ie Weather y cloudy today, followed e snow tonight and to- L . Sir Igan 1Iat Editoria Fraternity Compi, The New Rules; Goi donies Lynching. VOL. XLIV NO. 57 ANN ARBOR, MICIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1933 PRICE BthHose I Rumor Says" Two Colleges May Combine Chicago And Northwestern Consider Merger; Plan Veiled In Secrecy May Unite Offices As One University Hope To Effect Economy By New Arrangement; Faculties To Be Cut (Special from The Daily Northwestern) EVANSTON, Ill., Nov. 28- A veil of secrecy and uncertainty has been thrown around plans reported to be forming for the merger of North- western University and the Univer- sity of Chicago and no amount of investigation has shed any light on San'ose's'Patriotic' Citizens At Their Work ;1 Louncements concerning hi universities stated that rmulating an agreement e in various branches of ition. Latest reports, said n procured from confi- es by the Chicago Trib- aced definitely that a ie two institutions is be- ed. ibine All Offices to the Tribune, the mer- or one publicity office, Lents, registrar, board of s, health service, office of uidance and placement, athletics, religious pro- sity calendar, catalogue, also calls for the reor-I f the two alumni groups unit and for transfer- Rush Medical College e Chicago medical school Northwestern medical of all research work to de and to Billings Hos- ng- all wor of thi: char- -Associated Press Photo This Associated Press photo shows the half-nude body of Thomas Thurmond, confessed kidnaper and slayer of Brooke Hart, hanging from a tree in St. James Park, 100 yards from the San Jose, Calif., county jail. Thurmond's partner, John Holmes, was also lynched by the mob. The get fo ciatior ity of Chicago's col- i the Loop would be 1 adult education con- orthwestern's McKin- ocated downtown; law ould be combined on Campus, and the edu- Lent would be concen- south side at the Chi- Budget Saving asserts that the bud-' >mbined alumni asso- save $5,000, according. budget of the North- and that the Uni- ago would save not less year through the fail- nost of the men whose re at the end of the astern also could save n its faculty budget, >ncludes. opposes the merger, academic standpoint, >oint that it would cut sum off the amount roperty taxes in Chi- s from both universi- ling to take an active ussion over the merger sent indications, they werful anti-merger or- an effort to block the y Smith Asserts Coughlin Made False Charges Catholic Chancellor Says1 Criticism Of Smith 'Was Absolutely Unwarranted' NEW YORK, N. Y., Nov. 28. - () -Father Charles E. Coughlin's de- fense of President Roosevelt's mone- tary policies re-echoed here tonight in three dominating developments. 1. Alfred E. Smith, whom FatherI Coughlin described yesterday as "thei outstanding capitalist layman in America,' .declared the Detroit priestt made an "absolutely false" statement in charging that 'my position on the4 monetary question was in any wayI affected by any loan from J. P. Mor-l gan." 2. Msgr. Thomas G. Carroll, chan- cellor of the Catholic Archdiocese ofI New York said the priest's attack on former Governor Smith was "abso- lutely unwarranted."l 3. Before returning to his Shrinea of The Little Flower, Father Cough- lin said he had further plans to de- fend the Administration, but said he1 would not address meetings in any1 diocese if the diocesian authorities did not approve.1 The former New York governor -who decried what he termed "ba- loney dollars" and the "guinea pig"1 experimentation of the Roosevelt ad- ministration in a recent editorial - characterized as "absolutely false" Father Coughlin's story that Smith gave two. Catholic bishops to under- stand that he had received a large' loan for his office building from Mor- gan. "When a man presumes to address so great a number of listeners as Father Coughlin reaches, particularly if he be a priest, he assumes the re- sponsibility of not misleading them by false statements or poisoning their judgments with baseless slander." "From boyhood," Smith's state- ment continued, "I was taught that a Catholic priest was under a divine injunction to 'teach all nations' the word of God. That includes the di- vine commandment: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neigh- bor.'" vire Damages Six Chemistry Lockers A small fire, resulting in the de- struction of the contents of lab- oratory drawers belonging to six stu- dents, broke out at 7:30 p. m. last night in Room 400 of the Chemistry Building. The exact cause of the minor blaze was not determined, but Roy K. Mc- Alpine, assistant professor of analy- tical chemistry, said last night that it was probably caused by the spon- taneous action of spilled acid on a laboratory coat or towels. The Ann Arbor fire department was called, and the blaze extihguished by chem- icals. 1 Drt,.;iie r'ittta r on I Rodkey Speaks On Guarantee' Of Bank Funds Proposes An Original Plan For Safeguarding T h e Depositors' Savings The Glass-Steagall deposit insur- ance act and a plan of his own to guarantee depositors' funds were-dis- cussed by Prof. Robert G. Rodkey of the School of Business Adminis- tration in the third of a series of four discussions on currency problems held in the Lounge of the, Lawyers Club. Problems arising out of the oppo- sition of certain ultra-conservative big banks to constructive legislation. like the Glass-Steagall act were dis- cussed by Professor Rodkey, who as- serted his belief that compulsory de- posit insurance was a workable mat- ter and that previous state experi- ments in this field in the western part of the country were "too nar- row in scope." Under the deposit i n s u r a n c e scheme proposed by Professor Rod- key, each depositor would pay a cer- tain percentage of his account for a full, rather than a partial, guaran- tee of his funds. Had this system been in force through the past 12 years, the speaker maintained, the bank failures could have been paid off with 28-100 of one per cent on deposits made in this period. The division of the operations of commercial and savings banks was advocated by Professor Rodkey, who added that he thought the present separation of commercial banking and securities under the Glass-Stea- gall Act was highly commendable. Professor Rodkey said that banks should invest only 25 per cent of their funds in real estate mortgages, in- stead of the present 50 to 75 per cent used for that purpose. Competition between state and na- tional laws for the favors of bankers was cited by Professor Rodkey as a reason for the laxity now obtaining in state laws. Both uses Adjourn For Thanksgivig Vacation Delays Senate's Action On Controversial Liquor Bill Legislatures Will Reconvene Monday Picard Voices His Plea For Re-instatement Of Plan For State Stores LANSING, Mich,, Nov. 28 -(A) - The Legislature liquor bill, chief is- sue of the speci l session, went into a delayed spin today as all hopes of its enactment this week vanished in the Senate. As members of the Legislature ad- journed until Monday night for the Thanksgiving Day recess it became evident that Tuesday will be the first opportunity the Senate will have to vote on the controversial measure. The delay meant: that Michigan will be without machinery to celebrate the repeal victory Dec. 5, Reversing its previous determina- tion for hurried consideration of the bill, the Senate prohibition commit- tee conducted an all day hearing on the general subject of liquor con- trol and adjourned without getting as far as the opening chapter of the measure. Members of the, committee, before adjourning, agreed to return here on Monday afternoon with their amend- ment ready for submission. They predicted the bill will be released sometime Monday night. It will be reprinted before it comes before the floor for a vote. The entire day was given over to,] a hearing in which members listened to Frank A. Picard, chairman of the Mtate Liquor Control Commission, representatives of the Michigan Druggists Association, and John P. Smith, acting commissioner of police for DIetroit -- - -- Picard voiced a vigorous plea for re-instatement of the plan for State operated stores. Edmund C. Shields, a member of the State Board of Re- gents, represented the druggists in asking for exclusive rights to retail liquor in original package. Com- missioner Smith urged that police departments have original jurisdic- tion in granting licenses to places serving liquor, wines, and beer. Students Advised To Procure Cards The hope that students would get their class cards and election blanks before Dec. 1, when classification starts, and thus avoid and diminish the rush that will be on at that time, was expressed yesterday by Prof. Daniel L. Rich, director of classifica- tion. These cards are now available at Room 4, University Hall, the regis- trar's office. The office will be open from 8 a. m. to 12 noon and from 1 to 5 p. m. on and after Friday, Dec. 1. Saturdays it will be open only from 8 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. Next Friday, those students whose last names begin with the letters from V to Z may file their blanks if they have been approved. The com- plete schedule will be announced in Friday's Daily. (Board Of Representatives Unanimously In Favor Modifying Women's Hoi Militia Called By Ritchie To Quell Rioters 1,000 Men Storm Armory In Effort To Release 4 Imprisoned Lynchers SALISBURY, Md., Nov. 28. - (A) - A mob of more than 1,000 men stormed the State Armory here to- day in an unsuccessful effort to free four men accused of participating in last month's lynching at Princess Anne. Beaten back by tear gas and bay-' onets, the mob dispersed only after the National Guards sent by Gov. Al- bert C. Ritchie to arrest the alleged slayers of George Armwood, Negro, abandoned their headquarters in the armory and returned to Baltimore with t1 ieir prisoners. Cried of "Lynch Ritchie" andY "Lynch Lane" could be heard as the1 crowd hurled stones at the soldiers surrounding the armory. William Preston Lane, Jr., is the state attor-; ney general and it was during hisi investigation of the lynching last month that the names of nine al- leged participants were obtained. His requests that the state's attor- ney of Somerset County, John B. Robins, order the nine men arrested were refused by the state's attorney, who contended that a grand jury in- vestigation was the proper procedure. Mob Threatens Reporters Even after the troops, under the leadership of Lane and Brig. Gen. Milton A. Reckord, state adjutant general, had withdrawn from Salis- bury, the mob continued its activ- ities and for a time threatened re- porters in a hotel. A movie sound truck was captured and sunk in thej Wicomico River. The turbulent events came directly on the heels of a surprise move by Ritchie and Lane to have the men ac- cused of the lynching arrested, Troops were mobilized in Baltimore last night and were transported under secrecy to Salisbury, where before daybreak they conducted expeditions into Somerset County, where the lynching occurred, and made the ar- rests. However, news of the mobilization. leaked out and but four of the nine could be found. These were brought to Salisbury and placed under special guard in the armory while the troops made addi- tional plans to try to seize the others and prepared to take the prisoners to Princess Anne for a preliminary hearing. Gather About Armory The latter plans were rudely inter- rupted about mid-morning when the roads leading from near-by counties on the Eastern Shore, Delaware and Virginia, brought vehicle after vehicle loaded with men, They gathered around the armory, As they gradually pushed to the door- ways, the officers ordered them to disperse. "What right have you got to come here and rule our streets?" a middle- aged man shouted. The crowd continued to come for- ward and the soldiers responded by cutting loose a barrage of tear gas. The mob fell back momentarily, but again advanced. This necessitated another barrage and this time the crowd stayed back. The soldiers maintained their vigil with drawn bayonets. In the meantime, in Annapolis, Gov. Ritchie, who has been ill, was informed of the plight of the soldiers. He talked to Gen. Reckord by tele- phone and was informed that the sit- uation was "well in hand." No Lynching Wanted Gov. Albert C. Ritchie of Maryland, who yesterday ordered out the stat militia in an effort to arrest the al- leged Princess Anne lynchers. Gov. Ritchie's action was in striking con- trast to that of Gov. James Rolph, Jr., of California, who warmly lauded the "patriotic" action of San Jose cit- izens who lynched the confessed slay- ers of Brooke Hart. 3,500 Students Jam Two Theatres For Annual Free Show Loss of a policeman's watch and the breaking of a single pane of glass were the only casualties as 3,500 stu- dents jammed their way into the Michigan and Majestic Theatres last night to take advantage of free shows feting the Wolverine Varsity. Overflow crowds at both houses stood through the entire perform- ance, but in spite of high enthusi- asm there was no violence and the gatherings were very orderly, Jerry Hoag, manager, said afterwards. At the Michigan, Stanley Fay,' captain of the Varsity team, was pre- sented with a silver loving cup by Gilbert E. Bursley, president of the Undergraduate Council, on behalf of the student body.. Varsity Band Will Play For Football Bust Expect Dickinson, Rating System Author, To Talk; Band Will Parade 7 4 7 7 i 7 Late Permission Once Week For Senior Won Passed Without Dissei All Groups Favor 1 A. M. Saturda Issue Will Be Presented Board Of Directors ] Approval Monday By CAROL 3. HANAN Modifications in women's l yesterday received the unanimous proval of the Board of Represe tives at a meeting in the Leagu every dormitory, sorority, and Le house voted to'change the hours. results will now be brought before Board of Directors of the won self-governing body next Monda In no case was there any against the proposal allowing se women one night a week late per sion regardless of scholastic st ing. Every house but one votec 11:30 p. m. permission Sunday n as against 11 p. m. Six houses i against extending the closing tin Saturday night one hour, but were unanimous in prolonging it 1 a. m. All of the representa present were in favor of at lea a. m. permission Saturday night 17 of them wanted 1:30 a. m. General Discussion Held After the taking of the indivi vote Ruth Robinson, '34, presider the board, asked for a general dis sion of the reasons behind the "If we present a good, logical b ground to Dean Alice Lloyd," said," there is no reason why thing shouldn't go through, for tJ a women's self-governing body." In regard to senior privileges, it believed that a senior should be to have some special privileges afforded to underclassmen. not but a cc cago. bSud ties are beg interest in d and, from are forming ganizations plan. Alumni In Various Fields Are Listed Men Reason Better Than Fair Sex, Maier' s Experiments Show University ess i by of Michigan alumni the fields of science, blic life, literature, and industry have been Alumni Association in quest received recently. this list is rather in- Hawley Tapping, Sec- e Alumni Association merely suggestive and means be regarded as heading of science are J. Mayo, Mayo Clinic, nn.; Prof. Moses Gom- the chemistry depart- Raymond Pearl, Johns ersity. President James A. An- University; President W. Cambell, University That men are better reasoners than women may be concluded from the experimental results reported in a re- cent paper published by the British Journal of Psychology for Dr. Nor- man R. F. Maier of the department of psychology. Dr. Maier also found that, by warning a portion of his sub- jects against using habitual methods of attack on problems involving a reasoning process, this "experimental group" was able to arrive at solu- tions found difficult or impossible by the unwarned "control group.". Three hundred and eighty-four students in an introductory course in psychology were divided equally into the two above-mentioned groups. The experimental group was given a 20- minute lecture in which the follow- ing hints on how to reason were pre- sented:1 Three problems involving original- ity were then presented to the two groups, and Dr. Maier found that the group which had received the sugges- tions made a score 24.1 per cent higher than the control group. The scores of the women in both groups was distinctly lower than those of the men. The experiment also indicates that, while women are poorer reasoners, they seem to be better listeners than men. This emphatic reversal of pop- ular male opinion was contained in the fact that the gain in reasoning power of those women who heard the lecture was, judged by a comparison with the control group, proportion-, ately higher than the gains of the' men who were given the benefit of the suggestions contained in the lec- The Varsity Band will furnish the music and be a main feature of the program for the annual Football Bust of the University of Michigan Club of Detroit Saturday night at the Hotel Statler. The program will include music by the band; speeches by prominent players, alumni, and coaches; several stunts, in one of which the band will take part, and presentation of Uni- versity signet rings to senior letter- winners. Prof. Frank G. Dickinson, of the University of Illinois, originator of the Dickinson system of football rat- ings, is expected to address the group, which will include, in addition to members of the team, band and alumni, any students who care to at- tend. Arrangements for the program are in charge of Fred Matthaei, '14, pres- ident of the club. The Bust is planned essentially along the same- lines as were those of former years until its features were drastically cut last year. The band will leave Ann Arbor shortly after noon Saturday, and will march through a part of downtown Detroit from the hotel to a theatre where the bandsmen will be guests of the club at the Detroit premiere of a new motion picture. The evening's banquet and program will follow this theatre party. - as inu An insufficient period to eat return home on time was the re. given by the representatives lengthen the closing hour Satui night. "Most people like to d three hours, and if they do on a urday night there is not time en( to eat and still be home by 12:2 m." Miss Robinson said. The a ment was further borne out by fact that Judiciary Council rec show nearly half of all latenessE occur Saturday night. Financial Problem Involved Popular opinion favored 11:30 1 permission Sunday night in c that women might attend the se show. Many of the chaperons in do tories are paid on an hourly 1 and the question was raised cone ing the financial problem invc in extending hours. It was lea that one large dormitory on car had agreed to'-pay the extra ex~r out of either the house or due fi or from both. This' yould not anything to the regular board fee representatives said. Other suggestions on this diffi were that a girl be delegated t( pervise closing hours. This is alr being done in some of the houses Speech Class Will Present Broade Prof. G. E..Densmore's class it vanced public speaking will press half hour radio program over st WJR in Detroit at 2 p. m. toda the regular University broadcast Morris Hall. The program will be compose short feature talks about variou ganizations and activities on car Those who will speak and their jects are: Dorothy M. SaunderE "Clements Library;" Sarah P '35, "Play Production;" Billie fiths, '35, "Women's Athletics;" mond Grigsby, '34, "Intramural letics;" Manning Giles, '34, "Ca Music;" Harold Parker, '35, "Wo Your Way Through School;" Ec T. Cheyfitz, '34, "Law Quadrar and Eugene P. Fromm, '34, "Bi ical Research." Stewart M. Cran will act as staff announcer fo program. A -1 UVr*1 A E l Preposterous People TO Unite As Society B.M.O.C.'s, who for years have been vying for campus honors in- dividually, have at last decided to band together under one common cause. It was learned last night that this movement is henceforth to be known as the Preposterous People Club. T'a in oiatr mmnars. allnof able Frank Mur-1