THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, Prof. Bromage To Speak Over Radio Program 1ohrer Will Also Appear On University Hour At 10 P. M. Today "Suggested Reforms In Local Rural government" will be the topic on vhich Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of hae political science department will e interviewed over the University adio hour on WJR at 10 p. m. to- ay. A second feature, "A Glance at he Philippine Islands and Their Peo- le," will be given by Prof. Harvey V. tohrer, also of the political science epartment, and formerly United tates Trade Commissioner in Ma- ila. There will be no morning pro- ram due to the Thanksgiving holi- ay. Professor Bromage has long been ssociated with the study of local overnment, being a research con- ultant for the Michigan Commission f Inquiry into County, Township, nd School District Government for 931-33. He will deal with the county ome rule act, which was defeated in he State Legislature during the last ession. Various phases of the student ac- .vities of the University were dealt 'ith in the Wednesday program by udents from the class in advanced peech of Prof. Gail E. Densmore. .thletics, housing, music, and drama ere among the subjects chosen by he students. Union Expects, Many Entries ~For Tourneys Entry lists numbering close to 50 re expected for this year's annual aess and billiard tournaments, spon- ored by the Union, according to awrence Clayton, '35, member of he executive committee, who is in harge of tournaments. Clayton stated that for the first me this year, in response to popu- Minnesota Students Boo Anti-Roosevelt Speech By Schalll MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Nov. 29 - (IP) -When U. S. Senator Thomas D. Schall spoke of the president as "Frankenstein Roosevelt" in an ad- dress before students and faculty of the University of Minnesota, he was greeted with loud boos. Calling the NRA the National Ruin Act, Senator Schall asserted that Lincoln and Washington would turn over in their graves at NRA activi- ties, which he asserted were being pushed "with the government con- trolling newspapers, radio and mov- ies." More boos greeted this assertion. The senator went on: "We could have raised tariff bar- riers and have had every man back at work within a few months, but as long as the NRA continues to last, everything is going to remain back- ward." Asked by a listener to explain what he meant by "Frankenstein Roose- velt," the senator said: "I was not referring to the manhimself but to the machine which he has built up." Debating Team, To Oppose U.D. Here Tuesday The V a r s i t y negative debating team will meet the University of De- troit affirmative team in a non-de- cision contest to be held at 8 p. m., Tuesday, Dec. 5, in the Grand Rapids Room of the League.9 According to James H. McBurney, Varsity debating coach, the first speaker of the negative team will be either Robert N. Sawyer, Spec., Abe Zwerdling, '35, or Samuel Travis, 34L. T h e second speaker will be Harry Running, Grad., and Victor Rabinowitz, '34L will be the third speaker. The affirmative team will engage in a return debate with the Univer- sity of Detroit Dec. 8, in Detroit. This team, will be composed of Edward Litchfield, '36, and Jack Weissman, '35. Menefee Talks To Members Of StumpSociety Emphasizes Importance Of A Trained Electorate And Intelligent Voting The place of the engineer in pres- ent social and political life was the subject of a speech given by Prof. F. N. Menefee of the engineering college before Sigma Rho Tau, en- 3ineering stump speaker's society. Professor Menefee emphasized the necessity of a trained body in the electorate able to understand and vote intelligently on problems which the engineer is especially fitted to cope with. The Hoover Dam and the Tennes- see Valley project were cited as ex-I amples of the complexity of modern problems which a majority of the American people understand very little. Prof. Menefee contrasted the modern system of government con- trol with the old "laissez-faire" type of government, which exerted little or no control over the individuals' actions. The present position of the partial- ly socialized government he ac- counted for by pointing out the grad- ual development of natural resources and the growing inter-dependence of economic factors. Today, he said, corruption and graft in government has an immediate effect on the in- dividual and it is for this reason that a portion of the electorate must be fitted to deal with many of the major engineering problems which the gov- ernment undertakes. Professor Menefee also lauded the Stump Speaker's Society for enabling the engineer to speak as well as think. Colonel Robins Will Give Talk On Soviet State There is one class whose members would overflow even the largest class room, a class that meets and dis- misses on the exact second, but a class that is rarely, if ever, even seen by the University student. That class is the musical instruction pe- riod given by Prof. Joseph E. Maddy over the University radio hour three times each week from the Ann Arbor studio of WJR in Morris Hall. From the few trips that Professor Maddy has been able to make so far this year, he estimates that over 100 schools are receiving instruction in this manner. In the University studio, with Kidnapers G et Only$11From Wrong Victim Chauffeur, Mistaken For Chicago Union Leader, Is Held Several Hours CHICAGO, Nov. 29. - (P) - Kid- napers had to be content with $11 today instead of the $20,000 they de- manded because police said they made a mistake in identity and ab- ducted the intended victim's chauf- feur. The whole affair was over in two hours Tuesday night and aside from disturbing the slumber of Thomas E. Maloy, head of the Motion Picture IOperators' union, and costing George Graham, 28, his chauffeur, $11 and some anxious moments, it had no other immediate effects. However, police said they saw in it an attempt to abduct Maloy him- self or his son, a student at Morgan Park Military academy. Graham was seized early in the evening while put- ting the Maloy automobile in the garage at the rear of the residence on the southside. He had just returned from driving Mrs. Maloy to Racine, Wis., and she witnessed the kidnaping from the rear door. Several gunmen she told police, forced the chauffeur into an- other car. Later, before he turned up again at the Maloy residence, Maloy himself received several telephone calls demanding $20,000 ransom. High School Debaters In Preliminary Round Two rounds of the preliminary de- bates have been completed by the Michigan High S c h oo1 Debating League, according to James H. Mc- Burney, manager. The last of the preliminary de- bates will be completed on Jan. 12 and 64 teams who have made the most impressive records of the 175 original entrants, will start the elim- ination series Feb. 16, which includes five inter-school debates for each team. All the high schools in the State are debating on the question "Re- solved: That All Radio Broadcasting Be Conducted by Stations Owned and Controlled by the Federal Govern- ment." members of the School of Music to assist him, Professor Maddy teaches his class. In an outer studio, which he can observe, is a typical class, which, however, cannot see him. This class gets all of its instruction over a radio in the front of the group. By observing the mistakes of this class, Professor Maddy can correct+ them immediately, and thus faciltate the teaching. To assist the teachers of the va- rious groups out in the state, and the pupils themselves, a booklet with illustrations of the correct positions to hold the instruments, along with other helpful hints is published and sent to the classes. Instruction is not only given in the playing of both stringed and wind instruments, but also in singing. "Musical instruction is given to many schools through this medium, who could not otherwise afford it," Professor Maddy stated. "While it is generally used in smaller schools, larger cities also take advantage of the program, as is shown by the large classes in Flint. "Many bands have been formed throughout the state, many times composing over half of the school. Because schools in the northern pen-, insula have trouble in getting the, program, the broadcast of such edu- cational features by WJR is a strong+ argument in their favor to secure a strongerstation," Professor Maddy concluded. Voters Revolt Against Reign Of Huey Long NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 29-()- . Senator Huey Long was faced today+ with open revolt by voters who pro- tested against an attempt to place1 a Long-picked candidate in a vacant congressional seat.; Even while Long was making an uproarious appearance before a sen- ate investigating committee here, citizens in the Sixth congressional+ district took steps to oppose the+ "Kingfish." their action culminating in a mass meeting in Baton Rouge Tuesday night where speakers called1 for an "overthrow of Hitlerism in; Louisiana." The protesting citizens obtained a court order to halt a special election set for next Tuesday at which Mrs. Bolivar E. Kemp, the Long candi- date, was slated for an unopposed election. The group also called an election for Dec. 27 to nominate a representative by popular vote, an- nouncing that all candidates would have until Dec. 8 to file their candi- dacies. The court order against next Tuesday's election was made return- able Monday when state officials will be required to show cause why the injunction should not be made per- manent. Long's appearance before the sen- ate committee looking into the elec- tion of Senator John H. Overton brought an uproar from spectators as Long placed witnesses on the stand to refute "hearsay testimony and untruths" against himself and then took the stand to make an ora- torical attack on his enemies and vindicate his own actions. TO TALK IN DETROIT R. D. Blumenfeld, chairman of the board of the London Daily Express, will deliver a lecture, "From the Edi- tor's Easy Chair," on the Detroit Town Hall Lecture Series at 11 a. m. Dec. 6 at the Wilson Theater in De- troit. Mr. Blumenfeld has been ac- tively connected w i t h newspaper work in Europe and the United States for more than 40 years. Largest University Music Class Conducted By Maddy On Radio R. C. Holmes Writes Forestry Bulletin The third bulletin in a series of publications initiated by the School of Forestry and Conservation to pre- sent the results of investigations by the Bureau of Forest Research has been recently printed by the Univer- sity Press. The Bulletin deals with "Post-Logging Decadence in North- ern Hardwoods," by Ralph C. Holmes', assistant entomologist in the United States Department of Agriculture and former junior instructor here.. The bulletin, according to the fore- word written by Dean S. T. Dana of the School of Forestry, presents the results of a three-year investi- gation of the extensive deterioration that commonly takes place in north- ern hardwoods after logging opera- tions. Originally undertaken with a view to determining primarily the role of the bronze birch borer in post- logging decadence, the study has demonstrated that the borer is or- dinarily a secondary enemy and that the primary cause of such decadence lies in the changes of the physical factors of the environment brought about by cutting. These findings em- phasize the fact that "selection, cut- ting," which is now being widely ad- vocated as a method of cutting suita- ble for almost universal application, has its weaknesses, and that to be effective it must be used with skill and discrimination. Darkness, Mishaps In Autos Scare Students LARAMIE, Wyo. - (IP) -Forty- nine out of 100 University of Wyom- ing students asked to list their fear. experiences confessed to a fear of automobile accidents, and of other personal dangers, 29 admitted they were afraid of being alone in the dark. Thirty-seven of the students said they were afraid of the receiving low grades or of not passing and 32 were afraid of not being liked or of losing friends, especially of the opposite sex. Fear of examinations was listed by 30, and the same number was afraid of certain persons or people in gen- eral. Only eight listed a fear for others in danger, and the same number said they were afraid of high places and falling. Only 29 of the 100 listed a fear of death. YESTERDAY i HAVANA -Alleged Machado pris- oners were assigned a heavy-guard in the transfer to and from Principe Prison because authorities feared a concerted mob action. WASHINGTON-The government continued to boost the gold price, the value climbing to $33.93 per ounce. CHICAGO - The Cook County Grand Jury voted a true bill charg- ing Dr. Alice L. Wynekoop with the murder of her daughter-in-law. WARM SPRINGS, Ga. - Joseph H. Choate, Jr., New York attorney, was appointed as administrator of the Federal Liquor Control Code by Pres- ident Roosevelt. DAKAR, Senegal - Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh prepared to hop from Porto Praia, Cape Verde Islands, to Dakar, a distance of 400 miles. LOS ANGELES - A blinding snow- storm on the Mint Canyon highway caused a traffic crash in which one person was killed and seven others injured. Four automobiles were in- volved. NEW YORK - Alfred E. Smith branded the charges of Fr. Charles E. Coughlin, which linked Smith's name with that of J. P. Morgan in a deal involving "an immense loan for the Empire State Building," as "absolute- ly false." LONDON - The World Wheat Commission appointed a committee to investigate the various plans of wheat price-fixing. w Fly! Flight Instr iction Local Passenger Flights Special Charter Trips Airline Reservations ANN ARBOR AIR SERVICE Municipal Airport 4320 South State Day Phone 9270 NightPhone 7739 READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS f r dem ill be o Lty, as ie com nfined Inasm and, the chess tournament The debate Dec. 5 with Detroit will pen to members of the fac- be the last appearance of the nega- well as students. However, tive team here. Before the Christ- petition in billiards will be mas recess they will go on a three to undergraduates. day tour of the Midwest, starting' uch as neither of the win- with a debate Dec. 12 with Notre lastyea's oureysare in 'Dame at South Bend. The next night last year's tourneys n they will go to Evanston to debate .s year, new champions will with Northwestern University and ned in both events. It is Dec. 14 they will engage the Univer- to divide the competition in sity of Iowa, at Iowa City. into two divisions -threesyoIwaatoaCi. straight rail.-While the negative team is away s _ . _the affirmative team will debate against the University of Minnesota here Dec. 14. All of the debates will be on the 8 59jrWestern Conference question "Re- d Ssolved: That the powers of the Pres- ident as of July 1, 1933, be made permanent.,, fIf "Russia - After Fifteen Years" is the subject on which Col. Raymond Robins will lecture Tuesday, Dec. 12 at Hill Auditorium on the regular Oratorical Association Lecture series. Colonel Robins is reputed to be one of the ablest speakers on the Amer- ican platform today, and, according to Carl G. Brandt, business manager of the Oratorical Association, will present an authoritative discussion of conditions in Russia which will be both interesting and informative. During the time of the Soviet Rev- olution, Colonel Robins was commis- sioner commanding the American Red Cross Mission to Russia. In 1918 he acted as unofficial represen- tative of the United States and was in almost daily contact with Nikolai Lenin and with the aims of the new government. This year Colonel Robins returned to Russia to make an exhaustive study of the results of 15 years of Soviet rule. It is upon his experiences and findings there that he will lec- ture in Ann Arbor, one of his first public appearances since his return to this country. In ..:. SHOP!' COMPARE THEM ALL With these Outstanding GENERAL ELECTRIC LADIOS a ty~ nine ssories ,, /a" 1 ^ _ , ly ., 1 ~< '. '-i . / / ~ 4/'t Positive tone control Maximum selectivity Police call reception Impoved dynamic speaker Color tone control and Noise suppressor (in large models) You! COME TO SUPPER 10 d ownt can have one installed for as low as- AND Easy Monthly Payments I 11 Hellenic STAY TO DANCE I Calkins-Fletcher Electric Store season-- Crosley DUAL FIVE Phone 4775 " OPEN EVENINGS" Phone 4775 I- in the JUST PUBLISHED- *0 4)26'00 Michigan League Grill . delicate, natural essential to a beautiful ballroom appearance. Dual Range The Michigan alendar-1 An Ideal Gift attractively printed in sepia with twenty-six Views of University buildings. PRICE - SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS Neutralized, Completely Factory Balanced and Non-Regenerative Full Floating Moving Coil Electro-Dynamic Speaker Thursday, Nov. 30th Six-thirty to ten-thirty o'clock oodhew Floral ybertv Nickels Arcade --at- CROSLEY-SPARTON RADIO SALES SODA FOUNTAIN SERVICE WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE 615 E. William Phone 7912 STATE STREET MAIN STREET I 1 IL ............... -ml 'i he gan nion ' roo n I 11 U-p'e L "I NW' IL TIM I ' RR IPR ,NTQ R% L