T" U
3410 Coupes To
Attend Annual
Bal AtLeagne
Dick Fiddler's Orchestra
Will P1 a y; -Programs,
Favors To Be Combined
Three hundred couples will dance
to the strains of Dick Fiddler's music.
at the annual Panhellenic Ball to be
held at the League tomorrow night.
Dancing will be continuous from 9
p. in. to 1:30 a. in., 3 a. m. permis-
sion having been given the women for
the occasion.
Betty Spray, '34, general chairman
of dance, and her escort, Robert E.
Miller, '34, will lead the grand march,
and a special plea has been made
that all couples participate in th
march. The other committee mem-
bers will follow her in the line.
Almost all the sororities plan to
entertain at an after-the-ball break-
fast, either at their own houses 01
at the League. This is traditional of
the Panhellenic Ball.
Several unique musical arrange-
ments have been planned by the or-
chestra. Fiddler formerly played at
the Lotus Gardens in Cleveland, and
has for some time been broadcast-
ing over a National Broadcasting
Company radio network. Benny Bee,
vocalist, will supply the song accom-
A limited number of tickets will
be placed on sale tomorrow at the
League desk, Jane Brucker, '35, chair-
man of the tickets committee, said
yesterday. These tickets will be sold
to either sorority or independent
A decorative theme of evergreens
and cedar ropes will be carried out
in the entire ballroom, occasional
baskets of chrysanthemums adding
Favors and programs have been
combined in the form of a metal
book mark. The metal part will be
disc-shaped, and will be finished with
a blue cover for the programs. These
will be distributed at the door.
Many Students
To Leave Town
Many of the students who have left
town for the Thanksgiving holiday
are returning Friday to attend the
Panhellenic Ball, which is the most
prominent event of the week-end.
Pledgings and faculty dinners also
play an important part in the social
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Betty Spray, '34, and Virginia
Spray, '37, have gone to Battle Creek
to spend Thanksgiving with Nolda
McCamly, '34. Grace Mayer, '34, has
gone home to Erie, Pa., for the week-
end; and Josephine McCausey, '34,
Irene McCausey, '36, and Isabelle
Kanter are at home in Detroit for
Thanksgiving day.
Gamma Phi Beta
Gamma Phi Beta wishes to an-
nounce the pledging of Barbara
Spaulding, '37, Birmingham.
Collegiate Sorosis
Katherine L e o p o 1 d, '34SM, is
spending Thanksgiving with Julia
Kane, '36, Birmingham. Yvonne
Watson, '34, is visiting Jane Servis,
'36, over the holiday at her home in
Detroit. Barbara Sutherland, '35, ac-
companied Margaret Windham, '35,
to Port Hluron and Harriet Tyson, '34,
is visiting Maynard Andreae, '32,
Alpha Omicron Pi
Elizabeth W. Evans, '36, Patricia
L. Woodward, '35, and Pauline E.
Woodward, '35, are spending the hol-
iday at Highland Lake.
Alpha Delta Pi
Miss Alice Lloyd, Miss Jeannette
Perry, and Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher
were guests of Alpha Delta Pi so-
rority recently.
Willard L. Cahodas, '36, and Leo
R. Rutenberg, '36, of Phi Sigma Delta
fraternity, are spending the holiday
with Irving Auslander, '34. Donald
J. Katz, '37, is host to Leon J. Weiner,
'37, and Richard J. Schiff; and Ben-
jamin R. Charin, '36, and Francis
N. Fine, '34, are to be the guests of
Mildred Feinberg, Detroit, who was
on campus last year.
Children have become distressingly
restless, disagreeable, disobedient and
ugly. They suffer nervousness, super-
sensitiveness and physical complaints
which are definitely traceable to the
depression. - Dr. Henry C. Schu-
Panhell Chairman
Betty Spray, '34, will lead the
grand march with Robert E. Miller,
34, at the Panhellenic Ball Friday
eight, at which Dick Fiddler and his
orchestra will play.
loSler-Jordan Serves
Thanksgiving Day Meals
Mosher-Jordan Halls are serving a
Thanksgiving dinner in both halls
-or the girls who are remaining in
Inn Arbor for the day.
A buffet supper will be served in
iordan tonight and there will be an
nformal dance in Mosher from 7 to
J p. m. to the music of Max Gail's
:orchestra. Lenore LeGendre, '34, so-
:ial chairman of Mosher, is in charge
Af the dance.
Mr. William G. Fenton and Miss
?lorence W. Yerkes will be guests of
Miss Isabel Dudley over the week-
Dinner Parties
A number of faculty members and
other well-known Ann Arbor peo-
ple are to be either hosts or guests at
Thanksgiving dinner-parties today.
Mayor Robert A. Campbell and Mrs.
Campbell are entertaining Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Campbell of Lansing. Prof.
and Mrs. Ralph W. Aigler will have
as their guests several friends of
their daughter, Betty Aigler, '35.
Dean and Mrs. Clare E. Griffin,j
Prof. and Mrs. A. B. Peck, Prof. and
Mrs. Jean Hebrard will be guests of
Prof. and Mrs. Wells I. Bennett ofj
Highland Road. Prof. and Mrs. Neil
Williams and Prof. and Mrs. Roy W..
Cowden are also giving dinner-par-
ties. Prof. and Mrs. Franklin Shull
are entertaining Miss Edith Bader,
Mrs. Sarah Buckley and Miss Doro-
thy Buckley, of Ann Arbor, and Miss
Rebecca Conrad of Ypsilanti.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer L. Heath have
invited Dr. and Hugh M. Beebe and
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burt to din-
ner. Prof. and Mrs. C. D. Thorpe are
attending the banquet of the Na-
tional Council of English Teachers in
Where To Go
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Only
Yesterday," with Margaret Sullivan;
Majestic, "Footlight Parade," with
Joan Blondell; Whitney, "Man Of
Sentiment," and "When A Man Rides
Dancing: League Grill Room, Hut,
Dixie Inn, Preketes, Joe Parker's.
Art Cinema League: "Zoo In Bu-
dapest," with Loretta Young; Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre; 8:15 p. m.
The annual pledge formal of Theta
Xi will be held Saturday night in the
League under the direction of Ed-
ward McCormick, '34, and Nelson
Shaw, '34.
The dance, which will be invita-
tional, will include representatives
from practically every fraternity on
campus, McCormick stated. The en-
tire second floor is to be reserved for
the occasion.
Among the numerous guests at-
tending will be the Theta Xi club
from Detroit. About 200 couples are
to attend the affair.
"This is the first time a venture of
this kind has been undertaken," Mc-
Cormick said, "and we hope to make
it an annual event."
Chi Psi Entertains Guests
For Thanksgiving Holiday
Guests at the Chi Psi house in-
clude George H. Atherton, '35, and
Donald T. Nichols, '35, who are
spending the holiday with Joseph E.
Horak, '35, of Pontiac. Robert W.
Muzzy, '34, is entertaining Donald
B. McKillen, '36, and Frederick A.
Mitchell, '36, at Nearbrook. Louis
Westover, '34, Thomas B. Roberts,
'34, and Ernest L. Schaible, '35, are
visiting Richard K. Degener, '34, and
Gordon F. Degener, '36, at their home
in Detroit.
Fu...k. I
will be served by reservation only
some new clothes
that will steal
the show!
dresses for ol
dinner dresses
tavern dresses
sunday nites
and formals-
prices from $10.75
Ce j. hUtzel shops
Main at Liberty
i. I
including ELLEN-KAYE frocks
Arranged into three groups for special selling.
This group
consists of
sport wools
and silks
In this group
are silks and
wools, and
Sizes 11 to 17- 12 to 20 - 38 to 44