THE MICHIGAN DAILY w CHIGAN DAILY Established 1890 complied with as long as they are on the books. For unless the fraternity community decided to give up the battle, the judiciary committee must stay in the saddle as the general upon whom everything depends. Governor Condones L .nc hinor - 0 0 .e " r [I N I Published every morning except Monday during the aversity year and Summer Session by the Board in ontrol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- in %' I the Big Ten News Service. 9soaited llte iate rtes 1a 933 (m ~. caeo t934 * V.EMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusivel: entitled to t e use r republication of all news dispatches credited to it or >t otherwise credited in this paper and the local news iblished herein. Al rights of republication of special spatches are reserved. Entered at thee Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as cond class matter. Special rate of postage granted by lird Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $100; by mal. A.. Duing regular school year by carrier $3.75; by ai, $4.25. Offlces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, mn Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 21214. ' .presevtatives: Cllege Publications Representatives, u., 40 East.Thirty-Fourth Street, New 'York City; 80 ylton Swreet, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 NAGING EDITOR.........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN TY EDITOR....................BRACKLEY'SHAW ITORIAL DIRECTOR.............C. HART SCHAAF 'ORTS EDI TOR....... ...ALBERT H. NEWMAN OMElVS EDITOR.................CAROL J. HANAN G'I EDITORS: A. Ellis Bll, Ralph . Coulter,. WJI- lain 0. Ferris, John C.: Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George Van Vieck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. ORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird, ,rthur W Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin, Maroric Western. OMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan. PORTERS: Roy Alexander, John A. Babington, Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Ted R. Evans, Bernard H. Fried, Thomas Groehn, Robert D. authrie, Joseph L. Karpinski, Thomas H. Kleene, Rich- rd E. Lorch, David G. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parker, George I. Quimby, William R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Arthur S. Settle,d Marshall D. Silverman, A. B. Smith, Jr., Arthur M. Laub, Philip T. Van Zile. AMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Plorence Harper, Mare Hed, Eleanor Johnson, Jose- hine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Mary Robinson, Jane Schneider, MargaretJ Spencer. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 SINESS MANAGER. . .W. GRAFTON SHARP! EDIT MANAGER..........BERNARD E. SCHNACKE .MEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER..,.....-..... Y] . ............CATHARINE MC fENRY PARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her- rick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Dontracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert1 Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef- oymson. SISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra-! ner, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard, ames Scott, David Wikworth. WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF ne Bassett, Virginia Bell, Winifred Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady, Betty Chapman, Patricia Daly, Jean Dur- ham, Minna Giffen, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Janet rackson, Isabelle Kanter, Louise Krause, Margaret Mustard, Nina Pollock, Elizabeth J. Simonds. NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM G. FERRIS r'ternity Compliance ith The New Rules... THE explanation given by some fra- ternities for the unhappy turn theira utual financial endeavor is taking is that the new3 gulations are paternalistic. "It is not to our1 ing," the wayward houses say, "to submit budg- s and monthly statements to a central agency{ no other way connected with us."f This paper has never advocated paternalism. t we are in favor of these regulations. One the reasons for this is that they are not pater- listic. Did they emmanate from the University? The swer is no. They are the result of a visit to this" mpus and an investigation of its fraternity. rnmunity by a group of national fraternity secre- Iies. What these men found was that a major- ( of houses were in a financial muddle and that actically all houses were spending more money an was necessary. The remedy was easy to escribe: the situation could be overcome if uses could be induced to chart their financial as, to plan their receipts and expenditures and e up to their budgets. Like most such solutions, the problem was, how put it into effect. Again the answer was not r to seek: let the fraternities set up a central ency to which they should submit their budgets d reports. The idea was put in the form of four rules and esented to the Interfraternity Council as a sug- stion. It came, thus, as the spontaneous offering sincere advice by men whose purpose in life is e well-being of fraternities. Their proposal was cepted by the council by a tremendous majority, posed, if our memory is correct, by only one te. There was no outside interference. There was paternalism. The measure passed for the sole ason that the men who composed last year's uncil were able to recognize their worst eco- imic foe in the sluggishness, the procrastina- mn, and the apathy with which their physical isiness was being conducted. It should not be surprising to And that the achinery is proving difficult to get started. tssage of the regulations was a normal declara- on of war against what was recognized to be a mmon foe, and it is to be expected that the foe still there. For it is rare that we can rid our- Ives of an enemy simply by acknowledging his 'esence and announcing a determination to ittle. There are many ways in which the Judiciary LYNCH LAW is never justified, the governor of California to the con- trary notwithstanding.. Monday, a mob in San Jose, California, took the law into its own hands, and lynched the mur- derers of Brooke Hart, scion of a wealthy family of the city. The lynching was brutal as the mur- der of Hart itself. It will remain an uneradicable blot on the history of justice in California, not only because of its brutality but because of the fact that Governor Rolph actually condoned the act of the lynchers. His statement that he would like to parole all kidnappers in California and turn them over to the people of San Jose is one of the most vicious statements uttered by a law-enforcement official in the history of the United States. It is true that the murder of Hart was a par- ticularly gruesome affair. But it did not justify an act just as gruesome. Murder does not make mur- der right. Mob slaughter does not add to the pres- tige of our system of justice. We have regularly constituted courts and authorities to deal with infractions of the law, from murder down to .speeding. It is one of the functions of govern- ment to see that the rules of society are enforced. In a barbarous state, the multitude must take ac- tion against the transgressor. In a civilized society, that function is delegated to persons of respon- sibility and the mob, as an enforcer, is unneces- sary. Governor Roph said that he did not send the militia to San Jose because the sheriff had the situation in hand. Itis quite obvious that he did not since the men were captured and murdered. The sheriff did not fulfill his legal obligation either since no shots were fired at or over the crowd to prevent the lynching. The resistance by the officers was half-hearted. We can imagine] what beautiful campaign tender this will furnish Upton Sinclair in his campaign for the California governorship. Lynching is a horrible thing. All of the high priuiciples of modern society have not been able completely to stamp it out in the south. It is a new thing in California and may be expected to be repeated there since the governor upholds the practice. One vicious aspect of the southern lynching was-missing in the California affair, that of race prejudice. It is the only mitigating aspect. That the mob was led by a youth in his teens makes the affair all the more disgusting. We have had a national wave of kidnapings. A national wave of lynchings would be even more revolting. A certain newspaper Monday pointed to the San Jose affair as evidence of the fact that we need a more drastic national law against kid- napping. It also illustrates, we believe, that we need very stringent laws to stoplynching. The Theatre" OH, TILE.BELLS, BELLS, BELLS Mr. Robinson's "The Round Table" and Mr. Windt's Play Production By GEORGE SPELVIN Lennox Robinson is a playwright of considerable reputation for Irish charm, whimsy, .and sensi- tivity. That is why it is genuinely difficult to ex- press the strong objection aroused in us by the messiness and incoherency of his writing in "The Round Table," offered last weekend and Tuesday by Play Production. Presumably he had an off day or two while composing "The Round Table." Or perhaps the eminent Irish whimsyist sent two plays to the printers at once, and they got mixed together. The theory is plausible. Whatever the explanation, the fact remains that he has, in our opinion, cov- ered himself with confusion by writing one of the most addled plays seen in these parts for many years agone. Since the Lady Gregory and Yeats school of thought discovered how amusing their country- men can be, there have been a great many Irish plays, most of them delightfully amusing. Irish k whimsy has been established in a class by itself. Another observation to be made is that besides amusing themselves, the Irish have had a tend- ency to mystify themselves as well. The only time it would be allowable for us to object to such ao national trait is when the mystic element interferes with the whimsy to a grotesque and disturbing degree. In seeing "The Round Table" you get the im- pression at first that you are witnessing a highly amusing and rather extravagant comedy of home life, done with an unusually keen ear to the stale chit-chat and feeble innuendos of a middle class family. One Mrs. Drennan, a nice vague old lady, is especially pleasant. Daisy Drennan, her daugh- ter, one of those lovable busybodies who bustle about managing things, is naturally not liked very well by the audience, but on the whole the first act seems to be first class home-folks farce. Mrs. Drennan has a relish for big funerals, her more idle children collect stamps or Indian philosophies, and none of the family knows how to brew a cup of tea unless Daisy is there. The whole thing is enjoyable and quite charming; it is that same charm which later is to disrupt the play. In the last scene, in fact the last line, of the first act comes the tip-off. Play Production's Daisy Drennan drops her high-comedy-with-wist- ful-love-scene technique and, shifting gears, goes into my-god-the-pain-of-it. "Bells, bells," she cries, taking center stage. She heairs some bells somewhere, she advises the startled audience. Then she faints, which seems a clever way to get out of a bad situation. That tasty bit of climax-building leaves the spectator to consider during the intermission a number of alternative directions the play may her young relatives in order that she may herself be free to get away from it all. Then back to a darker mood. She doesn't want to marry her young man when she learns that there is furniture, even a round table, in his old home. She has a round table by her bed, and the dust keeps sift- ing in on it every day, no matter how often she dusts. Her young man suggests aspirins and hot milk, and takes his leave. Then, catching you unawares a second time, she begins hearing bells. "Bells, bells," she cries, giving the second act a curtain punch equal to that of the first, and quite as baffling. And it goes on that way to the bitter end, Mr. Robinson's psychic revelations getting his farce down and sitting on its head, then his farce kick- ing his psychic revelations in the tummy. His two separate plays fight it through; and striking for a parallel, you think of pickles with ice cream, a Jews-harp solo in the Ninth Symphony, or Hamlet's soliliquy done on a tight-rope. We would be the last to try to prove that a serious play shouldn't have comic relief; it should; audience psychology demands it. But it certainly should be expected to fit into the mood or moral or problem that the playwright is trying to put across. It shouldn't disrupt the serious structure, rendering its heavier technique pompous and ridiculous. That is the unfortunate thing about "The Round Table," and the real reason that we feel uncom- fortable for disliking it so much. Of the two plays it contains, the farce is full of good writing and good observation. Likewise, though he fails com- pletely and ingloriously to show it, Mr. Robinson may have something very fine to say about the sensitive character who wants to get away from a bad environment. His central idea of a girl torn between love and hatred for her family, although we are allowed to see it only vaguely through a fog of befuddlement, has large pos- sibilities. His symbols for romance and the every- day, the bells and the dusty table, are not in themselves laughable. But they are nothing but funny coming after hot milk and aspirins. What- ever serious purposes he had are smothered by his whimsy; it carries him away to the point of making his stodgy-family-life scenes quite charming, instead of downright nasty. Mr. Windt's debatable direction of "The Adding Machine" last. year, when he made Elmer Rice's poignantly horrible comments on the wage slave into a big laugh riot, might lead one to suspect that the Robinson play had been treated in the same way. That is not the case, however. Mr. Windt did the best he could; if the author did not know what kind of play "Round Table" was supposed to be, Mr. Windt cannot be expected to. Robinson, in a quite inexplicable confusion, has put so much evidence of his two separate ideas into the play that there is no deciding. Play Production's director had a free hand; he could make the play into anything he wanted; it could be a wild farce or a problem play. Mr. Windt has directed it, by a canny stroke, in both direc- tions. The production, since we are on the subject, while excellent in spots, is decidedly no triumph. Play Production's two leading ladies go through the old paces with little distinction, and there is a particularly unfortunate drunk act. These at- tractions are counter-balanced y two expert per- formances on the part of Hattie Bell Wright and Frank Funk, two comics of which more will be heard later. There are so many good small touches in the play, and the production too, that it seems unfortunate the total effect is so poor. It is like a three-ring circus with something going on in every ring, and you a bit sick from too much pink pop. You may like "The Round Table," but we personally are of the considered opinion that Mr. Robinson has laid an egg. Musical Events TWILIGHT ORGAN RECITAL Prelude in D Major.................Bach Choral Prelude: Nun danken alle Gott.. Bach Lol Nedrei................. _........Bruch Suite: "A Chinese Garden".....De Lamarter Nocturne The Fountain Legend Symphony for Organ, No. 1, Op. 18. ... .Barnes PROFFESOR CHRISTIAN opens the program of this afternoon recital with two Bach works, appropriate to the spirit of thanksgiving that is pervading the atmosphere: the Prelude is one of those that abounds with vigor and life; and the Choral Prelude, "Now Let Us All Thank God," is truly a hymn of thanks in spirit as well as title. The D Major Prelude was marked "concertato" on the manuscript to indicate that is was not intended for divine service. The Lol Nedrei is one of the fine Hebrew melo- dies; Bruch wrote one arrangement originally for cello and orchestra. Eric De Lamarter, composer of the fourth part of the program, is known in Ann Arbor primarily, as the associate director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra which performs at the May Festival concerts. He is one of the leading organists of the country, besides, and in this work as in others shows that he is an able composer. This suite is characterized by delicacy and refinement. Another American organist is represented on the program. Mr. Barnes, of Philadephila, who has composed many good things for the instru- ment et. Coflle-giate Oh serve, r, By BUD BERNARD The students at Inn College at Lee-McRea of of North Carolina turn the dormitory into an inn during the summer months. Home economic ma- iors wash dishes, football huskies hustle bags. W9 MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS ELECTRIC RANGE! T HIS year make your Thanks- giving dinner a real feast-- cook your meal electrically on a new, modern range, and discover for yourself why electric cooking is superior to any other kind. Learn why meats and vegetables taste so much better when cooked rin their own juices. See how easy it is to bake light, fine- grained'cakes and flaky pastries in an electric oven. Learn how accurate oven heat control elim- ijiates guesswork and assures uni- form baking results time after time. Prove to yourself the supe. riority of steaming vegetables instead of boiling them, and con- serving precious minerals and imrportamt food values that would oatherw ise be poured down the sinkwith excesswater.And finally, see how much pleasanter and easier an electric range makes the preparation of meals-how much cleaner and more conven. ient it is than old~fashioned cooking methods. Once you have enjoyed electric cookingyou will never again go back to any other kind. You can own a modem electric range for $89.50- completely in- stalled and ready to cook. See them on display at your dealer's or any Detroit Edison office. J study of one thousand fivnilies using an electric ranlge showeed a cooking root of 1lcr 30 gsaesldb ad ar trs Electricranges aresold y Hardware Stores, Department Stores, Electrical Dealers and 11M DAILY CLASSIFIEDS ADS ARE EFFECTIVE JUST PUBLISHED The ikianCalendar--Ig314 An Ideal Gift attractively printed Views of University in sepia with twenty-six buildings. PRICE - SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE STATE STREET MAIN STREET tb .. 84 FORMALS and SundayNites and 180 DAYTIME FROCKS in MARILYN'S GREAT Choiceohe-Hnouse Dress Sale - Your= Unrestricted Ci ce - 4 75 Regutarly Upi to $22.50