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December 07, 1933 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-12-07

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How The States Stand 4t The Outset Of Dry Repeal

ites Reasons
r Her Action
r To The Daily Tells
ty Petition For Later
iirs Was Denied
1 open letter, Dean Alice Lloyd
;lained her reasons for refus-
make any changes in the
; schedule of closing hours for
sity women: The letter in full'
hose interested in later hours
the present agitation for la-
urs for women started with
ily 'and has been reported in
this paper, I take this means
hing the women of the Uni-
with my views on the sub-


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- -


Witnesses For
State Appear
In Dunn Trial
Establish That Defendant
Was Seen Running From
Neighborhood Of Crime
Half of the State's witnesses passed
before the stand yesterday during the
second day of the trial of Brent
Dunn, former restaurant owner who
is facing a charge of murder. Indi-
cations showed that the case will
probably go to the jury sometime
this afternoon.
Several witnesses testified during
the morning session that they had
seen Dunn running away from the
neighborhood of the slaying of John
Bringing in the question of Dunn's
sanity at the time of the murder,
George Meader, defense lawyer,
placed William Coke, a shoemaker,
on the stand to testify to the state
concerning Dunn's mental condition
after he had lost his restaurant last
year. Coke said that he had no-
ticed no peculiar change.
The afternoon session was devoted
to the questioning of police officers
who apprehended the slayer and his
accomplice, George Weimer, who is
serving a life term in Jackson prison.
It is doubtful that he will be returned
to testify.
Greatly reduced vacation round
trip fares, in many cases lower than
the regular one-way fare, were an-
nounced yesterday by David Falk,
'35E, at the Campus Travel student
ticket office at Chubb's, for the
Christmas holiday.
A bob-cat reared by a University of
California biologist has been sent
back "to the woods" because he could

German Professor Tells
Of Chemistry Of Foods
Dr. Max Bergmann, professor of
organic chemistry in the Technische
Hochschule (Technical High School)
in Dresden, Germany, spoke on "The
Organic Chemistry of the Proteins"
yesterday in the chemistry amphi-
He lectured under the joint aus-
pices of the University and the Amer-
ican Chemical Society, and told of
the complicated structure and reac-
tions of the food constituents of pro-
teins, from which meats, eggs, and
other foods gain their value.

---Out One Of These New 1934 -

Medical School Is
Given Old Trowel
A silver trowel used in the laying
of the cornerstone of the West Med-
ical Building Oct. 15, 1901, was re-
cently presented to the Medical
School by the son of the late Dr.
Leartus Connor. Dr. Connor, who of-
ficiated at the dedication of the
building, was then president of the
Michigan State Medical Society.
Along with the trowel, a program
of the dedication was also presented,
which listed the articles placed in the

e present situation in regard to
m's hours on this campus calls
re-statement of the principle of
nt self-government, as it has
established here.
e Regents of the University have
to the office of the Dean of
en supervision and control of
ocial life of 'the women of the
ersity. Some years ago that of-
elegated to the Women's League
overning powers. These pow-
ave been on the whole extra-
,arily well used by the Women's
me, though there have been
when the machinery for en-
ig the rules has been weak.
has been, however, a really
tradition of student leadership



-Associated Press Map
As prohibition ended with ratification of repeal by the thirty-sixth state, this is how the nation stood
on the liquor question. In 16 states spirits could be drunk legally, although under varying conditions ranging
from "over the bar" to home consumption. In 24 others, sale and drinking was illegal, while in the remain-

ing eight, legislatures or commissions were working on control rules.

the fact that their expenses in the

my duty to insure conditions
mt residences which will pro-
mani purpose of college life,
ich will also protect health.
as student government up-
hese aims, it has my unquali-
Calls Action 'Hasty'
i estimation, the recent hasty'
which did not originate with
rnen, does not uphold these
nd seriously challenges wo-
elf-government to defend it-
refer in particular to the
neetings and the meeting of
ard of representatives where
is of scholarship, health, and
ficulties of administration,
a serious self-governing body
place first in the discussion
many instances ignored and
actually booed in the discus-
hich took place. No reasons
hange were advanced except
e women wish to stay out an
ter on Saturday, and that
sh to be able to stay through
d show at the local moviesI
i-tes Scholarship Record
acts which bear on the case
follows: Scholarship, among
students especially, has been
146 out of 386 entering fresh-
men (38 per cent) were rated
in one or more courses in
nt reports prepared for their
iool principals. There is, this
i unusually large number of,
orts coming into Dean Hum-
office from mid-semester ex-
>ns, and an unprecedented
of warnings and probations{
sulted. What good will later
.o to remedy this situation
s a problem both to the Uni-
and to the parents of the
who have been sent here,
rently not to the students

dormitories were enormously reduced
this year.
The question of senior privileges is
another matter and one which de-
serves separate consideration. Sen-
ior privileges which will not seriously
increase the administrative difficul-
ties in the dormitories and which
will not impair the influence of the
seniors who in most instances are
officers in the house, are entirely jus-
tifiable. However, late permissions
for seniors which can be spread
through the week make the problem
for night chaperons again an acute
one, and cannot be administered un-
der the present dormitory system. I
should like to ask that this recom-
mendation be re-considered with this
difficulty in mind.
The fact that later hours have been
voted in the various houses without
consideration of these serious impli-
cations challenges my faith in stu-
dent government. It has already
been shaken this fall by the failure in
many houses to observe quiet hours,
and the long list of latenesses which
the enforcement agencies have al-
lowed to go unrebuked. I do not here
refer to the Judiciary Council it-
self, but to tshehouse organizations
that do not use, that council when
they cannot control the situation
themselves. Complaints from girls
that they cannot study when they
wish, and cannot sleep because of
noise are too numerous to count.
Student government which asks priv-
ileges but does not protect rights is
not functioning and if student gov-
ernment continues to fail in protect-
ing these rights, more drastic meth-
ods will have to be used.
'Men Want Change'
I have heard not one real argu-
ment for the later hours. The wo-
men (and the men) want them. On
I Saturday night they want to dance
j longer. In regard to this first re-
quest, passed unanimously by the
Board of Representatives, (vetoed by
the Board of Directors), it. seems not
out of the way to call attention to
the fact that a great deal of excellent
music is played to empty halls in
the early hours of Friday and Satur-
day evenings. On Sunday night, they
wish to stay through the second
show. Three years ago the closing
hour on Sunday night was changed
from 10:30 to 11 p. m. in order to
permit the women to attend the sec-
ond show. I do not know what the
change has been which requires an
additional half hour. I know only
that last year Mr. Hoag very cour-
teously arranged to have the feature
at the second show early on the pro-
gram whenever that was possible. On

Sunday the movies in the local the-
atres run continuously from 1:30
p. m., and all the women's residences
have an early informal supper which
makes it possible to attend the 7
o'clock show. No woman student
under present regulations need miss
any picture in which she is inter-
Calls Position 'Difficult'
Student government has asked me
to approve an additional half hour
on Sunday nights. I am in the po-
sition of deciding whether I shall of-
ficially approve this extension of time
or deny student government its re-
quest. It is a difficult position but
with the present picture of student
health and scholarship, there is a'
great deal more to be said for cur-
tailing the hours than for adding to
them. I, therefore, cannot approve
the proposed change in women's
hours. t
My final reminder to the students,
both men and women, who have in-
terested themselves in this question
is that the purpose of college life is
not dancing and the movies, and
student self-government that makes
its rules to protect these activities at
the expense of student health and
scholarship is not justifiable.
Alice C. Lloyd,
Dean of Women
George Little, Director of Physical
Education at Rutgers University and
former football coach here, will speak
at the annual banquet of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Club of Northern
New Jersey to be held at Hotel Dou-
glas, Newark.

Ann Arbor May
Get An Addition
To County jail
If the government extends the civil
program beyond the middle of Feb-
ruary Ann Arbor may get a new ad-
dition to the county jail, it was indi-
cated here yesterday.
The jail in its present state can
accommodate about 35 prisoners but
has an average of 50 inmates. This
condition makes it impossible to
house tramps over night and cots will
be placed in the "tramp room," which
will be used for short term prisoners.
Tentative plans provide for a build-
ing to cost about $38,325. The west
unit of the jail would remain and be
incorporated into the new building.
The new section of the jail would ex-
tend 57 feet along Ann Street begin-
ning at the alley on the east side and
connecting with the old unit.

Model K-107

Drop in at our Electric Store . . . turn the
dial. Enjoy the full deep tone ... Turn the
short wave converter. Listen to that far away
station surprise you with the clearness of
See them today. Pick it
out. One can obtain
some of the models - d50
Instaled for as low as



Fourth & Washington Ave.



not be kept tame.

.. F ly
Flight Instruction
Local Passenger Flighlt
Special Charter Trips
4320 South State
Day Phone 9270t
Night Phone 7739


Our stock is large and attractive with Prices ranging from one to
twenty-five cents the card. Personal cards can still be ordered.
We also carry a complete stock of CHRISTMAS STATIONERY
i/I the form of letters, notes and carls.








p__ ____I.




situation has not been
There has been alto-
ich illness due to f a-
;a significant fact that
rls requiring trays on
ticeably larger than on
in the week in one of
nitories. There is also
ncrease in the list of
time of mid-semesters
e in some instances to
others to a deep sense
ness. Later hours for
nts will not remedy

Not so long ago practically all
cigarettes were made by hand

Now, Chesterfields are made by high-speed machines
that turn out 750 cigarettes a minute, and the

ious Problems'
question of admin-
hours offer serious
veral of our dormi-
udent night chaper-
e impossible to con-
if the hours for wo-
htill later. The job
in with the present
ate permissions. The
ho were given these
fall are in some in-
it on them for par-
igh college and took
ith that they would
e year. They would
to believe that their
t be materially in-
ie year. In the dom-
udent ngiht chaper-
the same is true and
would besrequired.
ild not vote through
h will increase the
s of the dormitories
insideration of what
specially in view of


are practically



B Y the use of long steel ovens
-drying machines of the
most modern type-and by age-
ing the leaf tobacco for 30
months-like wine is aged--
Chesterfield tobacco is milder
and tastes better.
Only pure cigarette paper-
the best made-is used for
And to make sure that every-
thing that goes into Chesterfield
is just right, expert chemists
test all materials that are used

not touched by hand.
in any way in the manufacture.
Chesterfields are made and
packed in clean, up-to-date fac-
tories, where the air is changed
every 412 minutes. The mois-
ture-proof package, wrapped in
Du Pont's No. 300 Cellophane
-the best made-reaches you
just as if you went by the fac-
tory door.
In a letter to us, an emi-
nent scientist says:
"Chesterfield Cigarettes
are just as pure as the
water you drink."



Together with 5
Lessons in Touch Type-
writing FREE.
Everyone knows the Royal
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Here's an opportunity to buy



LL - .


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