THE MICHIGAN DAILY GAIN DAILY ed 1890 - Ii., :!I AI y10 P htL7Cae P cept Monday during the Session by the Board in . E ference Editorial Associa- ,gintere at THE ASSOCIATED PRESS s is exclusivelij entitled to t'-:e use 1 news dispatches credited to it or in this paper and the local news rights of republication of special d. Office at Ahn Arbor, Michigan, as Special rate of postage granted by raster-General. summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail. School year by carrier. $3.75; by Oications Building, Maynard Street, Phone: 2-1214. llege Publication~s Representatives, ourth Street,N 1ew ork City; 80 on; 612 North Michigan Avenue; ITORIAL tAFF J CINC EITOR ...........THOMA8 K, CONNELLAN 'ORIAL DIRAE0R... ...'..C. HART H 'TS EDITOR,.........-... ....ALBERT H. NEWMAN, [EIPS EDITOR.................CAROL J. HANAN HT EDITORS:~"A. -Ellis BntI; Ralph G. Coulter, Wil- n G. Feri, John C.He'aley, E. Jerome Pettit, George a Vieck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. LTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird, 4'ur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin, xjone Western.' [EN'S ASSISTANTS: Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie rphy, Margaret D. Phalan. DRTERS: Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney Evans, Ted R. Evans, Bernard H. Fried, Thomas oehnf, Robert D. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski, omas H. Kleene, Richard E. Lorch, David G. Ma- aald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parker, William R. ed, Robert S. auwimch, Robert J. St. Clair, Arthur S. tle, Marshall D. Silverman, A. B. Smith, Jr., Arthur Taub, Philip T. Van Zile. EN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, rence Harper, Marie Held, Eleanor Johnson, Jose- no McLean. Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie nick, Mary Robinson, Jane Schneider. 1USINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 INES MANAGER..............W. GRAFTON SHARP DIT MANAGER.............BERNARD E. SCHNACKE EN'S BUSINESS MANAGER................. ........ CATHARINE MC HENRY LRTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her- k; Classified Advertising, Russel~l Read; Advertising rtracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert rd; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef- mson. STANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra- r, John Ogden, Brnard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard, nies Scott, David Winkworth. WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF Bassett, Virginia Bell, Winifred Bell, Mary Bursley, ;gy Cady, Betty Chapman, Patricia Daly, Jean Dur- n, Minna Giffen, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Janet kson, Isabelle Kanter, Louise Krause, Margaret stvrd, Nina Pollock, Elizabeth J. Simonds. SIGHT EDITOR: GEORGE VAN VLECK vulsion From e Happy Warrior. T HE AMERICAN people are coming more and more to realize the tcomings of Alfred E. Smith. wring the 1928 election campaign there were y who believed that the "Happy Warrior" did have the intelligence required of an aspirant he high office of the Presidency and voted nst him on that account. There were many of. owever who considered the crude campaign lods he used in a pose to capture the imagina- of the masses. We believed that a sound logi- brain rested behind the innumerable "wise ks" of the Democratic nominee. We believed he had received as excellent a training in the ol of hard knocks as the superior college grad- receives in the course of his long years of lectual training. We believed that behind the cs of the politician there was hidden a real .sman. >day we are disillusioned. We know that Al h was and is no more than he appears to be. have found that there is no mystery in his eup. He is nothing more than the buffoon pigs," It seems to us, however, that men who have devoted their lives to the study of a phase of economics should be more capable in its ad- ministration than politicians who cannot see be- yond the immediate problem facing them and who frequently have no predetermined policy to follow except to hold their own highly pecuniary Fobs. , "I prefer experience to experiment," says the Fulton Fish M a r k e t philosopher. Experience should have taught him that it is time to experi- ment, that the old and tried methods have fallen down very badly and that we must cast about for something new. Experience was all against the great inventors, the men who produced the great technical development to which Mr. Smith pointed at Chicago with such pride. If they had rested content with the status quo, all of the mechanical and scientific wonders of our age would not be. Mr. Smith would have us rest content that noth- ing can be done about the tuberculosis of our present economic order since nothing ever has been done. The name of Al Smith was repeatedly booed during a s p e e c h made the other night in his home city of New York, where he has been so tremendously popular. The American people are coming to see that Mr. Smith is an excellent wise-cracker, a good Will Rogers, but nothing more. Perhaps Father Coughlin was wrong. Maybe he never could have been great. Screen Reflections Four stars means extraordinary;' three stars dfinitely recommended; two stars, average; one star, inferior; no stars, stay away from it. AT THF MICHIGAN "ONLY YESTERDAY" Mary Lane ......... ....Margaret Sullavan Jim Emerson.................John Boles Julia Warren...................Billie Burke Bob.. ...................Reginald Denny Jim, Jr....................Jimmy Butler "Only Yesterday" is the most moving picture of the year and for such sincere sentiment Mar- garet Sullavan is deserving of the highest praise. The only flaw therein is perhaps that the picture is over-sentimental but the sincerity of that point is done with such care that it is overshadowed when one gets into the swing of it. Director Stahl's handling of author Allen's novel "Only Yesterday" in making. it the powerful drama that it is is an achievement in itself. The casting fits in with his discriminating touch and introduces Margaret Sullivan for the first time on the screen, who gave up a part in the New York cast of "Dinner At Eight" to come to Holly- wood to make this picture and "Little Man, What Now?". Aside from being extremely attractive Miss Sullivan has grasped the quality which places her in the front rank of the stars of the day. The thing that makes her so fine is that her acting smacks of the real thing; it is a true, honest ef- fort - something that too many other actresses need to observe closely. John Boles, the popular musical star of other years, contributes his share to the glory by casting off his usual hazy atti- tude to give us a first rate character in Jim Emer- son, the financial success, the man who forgdt, then the man who remembered - but too late. "Only Yesterday" is a tragedy. It concerns a girl, Mary Lane, who fell in love with a smart looking officer just before the war. But the smart young officer can't seem to recall their meeting one evening down in Virginia when he returns from Europe and marries some one else, Mrs. Emerson (Benita Hume). Then the tragic ele- ments begin to work and climax on the dreary day of October 29, 1929 (remember?) and as a result people commit suicide, go the wrong way, or are fiat financially - tragedy enters the home of Mary Lane and her boy Jim, Jr., (Jimmy But- ler's acting for a young boy of twelve or thirteen is very good) and here the handkerchief begins to emerge among the audience. The supporting cast should not be overlooked as they are all ac- tors of no mean talent -Billie Burke doesn't seem to have her usual troubles at first (she al- ways does have them) but they soon crop out and they give her that successful performance. The management probably got so worked up over the picture that they forgot about the short subjects. There is only the Paramount News, in which we see the thrills of the recent Army-Navy game. -R.E.L ietin by the National Student League; there is little use in approaching the Michigan student with a language strange 'to his ears. It is the so- cial analysis, not class-conscious phrases that have meaning. But that does not excuse The Daily for its asinine remarks. Imagine the voice of a great University in the year.1933, complacently proud of its ultra-conservatism. I can't believe that The Daily means what it says., it is farther away from the temper of the student body than it makes out the N.S.L. to be. A year ago 20% of the students and 25% of the faculty voted for a radical candidate on the straw Presidential poll. During the year the world has moved a long way from the reactionary stand now taken by The Daily. Because it represents a minority, must the N.S.L. be still? You give no other argument against a radical approach to our campus and national problems. You are not even clever enough to be good Fascists. What does The Daily stand for? - E.M. Student Health VINCENT'S INFECTION, OF TRENCH MOUTH ONE OF THE more common of student afflic- tions and one of the most inconvenient (aside from its painful aspects) is the rather dreaded Vincent's infection which stalks about under the leprous name of "Trench Mouth", according to an official Health Service report. The name arose from the too frequent fulminent outbreaks among American troops during the great war, so fre- quent that by 1918 the incidence among the French and British troops had increased from 2 per cent to 23 per cent. The report follows in full. The presence of the infection among students is easily understood when one considers that many people of varied habits and contacts live in con- siderable; intimacy in our student dormitories, boardinghouses, fraternities, and sororities. Thus, in a period of 48 hours an original infection may have been transferred by direct and indirect con- tact to asmany as 300 people. The number of ac- tive infections which will result depends upon the virulence and degree of invasion pitted against the mouth resistance of the students so exposed. The organisms responsible for this infection are very frequently the inhabitants of mouths which show absolutely no manifestation or painful symptoms of the disease, so that in any large group of individuals there is always the possibility of several unsuspecting, involuntary carriers. Transmission is by mouth discharge and comes about in a variety of ways spoken of as social contact. The most important means of speed is improperly washed and heated eating and drink- ing utensils. Among the other avenues are: un- covered coughs and sneezes, hands contaminated by touching door knobs, handshaking, kissing, and any other procedure which results in even very minute amounts of salivary exchange. Students as a group are within the age range for the eruption of the third molars (wisdom teeth). Normal eruption of the third molars( par- ticularly the lower) is very often a slow and dif- ficult process and the hood or flap of unabsorbed gum tissue present for a period of years acts as a very favorable site both for the carrying of the invasion and the retention of the hostile micro organisms. The disease is frequently, though not invariably, associated with lack of oral hygiene and although such various factors as chronic tonsillitis, syph- ilis, nephritis, and vitamine deficiency may act as determining causes, the occurrence is so fre- quently noted in the absence of any of the above conditions that any relationship is impossible of establishment. A typical case is readily diagnosed and the clinical picture is characteristic. Gums are ex- tremely painful, engorged, swollen, the tissues are hypersensitive and bleed readily upon the least provocation. In advanced cases, there is a partial anaesthetization, the teeth feeling dead and woody. Always the .saliva is copious and viscid with a metallic taste and the breath has a char- acteristic fetid odor. The tongue may become large and flabby showing identations from con- tact with lower teeth. There may be a rise in temperature and an increase in pulse rate, a gen- eral feeling of malaise, physical and mental dis- tress with headache and gland enlargement in the neck. Fatal terminations are seen only when the infection is superimposed on other diseases. How- ever, the haphazard treatment by either patient or operator or both may result in the disease as- suming a chronic character which may persist for a year or longer and in the end be responsible for the loss of the teeth. U- Pietures for ecebek151933 Coup ons arse obtaiable }n attDey's, Rentscl er' Sedings an teLnsan efk Mid ih the Student Publieations Building Religiou s RAdivities The Daily classified advertising columns are the most econoii- e al and most efficient means of oit*aeting the student bd CASH RATES . . .llcline Now CHARGE RATES. 15c line 'he National Recovery Act was enacted, h said through his New Outlook that it nd his comprehension. It seems that it t Chicago, Mr. Smith pointed to the won- ;isplay as the products of unhampered. :uring the past century. With the ruins onomic and social structure lying about he could see nothing but the technical ents so unimportantiin the face of wide- temployment and industrial and financial eek, .Mr. Smith was revealed in his true those few who still regarded as some- a demi-god. In an open letter to the. in his New Outlook, he disclosed fully al incapacities. Early in 1932, he had, Mr. Roosevelt for engaging in dema- His letter of last week was one of the ces of demagoguery we have been privi- witness. Not one logical argument was in the whole piece of writing. "I prefer ars to baloney dollars." "Put me down nd money man." Who is not a sound an? But the gold standard, as used in was evidently not sound since it was uate for the every-day demands of bus- hat does Mr. Smith mean by "baloney, We doubt that he knows. It is just a ise for popular consumption. nith says that he believes the manage- private industry should be left entirely Campus Opinion' Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre- garded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu- tors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to - less than 300 words if possible. PETTY THIEVING' PREVALENT To the Editor:- What is called petty thieving is evidently going on on the Campus, whether done by outside gangs or inside careless persons. During the Minnesota game, the writer went from Morrill's bookstore on State St. to the General Desk in the Library. There, laying down some packages and with them a purse containing only some reading glasses and notes, which was evidently picked up.' At the next stop it was missed, but search and advertising- has so far proved unavailing. A short time ago, the writer was in a small store near the Campus, laid down some pack-1 ages, turned away for a moment, and a book "1001 places to sell Mss". was picked up and never, found. Also another person carried out the same pro- cedure, and lost a purse containing glasses which, are only valuable to the owner and have to be replaced at no little expense. -Evidently the carelessness of some person or persons more or less dishonorable is resulting in discomfort, expense, and annoyance to people. First Methodist Episcopal Church A COMMUNITY CATHEDRAL State and Washington Ministers Frederick B. Fisher Peter F. Stair 10:45-Morning Worship. Sermon Subject: "IMMANUEL" Dr. Stair 7:30 P.M. - Eveningworship. Sermon Subject: "OTHERS" Rev. C. P. Hogle Zion Lutheran Church Washington St. at 5th Ave. E C. Stelhorn, Pastor DO NOT NEGLECT The promiscuous use of nostrums in the forms of advertised mouth washes and dentifrices and the extravagant assertions of manufacturers is responsible for many cases of advanced Vincent's stomatitis without the usual pain and sloughing of tissue, but still destructive and infectious in nature. At the first evidence or suspicion of disease of the gums, the patient should see a physician or dentist who, in the presence of Vincent's disease, will advise a suitable mouth wash to be used hourly or more often if deemed necessary. The patient will be advised to refrain from brushing the teeth until this can be performed without discomfort, (teeth may be wiped with gauze, later burned). A light diet with plenty of orange, lemon or tomato juice will be helpful and the use of any irritants as condiments, alcoholic bever- ages, and smoking will be discouraged. Caution against the spread of mouth discharges will be given as protection to other people. The dangers from kissing, the use of common towels, drink- ing glasses, and pipes will be stressed. The onset of the disease often is sudden and the need for immediate and competent attention can not be YOUR RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES STALKER HALL (For Studentsl 12:15 - Half-hour forum. 3:00 - International Student Group. 6:00 - Devotional Hour. St. Pau's Lutheran (Missouri Synod) West Liberty and Third Sts. Advent Sunday - Dec. 3 9:30 A.M.- Service in German. 9:30 A.M. - Sunday Scnool and Bible Class. 10:45 A.M. - Service in English. Pastor will deliver Sermon. "Your Advent King" 9:00 a.m.-Bible School. Lesson topic: "PAUL IN EPHASUS" 9:00 A.M. -Advent Sermon in the German Language 10:30 A.M. -Service with Sermon on "God's Eternal Kingdom" 5:3 P.M. -Student fellowship and supper. 6:45 P.M. - A student discussion on "The Attitude of the Church towards Marriage and Divorce." Joseph Schantz, Leader. St. 'Andrews Episcopal Church Division at Caberie Street Services of Worship Sunday, December 3 8:00 A.M. - Holy Communion The Felowship of Liberal Religion (Unitarian) State and Huron streets 9:30 A.M. -Church School Sunday Morning at 10:45 __ I 11 FSA* ra ..jis-