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December 08, 1933 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-12-08

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'Messiah' To
Be Presented
Here Sunday
Handel's Oratorio Will Be
Offered By University
Choral Union

Huey Long Is Burned In Effigy

Health Service Gives Causes,
Preventions Of CorninColds

300 Students


Appear In Chorus
Symphony Orchestra Also
To Play; Performance
To Start At 3:30 P. M.
Handel's oratorio, "The Messiah,"
will be presented by the University
of Michigan Choral Union, assisted
by Arthur Hackett, Mrs. Thelma von
Eisenhauer, Miss Helen McClaflin,
and Carl Lindegren, soloists, at 3:30
p. m. next Sunday in Hill auditori-
Because of the fact that the en-
tire parts I and II will be given, the
hour has been advanced from the
usual time, 4:15 p. in., in order that
the program may close at the usual
time. The May Festival stage has
been erected in the auditorium, in
order to accommodate the chorus of
300 who will present the work. {
Moore Will Direct
The performance will be directed
by Dr. Earl V. Moore, musical direc-
tor of the School of Music, and the
University S y m p h o n y Orchestra,
numbering nearly 100 players, will
accompany the chorus.
The soloists, all of whom are or
have been associated with the School
of Music, are distinguished in their
fields. Mrs. Thelma von Eisenhauer,
Detroit soprano and a former stu-
dent in the University, has won dis-
tinction by reason of her many con-
cert appearances where she became
a well-known oratorio singer; Helen
McClaflin, supervisor of music at
Kent College, Kent, O., has studied
under Arthur Hackett and has won
the respect of audiences as a con-
tralto of merit.
Hackett To Sing
Arthur Hackett, tenor and head of
the voice department, has sung "The
Messiah" throughout the United
States under leading orchestras and
conductors; and Carl Lindegren, pro-
fessor of voice at Michigan State
Teachers' College at Ypsilanti, is a
former student in the School of Mu-
sic. Later he continued his work
i the East and for a number of
years has been a voice teacher and
a concert artist.
The public is requested to come
sufficiently early to be seated on
time. The doors will be, opened at
3:00 p. m.
Architecture Students
Visit Toledo Tomorrow
Thirty architectural and decorative
design students tomorrow will make
an all-day visit inspection of two To-
ledo institutions under the direction
of Prof. Walter W. J. Gores and Ross
T. Bittinger of the College of Archi-
The morning will be spent inspect-
ing decorative and industrial glass
and its manufacture at the plant of
the, Libbey Glass Manufacturing
Company. In the afternoon the par-
ty will visit the Toledo Art Museum
which has an unusually fine collec-
tion of old glass, according to Prof.
Emil Lorch,

With the advent of cooler weather
in the fall, there is a corresponding
rise in the number of "colds" or re-
spiratory infections, a report of the
University Health Service states.
The number continues variably
throughout the winter, but with
marked increases in October and
March as shown by studies among
University students from 1917 to the
present. This common malady is a
bane to both patient and physician.
To the former it is especially trou-
blesome because of its uncomfortable
symptoms, its more serious compli-
cation and the loss of time at one's
occupation. To the doctor it is a
constant problem because he has no
armementarium which is specific for
its treatment and prolonged cure.
One cold confers no immunity. The
cause of the common cold is not defi-
nitely known. Recent bacteriological
works present evidence to show that
its cause may be a filterable virus,
an organism which can not be de-
tected with the aid of a microscope.
Much time and money has been spent.
on research concerning this ailment,
but complete knowledge of its cause
still evades the medical profession.
Infection Important
Infection, no doubt, plays an im-
portant role in the production of
colds, but its exact nature is still in
doubt. There are several general pre-
disposing causes which play a certain
part in their production. The most
important are: lowering of body re-
sistance by lack of sufficient sleep end
proper food, over-heated homes or
living quarters, excessive fatigue, ex-I
posure to drafts and reduction of
body temperature by prolonged chill-
ing. It is a known fact that outdoor
workers have fewer colds than those
who work indoors.
Important local predisposing causes
of respiratory infections are: abnor-
mal conditions in the nose and throat
such as deformities of nasal cavities
and chronically diseased tonsils and
adenoids. The correction of these
abnormal conditions often decreases
the susceptibility of the individual,
the report continued.
"One cannot overemphasize the
importance of prompt and proper

is often considered of minor impor-
tance at the start and little or no
;are is given to it unless a serious
complication ensues. We must re-
member that it is often the predeces-
sor of pneumonia and is responsible
for the large percentage of sinus
disease, middle ear and mastoid in-
fections. Some of the more common
of contagious diseases as measles,
scarlet fever and diphtheria have anI
onset similar to a common cold."
Use Of 'Cure-Ails' Discouraged
The local treatment of a cold
should consist of the more simple
drugs which give one relief from the
uncomfortable symptoms and which
are recommended by one's physician.
The use of many cures and cure-alls
as recommended by advertisements
and friends should be discouraged,
the report stated.
Preventive measures are important
in order to avoid respiratory infec-
tions and to promote the individual's
lessened susceptibility. It is impor-
tant to obtain sufficient hours of
regular sleep, proper food, to have
clean hands 'at meals, to avoid over-
heated rooms and undue exposure
to cold.
Some daily exercise out of doors
should be obtained and proper dispo-
sal of secretions of the nose and the
throat is quite important. The im-
portance o1 bed rest can not be over-
emphasized. It is the most effec-
tive treatment, but often the most
impractical and inconvenient sug-
gestion a physician can give to his
patient. Prompt medical aid should
be obtained if a complication arises
or if the cold does not disappear in a
short time, the report concluded.
The University of Michigan Club
of Canton will hold a party honoring
students at the University during the
Christmas holidays, according to an
announcement received by T. Haw-
ley Tapping, general secretary of the
Alumni Association.
Rafael Palma, president of Uni-
versity of Philippines for the last 11

Sociology Meeting
To Be Held In East
The annual meeting of the Ameri-
can Sociology Society, convening in
Philadelphia Dec. 26-29, will be at-
tended by members of the sociology
department of the University who
will read papers and attend-sections
of the association.
Prof. Roderick D. McKenzie, chair-
man of the sociology department, will
give a paper before one of the groups
on the subject of "Industrial Ex-
pansion and Interrelations of Peo-

The University ofMichigan Club
of Houston will hold a meeting to-
night to honor E. J. Hyde who is
making a tour of inspection of or-
ganized and unorganized alumni
groups in the southwest, T. Hawley
Tapping, general secretary of the
Alumni Association, announced yes-
ples," and Prof. Robert C. Angell will
read a paper on the family.
Professor McKenzie's paper will
deal with development of industry
in the newer countries of the world
since the War, and the interrelations
of these countries with other nations.

-Associated Press Photo
Political fever rose to high pitch in Hammond, La., during the
election to select a successor to the late Congressman Bolivar Kemp.
This effigy ofHuey Long was burned on a Hammond street.
Fraternities Have Learned To
Economize In Depression Ye ar s

-Leading With
Honest Values. .
Note These Values For
Dinner Tonight!
Roast Young Tom Turkey. . . . 18c
made most delectable with home made stuff-
ing, baked slowly, and served with rich whole
cranberry sauce .
Baked Fillet of Haddock . . . . 14c
Ocean fresh . .. cooked to a golden brown
served with purest fresh creamery butter .
Broiled T-Bone Steak . . 19c
Broiled Sirloin Steak . . . . . 15c
-U. S. Government stamped beef is used ex-
clusively at this modern cafeteria-
-we make our own pastry to insure purity
-butter torte cake is featured at 5c a cut.

The rapid disappearance of care-
less, care-free, spending and manage-
ment of Greek-letter societies on
American campuses has been revealed
by a surveyconducted by the Na-
tional Interfraternity Conference
which is reported in full by George
S. Lasher, '11, in the Dec. 9 issue of
the Michigan Alumnus. The survey
covered 1070 chapters of 49 national
groups and represented 65 per cent
of all fraternity membership in the
Aware of the times, Lasher reports,
undergraduate members of fraterni-
ties on more than 100 campuses in
the United States and Canada have
carried out economies saving their
groups from possible disaster and
producing healthier organizations.
Serious efforts to adjust the college
fraternity to the problems of the de-
pression have resulted in the elimina-
tion of inefficiency and justifiable
criticism of the present Greek-letter
world, the survey point out.
Eating Costs CCut
The most drastic reductions in ex-
penses were made in dining service.
A decline in food costs enabled about
80 per cent of the chapters reporting
to lower their board rates, some by
more than 20 per cent.
Ten per cent of the chapters cov-
ered reported that they had reduced
room rent more than 30 per cent,
while over half had made some re-
duction in this expense.
Criticism directed toward so-called
large and unnecessary expenditures
for social events has been answered
by replies that 95 per cent of the
chapters have reduced the costs of
their social activities. Only 49 re-
ported that they had made no re-
ductions in this line. More than 300
groups have reduced initiation fees
and dues during the past four year.
That the collection of accounts has
proved no more difficult to the fra-
ternities during the depression years
is shown by the fact that the number

of those chapters collecting 90 per
cent of their outstanding debts has;
increased since 1931.
Other reductions in expenses have,
been effected by co-operative buying,
lowered rent, reduction of salaries to
employees, restriction and elimination
of scholarships, installation of pay!
telephone stations, and reduction of
chapter publications.
Find New Income
Individual chapters have found sev-
eral new sources of income to offset
the reductions of regular revenue.
The most common methods have been
by allowing alumni and non-members
to room and board in the chapter
house, by renting the house during
the summer, by giving benefit social
functions, and by leasing their table
to outsiders.
In concluding the survey, the mem-
bers of the committee declared that
they believe the study had indicated
a spirit of loyalty and a readiness on
the part of the undergraduates to
make sacrifices to maintain their fra-
ternities. It was pointed out that the
abolition of many activities close to
college life had enabled fraternities
to maintain comfortable rooming and:
boarding conditions and the retention
of forces working for the good of the
Greek-letter groups.
Bennett Will Speak At
University Club Meeting
The regular monthly meeting of
the University Club will be held at 9
p. m. tomorrow night, T. Hawley
Tapping, general secretary of the
Alumni Association, announced yes-
Prof. Wells I. Bennett, of the Col-
lege of Architecture, will give an il-
lustrated lecture on "Housing in Eng-
land and Germany." The meeting is
open to members of the University
Club and their guests.

338 Maynard Street

mike fingerle, prop.

care of a cold," the report reads. "It years, resigned last week.




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