THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Galen Shop Provides Occupation For Children lion L41 Not In NRA, h ar Says sehoa a i m s That Conflicting Views May Both Be Set JP Substantially mrt Will Favor Act, He Believes [11 Not Come Up Before ludiciary In Entirety But y Provisions (By Intercoegiate Press) AMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec. 1- 're is no such thing as the con- 4tionality of the NRA, but all de- ds upon its "judiciality" - in er words, how the nine justices he United States Supreme Court at it, his, in general, is the opinion of Thomas Reed Powell, professor onstitutional law at Harvard Uni- ~ity. The Constitution," he said re- fly, .,has nothing to do with the very program except as situa- s are ;created to take before the creme Court. And so far as the stitution is concerned, those nine are absolutely free to do as they se. Perhaps, after eight months ational co-operation,five of them Ssay, "Oh, no, you shouldn't have le this' - a perfectly amazing sys- of government. [ can write two briefs setting up constitutionality and the uncon- utionality of the NRA and do both 1 good conscience. But it may that the indestructible force will t the immovable body before the reme Court and something will pen. As a matter of fact, it is unlikely t the entire Recovery Act will e before the Supreme Court; 6r it may come Tonta provision wo at a time. That means the rt may knock holes in it here and e, but on the whole the imprac- bility of judicial interference at time may rule. The NRA is largely a permissive I believe the Supreme Court look with favor upon the law C is constructive and not merely ishing somebody for being naugh- . Some have expressed fear of atorship, which always amuses It stands to reason that a single cutive will be more responsive to lic opinion than a composite such Congress, whose members pay too ch heed to the editorials in home ers and none to editorials else- tre. Anyway, Congress has plen- of brakes to put on the power nted to the President." mswiler Gives (adio Lecture )n Engineering he educational requirements nec- try for a career in mechanical en- eering were discussed in the radio ure given by Prof. John E. Ems- 'r of the College of Engineering r the University hour from the ris Hall studios of station WJR erday esides the educational require- its, Professor Emswiler dealt with profession as a part of the whole ineering field, pointing out that erained to the development of er and the design of machinery. erest, imagination, accuracy, hon- resourcefulness, and judgment the important factors to possess ne plans on entering the field, he ed. The mechanical engineer must be ned along two distinct lines of ,ntific knowledge, the one requir- familiarity with the principles of rgy transformations, and the er leading to the ability to design chines in which energy can be ized," Professor Emswiler stated. hysics, mathematics, and English; among the most utilitarian sub- s, if a student expects to become engineer, he continued. The course the Uniersity consists of two se- of courses, that relating to the elopment of energy, and the de- On the ninth floor of the University Hospital is the carefully supervised Galen Woodworking shop where young patients who are confined with fractures or are convalescing are allowed to learn the manual crafts for credit in their schools at home. -----v * * * * * Bromage Urges Appointing Of County Officers Board Of Supervisors Is Only Body Which Should Be Elected, He Says A plea for appointment rather than election of the many county admin- istrative officers and a presentation of the benefits of the county home rule and "optional law" plan were high spots of a Thursday night radio University broadcast over WJR by Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of the political science department. Although he stated that the county board of supervisors should be an elective body, Professor Bromage said it did not follow from that the county administrators should be elec- ted. The placing of the names of clerk, sheriff, treasurer, surveyor, and other administrators on the ballot serves only to confuse the voters, Professor Bromage declared, noting that "the best vote-getter will not necessarily be the best administra- tor." S t a t e Constitutional provisions must firse be set aside before county reorganization on a wide scale can be affected, the speaker said. If an amendment depriving the county ad- ministrative officers of their constitu- tional status were passed, and if the amendment empowered th e State Legislature to provide optional forms of county government or county home rule, the battle against the present antiquated system would be largely won, Professor Bromage stated. Advocates Optional Plan That Michigan would profit from the application both of the optional law plan and the county home rule plan was the belief expressed by Pro- fessor Bromage. Under the optional plan, the State Legislature would have the power to provide by gen- eral law for complete forms of county government different from the system required; by the State Constitution, Professor Bromage said, and any county might adopt such a plan by a majority vote of the elec- tors voting on the question. Wayne, Kent, and Oakland coun- ties have peculiar problems, and this is where the home rule -principle could be meritoriously applied, Pro- fessor Bromage said. If the optional law plans drafted by the Legislature did not meet the demands of these populous counties, they would have the alternative of drafting their own home rule charters. "There have been unsuccessful at- tempts to establish the home rule principle for Michigan counties," Professor Bromage declared. "In 1919 and 1920 a citizens' State com- mittee sponsored a Constitutional amendment to permit counties to frame, adopt, and amend charters for their self-government. A subsequent attempt resulted in the passage by the State Senate in 1929 of a home rule amendment, but this proposal was not passed by the House and it never came before the voters of the State, , Limited Type Suggested "Then in 1933 the Michigan Com- mission of Inquiry i n t o County, Township, and School District Gov- ernment suggested a limited type of Tag Day For Support Of Galen Projects To Be Held Next Week T hird Faculty Concert To Be Given Sunday The third faculty concert in the 1933-34 season will take place at 4:15 p. m. tomorrow afternoon in Hill Au-1 ditorium, and will include solos by Ava Comin Chase, and Louise Nel- son, of the piano faculty and the School of Music; and Hans Pick, pro- fessor of violoncello. The University Symphony Orches- tra, under the direction of Earl V. Moore, in addition to playing in com- bination with the soloists, will per- form Schubert's "Unfinished Sym- phony in B minor," and "Spanish Rhapsody" by Chabrier. The public with the exception of small children is invited, and is re- quested to be seated on time as the doors will be closed between num- bers. The program in its complete form is as follows: Bach's "First Concerto in C minor" or two pianos and strings, in three movements, Allegro, Adagio, and Allegro, will be played as a duet by Mrs. Case and Miss Nel- son; Schubert's "Unfinished Sym- phony" by the orchestra; "First Con- certo in A minor, Op. 33" in four movements to be played without pause by Mr. Pick, accompanied by the University Symphony Orchestra; and Chabirer's "Spanish Rhapsody" presented by the orchestra. Students Bear Up Well After Heavy l ay Of~ 'Banqueting According to a popular theory at the University Health Service, ap- pendicitis cases, acute gastric dis- orders, and kindred afflictions al- ways occur most frequently immedi- ately after Thanksgiving Day. This year, however, is the excep- tion which proves the theory to be a rule, for not a single case of appendicitis and not even one stom- -ch ache has been reported to the Health Service since -the big meal, Officials attribute the phenomenon d,o thatfact that a large number of students did not return to school af- terward and because "the lean years may have affected the turkeys." HOLD ENGINEERS EXAMS Examinations for civil engineers and surveyors will be given at the University, at Michigan State Col- lege, and at Ironwood in the upper peninsula, on Dec. 28, 29, and 30, ac- cording to an announcement made yesterday by the Michigan State Board of Examiners for the Regis- tration of Architects, Engineers, and Surveyors. Outer Districts Best Housing ProjectSites, Says McKenzie The municipal housing projects now being undertaken with govern- ment aid should be directed at that belt of run down territory lying be- tween the business and outer resi- dential districts of most Anierican cities of any size, Prof. R. D. Mc-{ Kenzie of the sociology department told the Michigan Planning and Housing Conference recently. This territory usually pays poor dividends to property owners and is zhe location of much crime and de- linquency centers, Professor McKen- Ae stated. The waste of property in 'he slum belt ccnes from the low rents chargeable to tenants by own- ers, despite the high taxes levied in expectation of expansion of the city's business district. "A slum is not a building or an trea of land, but an economic and social condition," he stated. "Deteri- orated buildings and neglected streets do not cause it, they merely locate it. A slum is really a grouping of the weaker elements of a city's popu- lation, driven into the area it oc- cupies largely for economic reasons." Professor McKenzie suggested a plan of zoning these belts between the better residential and the strictly commercial areas. Certain locations would be given to small industries and commerial projects which de- pend largely on the central business section for their sales, which other portions would be given over to apartments and hotels, and to cer- tain public buildings used by the city. It will be necessary to put the mid- dle or slum belt to a more produc- tive use, Professor McKenzie feels, since city growth in the future seems likely to decline, due to the steadily falling birth rate, leaving the city with fewer children and more adult population. Best Speakers In Speech Class To Vie In Contest An Inter-Class Public Speaking Contest will be held between the 11 best speakers of the 11 sections of speech 31, on Tuesday, Dec. 12 in Room 1025 Angell Hall, according to Prof. G. E. Densmore of the speech department. Each class will select their own best speaker by popular vote and he will prepare a five minute speech for presentation. Members of the speech department faculty will judge the contest and award the winner a gold medal donated by the University Oratorical Association. Charles Rog- ers, '34, president of the Oratorical Association will act as chairman of the contest. -~ - I ii f . .._ The Galen Society will hold its an- nual tag day on Tuesday and Wed- nesday of next week, Dec. 4 and 5, the proceeds of which will be used, to finance the instructor in the Ga- len Shop at the University Hospital, to provide Christmas for those chil- dren who will be in the hospital dur- ing the holiday, and to augment the1 Sunshine Fund, which provides spe- cial amusements for children in need of distractions. The Galen Shop was first organ- ized in 1928 through the generosity of the members of the Galen Medi- cal Society. The purpose of the shop is to give opportunity for wood and manual work to children housed in the acute units of the University Hospital. Each year the work has reached an additional number of children and the opportunities of- fered have been augmented by new tools, books, projects, and activities. The number of young patients par- ticipating in the work has increased from 350 in 1929 to 1033 in 1933. The objective has been to give each boy or girl coming to the shop the opportunity to learn some new ac- tivity so far as his time and energy permit and the satisfaction of creat- ing some piece of work which will be his own for such use as he may see fit. The Galen Woodwork Shop is on the ninth floor of the University Hos- pital where each day dozens of young patients go and find interesting things to do. The shop is open for four hours each day, 22 hours per week under the supervision of a li- censed and experienced teacher of manual arts. All of the young crafts- men who meet the requirements re- ceive credit in their local schools for the work completed. - The shop was originally designed to meet the needs of the boys lo- cated in wards of the Main Hospital. In the year 1931-1932 the work was planned to extend this privilege to boys also housed on other floors of the Main Hospital. In 1932-1933, county home rule, permitting coun- ties to reorganize only the adminis- trative branch of their government without altering the existing plan of urban and township representation upon the county boards." Last spring a home rule amend- ment was introduced in the Legisla- ture and passed by the Senate, but defeated by the House, Professor Bromage explained. It was really more than a home rule plan amend- ment, he said, since it provided also for the optional law plan, and for the possible transfer of township functions to the counties. The heart of the whole problem of county reorganization is the inherent fear of shifting the balance of rural and urban power in county boards, Professor Bromage declared. Professor Bromage expressed the hope and belief that the findings of the Inquiry commission would serve to focus attention on the county re- organization problem, a n d would eventually be instrumental in bring- ing about substantial reforms. Prof. Harvey V. Rohrer of the political science department spoke over the sameprogram, describing "A Glance at the Philippine Islands and Their People." this privilege has been extended to girls from all floors of the Main Hos- pital. Originally only children of ages between five and thirteen had the benefit of the instruction. This year children from four to 21 bene- fitted from instruction offered in the shop. This has been made possible by introducing some very simple oc- cupations and also by planning for some advanced work for men who particularly want actual machine work. During the year there have been 36 such cases. Tin work, brass work, and cement casting have been added to the elementary and ad- vanced wood work occupations dur- ing the past year. Almost all te materials which have been used in the shop have been waste materials, such as empty pack- ing boxes or empty tin cans from the hospital kitchen. Only a limited amount of lumber and paint have been purchased for some special proj- ects. The expense of the shop has related primarily to personnel since, during the present period, the pur- chase of new tools and equipment has been generally postponed. There will be some necessary replacements and the increased attendance may require some additions. --looking for something o o -drop in at the but tonight for a bit of dancing . good music . . a congenial crowd you'll like to mix with . . . no cover charge .. .so it'll be easy on your pocketbook! ithe fingerledthe rn-hut ope ra tedlt ,. ~~restaurantMht TooD Conservative' r Is Charge Causing Paper TO Go Wild (By Intercollegiate Press) LARAMIE, Wyo., Dec. 1.- When the A. S. U. W. executive committee at the University of Wyoming criti- cized present editor Joseph Jaccbucci, of the Branding Iron, campus news- paper, for making the front page of the student paper too conserva- tive in makeup, the Branding Iron printed the story under a huge black headline at the top of the page, and blackened up the rest of the front page in regular Denver Post style. The charge against the paper was that "it looked too much like an eastern daily." You Can Sell, Buy or Trade I ome Surishings througlh the Michigan Daily WANT ADS The Jewels QT Idcly' for' Cbhristnias Beautiul y Chanel Guerlain Houbigant Roger& Gallet Coty V nfn ve .e statement is frequently heard we already have too many en- -s. There may be some truth ,On the other hand, what pro- n or group can be pointed to, ich the same thing is not equal- e? It seems certain that the rninating characteristic of our ry is now the development and f power in all its myriad ap- ions, and mechanical engineers e best type will always be in 55 at the Cosmetic Department CALKINS-FLETCHER DRUG COMPANY A student wants a used, comf ortable chair for his room... Have you an extra chair that you want to dispose of ..-- - i JUST PUBLISHED- The Michigan Calendar--1934 La rI'hY An Ideal Gift attractively printed -9 TI. in sepia with twenty-six i I !1 11111 11-.- - -r -ur- 1"7ยง -WA -W-jr "WT