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November 30, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-30

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On Associated Press




Cagers Prepare
For First Game
At Kalamazoo
Western S t a t e Teachers
To Provide Opposition
On Dec. 4
Sophomore Stars
Wolves Hope To Avenge1
Last Year's D e fe a t Ati
Hands Of Hilltoppers
The rush of the Wolverine basket-
ball squad to get into condition for
the opening game with Western
State on Dec. 4 was continued yes-
terday as Coach Franklin Cappon
sent his charges through an extensive
practice session.
The entire squad was put through a
hard scrimmaging practice in which
the outstanding features were the in-
ability to make shots good and the
outstanding work of George Ford, the
flashy sophomore forward.
Lack Practice
The reasons for the poor shooting
are that the squad as a whole has
not seen enough practice. A large
number of the players are those who
have just finished the football sea-.
son and have only had a few days
practice. The chief reasons for the
defeat by Western State in the game
last year were also the inabilities of
most of the Michigan players to
make their shots good. If Michigan
loses again this year, poor shooting
may be again the same reasons.
George Ford, the star forward of
last year's freshman squad, appears
headed for a permanent position on
the Varsity if he continues the ex-
cellent playing he showed yesterday.
He proved to be the sparkplug of the
team he was playing with, always on
the ball, continually breaking up the
opposing offense, providing the back-
bone of his team's offense, and scor-
ing more than any other player.
Gridders Return
Most of the squad which had been
playing football up to several days
ago participated in the practice. Cap-
tain Ted Petoskey, Mike Malasche-
vich, Russ Oliver, Bill Borgmann,
Johnny Regeczi, and Zit Tessmer
were in uniform and performed
worthily despite the lack of prac-
Fred Allen and John Jablonsky
continued to struggle for the center
position on the Varsity for the open-
ing game. Allen is more likely to get
the call because he has had more
experience and won a letter last year.
Jablonsky was the first string center
for the freshman squad last year and
appears as one of the best bets for
a letter.
Al Plummer and Russ Oliver, both
lettermen, worked out as forwards
with Plummer showing the better
performance although Oliver has not
had enough conditioning yet.
(Plus 5c Bottle Deposit)
32-Oz. - a FULL QUART at 15c

Hockey Squad
Prepares Fo:
Opener Dec.

Next week promises to be a
one for the Varsity hockey team
the initial game of the season s
for Tuesday, Dec. 4, to be foil
by one Friday, Dec. 8. The cu
raiser is against the Dearborn P
members of the Michigan-On
league. The Dearborn team is
posed largely of imported Cana
players and possesses a very AI
defensive squad. Little is known a
Amherstburg A.C., the Wolvei
second opponent, other than the
that it has a reputation for pl
a fast brand of hockey.
Coach Lowrey expects both ti
thoroughly test the Michigan F
sters and give him a more def
line on what to expect from the
men on the roster. A likely sta
lineup would include Sherf at
wing; Capt. David, right wing
Artz, center with L. David and E
art working on the defense
Johnny Jewell in the goalie posi
An indication of the bran
hockey played in the Big Ten i
vealed by the recent announce
that Minnesota, conference c
pions, was ranked as the le
hockey team in college circles
year. Michigan received 5th plac
the distinction of being the only
to defeat the powerful Gophers
Six Teams To E1

CHICAGO, Nov. 29.- /P) - Out
of probably the closest race for
individual honors in a decade, the
outstanding aces of Michigan,
Iowa, Purdue, Minnesota, and Ohio
State won berths on the 1933 all-
star Big Ten football team as se-
lected by The Associated Press with
the assistance of coaches, officials
and critics, who saw every player
in action this fall.
Michigan, undefeated champion
of a league recognized as one of the

toughest in college football, led the
way by pla ing four of its stars on
the first team. Iowa, Minnesota, and
Purdue each placed two while Ohio
State landed a repeater from the
1932 all-star aggregation. A total
of 63 players, representing every
team in the conference, received
votes in the close race, but the only
unanimous choice was Francis Wis-
tert, Michigan's 6-foot, 3 1-2 inch
tackle. His teammate, Charles Ber-
nard, missed joining him as a

unanimous choice when one coach
placed him on the second team.
The closest race involved the
quarterback position, which Joe
Laws of Iowa, leading scorer in Big
Ten games this year, won by a
single point over Jack Beynon, field
general and forward passing wizard
from Illinois. Laws, one of the big
reasons for Iowa's astonishing vic-
tory raid, was named for every
backfield position in the balloting.
Edgar Manske of Northwestern and
First Team

Ted Rosequist of Ohio State lost
close decisions for posts at end and
tackle, respectively.
Although a crop of brilliant
sophomores helped decide the Big
Ten race this year, not one of them
made the first team, the personnel
being composed of eight seniors
and three juniors. Two members of
the 1932 all-star team, Joe Gailus,
Ohio State guard, and Bernard re-
"Dutch" Fehring of Purdue, un-

-Associated Press Photo
questionably one of the greatest
leaders that ever led a team on a
football field, was named captain
of the first team. Tom Moore of
Iowa, whose misfortune it was to
have a star like Bernard lined up
against him in the race for center
position, was selected captain of the
second string. Fehring and Moore
were probably the real sparkplugs
in the Hawkeye and Boilermaker

I'_____________________ U _____________________ U

NOT THAT IT IS A CASE of which is the better team, but I wonder who
will win the Penn-Cornell battle today. In fact I should say that it was
strictly a case of which is the worst team and again I wonder why I am
interested in the contest at all.
Nevertheless, you will find that quite a few other people are excited about
it all and will pay cash to see the struggle because it is a traditional game.
There is the place where the East has it all over the Big Ten and the Far
West like a tent, and I can only say that what with the supposed de-
emphasis of the sport and the reported poor quality of the exhibitions in
that section, it is unfortunate that not all their contests are traditional!
from the vulgar and mercenary angle of gate receipts.
Now consider the Cornells. They are doubless very very improved over
what they were when they came out to see Ann Arbor and watch the
Michigans play and even play against them at intervals. In fact, they even
licked the Dartmouths, besides two magnificent triumphs in the early
season over St. Lawrence and some other school I have never heard of
I CANNOT RECALL the name (if anybody that Penn has beaten, but they
did not quite reach a peak in tying Penn State. And the Nittany Lions
are not having such a hot season at that.
Yet when these two teams meet, the boys at the gate will probably take
in quite a nice piece of change. Question: Why? Answer: Tradition.
Envious of these Eastern "holy of holies" contests, the mid-western
football industry has gotten into the swing of things, and you will findI
hardly one battle out here on the plains which is not pronounced "Ancient"
and "Traditional" by some enthusiastic scribe and by the publicity depart-
ments. But their efforts pale into insignificance despite the injection of
such objects as little brown jugs and little green bicycles and little red this
and little mauve that.
It just seems that traditional football games cannot be created, and it
is too bad for the athletic boards. It must be one of the major tragedies of
their existence. Still, the quality of football draws the crowds and they have
better football teams to collect money on so that you can see that every-
body has something to be thankful for and it is a pretty ine world after
Still, I sort of wonder who will win the Penn-Cornell game.

Fred Petoskey, Michigan.......End
William Fehring, Purdue (C) Tackle
Francis Schammecl, Iowa-----.Guard
Charles Bernard, Michigan ... Center
Joseph Gailus, O.S.U. .......Guard
Francis Wistert, Michigan ... . Tackle
Frank Larson, Minnesota ......End
Joe Laws, Iowa ........Quarterback
Francis Lund, Minnesota.... Halfback
Herman Everhardus, Mich. . Halfback
Duane Purvis, Purdue- ......Fullback
Second Team
Edgar Manske, Northwestern ... End
Theodore Rosequist, O.S.U. . . . Tackle
Al Kawal, Northwestern .....Guard
Tom Moore, Iowa (C)........Center
Friedrich Febel, Purdue ......Guard
Thomas Austin, Michigan .... Tackle
Sidney Gillman, O.S.U. ........ End
Jack Beynon, Illinois .. .Quarterback
Jay Berwanger, Chicogo . ..Halfback
James Carter, Purdue .....Halfback
Richard Crayne, Iowa.......Fullback
E n d s - Petoskey, weight 175;
height 6 feet; age 21; home town, St.
I Charles, Mich.; class, senior. Larson
-weight 190; height 6 feet 2 inches;
age 21; home town, Duluth, Minn.;
class, junior.'
Tackles - Wistert, weight 196;
height 6 feet 3 1-2 inches; age 21;
home town, Chicago; class, senior.
Fehring, weight 202; height 6 feet;
age 21; home town, Terre Haute,
Ind.; class, senior.
Guards - Schammel, weight 215;
height 6 feet 2 inches; age 22; home
town, Waterloo, Ia.; class, senior.
Gailus, weight 197; height 6 feet 1;
age 23; home town, Vandergrift, Pa.;
class, senior.
Center - Charles Bernard, weight
215 pounds; height 6 feet 2; age 21;
home town, Benton Harbor, Mich.;
class, senior.
Quarterback - Joe Laws, weight
175; height 5 feet 9; age 21; home
town, Colfax, Ia.; class, senior.
Halfbacks - Lund, weight 175; 1
height 5 feet 10; age 20; home town,
Rice Lake, Wis.; class, junior. Ever-
hardus - weight 175; height 6 feet;
age 20; home town, Kalamazoo,
Mich.; class, senior.
Fullback -Duane Purvis, weight
194; height 6 feet 1; age 21; home
town, Mattoon, Ill.; class, junior.

Track Team Shows Possibilities;
Ind iana Is Strongest Opponent

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second
of two articles dealing with Michigan's
1934 track prospects.
"How's the track team going to be
this year, Charlie?" we asked Charles
B. Hoyt, Assistant Professor of the
Theory and Practice of Athletic
Coaching, and Track Coach, yester-
"Wa-al," he drawled, "I can't tell
you now, but things don't look so
good. No team can lose men like Tur-
ner, DeBaker and Eg'gleston without
being weakened considerably."
"Of course," we said, "but what
about these sophomores we've been
hearing about? And your returning
lettermen ought to show some im-
"Oh, you can't tell about them yet,"I
he said. "Anything might happen.
Come around in six weeks and I can
give you some idea about how things
will line up - after our first time
We weren't much discouraged by
Hoyt's pessimism, because he's no-
toriously gloomy. Give him anything
less than a sure championship outfit
and he'll cry his eyes out.
He went on to explain the material
he had to work with. "In the sprints
we've got Ward and Kemp, hurdles,
Ward and Pantlind. With Eggleston
gone I don't know who'll run the
laws. Capt. Ellerby is the only return-
ing quarter-miler, although Lemen

and Babcock may come through in
that event."
"We've got Childs in the mile, and
we're depending on Rod Howell in
the two mile. The pole vault will have
Jeanett, Northrup and Lassila, but
they'll have to show improvement to
win points. Ward's my only high
jumper, and will be, unless Moisio
decides to return to school.
"There's Blumenfeld in the shot,
Gilliland in the discus, and Kosichek
in the javelin. That just about com-
pletes the veteran material."
This didn't sound so bad to us.
Indiana is figured as the big team
again next year. They won the in-
door meet and were close seconds in
the outdoor. Graduation was kind to
their squad and they have most of
their first place winners and plenty
of reserve strength.
But next to the Hoosiers it appears
that Michigan again must be given
the call. Discounting possible scho-
lastic casualties, Michigan should
have a strong team -not a title team
when Indiana can again trot out its
Hornbostel, Fuqua and others - but
just the same a heavy winner of
Europe has not yet struck bottom
politically, though it certaily has
economically. There is a final strug-
gle due soon between Communism
and Fascism. - Willaim Allen White.

Thanksgiving Day in the East
be comparatively drab for foot
enthusiasts with what has been
the books other years. Three gai
of any note are scheduled for
holiday: Cornell-Pennsylvania, (
gate-Brown, and Pitt-Carnegie-T(
At Franklin Field Philadelphia,
traditional battle between the red
white of Penn and the Big Red r
chine from. Ithaca will, at best, b
struggle of two mediocre outfits.
At Hamilton, N. Y., the Colg
Maroons will attempt to end a rat
unsuccessful season by tangling v
Brown's flashy team. At Pittsbui
Carnegie Tech is expected to go do
in defeat to a strong Pitt outfit.





Fine Suede

The popularity of basketball as
the favored sport on the women's
winter program is insured for an-
other season, as the number of teams
entered in the tournament indicates.
Thirty sextets are already enrolled,
and two more it is expected will be
added to the list before playoffs start.
Action will begin on December 4.
The tourney will be split into two di-

visions, an A and a B section. Win-
ners of each game will automatically
enter the A group, and the losers will
have a championship of their own in
the B division.
All women unaffiliated with a dor-
mitory or sorority team who wish to
enter the Interclass tourney must
play through the Intramural season.
Elizabeth Cooper is chairman of the
selection committee, which will re-
view the Intramural games and
choose the players for the Interclass

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