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November 29, 1933 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-29

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Union To Hold J.G.P. Star Engaged
Special Holiday
Dance Tonight
Will Award Free Tickets '
For Thanksgiving Day
Dinner To DancersA

Traditional Panhellenic Ball Now
Survives Despite Controversy

A capacity crowd is expected. to
attend the informal dance to be held
from 8:30 p. m. to 1 a. m. in thel
Union ballroom tonight, according to
a statement made last night by Rob-
ert Salzstein, '34, president of the
"The dance has been arranged for
those students who will remain in
Ann Arbor over the holiday, Salz-
stein added: "We are making an ef-
fort to entertain those students who
cannot return to their homes for
Special feature of tonight's dance
will be the awarding of free tickets
for the Union Thanksgiving dinner
to several of the dancers. More de-
tails of the awarding of the tickets
will be made at the dance, according
to the announcement.
The music for the dance will be
furnished by the regular Union
orchestra under the direction of Bob

Defying opposition of several of
the older fraternities on campus, the
University women held their first
Panhellenic Ball just 10 years ago.
About 10 of the 40 houses supposedly
threatened to impose heavy fines on
any member attending, but neverthe-
less a great many were present.
Around this first social function
sponsored by the women centered the
old controversy of "no dates," when
the women attempted to revive what
was proving an unpopular tradition.
Even unsuccessful football seasons
had been said to be due to the in-
fluence of "those women."
"The attitude of these fraternities
is not new," Miss Mildred Sherman,
assistant to °the dean of women,
stated in an article from the Detroit
News, "they have always had fines
for going with University women."
She characterized their opposition as
the result of some being uninvited.
The following fall there is no ac-
count of the ball itself, though a
small announcement in The Daily
stated that the affair was to be held
in Waterman gymnasium, for a
larger floor was needed. So the first
step of the co-eds against the oppo-
sition must have been successful. The
proceeds of the dance were to be
tised for the League building fund, it
was announced.
Increasing in popularity and pres-
tige, the third Panhellenic Ball was
held at Granger's, then the center of
social life for the campus, and the
first account of the dance itself is
found in the 1925 Daily. The grand
march was held for the first time and
the president of Panhellenic led the
formation of the block "M." The
custom of sorority breakfasts after
the dance was started this year also.
The next year the men went so far
as to concede the use of the Union
ballroom for what was by then ac-

Stenle. Special musical arrangements
have been made for tonight.
The ticket sale will be limited to
300 couples and all those planning to
attend were advised by Salzstein to
reserve their tickets early today.
iP iz Awarded
To)Student For.
Flower Medal
Helen Baily, Grad., was recently
awarded first prize by the Michigan
Horticultural Society for a medal to
be used at the North American Flow-
er show which will be held in Detroit
this spring. The medal will be cast
in bronze, silver, and gold.
The Fine Arts department of the
University of Michigan, under the di-
rection of Prof. Avard Fairbanks,
competed for the awards with Cran-
brook School, and the Arts and
Crafts School of Detroit.
The second prize went to Dr. Scott
Holmes, Harry Furst, '35, received
third prize, and Faith Crittendon, '36,
was given special mention for her
medal, which will be exhibited in the
children's garden at the Flower Show.
Where To Go
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "The
Prizefighter And The Lady," with
Max Baer and Myrna Loy; Majestic,
"Footlight Parade," with Dick Pow-
ell and Ruby Keeler; Whitney, "Man
Of Sentiment," and "When A Man
Rides Alone."
Dancing: Harvest Hop in the
League Ballroom, Union, Chubb's,
Hut, Dixie Inn, Joe Parker's, Preke-
tes. .
Dean Lloyd Gives Tea
For House Chaperons
Dean Alice C. Lloyd entertained the
sorority chaperons Tuesday after-
noon at a tea in her home. Mrs.
Byrl Bacher and Miss Jeannette
Perry assisted her.
Skidmore Sponsors Fall
Hop; Shan Austin To Play

Mary F. Phillis, '34Ed., star of,
last year's 'J.G;P., has announced her
engagement to David Stapleton, De-
troit. Miss Phillips comes from Jack-
son Heights, N. Y., and is a member
of Delta Gamma sorority. Mr. Staple-
ton attended the University in 1929
and 1930.
Zionist Fraternity
Re-elects Officers
The Michigan chapter of Avukah,
student Zionist organization, has re-
cently reorganized and has drawn up
a new constitution. The following are
the officers:. Jack Kraizman, presi-
dent; David R. Kaplan, vice-presi-
dent; Irving Burack, treasurer; and
Julius Greenberg, secretary.
The executive council consists of
Milton Kaplan, Sidney Orkin, and!
Israel Kunin.
La Sociedad Hispanica
Postpones Meeting Date
La Sociedad Hispanica has post-
poned its regular fortnightly Wed-
nesday meeting until Dec. 6 because
of the impending Thanksgiving holi-
S.C.A. May Get Files Of
Papers For Student Usel
The Student Christian Association
has sent letters to all daily news-
papers throughout Michigan, request-
ing gratis subscriptions of their paper
for the Lane Hall files so that stu-
dents may have their home town
paper at their disposal at any time.
According to Russell Anderson, '36,
publicity managvr, out of 40 letters'
sent, about 12 favorable replies have
been received at this time. Also, seV-
eral dailies that did not receive let-
ters sent free copies anyway.
Anderson asked today that all stu-
dents who are interested in reading
their home town papers, regardless of
the state which they are in, contact
the association and every effort will
be made to get the paper for the

cepted as one of the large campus
social events.
For the succeeding dances the Un-
ion ballroom was used and the num-
ber of couples attending jumped from
275 to 400. Sorority breakfasts had
become very important parts of the
evening program and the houses vied$
with one another in their originality
in decorations.
Four years ago the women held
their first Panhellenic Ball in their
own building, for the League had just
been constructed. It was one of the
gayest events of the season and Pres-
ident and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven
headed the patrons' list for their first
campus dance. The list also included,
for the first time, the deans of all the
schools and colleges, as well as prom-
inent faculty members.
The rise of the Panhellenic Ball in
importance and acceptance on cam-'
pus is characteristic of the change
in attitude that gradually came about
toward University women.
14 Women Are
In1itiated Into
Alna~e tense
Fourteen women were initiated into
Alumnae House Sunday.
Guests at the ceremony and the
tea following included: Dean Alice C.
Lloyd and Mrs. Markly, members of
the board of Governors; Dean Emer-
itus Myra S. Jordan, Miss Ellen
Stevenson, director of the University
dormitories; Mrs. Carlton Wells and
Miss Alice Twamly, former residents
of Alumnae House
The women initiates are: Leonora.
Hohl, Grad., Marjorie Lundbom, '34,
Rose Offley, '34, Rosalyn Chapel, '35,
Dorothy Bolton,, '36, Lucy Cartozian,
'37, Louise Juckett, '37, Beulah Kan-!
ter, '37, Ethel Miller, '37, Ruth Ney-
mark, '37 ,and Mary Walker, '37.
After the ceremony, at which Miss
Twamley presided, Mrs. Jordan told
the history of the House, its originsI
and aims. Tea was then served for
the initiates and their guests. The
table was decorated with yellow
chrysanthemums and yellow and blue
ormer Foundatio0n
President T Wed
It was learned recently that the
marriage of Alice Goss, Gary, Ind.,
to Byron Novitsky, '34L, will be sol-
emnized Thursday at Hillel Founda-'
tion. Mr. Novitsky was twice presi-
dent of the Foundation, and presi-
dent of Kappa Nu fraternity.
Miss Goss attended the University
of Illinois and the University of In-
diana, where she was a member of
Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority. Rabbi
Bernard Heller will perform the cere-

Social Groups
Give Exchange,
Faculty Dinners
Alumnae Sponsor Benefit
Bridge And Bake Sale
In Chapter House
The annual exchange dinners
among fraternal organizations on
campus have begun, various classes
being honored. Alternating with
these are the faculty dinners given
by the houses, which honor promi-
nent members of the faculty. Alum-
nae are sponsoring a benefit bridge
in one sorority house.
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Chi Omega entertained at
a faculty dinner last night. The
guests were: Dr. Bennett Weaver, di-
rector of the Hopwood Awards, and
Mrs. Weaver; Assistant Dean and
Mrs. Wilber Humphreys, Prof. and
Mrs. Roy Cowden, Prof. and Mrs.
William Hobbs, Prof. Arthur L. Cross,
and Prof. and Mrs. John L. Brumm.
Alpha Delta Pi
The alumnae of Alpha Delta. Pi
sorority will hold a benefit bridge
and bake sale at 2:30 p. m., Satur-
day, at the chapter house.
Collegiate Sorosis
Collegiate Sorosis sorority held an
exchange dinner with Delta GammaI
sorority last night. The Delta Gam-
ma seniors were guests of Collegiate
Sorosis, while Sorosis' sophomores
and juniors were honored at the Del-
ta Gamma house.
Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Alpha Theca sorority held
an exchange dinner with Pi Beta Phi
sorority last night.

Nothing equals the allure of
shadowy eyes and provocative lips
curved in a wistful smile. Richard
Hudnut has come forth with a cy-
lindrical kit containing eye shad-
ow, mascara, and a really good
mirror, that folds inside itself in
a most intriguing manner. Quar-
ry Inc. has it and all the rest of
of the mascaras and lipstisks we've
ever seen produced, including the
very kissproof Tattoo, and all
styles of automatic cases. Be sure
the case itself is suitable to car-
ry, and that the shade is one com-
plimentary under the "limelights."
With the Ball immediately in
the offing, there's still time to have
a permanent that will cluster curls
around your glistening coronet.
The Rudolph' Shop Experts have
devised new wave contours that
compliment these hair and ear
clips- now so popular. We gasped
at their low rates a paltry half
dollar for shampoo and wave, and
we just have an innate feeling
that they'll satisfy you and help
attain your perfection for the
eventful evening.
The French have a word for
them - these petite evening hats.
The word is chic. It means lame
combined with velvet, net adorn-
ing a palmful of sequins, and huge
veils filoating about -mere twists
of brilliance. An ensemble seems
unfinished without the thrill of a
bit of frivolity perched atop your
curls. May we suggest the Rob-
ert's Hat Shop for the one and
cnly bonnet to wear to Pan-Hel-
lenic where every detail counts.
Their suggestions are multiple,
and so very adequate!

Maybe it's the holiday air, bu'
the sight of these cleverly deco-
rated tin boxes filled with whipped
cream fudge, introduced by the
Caramel Crisp Shop, is making ev-
eryone dash in for provender or
the train ride home. Later on
we've planned to get boxes and
boxes for Christmas presents
They have all flavors. For the tur-
key day itself, nothing pleases
more than caramel apples and
salty, buttery popcorn.
Instead of getting. homesick on
this eve of the festival, remembe:
there's a dance going on at the
M-Hut, and the merry, merry mu.
sic can't go on without your pres-
ence. Tomorrow night. when noth.
ing but the carcass of the augus
old bird remains, dance again, and
forget the classes and bluebooks
and give yourself to gayety. It'
the way to live, this Hut life, and
be sure to get the most from i
by ending the week, on dance
nights and other times, at the
Hut dances.
Subtle luxury is the note struck
by the gowns to be worn by cam
pus leaders at the occasion of the
year. Elizabeth Dillon has some
of the newest models in stock a
present and the campus has dis
covered them. One Grecian burn
orange affair, is girdled graceful
ly in silver cords, ending in tas
sels. And another rich frock
lovely for a brunette, is chartreuse
green, with a silver-beaded trian
gular cape. After all, as one dam
sel said, "I do so want to be glam
orous for just one little night."
The answer - why not?


a 4U

I - =;;Z S5 ; 5

SPe rs itz i

es~co s

And Exotic Beauty
In delightful contrast to the cold
greyness of an Ann Arbor winter day
are the delicate harmonies of rose,
carmine, golden yellow, dull gold and
powder blue which greet the specta-
tor at the current exhibit of Persian
frescoes, on view in the West Gal-
lery of Alumnae Memorial Hall. The
paintings have been reconstructed
from the 17th century originals in
Isfahan by Mr. Sarkis Katchadour-
ian, and with the exception of one
water color are painted in gouache
on various colored papers.
By its preference for fiat tones and
flat designing, its emphasis on line
and rhythm, its sense of the intrin-
sic nobility of pure decoration, Per-
sian painting naturally lends itself
to mural decoration, and avoids the
tridimensionalism which for centur-
ies has been the goal of western
The appeal of Mr. Katchadourian's
exhibit is found in the graceful linear
designs, and in the exotic, almost
decadent, beauty of the fresco paint-
ings which gvie us an insight into
the opulent civilization of Safavid
Isfahan, and call to mind the ex-
quisit verses of the ancient Persian
The exhibit is open week-days from
1:30 until 4:15 p. m. and on Sundays
from 2 until 5 p. in., continuing
through November 29th.

Sophomore Class
is C olleting DII.s~
Sophomores are urged to pay their
class dues before next Monday, ac-
cording to James Eyre, '36, treasurer.
On that day and the Tuesday and
Wednesday following, a campaign
will be carried on to collect them.
Sophomore class meetings will be
held in dormitories, sorority and fra-
ternity houses; while the class difi-
cers will be on duty in Angell Hall
The collected dues are used to pay
for the sophomore space in the Mich-
iganensian, to minimize the dues in '
the following years, and to contribute
to the alumni fund of the class.
Class members are warned not to pay
dues to any but those who have the
printed receipts.
Prof. Bennett To Speak
On U. S. Housing Plans
Prof. Wells Bennett of the College
of Architecture will speak informally
on the "Government's Housing
Plans" at the weekly meeting. of the
Graduate Luncheon Club at noon to-
day in the Russian Tea Room of the i

Hand-Colored Etchings
10c EACH - $1.00 PER DOZEN

302 South State Street

~' ~.1. Y


The Neowest




State & William Streets

71 0 4



Hdena Rubensterin's
Beauty Kit

Have you your Slippers for
The Styles below are all regular $4.95 Connie Creations


A lovely T-strap of spun
Silver Kid. Dainty cut-
outs on quarter and
dainty strips to cover
your toes.

IT'S a smart shiny kit, good
looking! It has a smart, gay
red-and-white glazed gingham
lining. And oh, it's marvelous
contents! Beauty for young and
old! Nine of Helena Ruben-
stein's famous beauty prepara-
tions in special sizes-including

Ir l
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® Two Creams
0 Skin T1oning Lotion
* Beauty Grains
Iland Lotion
l Miniature Red Coral
A hatching Rouge
e Peachbloom Powder
i Eyelash Grower and
0 Valaze Cleansing




There's a Pick-Me-Up Beauty
Kit for dry skin, one for normal
or oily skin.

Toiletries - Main Floor

Tintabl. Whitt Brocade . . .SGti,
trime ,and shiny Black Satin hold
the potlisht for "after 6" evemts. We
hold the spotlight for a "brite" p:ice.
Main Floor

I '5



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