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September 28, 1933 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-09-28

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THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 1933

-7-7T. ......T.A. .A...

f1 ViRVAY. Sj EPT 28i. Vfi9 Vi2

... #: '

are less than 21, according to the Department of "-
Justice publication, and another fifth are be-
tween 21 and 24. Sixty per cent of all criminals T
are less than 30.
But the most striking fact, to us, is that so
many boys who are arrested . for petty misde-
meanors are not straightened out but are per- -~~--
mitted to drift into burglary, robbery, and homi- By LARRY KING
Now a person becomes a criminal either be- A SOPHOMORE in the Law School was with
cause of his inherent character or because of his us this morning when we passed Julie (Pug)
environment. Psychologists tell us that the con- Kane, Sorosis live-wire, on the street and spoke
genital criminals are very rare, that most crimi- to her. "Who," he asked, "is that girl. Every time!
nal natures can be traced to environment. The I see her she is either coming out of the 'Hut' orj
early environment of our youthful criminals, un- going into the 'Parrot.'"


fortunate as it is, leads them only, in most cases,
to petty misdolngs. We may therefore reason-
ably expect to find a shift in their environment
corresponding to the increasing seriousness of
their offenses. It is impossible to ascertain all
the factors of their environment between the
periods of minor and major criminality, but it
is very easy to lay a finger on one place where
they are thrown into the company of experts in
the profession they are to join. Penal institu-
tions, by allowing all classes of criminals to mix,
serve more as schools for crime than in the re-
medial capacity assigned them by society.
Progress is being made in many states toward'
the segregation of criminal classes, but the facts
revealed in the government survey demonstrate
that there is a world of improvement still to be
done. Any political moves in this direction de-
serve support.

Editorial Comment
Times of strife and turmoil always bring doubt
and dejection. Even the firmest of institutions are
subject to the shocks from violent social and
economic changes such as those that are now en-
suing. Since we are now in the midst of the great-
est upheaval of the machine age, it is well that
the engineering institutions in particular should
look to their laurels. They must determine
whether or not the engineering graduate of today
is fitted to cope with the problems of the future
and whether or not the present principles of en-
gineering education will be applicable a decade
Many persons have suggested that there are
too many engineers. There may be too many tech-
nicians but there can never be too many engineers
if engineers realize that they must solve economic
and soial problems as well as purely technical
propositions. This fact is in reality the major
issue which has been evolved In the past few
It has been said that the downfall of a civiliza-
tion is caused by the genius of its development.
Any civilization prospers only until its units of
-production and consumption become s large
that the solution of the problems which they
present is beyond the scope of the human brain.
Then the civilization falters. Even the leading
scientists of our day, who claim to have knowl-
edge of the intricate workings of stellar space
at their very fingertips, seem unable to tell us
the solution of our seemingly minor problems of
social and economic life.
If the educators and engineers of the future
are to forestall a catastrophe in our day, then
they must become more tolerant and more liberal
with the humanities. They must dispense with the
many and varied minor details and teach the
student more of the fundamental and basic prin-
ciples of engineering procedure. In addition, they
must season this knowledge with a greater under-
standing of how the accomplishments of the en-
gineer can be made to mesh; to synchronize with,
and to be applied to the problem of living. For
after all, in the final analysis, the improvement
of the conditions of life must be the aim of every
If such be the education of an engineer, then he
will be far more than a mere technician. He will
find that his accomplishments are received more
favorably by the layman, that his profession will
have a far greater influence than it has at pres-
ent, and that he will become a far more valuable
asset to his fellow-men. He will find that there
never 'can be too many of his kind.
--Polytechnic Reporter, Brooklyn Polytech.
Personality, not brains, is the reason for a girl's
success, Dr. H. W. Mikesell, profesor of psychology
at the Wichita University, believes.
"Psychology has determined by actual experi-
ment that success depends 85 per cent upon per-
sonality and 15 per cent on brains," he states.
Brains are our natural endowment from hered-
ity. The best that we can do is to develop achieve-
ment quotients within our limit.
Personality as the sum total of a person's make-
up gives a broad field of growth and develop-
ment, and places 85 per cent of our success on
our own initiative. Courtesy, co-operation, depend-
ability, friendliness, all contribute to the charm
of the admirable personality-and hence to one's
Winthrop gives wide opportunities for brain
achievement-but what of personality develop-
ment? That is here, too: reading, culture, adap-
tability to varied personalities of students and
instructors-many things for developing inner
selves and charm. Will we use them to develop
our charm and contribute to our success?
-The Johnsonian, Winthrop College.
Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.

Nails Anderson............ Charles Bickford-
Tl Ho nffmn. T.. .Richar d Arlen

A local saloon-keeper confided that there
is only one way'to get a kick out of this here
"three dismal two" beer. You roll the keg for
about twenty feet, tap it, then whiff the
fumes. He guarantees the effect. Try it some
time if it doesn't sound too expensive.
* * * *'
A freshman entering this fall resorted to the
old-fashioned method of trade and barter to pay
for his room. He offered to give harp lessons and
unlimited use of the instrument in return for the
room. Operator, plug in St. Peter.
* * * *
GRAFTON SHARP, Theta Delt playboy
*and business manager of The Daily, went
sailing this summer in a rented cat-boat., A
squall came up and a rag which had been
stuffed into the bottom of the boat as caulk-
ing came out. Sharpie, taking no chances,
rammed the boat into shore so hard that
the bottom was stove in. The owner sued
for $50 damages on the $15 boat so Skipper
Sharp hired a lawyer, made two trips to Port
Austin, spent nearly $100, and was finally
fined $6.50 damages which the owner indig-
nantly refused. She shouldn't look a saw
horse in the mouth.
TWO Phi Delta Phis rooming together wanted a
cot to put in their room. One with a sister
living at the Alpha Phi house, said he could get
a day bed from her. He called a truck and said,
"Please call at the Alpha Phi house and get a*
day bed which is to be delivered to the Phi Delta
Phi house." "Haw," said the man, "Haw-haw,"
and hung up.I
* * * *
Somebody left a loaded- .38 revolver lying
around in a prominent State Street fraternity.
Brother Jack Wierengo picked it up, inspected
it, and it went off missing the ear of Brother
George (Cookie-Cutter) Wanty by six inches.
Brother Wierengo looked -at the hole in the
wall, looked at Brother Wanty, looked at the
gun, said "Dammit."
A VERY DRUNK approached a couple of small
co-eds and announced that he was going to
escort them home. "Thish," he announced, "is an
exshperiment. I don't believe that coedsh are ash
high-hat fsh they are made out to be." When the
smaller of the girls, who is very small indeed,
hauled off and layed one on him, he looked sur-
prised, hurt, walked off a little way and delivered
this Parthian shot with inebriated dignity: "Now
you're being ridiculoush."

Place advertisements with Classified
Ad vertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
B3ox numbers may be secured at no
cxra charge.
Cash in advance--lie per reading line
(oin basis of five average words to!
line) for one or two insertions.
Wc per reading line for three or more
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate-- 5c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
1.4c per reading line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the datc of last insertion.
Minimum three lines pertinsertion.
By contract, per' line-2 lines daily, one
month.. ......................80
a lines E. 0. D., 2 months...........3c
2 lines daily, college year......... 7c
4 lines E. O. D., college year. 7c-
00 lines used as desired......... 9c
300 lines used as desired........8c
1,000 lines used as desired........7c
2,000 lines used as desired........6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic typo, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to abovenrates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7%2 point

TWO-ROOM SUITE or three-room
apartment for one or two, $5.00
430 Fifth Ave. 21
TWO front suites and large room
downstairs. 513 S. Division.
SUITE for two men with running
water. Also single downstairs room.
Shower baths. 614 Monroe.
DOUBLE and single room for women,
$10 a month. 535 Church St. 38
ATTRACTIVE suite. Private bath for
2, 3, or 4 upperclassmen. Also one
double. 912 Forest. 19
THREE-roolh apartment with bath.
Furnished or unfurnished. All mod-
ern improvements. Garages in con-
nection. Close to campus. 419 N.
State. Phone 5380. 16
QUIET room for graduate student or
instructor. 13 Cutting Apartments,
opposite Hutchins Hall. 20
LARGE room for two men in pri-
vate residence. S. E. Section. 20
minutes from campus. Garage
available. Tile bath and shower.
Plenty of soft hot water. Use of
radio and billiard room.eCall stu-
dent owner, noon or evening, 3378.
FOR RENT single rooms for womer.
703 Haven. 24
SUITE with private bath and
shower for three or four. Also
double room. Boys' approved
house. Dial 8544, 422; E. Washing-
ton. 28
FOR RENT Single room. Also two
rooms for light housekeeping. 520
E. Ann. 12-
FOR SALE, cheap. One second-hand
Remington typewriter. Good condi-
tion. Apt. 17 520 Jefferson. Ph.
6916. 47*
MASSIVE rosewood table, suitable
for fraternity or sorority, piano-
bench, antique stand. 904 S. State.
Phone 4685. 40,


ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com-
fortable cabs. Standard rates.
PIANO TUNING. The Concert Art-
ist Tuner. Phone 6776. Victor All-
mendinger. Office at residence. Ex-
clusive tuner for University School
of Music. 8
WANTED-Laundry. Soft water.
Reasonable. Called for and deliv-
ered. Phone 5291.
LAUNDRY carefully done and hand
mended. Work guaranteed. 1780 S.
State. Phone 730 F 4. 43
HOME Hand Laundry. Special, shirts
beautifully finished, 13c. Phone
8894. '7x
-WE DO your laundry work for one-
half the usual price. Phone 2-3739.

STUDENT with readingability to
translate German or French pub-
lication for reasonable pay. Call
3378, noon or evening. 30,
new suits and overcoats. Will pay
3, 4, 5, and 8, 9 dollars. Phone Ann
Arbor, 4306, Chicago Buyer. 5x
LOST Black horned-rim glasses in
black leather case, on State Street
or North University. Finder phone
6118. 42
VOCAL instruction by experienced
teacher. Miss Johnson, contralto.
Graduate, University School pf
Music, pupil of Horatio Connell,
Philadelphia. Phone 4685. Reason-
able rates. 39
TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger
cars. Only standard rates. lx


LAUNDRY wanted. Silks, wools
guaranteed. Quick service. Call for
and deliver. 611 E. Hoover. Phone
5594. 32
STUDENT and family laundry. Good
softy water. Will call for and de-
liver. Telephone 4863. 3k
PHONE 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
BOARD for Jewish students. Deli-
cious home cooking. Special chick-
en dinner, 54c. 611 E. Hoover. Ph.
2-3478. 31
WANTED-Experienced Shoe Sales-
man. Part-time work. Jacobsons'.
EARN half your roomrent and board.
Five hours work per week. Two
earnest men desired. Non-profit
335 E. Ann. 45



comes with the new administration as Bill Hoff-
man rallies his old War-time buddies about him
to do battle with the Anderson gang - a gang
that didn't believe President Roosevelt meant it
when he said 3.2 beer would put the illegal beer
men out of business.
Many of the situations which "Song of the
Eagle" presents are cliches which are disguised,
as has been said, only by the popular appeal of
a 3.2 beer scenario. The six strongest members
of the cast all belong to the Old Guard of semi-
stars and featured players designed to- appeal to
a maximum percentage of the audience with a
moderate cash outlay on the part of the pro-
Credit is due Louise Dresser for her Emma;
Miss Mary Brian of the alternately light and dark
curls is de trop once once.
* * * *
Ed... ..................... .Eric Linden
Peggy............. .....Sidney Fox
Anderson....................Tully Marshall
Wade ........................Louis Calhern
Jig Skelli................... Edward Arnold
Supposedly appealling to the younger constitu-
ency of an audience are Universal's 4 foot, 11
inch Sidney Fox and starirng, youthful Eric Lin-
den. In "Afraid to Talk" sympathy is rallied
about this pair through the medium of a murder
frame-up on Linden by virtue of which the pitch-
stained political bosses of a certain city hope to
avoid penitentiary sentences for fraud.
Gorillas carry on guerilla warfare with their
Thompsons, Vickerses, and Brownings; children
are shot down Ain the street; Linden is mauled to
unconsciousness by police -third-degree men; and
champagne flows freely. The result is a cleanup
in the political situation and an acquittal for
"Afraid to Talk" is '7,000. feet of film which
loses punch because the same theme has been
photographed many times in the past.
-G. M. W. Jr.
Katharine Hepburn - she of the high cheek
bones - opens at the Michigan today in "Mor-
ning Glory," a vehicle which has earned for her
the high praise of many critics. Adolph Menjou
and Lowell Sherman are among the supporting
Tryouts for the Junior Executive Board of
the Art Cinema League are asked to report to
Jacob C. Seidel, '35, from 3 to 5 p. m. today or
1 tn 1 n m tomorrow in the Rehearsal






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