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December 08, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-12-08

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The Weather
Snow and much colder today;
tomorrow partly cloudy, some-
what colder.

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VOL. XLIV No. 64


Can Move
In Houses'
Senate Committee Again
Passes Ruling Admitting
Them To Fraternities
Economic Situation
Made Step Urgent

Eyewitness Recounts Details Of
German Reichstag Fire Trial

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This story was
written by a special Daily staff corre-
spondent at Berlin who declined to
have his name disclosed.)
BERLIN, Dec. 7. - "Hor mal zu,
Van der Lubbe, did you, alone, un-
aided and without instigation or in-
cited by another or other persons, set
fire to the Reichstag?" Thus spoke
the presiding judge of the bench of
nine now trying the men accused of
setting the German capitol building
on fire. The shoulders of the rather
fleshy, deathly-pale young man to
whom the questions had been ad-
dressed, heaved as if he were sob-
bing. He continued to stare straight
ahead, as if in a daze, his head jerk-
ed somewhat, the interpreter beside
him bent low to catch the faint mur-
mur of words. "Yes!" the latter re-
ported. "Alone?" Another twitching,
another effort to get the words out.
"Yes," again repeated the interpreter.
This, to me, dramatic examination,
excited the other newspapermen and
judges in the court only as evidence
that consciousness was slowly return-
ing to the mind of Van der Lubbe,
the most dramatic figure in the whole
trial. For weeks, persistent question-
ing had elicited no answers; the

sharp rebukes of the presiding judge
failed to get the defendent to move
his head from its position on his
chest where it continually rested.
But today, he had actually almost
held it erect. Shortly before, he had
been almost eloquent in managing to
utter a six-word sentence, which,
however, had to be repeated by the
interpreter so that the judges could
hear the answer.
But the fact that Van der Lubbe
understood the q u e s t i o n s, even
though he usually answered with
"yes," "no," or "I don't know", was
the news as far as the progress of the
trial was concerned. Even the pre-
siding judge remarked upon the fact.
And so this pitiful figure was assisted
to his seat, very slowly, by the inter-
preter and his police guard, and the
trial resumed its boring course with
a witness apparently unused to being
the central figure and making every
effort to tell all he knew, thought,
had seen or heard, in order to im-
press the worthy court with his saga-
city and good citizenship. It was the
usual dark, drizzly and gloomy morn-
ing when I approached the Reichstag,,
for the present the seat of current
(Continued on Page 3)

Eligibility F o r Initiation
And Permission From
Parents Necessary
Freshmen will be permitted to
move into fraternity houses during
the second semester as a result of an
action which was taken by the Sen-
ate Committee on Student Affairs
The measure which the Senate
Committee passed was the same as
that which permitted freshmen to
move into houses last year, and
makes it necessary for them to be
eligible for initiation and to present
a written permission from their par-
ents in order to take advantage of
the lifting of the regulation.
Joseph A. Bursley, dean of stu-
dents, said that the measure was
passed by the Senate Committee as
a result of the urgent economic situ-
ation existing in the fraternities, but
the general sentiment of the mem-
bers of the Senate Committee was
that it would not be extended next
year, inasmuch as this is deemed an
emergency issue.
Comparatively few freshmen avail-
ed themselves of the opportunity last
year, the total estimated at not more
than 50. The advantage of the rul-
ing, it is believed, will help those
houses in which vacancies have oc-
curred during the semester. The ad-
ditional room rent and board will en-
able some houses to reduce their
house bills, it was stated.
This is the second time in recent
years that the Senate Committee has
permitted freshmen to move into the
fraternities. T h e rule prohibiting
freshmen from living in fraternities
was originally passed in 1918 but has
not been in effect all of the time
since. Certain emergencies, such as
the present, have deemed it neces-
sary, in the opinion of the Senate
Committee, to make exceptions to the
Varsity Glee
Club Sings In
Battle Creek
Opens Series Of Formal
Municipal Concerts; To
Go To Detroit Next
The Varsity Glee Club, under the;
direction of Prof. David Mattern, and,
assisted by Romain Hamilton, violin-
ist, appeared in formal concert in-
augurating a series of municipal
musical events at the Kellogg Audi-
torium last night at Battle Creek.
Following the concert, they were;
entertained by the Michigan Alumni
Club of that city. The program in-;
cluded the following numbers: Lau-
des Atque Carmina, by Stanley; In
Joseph's Lovely Garden, traditional
Spanish song; Lift Thine Eyes, by,
Frederick Knight Logan; Luther's A
Mighty Fortress Is Our God; and;
two violin solos, Bach's Gavotte and
Mozart's Rondo, by Romain Ham-
A group of folk songs followed, in-
cluding: Down Among the Dead,
Men, English; The Pretty Drummer,
French; Dance Song, Czecho-Slov-,
akian; Oh Dem Golden Slippers,
American Negro; and Rantin' Rovin'
Robin, Scotch.
Traditional Michigan songs sung{
were: Goddess of the Inland Seas;
When Night Falls, Dear; 'Tis of
Michigan We Sing; College Days;
Varsity; The Victors; and The Yellow
and Blue.
Next Tuesday the Varsity Glee
Club, assisted by the Varsity R.O.T.C.
Band, will appear at the national
convention of Chevrolet salesmen, to

be held at the Statler Hotel in
..,. Iam1


Soph Cabaret,
League Fair To
Spirit Of 1910 To Walk
Abroad As Women Give
Traditional Function
"Come Up Sometime," the Soph-
omore Cabaret and League Fair,
opens this afternoon at 3:30 p. m.
"In addition to providing first-class
entertainment for the campus at
large," Margaret Hiscock, general
chairman, said, "the Cabaret has two
other purposes. Its entire profits go
to the Undergraduate Fund of the
League to help pay off the outstand-
ing debt of the building. Besides this
material purpose it promotes a spirit
of friendliness among the sophomore
To Depict 1910's
This year's Cabaret, "The Brass
Rail," has chosen the 1910's as its
theme. All the songs, dances, cos-
tumes and decorations represent this
There will be continuous dancing to
Bill Marshall's Orchestra at five cents
a dance with the exception of the
half-hour which will be devoted to
a free floor show. Edith Ferrin, Jean
Seely and Ernestine Richter, the
"Three Girlies Three," will sing sev-
eral songs of the times and 'Helen
Haxton will sing a solo, "Every Little
Movement." A soft shoe dance will be
given by the "Blushing Belles," the
bathing beauties of the 1910's. Two
other dances and the "Music Box"
finale are included in the program.
Melodrama Offered
The League Fair, a project of the
League Undergraduate Fund Com-
mittee, is giving an old fashioned
melodrama, "Blossom, or The Wolf at
the Door" written by John Silberman,
'34, at The Palace Nickelodean. An
all star cast, Alice Goodenow, '34ED,
John Healey, '35, Jeanette Detwiler,
'34, and Mike Brennan, '36, is fea-
tured. The League Fair will also have
a Midway, with all kinds of amuse-
ment, a Student's Activities Exhibit
and Picture Gallery. The Art Ex-
change has arranged to have an auc-
tion and a raffle.
The chairmen of the Sophomore
Cabaret who were elected and chosen
are Miss Hiscock, general chairman,
Dorothy Schwartze, assistant chair-
man, Winifred Bell, social chairman,
Julie Kane, entertainment chairman,
Jean Royce, decoration chairman,
Betty Chapman, costume chairman,
Jean Hanmer, publicity chairman,
Grace Bartling, ticket chairman and
Jane Haber, assessment chairman.
Mary Louise Kessberger, '34, is gen-
eral chairman of the League Fair
and those assisting her are: Marjorie
Oostdyk, '35, Midway, Mary Sabin,
'35, Palace Nickelodean, and Hilda
Kirby, '35, Student's Activities Ex-
Campbell To Go To
Huntington Library
Prof. o. J. Campbell, head of the
English department, will be on a
leave of absence from the University
diring the noming semester. He has

Eleven Juniors Are
Initiated Into Sphinx
Eleven juniors were initiated
into Sphinx, junior honor society,
in the literary college, in the an-
nual fall ceremony yesterday. The
new members a r e as follows:
Thomas Austin, George Duffy,
William Ferris, G e r a 1 d Ford,
Joseph Horak, Roderick Howell,
Robert He n n o c h, John Jewell,
William Morgan, Alfred Plummer,
and Douglas Welch.
Bernard Get
All-East Call
Nick Lukats, Notre Dame
Star, Also Accepts To
Play Jan. 1'
EVANSTON, Ill., Dec, 7.-(/P)-
Three midwestern football stars,
.Chuck Bernard and Herman Ever-
hardus of Michigan and Nick Lukats
of Notre Dame, today accepted invi-
tations from Coach Dick Hanley of
Northwestern, to become members of
the eastern team which will meet a
squad of western all-stars in the an-
nual Shrine benefit game at San
Francisco January 1.
Bernard is this year's All-American
center, while Everhardus was selected
as an all Big Ten halfback. Lukats'
work at halfback was one of the big
factors in Notre Dame's upset over
a, Lindberrh
Ready For Last
Lap Of FHht
NATAL, Brazil, Dec. 7. - ( -
Col. Charles A. Lindbergh tonight had
prepared his transatlantic monoplane
for a return to the United States.
Mrs. Lindbergh said she was anxious
to get back home, and their depart-
ure tomorrow was expected.
Whether they really will leave to-
morrow was a matter of conjecture,
for neither of the flyers would say
what the plans were.
But authorities said they were con-
vinced the colonel had chosen his
return route by way of Para (Belem)
on the northeast coast of Brazil. That
is the regular route of the Pan-Amer-
ican Airways of which Lindbergh is
technical adviser, and for which he
and his wife have spent the last five
months on an aerial survey of the
Ford Tells Men
To Assist New
Deal, Recovery
DETROIT, Dec. 7.-Henry Ford
Thursday told his dealers, We have
all got to pitch in and do all the
business we can to help the Presi-
run nil h n sr r -A of +1n nla,

Awards Given
30 Students
$100 Earhart Foundation
Awards Go To Twenty-
Eight For Service
Bag ley Scholarship
Given To Kloetzel
Four Senior Women Are
Selected For The Martha
Cook Scholarships
Announcement of s c h o 1 a r s h i p
awards, recently approved by the
Board of Regents, to 39 students was
made yesterday by the president's
Of this group 28 are holders of the
Earhart Scholarship of $100 each for
community leadership for the first
semester. They are Lewis Allen,
Grad., Victor Avrunin, '33E, Elmer
W. Bachmann, Sydney A. Baker,
Donald S. Berry, Grad., Anthony J.
Borowski, Grad., C. Garritt Bunting,
'35BAd., David Clinger-Smith, '35,
Prudence M. Foster, '34, William Gie-{
fel, '34, Charles Hall, '34, William M.
Hebblewhite, Alexander Hirschfield,
'35, Frank S. Kipp, Rudolph R. Lang,
Grad., Charles C. Lemert, '34, Wil-
liam G. McClintock, '35BAd., Jack A.,
Mintz, Grad., Hyman Mottenberg,
'34, Hillary Rarden, '34, C. Hart
Schaaf, '34, Vera Sebastian, '34, Rob-
ert B. Shannon, '35, Thomas R. Solo-;
mon, Grad., Paul L. Stanchfield, and;
Clarence S. Tappan.
Those awarded the Simon Mandel-
baum Scholarship are Rowland J.1
Black, '34E, John. F. Schmidt, '35E,1
and Joseph C. Wagner, '35E.
Holders of the University Scholar-
ships in the Professional schools are
Robert M. Bartlett, '34M, Clare C.
Huggett, '34M, and Max Newman,
Martha Cook Building scholars in-
cluded Katherine Coffield, '34, Celia
Guntrup, '34, Mary Sabin,' 34, and
Charlotte Simpson, '34.
Milton C. Kloetzel, '34, was given
the Paul F. Bagley Scholarship.
Warning Issued By
Dean Against Fake
Transport Schemes
In an effort to avoid a recurrence
of the fraudulent transportation
scheme promoted on the campus prior
to Christmas vacation last year, Dean
of Students Joseph A. Bursley last
night issued a sharp warning to all!
University students to purchase their1
railroad, bus, or airplane tickets only
from authorized agents or companies
they know to be reputable.
Several weeks before the recess last
year, W. K. Richards, representing
himself as an agent for an airway
transportation company, accepted
money from students in return for
tickets. When undergraduates ap-
peared the Friday before vacation,
demanding rides home, Richards had
To aid the students The Daily will
compile and publish a list of reliable
agents and companies early next
LANSING, Dec. 7. - () - A peti-
tion signed by 15 members of the
Legislature, asking an investigation
into the issuance of licenses and the

conduct of beer selling establishments
in Detroit and Wayne county was re-
ferred to the attorney general by
Governor Comstock today.

Modification Of Hours For
Seniors Is A Possibility,
Many Women Believe
Approval of Dean Alice C. Lloyd's
action y in vetoing the proposal for
modification of women's hours was
expressed last night by leaders in
women activities.
Grace Maier, '34, president of the
League, Marion Giddings, '34, presi-
dent of Mortarboard, and Harriet
Jennings, '34, president of the Judi-
ciary Council all voiced approval last
night of Miss Lloyd's action.
The Board of Representatives and
the Board of Directors passed resolu-
tions at meetings held recently re-
questing the change in women's
hours. At that time, sentiment among
the women students was strongly in
favor of a change, but a right-about-
face was witnessed yesterday as co-
eds voiced approval of the action that
the dean of women had taken.
Senior Modification Seen
The way is still open, however, for
modification of the present hours for
senior women, it was stated last
night, and those seniors interviewed
expressed the belief that some pro-
posal which would meet with the ap-
proval of the dean would be forth-
coming to give seniors late permis-
sion one night a week.
In the open letter to The Daily,
Dean Lloyd said:
"The question of senior privileges
is another matter and one which de-
serves separate consideration. Senior
privileges which will not seriously in-
crease the administrative difficulties
in the dormitories and which will not
impair the influence of the seniors
who in most instances are officers in
the house are entirely justifiable."
Expect Plan Next Year
The opinion held by many women
prominent in campus activities is that
another plan for senior privileges will
be forwarded to Miss Lloyd after
Christmas vacation.
The change of opinion among the
co-eds on the proposals submitted
to Miss Lloyd was attributed to hasty
action. Many students stated that al-
though they wouldt like to see a
change in the hours they realize that
it is impossible under the present
set-up, with the exception of special
privileges for seniors. The overwhelm-
ing majorities of the Board of Repre-
sentatives and the Board of Directors
in favor of the proposals was said to
be the result of a wavesof agitation
for the proposed changes.
Miss Giddings said that Miss
Lloyd's action was "not disappointing
to the majority of co-eds."
Thieves Take Cash, Ring
From Marquardt Garage
Beween $700 and $800 and a dia-
mond ring valued at $500, were stolen
Wednesday night from the safes in
the Marquardt Garage at 521 South
Main, by thieves who forced their
entrance through rear windows.
The same thieves are believed to
have broken into the Smith Tire sta-
tion at 502 South Main. They were
unable to open the safe and a care-
ful search revealed that nothing was
stolen. Police investigators believe
that it is the work of professionals,
rather than amateurs.

Dean Lloyd's
Veto Action

tion Of

Students Have Own Ideas On
Movies, Actors, Hoag Says

Mickey Mouse is one star upon
which local theatre managers may
depend for drawing a collegiate movie
audience but stars ands pictures
which are universally accepted else-
where may turn out to be a series of
successive "eyesores" in Ann Arbor,
according to box office receipts of
local cinema theatres.
University students, great followers
of musical "comedies a n d screen
adaptations of famous stage plays,
have peculiar tastes when it comes
to screen entertainment and no clas-

Hollywood producers selected an
all-star cast, including two of the
Barrymores, R o b e r t Montgomery,
Clark Gable, Helen H a y e s, and
Myrna Loy to produce "Night Flight",
which was adjudged by the rest of
the country to be a pretty success-
ful venture. In Ann Arbor the vehicle
became "just another picture" and
played to extremely small audiences,
despite the fact that John, Lionel,
Robert and Helen are considered
among the leaders by local movie
Cecil B. DeMille called "The Power

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