The Weather Generally fair today, some- at cooler; tomorrow increas- cloudiness and warmer. Y it ga ~~Iait Editorials 'Zoo In Budapest' . . . Transportation Racketeer ng . . XLIV No. 62 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1933 PRICE FIV Fraternity To Initiate AtBanquet Phi Kappa Phi, National Honorary Society, Elects Students, Faculty Men 26 Literary college Pledges Are Named Six Faculty Members Are Taken Into Orgaiization; Six Engineers Chosen Phi Kappa Phi, national honorary scholastic society, will hold its an- nual banquet and fall initiation at 6:30 p. m. Thursday at the Union. Prof. W. H, Hobbs, head of the ge- ology department, will be the prin- cipal speaker on the program. The following faculty and student members were elected to the society; From the faculty: Prof. Vernor W. Crane of the history department, Prof. Bradley M. Davis of the botany department, Prof. Earl L. Griggs of the English department, Prof. Max S. Handman of the economics depart- ment, Prof. Chester S. Schoepfle of the chemistry department, and Prof. Robert H. Sherlock of the engineering college. From the literary college 26 stu- dents were selected. They are Jane M. Robinson, Marion L. Giddings, Saul L. Nadler, Frederick K. Brown, Alton H. Rowland, Ellis H. Steffen- sen, Esther L. Frank, Jack A. Mintz, Barbara P. Smith, Harold R. Schmidt, William G. Merhab, Curtis L. Men- delson, Lucille O. Wagar, Lester M. Harrison, Sara B. King, Joseph A. LaCava, Carlotta R. Weitbrecht, La- Lander S. Norman, Franklin H. La- Rowe, Milton C. Kloetzel, Harry P. Warner, Helen M. Podolsky, Martha P. McIntosh, Emily Luxenberg, Bald- win R. Curtis, aand Robert A. Carr\. Six members of the engineering college were selected. They are Mau- rice E. Bates, Ernest F. Brater, Robert E. Woodhams, Robert E. Blackwell, Robert W. Merritt, and George A. Spangenberg Donald C. Anderson was the sole member of the architecturercollege to be elected tohe society. From the School of Education Iola L. Good- speed, Odessa L. Cohen, Barbara An- drews, and Donald B. Gooch were chosen. William D. Robinson and Stanley R Dean were elected from the Med- ical school, and Floyd D. Ostrander and Edwin C. Fritz are the represen- tatives of the School of Dentistry. From the School of Forestry and Conservation Merle C. Oleson was se- lected, and Morris Schwartz was chosen from the School of Business Administration. Ellen S. Place, and Dorothy A. Emerich were the two representatives of the School of Music. U. S. Isolation Not Feasible, Slosson States The United States should Co- operate with the rest of the world through entering the League of Na tions and the World Court, Prof. Pres- ton W Slosson of the history depart- ment declared yesterday afternoon at a meeting of the Tolstoy League in N a t u r a l Science Auditorium. Professor Slosson said the world had "suffered a severe set-back" as a result of the defection of Japan and Germany from the League of Nations. Isolation is impossible with the airplane, and other means of rapid communication, Professor Slosson de- clared. To keep out of foreign en- tanglements we would have to go to the moon, he said, and if war should break out our political isolation would be nullified by our loss of trade, and this might draw us into the war. The Rev. Allison Ray Heaps of the Congregational Church showed slides portraying the fate of a Ger- man mother who lost her son in the Supreme Court Acts On Case Of' Negro Guilty Of Attack' DECATUR, Ala., Dec. 5 - OP) - Retrial of five Negroes in the Scotts- boro attack case was postponed today pending supreme court decisions on Heywood Patterson's conviction as a Morgan County jury .continued de- liberations on conviction or acquital for Clarence Norris, second of the seven defendants to be tried. Patterson was convicted last week for his alleged part in an attack on Mrs. Victoria Price and Ruby Bates, Huntsville, Ala., mill workers, on a freight train in northern Alabama. He was sentenced to death for the third time. Samuel S. Leibowitz, chief of the defense counsel supplied by the In- ternational Labor Defense today sug- gested postponement of the other trials after saying he would appeal the Patterson conviction to the Ala- bama supreme court and later to the United States supreme court if the state's highest judicial body upheld the lower court. Leibowitz indicated the appeal would be taken on constitutional grounds, contending the defense would again charge negroes were ex- cluded from juries in Alabama, "sole- ly because of race and color." Mo- tions to quash the indictment and Miller To Discuss Feats Of Engineers A discussion of "The Engineer in History" to be given by Col. Henry W. Miller, professor of mechanism and engineering drawing in the en- gineering college, will be a feature of the meeting of the Stump Speaker's Society of Sigma Rho Tau at 7:45 p. m. tonight in rooms 319-25 of the Union: Colonel Miller is the author of a book revealing the structural features of the monster Paris gun, which fired shells into Paris from a distance of about 70 miles. Lippmann Will Give Speech At '34 Graduation Present Drug Laws Flayed By Simmons University Lecturer Tells Of Copeland Bill; To Be Considered Soon Would Control All Quack Advertising Open Doors As Ceremo Officially Ousts Prohibil Liquor Shops In 18 States 0 Pennsylvania, Ohio Illinois' Ilewhiskered Senator Found Utah Conventions Legalization Of Liq Cites Poisoning Cases Victims; Difficulty Prosecution Shown Of Of Government A Canadian In MRS. VICTORIA PRICE the venire on those grounds were overruled by the trial judge. Meanwhile no word had come from the Norris jury except once during the morning when it asked for ex- hibits and documentary evidence. Galens Society Drive Paised By Dr. Ruthven FIrst Day Of Annual 'ag Sale y Medical Group Nets More Than $600 "I can imagine no more worthy cause than that for which the Galens Society is conducting its annual drive," President Alexander G. Ruth- ven said in an announcement issued yesterday. "I hope that those who are able will support the program of the society again this year as they have so willingly in the past." The first day of the annual tag sale drive of the Galens Medical Society netted between $600 and $700, or a little more than half of the $1,200 goal, according to Samuel A. Fiegel, '34M, president of the society, who voiced the appreciation of the Galens Society for the support which stu- dents have afforded the drive. The main idea of the sale is to have everyone wearing a tag, and not to gain large contributions, it was said. Leaders of Galens expressed the hope that the drive will be equally well supported today, the last day of the sale. Women's Gle e Club Will Offer Recital TIoni aht By THOMAS H. KLEENE Vigorously assailing the provisions of what he termed the "antiquated food and drug laws of 1906," as en- tirely inadequate, W. B. Simmons, of- ficial representative of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, yesterday after- noon strongly advocated the enaction of the proposed Copeland Act, de- signed to further protect the con- sumer. "Loopholes left in the existing leg- islation make it possible for manufac- turers to retail legitimately any prod- ucts not making false statements on the label. The administration has no control whatsoever over guarantees made in pamphlets, over the radio or in collateral advertising," Mr. Sim- mons said. He declared that the pro- posed act would, however, definitely eliminate this unethical practice. Offenders Not Punishable In the case of one so-called "rem- edy" for sugar diabetes, the prosecu- tion was able to prove the claims of the manufacturers were false, but the offenders were not punished because it could not be established that they knew their medicine was a fake, Mr. Simmons said. This, too, would be done away with by the Copeland Act, which places the burden of proof squarely on the shoulders of the maker, he said. Commenting on another serious ill of the present laws, Mr. Simmons stated that the pena y fearo- nin-g thousands of people all over the country with a certain product was only an assessment of $200, which is almost the maximum penalty. "The new bill would, however, provide a much str.icter punishment, which can be much more readily enforced," he added. The speaker cited a number of other products now being sold at great risk to the public, which would be eliminated from the market with the enaction of the new bill. "Fake tuberculosis cures, remedies contain- ing thyroid extract, and the enclosing of prizes in candy packages would all be ruled out under the proposed act," he said. -Associated Press Photo SEN. J. HAMILTON LEWIS *_________ I * * --- - Noted Author, Journalist, And Political Observer To Head Program. Walter Lippmann, noted political observer, author, and journalist, has accepted an invitation to deliver the principal address at the annual Com- mencement exercises in June, it was announced yesterday by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to President Ruth- ven. Authorities here were extremely grateful to have been able to secure his services for the occasion, as he has an enviable reputation as a speaker. Through his connections as former associate editor of the New Republic and his syndicated column he has become known throughout the entire nation. Mr. Lippmann graduated from Harvard University with the class of 1910 and spent a year in graduate work there also. From June to Oc- tober in 1917 he was assistant to the Secretary of War, and following this was secretary of the organization di- rected by Col. E. M. House to prepare data for the Peace Conference. He held the rank of captain in the military intelligence division of the United States Army. He is a member of the American academy of Political and Social Science, and of Phi Beta Kappa. Among the many well-known books that he has written are: "A Preface to Politics," "The Political Scene," "The Stakes of Diplomacy," "Liberty and the News," "The Phantom Pub- lic," and "Men of Destiny." In addi- tion he is a contributor to the At- lantic Monthly, Harpers, Vanity Fair, and Foreign Affairs. Kalamazoo And Flint Alumni Plan Parties 'Columbia Lion In circus', Spectator Editorial Declares NEW YORK, Dec. 5 - (M)- The Columbia Spectator, student daily of Columbia University, today deplored acceptance of the invitation for the football team to play Stanford in the Rose Bowl game New Year's Day. "Columbia University had its chance yesterday to show conclusive- ly that intercollegiate football here is not a public spectacle for profit," The Spectator said editorially. "It had its chance to stand out above any institution in the United States as pre-eminently a university de- voted to the advancement of learn- ing,and research. By permitting the football team to strike out for Pasa- dena it has repudiated its own stan- dards." The editorial went on to say that the trip of the football team would interfere seriously with basketball, as several of the players also are on the court squad, and declared the whole venture was a step backward in "placing intercollegiate football one a sane and decent level." "The Lion has joined the circus," the editor said in conclusion. J. Ham' Is Sorry He Didn't Show Up EL PASO, Texas, Dec. 5. - (P) - Senator J. Hamilton Lewis of Illinois is sorry he disappointed audiences in Springfield, Mo., and Dallas, Texas, but he just had to see Secretary Woodin. The bewhiskered and sartorially splendid "J. Ham" explained it here today as he nursed a cold and spec- ulated as to whether he could speak tomorrow night as scheduled. Associates in Chicago had ex- pressed concern at not hearing from the senator for several days and be- came worried when he failed to ap- pear for engagements to speak on the NRA at Springfield last night and in Dallas tonight. Tickets Being Sold For The Union Smoker To Show Sound Pictures Of Important Games; All Students Are Invited Plan To Release Medi Liquor For Consumpti By General Public WASHINGTON, Dec. 5.-- (A With a dash of ceremony, the t convention late today wrote an to National Prohibition in a de that opened the doors of liquor s] in 18 states. Almost half a dozen other st were completing plans for legali sale under their own laws. The mainder of the nation remained Word that Utah - the 36th stat had ratified repeal, was flashet Washington a few hours after Pe sylvania and Ohio. But a little lE the final formalities were compl with issuance of proclamations by State Department and Presit Roosevelt declaring Prohibition a end. There was little Ceremony at signing of the Presidential or State Department proclamations, in wet states and some dry ones t. were celebrations. It found the Federal governr prepared to control the flow of lic in wet states, through a virtual tatorship over the industry, ant protect the arid ones. Several of 18 states where liquor could be immediately, however, were witl regulations. In a hurried effort to meet the mand and thereby thwart the b legger the government decided tc to allow large importations of An ican type Bourbon and rye whis from Canada. It also planned to lease for beverage purposes med liquor held in bonded warehouses customs houses. A move of the International form Federation to block the issu: f the repeal proclamation was jected in the District of Colun Supreme Court, when Justice F. D inson Letts rejected a petition by Canon William Sheafe ChasE Brooklyn, N. Y., on the ground t was no basis for the action. He r repeal was effective upon ratificE ay the 36 states and not through -roclamation. Repeal was brought about thrc ;he convention system, autho: .nder the Constitution, but used ;he first time in this case. The E .eenth Amendment is the first t ;jected from the Constitution ir aistor.y of the Republic. Thirty-three states, beginning 1ichigan, had ratified the Twe First Amendment previously. P ;ylvania's delegates were the fir :atify today. Ohio soon follc Jtah had determined to have Thirty-sixth position. First Concert Of Season. Is Termed Forward Step In Choral Activities The initial concert of the Univer- sity Women's Glee Club 1933-34 sea- son, to be presented at 8:30 p. m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, marks a forward advance in its choral activities. Formerly, pointed out Max- ine Maynard, '35, president, the Glee Club has emphasized classical num- bers and folk songs in its recitals, but this year a greater number of popular contemporary compositions will be included. Three groups of numbers will be sung under the direction of Margaret Martindale, '34SM, student director, assisted by Margaret Kimball, '34SM, accompanist. The organization is sponsored this year by Prof. Earl V. Moore and Prof. Palmer Christian. Honorary patronesses include Dean Alice Lloyd, Mrs. Alfred H. White, Mrs. Harry Bacher, Miss Nora Crane Hunt, and Miss Ethel McCormick. The first group of numbers in- cludes: Behold the Sun Up-Soaring, by Wolfgang Mozart; two choruses from L'Allegro, by Handel, and three love songs by Johannes Brahms. The second group is composed of Angels and Shepherds, a Bohemian carol; Shepherd's Christmas Song, an Aus- trian Folk song, and Glory to God in the Highest, a composition by Gio- vanni Pergolesi. The third group includes four songs by modern composers: Music When Soft Voices Die, by Clarence Dickin- Cites Instances , A typical instance of the effect of these cures is seen in the case of a prominent man who drank a quantity of a preparation containing radio- active water as a remedy for stomach disorders, and died a horrible death with the bones in his jaw entirely dis- integrated, Mr. Simmons stated. Cosmetics would also be brought under the scope of the laws for the first time, he declared, although they have not heretofore been considered dangerous. However, it was recently discovered that many of them con- tain lead, which is slowly absorbed by the system resulting in chroniclead poisoning, he said. And even silver and pyragallol, which cause serious convulsions and sometimes death, were discovered in certain goods. Among the benefits that would be derived from the enaction of the Copeland Act would be the elimina- tion of false advertising and labelling, the restraining of chronic offenders from further production by issuing injunctions, the establishing of a definition of drugs, and the operation of factories under Federal permit in- suring safeguard of public health where it cannot otherwise be pro- tected, he said. GREECE TO OUST INSULL ATHENS, Dec. 5 - (Al') - It was learned reliably tonight that the Greek Government would request Samuel Insull to leave Greece at the expiration of his permit Dec. 31. Y..C.A. Solicits Funds For Children's Show There is a movement afoot spon- sored by the Y.W.C.A. to send children on the city welfare lists to the performances as a Christ- gift to them. Campus sororities ,,,,- crP todnAft- ht mnnm, Gerian Foll Tale Play Will OpenDec. 14 'Hansel And Gretel' Story Will Be Given First As Matinee For Children- "Hansel and Gretel," the first off two productions of the Children's Theatre, will be given under the di-. rection of Kenneth Marantette, at a1 special matinee for children Thurs- day, Dec. 14, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Evening performances will1 be held Dec. 15 and 16, and a second' matinee on the latter date., The German folk legend of Hansel and Gretel is given in various parts of the world at Christmas time, and this group hopes to make an annual affair of it here. The Bertha L. Smith arrangement of the Humperdinck music, which was introduced last year to over 2,000 people, will be used. The fact that the Metropolitan Opera Co. is giving the production over the ra- dio Dec. 25 adds interest to the local staging. Tickets have already been placed on sale and plans are rapidly going forward for the second annual Var- sity Football Smoker to be held under the sponsorship of the Union at 8 p. m., Tuesday, Dec. 12, in the ball- room, according to Edward W. Mc- Cormick, recording secretary. Sound pictures of a number of the more important games on the sched-r ule have been obtained and will be shown on a huge screen especially constructed for the occasion at one end of the ballroom, McCormick said. The same films were shown Saturday night at the Football Bust in De- troit, and are said to be perfect repro- ductions of the plays. Invitations to attend the smoker have been extended to the entire squad of 50, coaching staff, and cheerleaders, in addition to a number of prominent Detroit alumni. Union officials stress the fact that it is being held in celebration of the impressive record compiled by Mich- igan's championship football team, and will be the last opportunity the students and faculty will have to honor them. The main speaker of the evening has not yet been selected by the com- mittee, but he will undoubtedly be a well-known coach or football official. Varsity Band Is Ready To Open Concert Yea With its work in the football se ;on out of the way, the Varsity Ba yesterday began preliminary work Yard its organization as a conc init. A concert band of 80 pieces ;romised by Prof. Nicholas D. F ,one, director, who estimates that will be one of the best concert ranizations in recent years. ' widespread acclaim that greeted improved football band is expec to be received by the platform ui also, band officials say. The band's major contribution the annual Football Bust progr Saturday night in Destroit marked Final performance in connection w 1933 football. Next Tuesday the ba assisted by the Varsity Glee Cl will present the musical program the annual Chevrolet Motor banq natures were secured inst war. The peti-' o the League of Na- in New York. The University of Michigan Club of Kalamazoo will entertain at a ban- quet tonight Herman Everhardus, '34, Chris Everhardus, '37, and Bud Han- shue, '37, all of Kalamazoo. Speak- ers will include T. Hawley Tapping, general secretary of the Alumni As- sociation, and Head Coach Harry E i nIre