THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Established 1890 I 11 "."* * N - - Published every morning except Monday during the Uiversity year and Bummer Session by the Board in Conptrol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion a'-1 the Big Ten News Service. soriated°600oMite ress * 1933 NAwuONAL WVRaoen 1934 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusivelr entitled to te use Aor republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as recond class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-Generm. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail. #1.50 During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by mail, $4.25. Offces:nStudent Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-124. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 Est Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Sreet, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago- EDITORIAL SAFF Telephone 4925 MANI GING EDITOR.........THOMAS K, CONNELLAN ITY EDITOR...................BRACKLEY SHAW EDITORIAL DIRECTOR..............C. HART SCHAAF SPORTS EDITOR... .........ALBERT H. NEWMAN WOME'S EDITOR..................CAROL J. HANAN SIG=I EDITORS: A. Ellis BIT, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil- Gam 0 Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George Van Vieck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. !PORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird, Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie Western. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Eleanor'Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan. REPORTERS: Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Ted R. Evans, Bernard H. Fried, Thomas Groehn, Robert D. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski, Thomas H. Kleene, Richard F. Lorch David G. Mac- Donald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parker, William R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Arthur . Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, A. B. Smith, Jr., Arthur M. Taub, Philip T. Van Zile. WOMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie Heid, Eleanor Johnson, Jose- phine McLean. Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Mary Robinson, Jane Schneider. BUSNESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER .........W. GRAFTON SHARP CREDIT MANAGER ..... BERNARD E. SHNACKE WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER. . . ........ A .............................. CATHARINE MC HENRY jEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her- trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert Ward: Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef- *roymson- ASSISTANTS: Meigs.Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra- mer, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard James Scott, David Winkworth. WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Winifred Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady, Betty Chapman, Patricia Daly, Jean Dur- ham, Minna Giffen, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Janet Jackson, Isabelle Kanter, Louise Krause, Margaret Mustard, Nina Pollock, Elizabeth J. Simonds. NIGHT EDITOR: GEORGE VAN VLECK Thy Name Is Caprice . . E IS deceived who thinks he knows Woman. Three weeks ago co-eds voted by rather trem- endous majorities for certain modifications in their hour regulations. . The Daily, which had previously printed one short editorial on the sub- ject, took up in earnest what it believed to be their cause. When both the Women's Board of Representatives and Board of Directors went on record in favor of two of the changes, and when a long list of prominent co-eds declared for pub- lication that they believed there should be an alteration in the rules, The Daily felt certain that it was campaigning for something which the fem- inine part of the campus definitely desired. If this had not been the case -if women had expressed satisfaction with the existing regime- The Daily quite obviously would not and could not have had any interest in the matter., It seems that about 'the only thing left for co-eds to try to obtain, and about the only thing which they seem desirous of obtaining, is the privilege for senior women to stay out one extra hour a week. Dean Lloyd has made no specific promise, but her statement indicates that if the request is reconsidered in the light of the chap- eron problem that would arise, and a workable solution for this problem reached, the privilege may be forthcoming. The matter rests with the co-eds. They have said repeatedly that they desire this change. Their self-governing body has accepted it unanimously- If they still want it, there is a strong probability that they can get it. Sophomore Cabaret .. . M ARGARET HISCOCK tells us this year's sophomore cabaret, opening today, is the best ever. A half-hour of floor show - five acts of vaude- ville - will be presented thrice daily. A hundred and forty hostesses will be on hand to entertain bachelors. The customary frigidity of campus life will be set aside for two days and students, men and women, will be able to enjoy a little high school informality. We are going to be on hand to have our share of the fun. Appointment Of Dr. Blakeman . . A Phi Beta Kappa, he is thoroughly acquainted1 with the university regime. He has won many friends through his sympathetic services in Ann Arbor. More even than this, he has shown him-] self to have the high courage we need in leaders. Gratitude must be expressed to Mr. Earhart for once again contributing substantially to the well- being and growth of the University.I Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not bej construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre- garded. The names of communcants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu- tors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 500 words if possible. SANITY'S FRIENDS AND NEWSPAPER READING To The Editor: "A friend of sanity" (referred to below as "Afos") -if he is an American - belongs to that vast group of our countrymen who do not read the newspaper carefully or merely glance at papers which devote many columns to society gossip and athletics but neglect .to report fully events of historic significance because they occur beyond the country limits. One is tempted to divide Americans into those who read internation- ally-minded newspapers like "The New York Times," and "The Christian Science Monitor," and those who do not. The first group realizes that the decrees of the Nazi government as well as the official speeches and acts of Hitler are more than sufficient to utterly condemn the Nazi. Has Afos not heard that the United States had to protest against the bad manners of the present German government which did not punish the Nazi who had beaten over thirty American tourists for fail- ing to give the Nazi salute or because they were Jews? How can such official facts be compared to the atrocity propoganda of the World War? Afos overlooks the fact that Reichstag fire came just before the March election, enabling the chan- cellor - Hitler - to wipe out the meagre remains of constitutionalism; with this arson the Nazi tightened their stranglehold on the ethical groups in Germany. "The Brown Book of the Hitler Terror" (Knopf)' perpared by an international committee headed by Lord Marley, shows that Van der Lubbe was the "fall guy" who was probably tempted by a promise of immunity, plus a little cash, plus an opportunity to get into the limelight. According to "Arson de Luxe" which appeared in Harper's October issue, Van der Lubbe told two people that he was a Nazi; this article states that the incendaries could only have escaped from the Reichstag through an underground tunnel leading to the palace of the Reichstag President next door whose occupant was one of Hitler's right-hand men. The author asks some uncomfortable ques- tions: Why was the Reichstag left unguarded on the evening of the 27th after 5 o'clock? How did Van der Lubbe get into a building in the heart of busy Berlin with enough confederates and incen- diary material to set a fire that broke out in a score of places? How did he get out again? If the Nazis represent the will of the German them at the recent "election?" Does Afos defend incendiaries were the Nazi. The "official" Nazi story about the fire, it discovers, contains 31 con- tradictions. These are voluminously set forth to weave the web of circumstantial guilt. This book further lists 250 murders committed by the Nazi since March 3rd, the day of the Nazi rise to com- plete power. Afos being familiar with conditions in Austria must admit that various racial mixtures are com- mon in the country: Hitler's being partly Czech need not exclude that he has some Jewish blood which was traced in great detail by an Austrian newspaper last summer. It would be fine if this report should prove to be erroneous, as a race which gave Jesus, Spinoza, and Einstein to man- kind would be disgraced by a Hitler. The East- ern Jews which - as Afos correctly states -have lower (ethical) standards than Western Jews form but a minority among the Jews now living in Ger- many; it would have been easy to expel these new- comers instead of relentlessly persecuting all Jews -had not the Nazi been blinded by envy of the high intellectual standards set be Jewish physi- cians, lawyers, etc. Numerous Germans who fled from Nazi terror to neighboring countries have been murdered by Nazi; as these were not punished for their crime, the German government must be considered the sponsor. What did it do concerning the price set on Einstein's head? Can Afos. defend the brutal murder of the three Germans who were killed while running from their persecutors in the moun- tains of Austria Vorarlberg? Or that of the Munich Catholic leader who was shot in a Tyro- lian village? The American athletes who have sent a renewed warning to Berlin must have rea- sons for believing that the Nazi are not intending to keep their promises concerning equal rights for Jews at the Olympic games. If the Nazi represent the will of the German people why did they bully citizens into voting for them at the recent election?" Does Afos defend the arrest of the Duke of Wurttemberg as punish- ment for having refused to cast a ballot? Or the imprisonment of three directors who had walked away from a loudspeaker broadcasting Hitler's speech? The semi-official Austrian "Politische Korrespondenz" maintained that private advices from Germany conclusively show Hitler would not have recevied anywhere near 50% of the total vote if the balloting had been really free. Tschuppik, a Czech correspondent who was held 8 months in Bavarian prisons altho the state prosecutor at Leipzig twice declared there was no evidence against him, reports that Dr. Gerlich, editor of a Catholic weekly, was taken one day in May from his cell at 2 a.m. to the "White Hall" in the prison where the examinations were con- ducted and beaten unconscious. W. Friedmann has gone out of his mind owing to his long impris- onment. Count Aretin was transferred to the con- centration camp at Dachau for having lent a pencil to Mr. Panther, the English reporter who reports of Nazi violence have been exaggerated does not agree with numerous statements made by Americans who have returned from Germany. Mr. Harrison Brown who had spent several years in Germany wrote in the "League of Nations Chronicle:" "At the turn of the year, the National Socialist movement was in full process of disin- tegration. Accusations of corruption within the party were rife, desertions from the Storm Troops were taking palce wholesale, and fratricidal murder was common. Dissensions between the leaders were open secrets and the movement was weighed down with debt. "Today they stand alone admist the havoc they have created, loathed by 50 per cent of the Ger- mans, despised by the cultured element of every country, suspected by all their neighbors.... National Socialism was never a party in the usual sense of the term. It was a 'movement' based on emotionalism and political ignorance, and grounded above all in the ghastly circumstances which have combined to form the discontent and helplessness of German youth...But nothing can explain a way the tragedy of the present, above all nothing can excuse the sadism of the Terror. The Nazis are not doing to others what was done to themselves, for they were never persecuted; on the contrary, the organized campaign of cow- ardly hooliganism for which they were responsible for years was far too leniently treated. At any time, a little energy could have disposed of them, as was proved by the fact that Bruening once dissolved the "Brown Army" as easily as if it had been a village fire-brigade. Nobody who has lived near it has any illusions about the "heroism" of of the movement: the Storm Troopers are bullies, not fighters, their "noble exploits" have been car- ried out under police protection.... Conservative neutral estimates put the number of those mur- dered under the "brown terror" at over four hun- dred; the beaten and injured run to thousands, and for the first time in history, a government has instituted "concentration camps" in which to imprison, indefinitely and without charge, its own nationals who disagree with it. Some forty thousand people are incarcerated in those camps, from some of which the most sinister rumors of maltreatment emanate. The individual tragedies of suicide and wrecked homes defy all computation. One of the worst features of the movement, and one whose exposure most alarms the Nazi, con- cerns the character of its leaders. No party can prevent unsavory individuals from entering its rank and file, but it is no exaggeration to say that never before has a great country been ruled by such men as predominate in Hitler's entourage. They include Goering, ex-inmate of a Stockholm madhouse; Frick, now minister of the interior, war-time shirker and later forger of passports for political murderers; Killinger, Nazi governor of Saxony, convicted forger; Heines, police chief of Breslau, twice convicted of murder; Graf Hell- dorf, head of the Berlin Storm Troops, a notorious thug who has figured for such activities in numer- ous police reports; Kaufmann, commissioner for Hamburg, convicted swindler who has several times escaped punishment by pleading insanity. The list is endless.. .Germany's famous univer- sities have been denuded of most of those who made them famous, her hospitals and laborato- ries stripped of the most outstanding characters. The victims include not only Jews but every per- son suspected of progressive ideas or a civilized attitude towards international affairs." Einstein's prediction that the Nazis would cause their downfall by their stupidity seems to be coming true faster than some expected; their religious persecutions indicate this. Boycott Ger- man goods! A Friend of Germany. Editor's Note - Owing to the quantity of mate- rial received, it will be impossible for The Daily to continue to print letters as long as the one above. Contributors to Campus Opinion are requested to confine themselves to 500 words. Y - - - - - Screen Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three stars definitely recommended; two stars, average; one star, inferior; no stars, stay away from it. AT THE MICHIGAN ** "THE KENNELL MURDER CASE" Philo Vance ................William Powell The program at the Michigan is good for those who are addicted to detective stories, and there are a very few of us who are not attracted by them at some time or another. This one is S. S. Van Dine's latest, including all the tricks and minute details for which his stories are famous. The same cast that supported William Powell in the screen versions of the other mysteries of this author are present in this production with the addition of Helen Vinson, whose charm always adds to any picture. It would be treason to tell you the plot, but it will do you no harm to be let in on the beginning. The action starts at a dog show on Long Island, and it is there that some of the characters acquire the hatred of each other which is so necessary to a detective story. When the first murder is discovered, we see Philo Vance, the famous acme-of-culture-man and dog fancier in this case, about to sail for Europe. He hears about the death, decides that it is murder instead of suicide, and thinks that solving it would be ever so much more fun than going to Europe. At this point the intricacies begin and continue to keep the interest of the audience until the end. These Philo Vance stories always seem entertain- ing for more reasons than the mystery, the in- genuity, and the guessing which always accom- panies them. The photography is always good, and each character has a finesse which makes him pleasingly real and worth while to an enter- taining movie. There is a mediocre cartoon comedy, a very very bad Andy Clyde comedy, a news reel, and a spine- shivering short showing views from the top of many of the highest buildings in the world, and pictures of men crawling around all over them. - C.B. C. contacting the student body.. 0 The Daily classified advertising columns are the most economi- cal and most efficient means of CASH RATES Ilc line , . 0 . CHARGE RATES. a15c line fl _., . S to1) at the A .T 0 .T - jio- 1i 'pp at' the SOPHOMORE CABARET Ensians $3.50 or Second and Third Payments Senior Picture Coupons $3.00 p. I" z 0 .. d a.. m. W P- z I- F 0 s . I- z IL6 0 U- z WU VI DORT MUNDE R PALE OR DARK lerghoff is one of the genuinely fine beers of the 00 f.'. nation. a distinctive brew . . made b the old Munich process.. full bodied.. nd Sfamous for its marvelous old world flavor. If you like a rich, delicately blended beer, drink Berg hoff Pale. If you prefer a heavier brew, get Berghoff Dark. II. B E R G H O F F BREWING FORT W AYNE INDIAN CORPORATION