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December 03, 1933 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-12-03

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The Weather
Occasional rain Sunday, cold-
er in west and central portions;
Monday some rain or snow.



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VOL. XLIV No. 60


- - -- -

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Board Will
Confer On

Dr. Gould Prophesies Use Of
Coal Mined Near South Pole

Late Hours
League Directors To Mee
With Dean Alice Lloyd
Action Indicated
Women Leaders In
Favor Of Privileges
Agitation Comes As Resul
Of Unanimous Decisio
By Women's Board
Indicating that the proposal fo
modification of women's hours wil
face decisive actipn tomorrow at th
meeting of the League Board of Di-
rectors, many campus leaders lasi
night declared themselves in favoi
of some change. Further indicatior
that action will be taken was the in-
tention of Miss Alice Lloyd, dean o
women, to meet with the board.
The proposal for prolonging hours
met with unanimous approval of the
Board of Representatives last week
which-represented the opinion of ev-
ery dormitory, sorority and league
house. Result of the meeting showed
the women in favor of extending the
Saturday night closing hour to at
least 1 a. m., the Sunday night hour
to 11:30 p. in., and to allow senior
women one night a week late per-
mission. These sggestions will be
brought up before the Board of Di
rectors tomorrow.
Board Members Voice Ideas
Special privileges for senior wo-
men were met with approval by many
of the board. Marian Giddings, '34,
vice-president of the League, said,
"not only should senior women be
allowed some privileges not given to
underclassmen, but there are many
occasions when senior women would
like to stay out later which would
necessitate the inconvenience of go-
x ng tthe dean of womerY' office for
Speaking about the possibility of
increased fatigue with later hours,
Miss Giddings said, "the girls always
stay up after they come in, and ex-
tended hours would not necessarily
mean that they would retire any
Mary Louise Kessberger, '34, sen-
ior representative on the board, de-
clared her house "very enthusiastic
about the change" especially on the
proposal for an extra half hour on
Saturday night. Discussing quiet
hours Miss Kessberger said that there
was a bigger effort being made to
enforce them than ever before and
she believed that later hours would
in no way affect this.
"Abolish All Hours"
Ruth Duhme. '34, senior member
of the Judiciary Council, stated she
was in favor of the "abolishment of
all women's hours." "I believe," she
said, "that the underclassmen might
need supervision but the juniors and
seniors should not be so restricted."
Mary O'Brien, '35, junior represen-
tative, thought the present hours
fairly liberal but "senior women
should certainly have some special
Ruth Kurtz, '34, senior member of
the Judiciary Council, stated, "I am
heartily i n favor of all t h r e e
Other prominent leaders of wo-
men's activities also declared them-
selves in favor of a change. Char-
lotte Johnson, '34, president of Sen-
ior Society, honorary society for in-
dependent women, said, "An extra
half hour on Saturday night is an
improvement but I would rather see
it 1:30 a. m. if possible." Miss John-
son was also in favor of the pro-
posed change for Sunday night as

well as the special senior privileges.
The same opinion was held by Cath-
erine McHenry, women's business
manager of The Daily.
Campbell Heads Council
Of Teachers Of English
Prof. Oscar J. Campbell of the
English department was elected pres-
ident of the National Council of
Teachers of English, for a one-year
term, at the annual meeting of the
group which ended yesterday in De-
troit. He will also serve as chairman
of the executive council of the body.

WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. -(R) -
When coal mines of the rest of the
world are exhausted, coal from the
South Pole may be burned in homes
and factories.
Under the snow fields and glaciers
of the Antarctic Continent are buried
coal resources second only to those
of the United States, says Dr. Law-
rence M. Gould, formerly of the Uni-
versity of Michigan, writing in the
annual report of the Smithsonian In-
His estimate is based on surveys
made by himself while geologist of
the first Byrd Antarctic expedition
and by other South Polar explorers.
Discoveries of coal by the Byrd ex-
pedition, he says, "add many thou-
sands of square miles to the coal
areas already known in South Vic-
toria Land (near Byrd's camp at1
Little America)."l
If the Antarctic's coal reserves ap-
proach those of the United Statess
in extent, they must total at least
many billions of tons. Coal reserves
of the United States and Alaska are
estimated at 3,536,000,000,000 tons.c

More facts on the South Polar coa
areas probably will be gathered by
the second Byrd Antarctic expedition
now on its way South. Not only doet
the ice-covered continent contain
enormous coal reserves, Dr. Gould be.
lieves, but "that it may contain un-
dreamed mineral wealth is within
Mining the Antarctic coal now
seems impractical because of its dis-
tance from markets and the cold
climate. However, coal is mined to-
day on the Island of Spitzbergen
which is 2,000 miles north of the
Arctic circle in the same latitude as
Northern Greenland.
Climates of the world change, how-
ever, and the time may come when
the Antarctic will be milder. It must
have enjoyed a tropical or subtrop-
ical climate at the time when the
coal beds originally were formed be-
cause coal consists of the hardened
remains of luxuriant plants which
grew 250,000,000 years ago in the
carboniferous age.


Belknap Tells
Of Expedition
Just Returned To United
States; Says All Desired
Data Obtained
Dispatch Recounts
Expedition History

Trip Sponsored By
American Airways


F Michian Will
Not Follow Its
Wet Precedent
Legislative Oeadlock Is An
Indication That Legality
Will Not Affect State
LANSING, Dec. 2. - When the
Eighteenth Amendment passes into
oblivion Tuesday afternoon at 3
o'clock, Michigan will be unpre-
pared to share in the reform it pio-
neered as the first state to ratify re-
That fact, more than any other, is
counted upon to break its rapidly
developing' deadlock over liquor con-
trol plans which will be the focal
point of statewide attention when
the Legislature resumes its delibera-
'tions Monday night.
Public 'frtitation over the delay,
which even now threatens legal tip-
pling over the holiday season, al-
ready is in evidence.
Issued Are Listed
The old-time saloon, sale by the
glass, state-owned stores, home rule,
druggists' package sales, the person-
nel of the Liquor Control Commis-
sion, whether the whisky profits
shall go to swell the old-age pen-
sion fund or to relieve the schools-
these are the principal controversial
Along with them are half a dozen
secondary points of conflict-whether
the State Police or commission in-
spectors are to bear the enforce-
ment burden license fees, whether
control shall be uniform or special
dispensation established for recog-
nized metropolitan wet c e n t e r s,
whether clubs may sell by the glass
and if so what kind of clubs.
In the shadows lurks the Warner-t
Cramton Act.
Nearly a quarter of a century ago,
another house of representatives,
presided over in committee of the
whole by John C. Lodge, now a De-1
troit Council member, labored at 2
o'clock one winter morning in 1909
to write that compromise saloon-con-1
trol statute.z
Seek Historical Action
The pendulum has swung through
15 years of prohibition and now an-
other generation of lawmakers, atf
grips with the same problem, ist
scrutinizing the Warner - Cramton
Act for historical precedent.
The Senate is the immediate bat-
tleground, but the c e r t a i n t y of
changes in the Legislative Council's
draft, already approved by the House,
and the necessity of mustering a
two-thirds vote in both chambers for
the final compromise, takes in thet
entire Legislature.
Roosevelt Will
Return Today
r, "
To Washingtonf
WARM SPRINGS, Ga., Dec 2.--
(a) -President Roosevelt announced
today that his table in the Little
White House was cleared of businesst
as he began packing for the return tot
Washington tomorrow.t
This was taken to mean there wast
nothing in prospect from him on thet
monetary situation before his returnf

Women May Crash
Exclusive Ranks Of
Gargoyle's Victims
The secret has partially come out!
Editor Thomas E. Powers of the Gar-
goyle announced yesterday that Pre-
posterous Person No. 9 will' be one
of the following alleged B.M.O.C.'s.
Julie Kane, Sophomore Cabaret
big-shot and campus social satellite;
Tom Ellerby, track captain and So-
rosis watch-dog; Jay Pozz, chief ex-
ponent of ham-acting in Ann Ar-
bor; Gay Maier, Big-Leaguer; Prof.
Bruce M. Donaldson, fine artist; Ray
Fiske, University bully; B. B. Kelley,
fraternity impressario; Harriet Jen-
nings, judicial interpreter; and Mary
Stirling, society gal.
The names were approved by Pres-
ident Gilbert E. (Peko) Bursley of
the Preposterous People Club who
highly praised the addition of the
feminine element to the heretofore
strictly male list. "A distinctly, lib-
eralizing influence" was the presi-
dent's characterization.
To Hold Second
discussion Of
CharityDriv e
Meet Tomorrow To Plan
For Fund To Be Given
To Needy Students
A second meeting of student wel-
fare groups interested in a student
fund drive for the benefit of needy
members of the University has been4
called for 5 p. m. Monday, at the,
Union, by Gilbert E. Bursley, presi-
dent of the Undergraduate Council.
All organizations which might be'
interested in the drive are requested
by Bursley to attend.
Plans to be discussed by the group,
Bursley said, would include whether
or not it was advisable to hold such a
fund drive, similar to the one held
last year, and the time it would getI
Members who attended the first
meeting of the organization, Bursley
said, were all in favor of the drive
and expressed a willingness to par-t
ticipate in it. No time for the cam-j
paign was definitely set, but it was
felt by those present that the drivel
should be held some time immediately
after the Christmas vacation.
Last year's drive netted more than
$2,000, and Dean Joseph A. Bursley,
at a recent meeting of the Under-
graduate Council, said it was one of
the most useful funds he had ever
seen here.
This year, the president of the
council said, it was quite likely that a
group would be elected by the welfare
organizations to sit with the dean in
the distribution of funds, handing to
him names of students they knewt
to be in need of money, but who were
too proud to come to the dean's of-I
fice and ask for it. In this way, Burs-1
ley said, it was hoped that the moneyI
would get around to those who need t
it more effectively.
Organizations which are expected
to be represented at the meeting are2
the Student Christian Association,r
the Liberal Students Union, the Na-e
tional Student League, and suchl
church groups as the Newman Clubt
and Hillel Foundation.

The University of Michigan-Pan-
American Airways Greenland Expe-
dition was distinctly successful in ac-
complishing its aims, Prof. Ralph
Belknap, director of the expedition,
declared in an exclusive letter to The
Daily yesterday.
Professor Belknap, who has just
returned to the United States with
his two assistants, Max Demorest
and Evans Schmeling, said that in
addition to obtaining the desired me-
teorological data, the members of
the expedition were fortunate in hav-
ing had the opportunity to learn how
to live under Arctic conditions and
to appreciate "man's most faithful
friend, the dog."
In the letter, which is reprinted
here, Professor Belknap tells the his-
tory of the expedition, its aims and
accomplishments, and some of the
experiences encountered by the vari-
ous members during their year-and-
a-half stay in northern Greenland.
(Director of U. of M.-Pan American
Airways Greenland Expedition)
Ever since '1926, the University of
Michigan has been represented in
Greenland by a series of expeditions
organized and directed by Prof. Wil-
liam H. Hobbs, head of the geology
When, in February, 1932, Professor
Hobbs decided to discontinue his
work in Greenland, I took up the
task of organizing an expedition for
the following year. Acting with an
advisory committee consisting of Pro-
fessor Hobbs, Dr. Larry M. Gould,
who was second-in-command of Ad-
miral Byrd's Antarctic Expedition,
and E. J. Ottoway, former president
of the Alumni Association, we were
successful in obtaining recognition
and financial aid from the University
and the National Research Council.
It was planned to establish a base
station near the Cornell Glacier on
the west coast of Greenland, just
south of Melville Bay. The area
north of the location had never been
explored so we planned to not only
establish a weather station, but to
also survey this unknown region. In
addition we hoped to study the man-
ner and rate of movement of the
Cornell Glacier, to make botanical
and geological studies of the entire
area, and to establish two weather
stations of auxiliary nature.
Sailed On Peary Memorial Ship
Arrangements were made whereby
Evans Schmeling, assistant director
and aerologist; Herbert N. Gardner,
botanist and photographer; and my-
self sailed on the Peary Memorial
Expedition's ship, the schooner' "Mor-
risey," directly from the United
States to our base in Greenland. Just
before sailing, a co-operative ar-
rangement was made with the Pan+
American Airways and the expedi-
tion became the West Greenland rep-
resentative of that organization.
Schmeling and Gardner estab-
lished the base station and began
observations at midnight, July 31, the
beginning of the polar year. Dur-
ing the summer of 1932, I was with
(Continued on Page 2)

-Associated Press Photo
Thomas D. Austin, '35, veteran tackle of the Michigan eleven, was
announced last night as captain of the 1934 team. Austin hails from
Columbus, 0., and has seen regular action on the Varsity since the first
few games his sophomore year.

Herbarium Given To University
Was Collected All Over World
Through participation in expedi- ly from South America, is especially
tions and exchange with collectors in valuable in that it is original ma-
all parts of the world, the Parke-Da- terial from which the species were
vis & Company herbarium was built described for the first time. Flower-
up from the nucleus obtained from ing plants from Paraguay are the
H. H. Rusby, now dean-emeritus of substance of Morong's material,
the Pharmacy College of New York, which is included in the present the
in the 1880's. Regents accepted Friday night.
This collection is termed by Prof. A railroad company desired to put
H. H. Bartlett, head of the depart- a line through to the Pacific in 1853
ment of botany, the most valuable along the 35th parallel and a Mr.
single acquisition the University her- Whipple took specimens of the flora
barium has ever made. The library along this route as the surveying was
that goes with it contains a number being conducted.
of valuable editions, many of which Also included in the United States

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