IJ~kfr g an i3att Editorials Old Michigan, Mothe Men; Death - For - Kidn Bill Of Rep. Pack. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1933 PRICE FIVE - U I -Asciated Press Photo Boston police were sent into action around Ford Hall, Boston, when a crowd of more than 5,000 persons gathered to protest a speech by a German professor who spoke in favor of Hitler and Niaziism. The clash Fr. Couhlin Assails Smith Second Time Accuses New Yorker Of A Union With Morgan For Empire State Loan Defends Policies Against Attacks Says Brooklyn Prelate Is Showing Disrespect For The Catholic Church DETROIT, Nov. 29. - WP) - The militant Father Charles A. Coughlin, strong defender of President Roose- velt's monetary policies, t o d a y launched a second attack on Alfred E. Smith for his opposition to those policies, declaring that Smith "has written his own obituary notice in lining up with the philosophy of the Morgans." In the face of widespread controv- ersy following his New York address Monday night, the Royal Oak, Mich., priest, who returned from New York today, said bluntly that he was "not hedging at all," and reiterated his assertion that Smith visited the office of J. P. Morgan in an attempt to arrange for a loan for his Empire State building in New York. "I did not say that he obtained the loan, or that he saw Mr. Mor- gan," said Coughlin. "I simply stand by the statement as I made it. In no sense have I borne false witness against my neighbor." Reiterating his statement made in his New York address Monday that he considers Smith the "outstanding Catholic layman of this country,"1 Coughlin said, however, that "Alfred E. Smith is banking-minded - he cannot wriggle from the rock which he has cast upon his own head -a letter which he published insinuating that President Roosevelt and those who are supporting him in attempt- ing to free this Nation from the fi- nancial slavery which, consciously or unconsciously, the Smiths, the Bar- uchs, the Spragues and the War- burgs are supporting, are crackpots and so am I." The priest's statement came at the close of a day in which he had been charged with "wild ranting that is a disgrace to the church" by Monsignor Belford, Brooklyn prelate, and in which former Gov. Smith had de- clared his statements concerning the Morgan incident "absolutely false." In a separate statement he at- tacked Father Belford for saying that "his (Father Coughlin's) bishop is worse than he is because the bishop has it in his power to stop him and has not done so." The bishop referred to is the Most Rev. Michael J. Gal- lagher, of Detroit. "Father Belford should at least learn to respect the episcopacy of the Catholic Church," said the Royal Oak priest. "He is certainly taking a lot on his shoulders to term as 'wild ranting' what has received up to the present date the imprimateur of a Catholic bishop. Red Cross Roll Call Is Extended By Campbell The National Red Cross Roll Call has been extended in order to permit workers to canvass territory which as yet has not been covered, accord- ing to an announcement made yes- terday by Mayor Robert A. Campbell. While it has not been possible to make public any reports of the drive at this date, authorities stated that the reports were "encouraging." Sues University After 7 Years, No Diploma DALLAS, Tex., Nov. 29. - (IP) - Seven years ago Herman Evans began his education at Southern Methodist University and still he has no degree. Evans last week came to the de- cision that something was being put over on him. So he brought suit against the University for $21,917 for fees and tuition plus 6 per cent in- terest, alleging that the university had damaged his career, that the faculty had guided his course "for the sole purpose of collecting from him such fees and tuition as they might require him to pay." Commend Test In College For Tuberculosis Students Are In Greatest Danger According To Michigan Association College and University tests for tuberculosis in men and women stu- dents were commended yesterday by the Michigan Tuberculosis Associa- tion, which said that no age group is effectedby this disease so much as the four year college period. Both Olivet College and the University of Michigan, the association said, have tests for discovering tuberculosis in Radio OraPubc i _, 1 - , __- r_ 7 i'IS 111F1 Greetings ,? Priest T students. All entering freshmen at Ol- ivet are required to take a tuber- culin test and an X-ray ex- amination as a State Will Still Be Dry After U. S. Goes Wet LANSING, Nov. 29-VP)-The sale, possession or transportation of liquor will continue to be illegal in Michi- gan until the Legislature has re- pealed the existing dry law and a liquor control bill has been signed by the Governor, Patrick H. O'Brien, attorney general, warned today. In an informal opinion the attor- ney general held repeal of the Eigh- teenth Amendment, scheduled for Dec. 5, automatically wipes out the Federal Volstead act. After that date it is expected Federal arrests will cease. Bootleggers and blind pig operators, however, will be subject to arrest for violation of the State law, as will all persons possessing, trans- porting, or selling liquor. The State law in its present .form allows sale of beverages containing not more than 3.2 per cent of alco- hol, through licensed channels. The liquor control bill under considera- tion in the Legislature would repeal this measure and would allow beer and spirits of any alcoholic content and wine of not more than 16 per cent. When a State control law will be enacted and the sale of high content beverages will become legal no one was prepared to guess. The control measure cannot be taken up by the Senate before Monday night. It probably will not be finally passed before Tuesday or Wednesday. Then it must return to the House for con- currence in almost certain Senate amendments. Two other men will also be chosen for the board, but their names were not disclosed. The acceptance of the members of the board is expected to be made definite at a meeting dur- ing the coming week, at which the details of the plan will be given out. In general, the plan provides for a central buying association which' will contract to buy in large quanti- ties certain commodities which all houses use. Portions of this contract will be booked straight to the house when it applies to the association for produce. The association will not at- tempt to store any food products. There is some question as to whether the association will handle both perishable and non-perishable products, Kelley stated yesterday, but said that the matter will be settled definitely before the plan finally goes into operation. Permission must be secured from the board of directors of the associa- tion before any fraternity will be al- lowed to participate, the plans 'for the set-up state, and Kelley said yes- terday that such permission would not be forthcoming unless the fra- ternity has made arrangements to amortize their present indebtedness. A similar system is now in effect at Ohio State University. Nude Body Is Identified As Big Racketeer DETROIT, Nov. 29. - /P) - Detroit police tonight said that fingerprint comparison had established that the nude body found in a suburban road- side ditch here tonight was that of Verne Miller, notorious gangster. Detective Charles Racy, of the De- troit police identification bureau an- nounced the identification of MiI r, who was a suspect in the Urschel kid- naping case and in the shooting of Frank Nash, Oklahoma mail train robber, and his four guards in the Kansas City union station last June. The body was recovered by police, after a stranger had notified resi- dents of the locality where the body urnld he fnund . H disaannredbe- Last MembersI Of Greenland Party Return Tell How Storms, Snow- Blindness, Hindered The Inland Sledge Trip Three members of the University Greenland Expedition returned to the United States Tuesday after a year and a half spent in northern Green- land gathering meteorological data for the University and the Pan- American Airways. Prof. William H. Hobbs, head of the geology depart- ment, stated that he had received a telegram announcing the explorers' arrival in New -York late Tuesday from Prof. Ralph Belknap, director of the expedition. Accompanying Pro- fessor Belknap were Max Demorest and Evans Schmeling, both of the ge- ology department. Announcing crypticallyhthat they were "glad to be alive," the explorers told of scaling the dangerous Cornell glacier alone because the natives be- lieved it inhabited by ghosts and hob- goblins and wouldn't set foot on it. They reached the center of the gla- cier without untoward difficulty, Bel- knap said, but almost lost their way several times and frequently were snowblinded on the return trip. Arctic blizzards, treacherous crevasses, and 100-mile-an-hour gales that swept away their trail markers were only a few of the hazards encountered, he said. Roosevelt To Ask For Funds To Continue CCC WARM SPRINGS, Ga., Nov. 29.- fal _?n irl n - -..nca1 n .. n - nn Prof. George E. Carrothers of the School of Education and director of the bureau of co-operation with Edu- cational institutions, was selected re- cently to represent the North Cen- tral Association of Colleges and Sec- ondary Schools as the fraternal dele- gate at the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools which is being held Dec. 1 and 2, in Atlantic City, N. J. VALERIO EXHIBITS ETCHINGS Prof. A. Mastro Valerio of the Col- lege of Architecture is now exhibiting an acquatint and two etchings at the National Arts Club, New York, under the auspices of the Society of Amer- ican Etchers. NO DAILY FRIDAY There will be no issue of The Daily tomorrow morning because of the Thanksgiving Day holiday. Publication will be resumed Sat- urday morning. part of their physical examination. In the University, all freshman wo- men receive an examination for tu- berculosis. Evidence indicates that" women of college age are more sus- ceptible to the disease than men, the association says. Among persons of college age, ac- cording to the association's state- ment, there were last year more than five deaths from tuberculosis per week, or nearly one a day. The death rate in Michigan among people of all ages, the association says, amounts to six people a. day --or, one every four hours. Tuberculin tests and X-ray exami- nations in the high and grade schools of the State are conducted by the association, which finances this work by the sale of Christmas seals, and which is' again asking for support in its work. In the past three years, the association says, sales of the Christmas seals have made possible the examination of about 100,000 persons. Many tuberculous cases have been segregated and material progress has been made in the pre- vention of widespread infection, the association reports. National Liquor Control Set Up; Choate At Head States Have Authority On Sale, Rackets Out, Dry Areas Get Protection WARM SPRINGS, Ga., Nov. 29 - VP) -President Roosevelt today set up the Federal machine for control of liquor after repeal of national Prohibition next week and named Joseph H. Choate, Jr., of New York, to direct the task. Choate, with an advisory board of four government experts, will ad- minister the newly-signed liquor code seeking a control of production and protection of dry states. The President expects the liquor industry to take the Initiative with the Federal government exercising principally veto and supervisory pow- ers. His liquor control plan was de- scribed as having a three-fold ob- jective: 1. Full authority for the states to name their own methods of sale. 2. Assurance of good liquor at rea- sonable prices without folding the market, and elimination of bootleg- ging, and, 3. Protection of dry states. Meanwhile, Mr. Roosevelt is giving consideration to new relations be- tween the Federal and the State gov- ernments on tax collections. Former Daily Employee T1!.- E-3 1- A z TJ--- Father Coughlin Is Calle 'Infernal Nuisance' B Rev. John L. Belford Also Blames Bishop For Not Interferin Coughlin Has 'Gone Ma With Popularity' Asser Brooklyn Pastor BROOKLYN, N. Y., Nov. 29. - ( - The Rev. John L. Belford, past of the Roman Catholic Church the Nativity, today termed Charl E. Coughlin, "radio priest" of Roy Oak, Mich., an "infernal nuisance He expressed the belief that t] Apostolic delegate from the Vatica would be forced to stop his "wi ranting that is a disgrace to t Church." "The man is an infernal nuisance said Father Belford, regarded as a outstanding priest in Brooklyn. "I has gone mad with popularity." "He is a public enemy, a very da gerous man. Anyone who makes his business to cater to the m can do great harm. "He is using his church as a so box to exploit himself and he has w an enormous following. His talks a not religious, but political and pure selfish. "Should Mind His Own Affairs" "If he would take care of the a fairs of his church and preach t] Gospel he would have plenty on lh hands. "The Catholic clergy in Detrc have no use for him. Members of 1 own church despise him. Indicati of what he is is the fact that I came from Canada because he cou make a better living here. "He is mad with flattery and t praises of thousands of morons. Twi thirds of the crowd at the Hipp drome meeting Monday night meeting on monetary policies) we rabble, the kind f people who er ate mobs and who smash down- i doors of jails to take matters in their own hands. "If he had called upon them to fc low him downtown and tear dov the offices of J. P. Morgan & Co. th would have done his bidding. Bishop Criticized "His bishop is worse than he is. TJ bishop has it in his power to stop hi and he has not done so, although has been appealed to by the ou standing ecclesiastics in this counti "I believe that the time has cox when the Apostolic delegate will st in and stop this wild ranting that disgracing religion." Father Belford's expressions we contained in an interview with nei paper men. Father Belford, who is a monsi nor, has been noted for many ye as an outspoken leader in connecti< with Brooklyn's church and civic a fairs. He is also a public speaker repute in Brooklyn. Schoolboy Is Sentenced TO Life In Prisoi GRAND RAPIDS, Nov. 29.---() William L. Crandell, 15-y e ar-c schoolboy, was sentenced Wednesd night to life imprisonment at Jac son Prison following his plea guilty to the slaying Tuesday of M William Brewer,,8 years old, whc home, adjoins that of his fatli Frank. Less than 24 hours after the a parently motiveless slaying of M Brewer in the kitchen of her hon Crandell confessed he shot M Brewer. to death after stealing irn the home to get some money. He waived examination in Poli Court and a few hours later enter a plea of guilty to a first degn murder charge before Superior Cou Judge Thaddeus B. Taylor. The boy told detectives that he e tered the Brewer home to ste money "with which to buy hims some shirts," and shot Mrs. Brew in the abdomen when she foug him with a mop handle. He did not show the slightest i dication of remorse as he told the killing, first in a verbal confe A- 1 . ,_ .. , .., , 4.4 'Difficult To Name My Favorite Composer,' Goossens Decides Picking his favorite composer is no easy matter for Eugene Goossens, conductor of the Cincinnati Sym- phony Orchestra. He continued, "I suppose one has one's favorite composer. I do not want to say that Mozart is mine, but I will say that I enjoy conducting his works as much as I enjoy con- ducting -anything." Mr. Goossens stated that whenever he conducts a particular work, at the time he feels it is the greatest work ever written. "I have always been a strong champion of opera," he said. "Both my father and grandfather wre as- - Mr. Goossens described his first professional engagement. "I w a s called in an emergency to Convent Garden to substitute for a second violin in the orchestra. Old Dr. Rich- ter was conducting 'Die Meister- singer' and that gave me a wonder- ful experience with one of the great- est of Wagnerian interpreters." He was 16 years old at that time. When asked as to the practicabil- ity of operas sung in English, he re- plied, "Opera in English is quite feas- ible, but its success depends entirely on the translation. It must not only be good English, but carefully ad- ia.-nr 4n +hn .ii i n - - ^ c - +H