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International Directory Lists
Names Of 560 Foreign Students
Listing 560 names, this years' In- f
ternational Directory, preparedt by.
the office of Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson,
counsellor to foreign students, was
recently released.
This year the directory contains
not only the names of students tech-
nically classed as foreign students,
but also the names of all students
though they claim residence in the
United States at present. This ac-
counts for the larger number of en-
China, with 61 students, has the
largest number of actual foreign stu-
dents registered, and Canada is sec-
ond with 21. Porto Rico, with 14
representatives, is the only other
country sending over 10 to the Uni-
versity this year.
Others, including Australia, Bra-
zil, Canal Zone, Colombia, Cuba,
Czechoslovakia, Germany, Manchur-
ia, Guatemala, Hungary, Sweden,
and Ukrania, have but one native in
the University this year. Bolivia has
two; Denmark, two; England, four;
France, two; Hawaii, six; India,
eight; Iraq, three; Italy, two; Japan,
four; Korea, seven; Panama, three;
Persia, two; Philippines, seven; Rus-
sia, three; Scotland, six; Switzerland,
two; and Syria and Turkey, two.
Foreign born students, composing
378 of the total, are most numerous
from Canada, which has 118 of her
native born residents in the Univer-
sity at present.
Russia is second with 38, Germany
third with 26, and England fourth
with 24. Poland has 18 of her na-
tives here, Italy, 12; and China and
Scotland, 11. Most of the others
range from one to eight in the list,
with only seven of the countries that
are listed being without any repre-
sentatives in this class.
The counsellor to foreign students
was appointed this year by the Board
of Regents to act, under the dean
of students, in the interests of for-
eign students enrolled in the Uni-
versity. These students are invited
to call at his office, Room 1004 A.H.,
at any time for counsel or advice on
their individual or group problems.
Univgrsity officials hope that this
service will further the cause of in-
ternational good will through profit-
able contacts.
Tolstoy League To
Present War Slides
A sterioptican slide adaptation of
the motion picture "Four Sons," a
war story, will be presented by the
Rev. Allison R. Heaps of the Con-
gregational Church at a meeting of
Polish Students
Form Class To
Study Language
Classes in Polish language, which
were discontinued about four years
ago, are again being given here un-
der the tutelage of Stefan Piatkow-
ski, who has been engaged in re-
search work in the College of Engi-
neering since being sent here for that
purpose by the Polish Government.
Last year the class was reorganized
through private endeavor and was
taught by Prof. Alexander Gwiaz-
dowski, of the College of Engineer-
ing, later turning it over to Piatkow-
ski when it was felt that it was suf-
ficiently well-organized. The class
is sponsored by the Polonia Circle,
an organization of students of Po-
lish ancestry, and is offered without
charge to those interested. It meets
Tuesdays from 4 to 6 p. m. in Room
1020 A. H.
A new half-million-dollar library
is to be built by Temple University.
the Tolstoy League, to be held at
4:15 p. m. today in Natural Science
Following the slides, Prof. Preston
W. Slosson of the history department
will give a short talk on "Entangling
should be made at
Dial 5031
332 South State Street
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