THEI, --MICH TGAN, .,DATLY FRIDAY, DECEMBER-8, 19.33 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY EILIDAY,~ D~U~MB~&8. ~%3 VIany Houses Entertain Over ASt eek-End 1 Fr~ :t-aC r V~acaem With Dinners Taking adivan c of the last week- id beforc valam>on. many houses on Iripus ar cntertamnin with formals id dinner dances, Over 21 frater- tics and so:'ritb are holding mnces either Friday or Saturday ght. Alpha Delta Phi fraternity is hold- g a house party over the week-end. r. and Mrs. G. D. Daugherty are iaperoning the affair, which has en arranged by J. G. Griswold, Jr., To Dance Tonight June Warsaw, Co-Ed Magician Professors And lo es To Be A Mathemratiiean Wives Attend By KATHERINE STARR ident would envy. Not only can she Ce lebrations3 Yawn indifferently when a little make money disappear, but she can_ gray mouse comes hopping playfully also make it multiply. out of your typewriter. Maintain your Miss Warsaw is able to extrac R Residents of Helen Newberry dor- equilibrium if your ink bottle disap- rabbits from silk hats and cause mitory entertained last night with pears from the top of your desk and beautiful women to vanish into space, their. third important dinner of the turns up mysteriously in your bath- but she does not as a rule perform season. The tables were attractively tub. For strange disappearances and such spectacular stunts. "I try to con- decorated with red candles. Among stranger reappearances may be ex- fine myself to 'vest pocket tricks,'''edertswhoharend e Amofg pected on the campus while June she declares. "This avoids my having the guests who attended were: Prof. Warsaw, '34, co-ed magician, is a to make elaborate preparations when and Mrs. W. R. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. student here. I come to a new platform." N. W. Eddy, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Miss Warsaw, who was recently Restoring objects previously torn, Steere, Mr. and Mi'rs. A. R. Morris, photographed by Paramount news- burned, or disjointed is Miss War- Mr. and Mrs D. W. McCready, Mr. reel cameraman, has performed before! saw's specialty. She is also expert and Mrs. J. N. Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. large audiences in various parts of at performing card tricks, and is able D. C. Long, and Mr. S. M. Scott. Michigan. Her father, A. J. Warsaw to change clubs into spades, jacks Mary Adarnski, '36, entertained of Grand Rapids, is a non-profes- into queens, and kings into aces. Yes, after dinner with a piano recital. sional magician of note and is now she admits that her ability serves Elsa Van Slyke, '35, was in charge of president of the western Michigan, her in good stead in bridge and poker the affair. branch of the International Brother- games. hood of Magicians, of which Miss When asked how she liked per- entertained at a Christmas faculty Warsaw is one of the few feminine forming before the camera, Miss dinner last night, Red roses and green members. Mr. Viarrrsaw hbe an in W~raurnir " " sn n®fri~r Newest Hat Models Are Not Becoming To Many Women i i a 4 PARIS, Dec. 7 - (AP) -1Hts are off the forehead again. The newest models seem designed to decree, "Show your face," for they are worn far enough back to set the features in bold relief. Some of them are set well back of the hair line while others frame the face like a hoed. With the forehead so boldly revealed the line is often drawn low- er on the sides and in back in a manner suggesting a bonnet. Hats that dip over the forehead are still shown by most of the lead- ing modistes, however, for the bold- ness of the new line is unbecoming to many women. Berets pulled for- ward in a piquant point and toques with a feather perched at a rakish angle on top are worn by many of the best-dressed Paris women. Barristers Initiate 11 New Members Barristers, hronoay senior law fraternity, initiated 11 men recei'tly. The new members are: Thomas I. Hefferan, Walter D. Icu'ick, Laur- ence E. Hartwig. card H. rin, Edwin L. Stanley, Charles H. Miltner, Howard W. Fant, David K. Rankin, Lee Henson, John W. Steen, Fred V. Albertson. A banquet at the Union follow:d the mock ilrial which resulted in David Rankin being acquitted of a heinous offense. Samuel Weilman, president of the Earristers. acted as toastmaster. Professor Jesse Reeves addressed the initiates. For Kappa Sigma is holding a limited bid party with music furnished by Al Cowan's band. The house will be decorated in Christmas manner. The guests of the party will be Dr. and Mrs. M. R. McGarvey, and Prof. and Mrs. F. N. Menefee. James Cook, '36, has planned the dance at Alpha Kappa Lambda, which will be chaperoned by Prof. and Mrs. A. J. Jobin, Prof. and Mrs. C. M. McConkey, and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Sampson. Members of Beta Theta Phi fra- ternity are entertaining at a dinner dance tonight.- Mlr. andrMrs. For- rest A. Heath will chaperone. Delta Tau Delta is holding a dance tonight which will be chaperoned by Dr. W. M. Brace and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elbers. At Lambda Chi Alpha, Lieut. and Mrs. R. R. Coursey will be the chap- erones. The party has been planned by F. W. Hartman, '35. Members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity are entertaining with a closed formal dinner dance tonight. Music will be furnished by the "Am- bassadors." Tommy Conmer's band will play for the closed formal at Sigma Nu fraternity. The dance is to be chap- eroned by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oakes. Phi Kappa Tau is holding a formal dinner dance, which will be chap- eroned by Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Christensen. Robert Young, '36, is in charge of an informal closed dance to be held at the Phi Delta Theta fraternity tonight. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Durfee ahd Prof. and Mrs. Earl D. Moore will chaperon the party. The mem- bers of Theta Delta Chi will enter- JUST RECEIVED 100 GORDON RU RSY R EE F ERS 4%5 Dorothy Roth, '35, Fpith Critten- den, and Rose Anne Manchester, as they will appear before those who attend the Sophomore Cabaret and the League Fair tonight at the League. tain at a closed formal dance to- night. Russ White's orchestra will furnish the music. Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Dorr will be the guests of the party. Fred George, '34, is mak- ing all arrangements for the dance. Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity will entertain tonight with a formal dance. James, K. Davis, '36, is in charge. A Detroit orchestra will play. The Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority will be converted into a night club to- night to entertain the pledges at a formal dance. Prof. and Mrs. Moritz Levi and Prof. and Mrs. I. L. Sharf- man will chaperon the party. Max Gail's orchestra will furnish the mu- sic. Helen Levinson, '35, will make all arrangements for the dance. Dr. I. Jerome Hauser and Mr. and Mrs. L. Baum will act as chaperones at the closed formal dance tonight at the Phi Sigma Delta fraternity. To Conduct Candle Lighting Services The student fellowship of the Con- gregational Church will conduct its Second Annual candle lighting service at 7 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 10, in the main auditorium of the Congrega- tional Church, it has been announced by Mrs. A. D. Tinker, director of thek student group. The candle lighting will be accom- panied by a program of Christmas music presented under the direction of Miss Ruth Pfohl, instructor in the School of Music, and Lyle Shumate, '34SM. Miss Pfohl and Mr. Shumate are being assisted in preparing the program by Professors David Mat- tern and Nicholas Falcone of the School of Music. The music will be presented by a harp sextet, four trombones, violins, violincellos, organ, choir, and vocal soloist. Unusual effects will be ob-, 11C~ui.I. . .-uwugu in-warsaw repie:" a oerrll Iie wa me ociy tapers decorated the tables. Amon structing his daughter in the art of impressed than ever of the fact that the guests present were Prof. and magic when she was a high school almost half of a magician's success thesB A. Soule, Prof. and Mrs. W. student in Grand Rapids. Since then lies in his having a good patter. Since Gs. SB. A. So, Prof. and Mrs. J. L. Miss Warsaw has read books on the picture was made as a, silent, I Powers, Prof and Mrs' Waldo Ab- magic and has invented stunts of her was not able to talk andathus felt bot, Mr and Mrs. A. K. Stevens, Mr. own to add to her repertoire. She has rather handicapped. A magician!;tand M R. A. K.nace , Mr. met both Thurston and Blackstone greatly depends on conversation to and Mrs. R. A. Winnacker, Miss when they were guests at her father's divert his audience's attention from Katherine Hill, Mr. J. C. O'Neill, and home and has exchanged tricks with what he is doing. But the movie was both great magicians. lots of fun anyway." Vivian Vischer, '35, was in charge of arrangements for the dinner. Despite her present financial suc- fo cess, Miss Warsaw does not intend t_ leaving college. Instead she aspires to rr be a mathematician, and certainly 4yo Sn 1- h, l [g she possesses an ability that any ha- Soph Cabaret: "Come Up Some- rassed corporation head or bank pres- time"; League, 3:30 and 8 p. m~-. Motion Pictur'es: Michigan, "'Ken- Di'. John L. Seton, president of. 1I F 1nel Murder Case" with William Pow- Albion College, will be the guest of +'1any i acnft y Ili; Majestic, "Wayto Love" and honor at a dinn to be given at 6 fri "College Coach" with Dick Powell; p. m. today at Stalker Hall. The pur- 'Iembhers Are Whitney, "Savage Gold" and "Hello pose of the dinner is threefold: to 'Trouble." honor Dr. Seton, who was recently lancing: League, Union, Hut, elected a member of the local Wes- S Chubb's, Jle Parker's,. Dixie Inn, iey Foundation Board; to enable him Preketes. I to meet the student leaders of Stalkerj _Hall; and to serve as a reunion of1 The patrons and patronesses for former Albion students who are the performances of the Sophomore NeiT - >e f ither studying or teaching in this Cabaret have been announced. For NeUniversity. After dinner, Dr. Seton Friday night they are as follows:, " will speakto the guests about stu- President and Mrs. Alexander G.1 n u midlif ie g dent religious work. Ruthven, Prof. and Mrs. Philip E.i fedn-wo Bursley; Dean Alice Lloyd, Prof. Lewis G. VanderVelde, Mrs. Byrl F. Soug'ht H e r e Wonen' Sorority Gives Bacher, Prof. and Mrs. Preston W. (___Party Ikf ore hrishi as Slosson, Dean and Mrs. Wilbur R. A humidifier cheap enough to be Humphreys, Prof. and Mrs. Arthur D. Kappa Phi, Methodist women's so- Moore, Prof. and Mrs. Robert C. An- installed in any home, is the object rority, gave a Christmas party Tues- gel rf n r. es .Reeof experiments being conducted by roiy!aeaCrsmspryTis gell, Prof. and Mrs. Jesse S. Reeves Prof. Axel Marn, of the mechanical day night. The after-dinner progran and Dr. and Mrs. James D. Bruce. engineering department. included a play presented by Betty For Saturday the patrons are Dean eIMiller, '37, Dorothy Quaife, '37, Betty and Mrs. Joseph Bursley, Dean Wal- From the standpoint of hygiene, Griffith, '34, Marian Sweet, '35, Doris ter B. Rea, Dr. Margaret Bell, Dr. and ;the humidifier is universally approved Joffe, '34, Rosalyn Chapel, '35, and Mrs. Clarence S. Yoakum, Dean and by doctors and hygienists. Heretofore, Betty Reading, '37 Mrs. G. Carl Huber, Vice-President Professor Marin said, humidifying and Mrs. Shirley Smith, Miss Jean- devices have been f' tr too expensive nette M. Perry, Dean and Mrs. Ed- to permit their installation in any GIVES 1)AN CE ANI BRIDGE ward H. Kraus, Prof. and Mrs. 0. J. but the most expensive residences. I The annual dance and bridge party Campbell, Prof. and Mrs. Herbert A. The device sought would be at- of the Blue Triangle League was held Kenyon, Prof. and Mrs. Arthur Van tachable to any type of steam fur- Dec. 6 at the League. Bridge was Duren, Jr., Prof. and Mrs. Daniel nace and would be capable of raising played from 9 to 12 p. m. with a prize Rich, Dean and Mrs. James B. Ed- the amount of moisture in the air offered for every table. Marvin monson, Prof. and Mrs. Fielding H. by almost 30 gallons a day. The ex- Druckenbrod and his Victors fur- Yost, Miss Alto B. Atkinson, Miss El- periment is being conducted with nished music for dancing. Miss Edith len B. Stevenson, Miss Marie Hart- funds provided by the Humidaire Walz was general chairman for the wig, and Miss Virginia Peaseley. Corporation of America. affair. .Cosmopoitan Chtb To Hold Progyram, The Cosmopolitan Club will hold its annual Christmas dance at 8:30 p. m. tomorrow in Lane Hall. All men and women interested are in- vited to attend. During the Christ- mas program 10 cent gifts, which the guests are asked to bring, will be exchanged. The admission price is 5i0 cents a couple. The committee in charge of the dance consists of Mr. Norman Li, Grad.; Dalmacio Miranda, '34; and Alice Estavillo, Grad. f i ntIsel iA d ,Gretel To lierGiven At Matinee A special matinee of "Hansel and Gretel" for students in the school of music and the school of education will be given Thursday, Miss Ethel McCormick announced. There will be no matinee Satur- day, however. AIRLINE RESERVATIONS blight Instr action Local Passenger Flights Special Charter Trips ANN ARBOR C AIR SERVICE Il I Municipal Airport 4320 South State -I N3Day Phone 9270 Night Phone 7739 1 Choice of al $3.95 and $4.95 F'all ant iter co KN 11 F. s\ Fcas A\ A 11 Vacation is coming, and these chic Connxie Cetosoffer the very 1atest in ide at sur- prisingly low prices . . . So here is an opportune chance to save wisely and stylishly by getting your Chiristni foot- wear at January prices. Choose from SUEDES - KiDSKIN BLACK - 1ROWN - GREY Ann Arbor's Smartest Footwear a cs+vsrsaarar- --.:-r ctv . :w-.z.-: m . :.. .;--" -- ti : mva a .X : ®aes.o ne+unaet- .,c _:.-,.cae : -.,.nr _2-F-- . m.: :: ,: Y 9n: :<- ,. awv is e ._. Why Don "r l Special at Hockmeyer Corduroy Blanket Lined dicker Innerlining FOUR-POCKET tained, according to especially with the and the trombones. The candle lighting ing to Mrs. Tinker, humanity's efforts Christmas time the Prof. Mattern, harp ensemble service, accord- is symbolic of to obtain at peace and joy Lawyers Club Holds Xmias Dance Tonight The Lawyers Club will entertain tonight at their annual Christmas Formal Dance. George Knowles, '34L, is in charge. Admission will be by ticket or by invitation of a member. Late permission until 2 a. m. for women attending has been granted by the Senate Committee on Stu- dent Affairs, according, to Mr. Knowles, as has been customary in previous years. Buddy Field's orches- tra is to play, being well known in Detroit for their presentations at the Detroit Athletic Club. Buddy Fields is the writer of many popular tunes, among them being "You Gotta Be a Football Hero." o .O - D 11933 DECEMBER 033 '7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 a. ~ * * - A Large And Choice Selection Of I 11 : I Come Up (I S time v APRcT CA LE ENDA RS Priced a t l5c and up to the WALK A FEW STEPS AND SAVE DOLLARS !om Corb't YOUNG MEN'S SHOP 116 East Liberty St. which the Savior brought with him into the world. A similar service was presented last year, when it was so enthusiastically received that its sponsors decided to prepare another for 1933. The general public, including chil- dren, is invited to attend. 0. D. MORRILL 314 South State Sophomore Cabare "The Stationery And Typewriter Store" I and CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIkI The League Fair including A Meloraa- "The Wolf at the Door" given in the "Palace Nickelodeon" Shirts . . Hosiery Shoes . $1.95 to $2.50 Jewelry Of All Kinds For Formal Wear Melnl's 50c to $2.50 Neckwear $1 to $1.50 ,= i ^ $7 to $8.50 Papamas. Dressing Robes $1.95 to $6.50 $5.50 to $12.50 $2.50 to $4 The largest selection ever shown, and the smartest styled ties in Ann Arbor. .. . 'icture Gallery . . .Campus Exhibits Slippers ... A "Midway Suits Scarfs S... .$27.50 to $37.50 ...........$2. to $2.50 ' __.. _.. w = __- ..--- 01 Tex Vests White and Black Fitted Cases . .. $3.50 to $12.50 $3.50 to $8.50 11 Matched Sets Of Two-Piece Under- Tuxedoes $27.50 to $32.50 andCI 1o wear.......... $1.65 per suit >ats .37.50 and up > I1'l 111 IR11I1 kAAID CA IC W IIfl' I