-
The first meeting will be held at
2 p. m. William E. Wickenden will
address the second meeting which will
te opresided over by Dean H. C. Sad-
r of the engineering college.
Approximately 60 to 70 members
of Michigan faculties of engineering
will attend the conference. Mr. Wil-
liam E. Wickenden, the second
speaker, is a man well-known to en-
gineering enthusiasts throughout the
country; at present he is President

of the Society for the Promotion of
Engineering Education. Mr. Wick-
enden achieved this position through
excellent work as a member of Car-
negie Foundation Committee for the
investigation of Engineering educa-
tion throughout the country.

Joseph Avenol Leaves
Paris And London
Discuss Problems
(By Associated Press)
Conversations from which



-Assoclatekd Press Photo
The engineer and fireman of a passenger train w ere killed near Fredericksburg, Va., when that train
collided with a freight train. This picture provides a general view of the wreckage which resulted.

Symposium On Intolerance To
Open Today At Michigan Union

The symposium on Intolerance,
which opens at 2:30 p. m. today at
the Union under the joint auspices
of the Council of Religion and the
Hillel Foundation, isahconscientious
attempt to analyze the causes and
possible remedies of a situation which
is unfortunately prevalent today.
Its aim is primarily to present a
clinical diagnosis of emotional atti-
tudes that make for bigotry. There
are three fundamental causes of
these attitudes which will comprise
the specific points of discussion. They
are, first, the natural inability to
tolerate differences in race, class, and
religion; second, the stereotyped
judgments in such matters which
are largely prevalent; and third, the
economical competition between the
different sects.
The afternoon session, which will
deal .with the causes, will be under
the direction of Professors Z. Clark
Dickenson, Walter B. Pillsbury, R.
D. McKenzie, and Roy W. Sellars.
Each of the speakers will discuss the
problem from the standpoint of ex-
perience in his own department.
The second session, which will be
presented at 8 p. m. today, will be
Wood Delivers
First Talk Of
Housing Series
Delinquency Of American
People Blamed On Poor
Living Conditions
Inadequate housing as exemplified
in most of the cities of the United
States is one of the prime causes of
the high delinquency rate of the
American people, Prof. Arthur E.
Wood of the sociology department
stated yesterday in the first of a
series of five lectures on housing
sponsored by the College of Architec-
Citing statistics gathered from the
municipality of Hamtramck in De-
troit, Professor Wood showed how the
high rates of divorces and juvenile
delinquency can be traced directly
to crowded living conditions in tene-
ments. Professor Wood's lecture was
followed by an illustrated lecture
given by Prof. Wells I. Bennett of the
Collegeyof Architecture on "The Ar-
chitect and Housing."
The third and fourth lectures in
the series will be given Monday at
4 and 4:45 p. . by Prof. Ernest M.
Fisher of the School of Business Ad-
ministration who will speak on "The
Land Problem in Housing" and G.
Frank Cordner, Detroit architect,
who will s'peak on "The Architecture
of Detroit's Slum Clearance and
Housing Project."
Walter H. Blucher of the Detroit
City Plant Commission will give the
last lecture in the series at 7:30 p. m.
on "A Study for the Rehabilitation
of Blighted Areas with Particular
Reference to the Housing Problem in
Detroit." All the lectures will be
given in the main auditorium of the
Architecture building and are open
to the general public.
DETROIT, Dec. 8. --(0)1-Jesse

concerned with a discussion of the
cures. The speakers at this meeting
will be Prof. Preston W. Slosson, Dr.
John W. Stanton, and Professors
William H. Worrell and DeWitt H.
Interest has been expressed by
many prominent persons, including
President Alexander G. Ruthven. In
a letter to Rabbi Bernard Heller, Di-
rector of the Hillel Foundation, Pres-
ident Ruthven said, "Permit me to
express the hope that your meeting
... will be successful... . We all, stu-
dents, teachers, and scholars, can
never afford to forget that intoler-
ance is a function of ignorance. If
education cannot increase and foster
tolerance, it cannot hope to contrib-
ute, as it should, to the solution of
social problems."
Exhibit Of First Editions
On Display In Library
An interesting exhibit of first edi-
tion books written by many of the
most famous American and British
authors, playwrights, poets, and es-
sayists of the period from 1900 to the
present time is now on view in the
main floor lobby of the library.
Some of the greatest names of con-
temporary literature are represented
in the library show cases. First edi-
tions by Conrad, Dreiser, Barrie,
Yeats, Shaw, Galsworthy, Kipling
and many others by famed authors
are present. Frost, Sandburg, Millay,
and Service are some of the poets
whose first editions are numbered in
the collection. A first edition by the
dramatist Noel Coward and "Ah Wil-
derness," the latest work of Eugene
O'Neill, are in the exhibit.
De Valera Will
e rie l
For Freedo
Irish Leader Maintains A
Defiant Attitude Despite
Anticipated Force
NEW YORK, Dec.-8.-(P) -Pres-
ident Eamon de Valera of the Irish
Free State will carry on in his fight
for independence despite what he
termed England's threats of armed
force to prevent a split with the Brit-
ish commonwealth.
In an exclusive cable to the Asso-
ciated Press, de Valera recalled that
"for 750 years Ireland has striven
to wrin back her independence,
"She will not cease now," he added.
Although the fighting Irish leader
and former professor reiterated his
determination to strive for freedom
he was silent on what his next move
would be.
He expressed bitter dissatisfaction
with the recent refusals of Dominions
Secretary J. H. Thomas to reply di-
rectly to de Valera's recent question
as to what would be done if the Free
State should sever connections with
the commonwealth.
Mr. Thomas, before the house of
commons, replied with a refusal to
discuss what he termed an hypothet-
ical question.

Initiation For
Facultv Men
McCready, Chlipman, And
Bates Are Honored By
Phi Lambda Upsilon
In a special initiation of Phi
Lambda Upsilon, national honorary
society in chemistry and chemical
engineering, held i st night at the
Union, honorary associate member-
ships were awarded to three faculty
Those initiated were Prof. Donald
W. McCready of the chemical en-
gineering departms nt; Prof. John
Chipman, assistant of the metallur-
gical engineering department; and
Prof. John R. Bates, of, the physical
chemistry department.
The initiation was conducted by
Frederick Y. Wiselogle, Grad., Alfred
W. Fleer, Grad., and Loren T. Jones,
Grad., officers of the fraternity. Prof.
William G. Smeaton, professor of
general and physical chemistry and
charter member of the organization,
presented the keys and gave the wel-
coming address. Each of the initiates
responded with a short talk on some
phase of their particular pursuits.
The initiation banquet was attend-
ed by more than 50 members of the
fraternity, including faculty, gradu-
ates, and students.

statesmen hope will come a broader
League of Nations, were conducted
Friday in London, Berlin, Paris, and
In Paris, foreign minister Paul
Boncour said France would resist any
radical attempt to change the League.
but is willing to consider minor re-
forms in it.
Other French statesmen indicated
that France may act as mediator in
efforts to win back powers that have
withdrawn from Geneva, and that
this matter will be discussed in talks
here and in Praha and Warsaw by
M. Paul Boncour.
Downing Street seemed to believe
disarmament was the paramountis-
sue, but it was authoritatively indi-
cated that Great Britain would en-
tertain concrete proposals offered for
reorganizing the League.
Sir John Simon, the British for-
eign secretary, had a round of talks
with ambassadors and disarmament
Joseph A. C. Avenol, the secretary
general of the League, left Geneva
for London and Paris where he was
scheduled to confer on League and
disarmament problems.
Fulvio Suvich, the Italian undersec-
retary of state, will leave for Berlin
Sunday to try to get a definite state-
ment on the German arms policy, it
was reported.y
Cuban . Troops
Are Prepared;
Fear Outbreak
HAVANA, Dec. 8-- I)-Heavy de-
tachments of soldiers and sailors
moved into midtown Havana from
nearby posts early today and govern-
ment leaders, including President
Ramon Grau San Martin, spent a
sleepless night.
There were long conferences be-7
tween representatives of the Grau1
regime, and, later, between these
leaders and men heading opposition-
ist groups, but the significance of the
parleying was not made known.
Speculation was aroused by a
meeting at the palace between Dr.
Antonio Guiteras, secretary of in-
terior and war, who has been re-
ported to be planning a coup to over-<
throw the government, and the Ur-l
uguayan minister, Fernandez de Me-
dina, author of a political concilia-
tion plan.
Adding to the disturbed feeling1
during the night, all stores were or-
dered to close at midnight and many
late motorists were stopped and
questioned by soldiers.
Much of the military preparation,
which included further moves toward
fortifying the place, was due to the
government's desire to be ready for
any disorders in connection with the
inauguration at midnight of the new
"50 per cent law."

-Associated Press Photo
Al Smith, an old foe of prohibition,
wouldn't "take a drink in the day-
time" even after repeal, but he
flashed this smile to show his atti-
tude toward the situation.
Foreign Trade
Sought In New
eer, Wine ill
Administration Proposes
$2.60 Hard Liquor Tax
To Discourage Its Sale
WASHINGTON, Dec.. 8 - (A) - A
liquor program to encourage an ex-
panded Federal revenue, an enlarged
two-way foreign trade and to foster
a National beer and light wine ap-
petite along with discouraging the
bootlegger was proposed to Congress
today by the President's Interdepart-
mental Committee.
The report submitted to the House
Ways anid Means Committee by Act-
ing Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr.,
of the Treasury, proposed a $2.60 a
gallon tax on distilled spirits, esti-
mated to be capable of raising $00,-
000,000 of annual revenue, including
$156,000,000 from beer. The beer tax
would remain at $5 a barrel, the pres-
ent levy for the 3.2 beverage.
At the same time, the committee
suggested to lawmakers that they
grant the President power to nego-
tiate with liquor countries for recip-
rocal trade agreements under which
the United States would expect the
right to sell its products in countries
from which it bought liquor. .
This move already is under way.
The most recent evidence of it came
today with the visit of Sir Ronald
Lindsay, the British ambassador,
with Secretary Henry A. Wallace,
presumably to discuss a liquor-based
barter between the United States and
Great Britain.
The report will be made public
Monday when the fiscal committees
of both the House and Senate con-
vene to begin work on a liquor tax
The committee took cognizance of
the likelihood that the States would
seek to augment their incomes from
liquor taxes. It proposed co-ordina-
tion of State and Federal liquor taxa-
tion "on some basis equitable to
both." Suggestions already have
been made that the Federal Govern-
ment collect liquor taxes and allocate
them to the States.
Wiemer Gives
Testimony In
Trial Of Dunn
The fourth day of the trial of Brent
Dunn, facing a charge of murder,
dragged to a close yesterday, after
the entire day had been devoted to
the questioning of George Wiemer,
convicted accomplice of Dunn, and
Sheriff Jacob B. Andres.
Wiemer, who was on the stand two
hours Thursday afternoon and all
yesterday morning, told in detail of
going to the house of John Reinhart,
and of binding the old man in order
to look for money which supposedly
was hidden in the house. He testified
that Dunn had inserted the gag that
suffocated the old man.
During the afternoon, Sheriff An-
dres, last witness for the State, took
the stand and told of the confessions
Dunn had made the night of the
murder, Oct. 10.

Jobs Are
$35,000 To $40,000 Is
Granted By State CWA
Board At Lansing
Work To Provide
Jobs For Students
Extension Of Power Line
And Heat Tunnel To Last
Thirty To Sixty Days
Two University projects entailing
an expenditure of from $35,000 to
$40,000 of Civil Works Administra-
tion funds were approve by the
State CWA Board at jansing yes-
terday, according to Prof. Lewis M.
Gram, director of plant extension,
Present, plans for the. two projects
call for 50 men to work from 30 to
60 days on an extension of the Uni-
versity lighting and power service to
the athletic plant in and about the
Intramural Building, and the exten-
sion of the University heating tun-
nel from South University Avenue
southward to the Elementary School
Building and to the Architecture
Students are eligible to register for
work on the two new projects, Pro-
fessor Gram said, and they may file
their applications any time at the
County Court House. It is expected
that their applications will be judged
impartiality with non-student regis-
trations, with only skill and financli
need entering into the final choice
of workers.
Those who are selected for the
work will be given specific assign-
ments on the two projects by Ed-
ward C. Pardon, superintendent of
the Building and Grounds Depart-
Although the $40,000 CWA appro-
priation for University work repre-
sents almost all that the institution is
entitled to through the local board,
other work for students may be forth-
coming through direct negotiations
between the University'and Lansing,
Professor Gram said. This work will
be of a research type rather than
manual, he stated.
Several student applications for
jobs were received yesterday at the
County Court House, reports said. It
is expected that preliminary diffi-
culties encountered with student reg-
istration will have been surmounted
by the time registration for the new
projects is well under way.
The University is being systema-
tically canvassed for additional proj-
ects, it was said by Professor Gram,
These projects will assume definite
shape in the near future, and will
be designed more for students than
were the two projects approved yes-
terday, he declared.
Coaches Vo t e
For Return Of
Training Table
Bi g T e n Leaders Favor
Professional F o r w a r d
Pass Rule Change

CHICAGO, Dec. 8- (2') -Bristling
with new ideas and voting for them
almost to the man, the Big Ten foot-
ball coaches today asked for the re-
turn of the training table on a modi-
fled basis within their own confer-
ence and recommended three drastic
changes in the playing rules to the
national football rules committee.
In addition they requested that the
conference faculty committee move
up the "deadline" on the opening of
orfganized football practice in the
fall from Sept. 15 to Sept. 10 to give
all Big Ten teams an equal start in
their drills.
T he recommendations o f r u le
changes to the national committee
Adoption of the rule in use in the
National Professional Football League
whereby forward passes may be
thrown from any point behind the
line of scrimmage instead of "a point
at least five yards behind the line
of scrimmage" now in effect.
Removal of the present collegiate
rule whereby a ball is declared"dead"

Sophomore Cabaret
Stages Gala Opening
"Come Up Sometime," the Sopho-
more Cabaret punchline, was accept-
ed enthusiastically by, it seemed, all
the unattached males on the campus
as the Cabaret got under way yester-
day afternoon and last night.
The "Ladies of the Ensemble" who
appeared in the floor show were
fetchingly attired in costumes of 1910
complete with picture hats. One of
the most popular features of the floor
show was the dance committed in
bathing suits of the period.
Of the extra attractions the blood-
and-thunder, heart-rending, soul-
searing mellerdrammer, "Blossom, or
The Wolf at the Door," was the fa-
vorite, drawing in crowds to boo the
villain and cheer the hero, Gold Nug-
get Jim, at each performance.
The Cabaret will be continued this
afternoon and this evening. You
must "Come Up Sometime!"

Freshmen Planning To Move
Must Notify Landladies-Wahr

Freshmen desiring to live in their
fraternity houses during the second
semester must notify their landladies
that they intend to move out of
their houses by the evening of Jan.
28, Prof. Fred B. Wahr, assistant dean
of students, stated yesterday.
This ruling is in accordance with
the general regulation which makes
rooming contracts signed with house-
holders in approved rooming houses
valid for both semesters unless notifi-
cation is given to the householder
at least two weeks before the end

- at least 11 hours and 14 honor
points on the literary college rating-
is also a prerequisite for moving into
houses, under the motion of the Sen-
ate Committee on Student Affairs
which was passed Thursday and
which relaxed the usual rule making
it necessary for first year men to
live outside their houses for the whole
first year.
This permission was granted after
a petition was passed by the Inter-
fraternity Council asking the Senate
Committee to relax the ruling in
order to help out houses which are


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