THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDA MICHIGAN Established 1890 4 01 4. wX DAILY class committees, the poll of week before last, all have been conducted under his and his council's surveillance in a manner that has cheered the heart of everyone who believes in student self- government. Because of this we hope the campus will incline to leniency with the council for its sorry failure * . Sunday to meet the team at the station, to keep it togeher, and to handle the crowd that assem- bled at Angell Hall. We also hope that council members will take ___ it upon themselves to learn that public office does not consist solely in organizing special activities. There are also regular responsibilities to attend to. his energy and ability. This makes "Footlight Parade" an entertainment a bit erratic but en- joyable. You can see the news and what is coming next to the Majestic, no more, no less. -R. E. L. Campus Opini0n I )rugs Kodaks t _ f f q MI tO~Fl Py o .fY UD U dished every morning except Btdnd' y durinig the rsity year and Summer Session by the Board in ci of Student Publications. nber of the .Western Conference Editorial Associa- L the Big Ten News Service. ociated ( ollegiate r $s -~1933, +no .,-}OWravtE 1934 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is exciusivel, entitled to t-ie use publication of all news dispatches credited to it or Inherwise credited in this paper and the local rnews; hed herein. All rights of republication of special ches are reserved. ered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as I class matter. Speciall rate of postage granted by Assistant Postmaster-Genertl. scription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by $425. ces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Arbor. Minhian. Dhone:- }..}14. ;inswRepresentatives, New York City; 80 hi Michigan avenue,a 7C ut steet, .; 612 Nortl m Musical Events LAST PERFORMANCE. OF RUSSIAN OPERA TONIGHT the 5-act opera, "Khovanschina" by Moussergsky will conclude the series of three operas presented by Max Pantaleieff and his Rus- sian Opera Company in Detroit. "Boris Goudon- off" and "Le Coq d'Or" were played Sunday and Monday nights to large audiences. The cast is made pup of fine Russian singers who have made their reputations either here in America or abroad. As for the other two operas, costumes, scenery and stage-settings have been designed by Russians. A conspicuous part of Rus- sian opera is the ballet, which in this company is headed by a seventeen-year-old prima-ballerina. Eugene Plotnikoff is the conductor of the per- formances. The performance is scheduled to begin at 8:15. Screen Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three stars definitely recommended; two stars, average; one star, inferior; no stars, stay away from it. AT THE MICHIGAN "THE PRIZE-FIGHTER AND THE LADY" Steve Morgan ..............Max Baer Belle ...................... Myrna Loy Ryan .....................Otto Kruger Professor ................ Walter Huston Promoter ................ Jack Dempsey The Champion ...........Primo Carnera EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 ANAGING EDITOR.........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN TTY EDITOR....................BRACKLEY SHAW DITORIAL DIRECTOR................C HART SCHAAF PORTS EDITOR............. ..ALBERT H. NEWMAN OMElI'S EDITOR.................CAROL J. HANAN IGII EDITORS: A. Ellis Bal, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil- hal G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. PORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird, Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie Western. OMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan. EPORTERS: Roy Alexander, John A. Babington, Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Ted R. Evans, Bernard H. Fried, Thomas Groehn, Robert D. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski, Thomas H. Kleene, Rich- ard E. Lorch, David G. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parker, George I. Quimby, William R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Arthur S. Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, A. B. Smith, Jr., Arthur M. Taub, Philip T. Van Zile. 'OMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie Hed, Eleanor Johnson, Jose- phine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Mary Robinson, Jane Schneider, Margaret Spencer. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 ESINESS MANAGER..............W. GRAFTON SHARP REDIT MANAGER..... ......BERNARD E. SCHNACKE OMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER................. ... ................ CATHARINE MC HENRY EPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her- trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef- roymson. SSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra- mer, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard, James Scott, David Winkworth. WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF me Bassett, Virginia Bell, Winifred Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady, Betty Chapman, Patricia Daly, Jean Dur- ham, Minna Giffen, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffths, Janet Jackson, Isabelle Kanter, Louise Krause, Margaret Mustard, Nina Pollock, Elizabeth J. Simonds. NIGHT EDITOR: GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR.s women's Hours Should 3e Shortened ... If John L. Sullivan could see this ranking prize fighter sing a song and do a tap dance he would probably turn over in his grave. But then, al- though we can't expect a Barrymore performance from a boxer, Max Baer is surprisingly capable of holding his own with the rest of Hollywood's act- ing set and he helps make "The Prize-Fighter and the Lady" a much better picture than one would expect. Devotees of the ring will get an eye-full of what might be a reality some day now when Primo Carnera will really meet Max Baer for the heavyweight championship of the world, but this picture isn't supposed to have anything to do with it (not much). To turn to the picture itself : Myrna Loy, Walter Huston and Otto Kruger do the real acting and the plot is cleverly wound around them; Max Baer, Primo Carnera, and Jack Dempsey supply the attraction; put the two together and you get "The Prize-Fighter and the Lady." The best part of this picture is the fine exhibi- tion of boxing put on in the closing moments. The rest of the plot is turned over to the process of building up Steve Morgan to challenge the champion and that process is interrupted by many a complication. Short subjects: News and a Flip the Frog car- toon. o-R. E. L. AT THE MAJESTIC Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre- garded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu- tors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words if possible. ANTI-WAR APPEAL To the Editor: Friday the campus was asked to vote on Beer, Auto Ban, Honor System, Residence, Compulsory Physical Education, Women's Hours, Class Dances, and Movie Prices.I There is something tragic about the way the war issue is lumped together with such things as class dances, women's hours, etc. And the pain- ful truth is that far too many students on this campus put the war issue - in its seriousness, and importance, and immediate bearing - in the same category with such points as movie prices and the Auto Ban. In this respect Michigan is far behind such places as Oxford, Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, and scores of other universities where the serious- ness and immanence of war at least gave to that issue a special and separate ballot. At these places enough of the student body rose from their childish self centredness to the realization that war was really an immediate obstacle to their good welfare. And at some institutions they even went further, and audibly, and with the ballot, petitions, and mass meetings denounced war as the creation of large industrialists and bankers. How can one bring before the Michigan student body the growing danger of war. How can one convince them that their bluebooks, and their grades, and their love affairs, and their careers, which they worry about so much, are absolutely meaningless in the face of this terrific threat of war? How can one overcome the all-too-prev- valent attitude: "If war comes, let it come. Nothing we can do about it now." To quote the alarming statistics of the day, to point out the war horrors, and the economic roots of war seems not to be enough. Somehow the students remains cold to these appeals. Somehow, each individual student feels that the war issue is a general problem, but specifically it does .not touch him as an individual; whereas tomorrow's bluebook causes him no little anxiety. Fellow students, readers of this column, I ap- peal to you for concrete proposals for overcoming this appalling indifference. Frankly, we must admit that the various anti-war groups on this campus are making no impression on the student body. How best can we remedy this? One, even slightly acquainted with the precip- itate war menace, is tempted to shout, "Do some- thing." But that would only draw a sophisticated rejoinder from the student body. In the main we must confess that the fight against war resolves itself into the setting up of comparatively small oganizations, which painfully, slowly, and with day-to-day struggle must work to draw in larger and larger numbers. There are thousands of such organizations throughout the country. But admit- tedly they are nought when the huge war prop- aganda machine begins its steam rolling at the outbreak of war. But that is all the greater rea- son why the struggle against capitalist war must be intensified today. The writer will be glad to to furnish all those interested with abundant statistics on the alarming presence of the war dan- ger. Fellow Students: I appeal to you, for our com- mon good, to join up immediately with some anti- war organization on the campus. There are many such groups; the National Student League, the Vanguard Club, The Socialist club, the Methodist Group, the S. C. A. Whatever the differences of of these groups, they at least can agree on one thing - to fight NOW actively war and the causes of war. The numerical strength of the active members of these groups is still small. Only by swelling their ranks can we do something positive to prevent war, to remove its causes, to make our struggle over examinations, our per- sonal affairs, our future, really mean something. What an inspiring example it would be to the rest of the academic world if it were known that the whole campus at the University of Michigan was solidly behind a strong movement against war. Speed that Day!! Lapin Remaland Member of National Student League. I- MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS GET RE SULTS i GILBERT'S Chocolates for CHRISTMAS Now as low as 50e Wlb FREE for Mailing FREE CALKINSFLETCHER Drug Stores 4 Dependable Stores Soda Water Perfumes rr _ ) " ti7 / /. W My Shirts Come Back Looking Like New loom 11 11 11111p '% q SHIRTS look better andl last longer when sent to the laiundry. There are no frayed. edges, lost buttons or wrinkles to ]break down a neat appearance. Dial 2-3123 Lierya Liberty at Fifth _______________________________ READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS C' A '-'T--'T? >C nfI-X 'T '(Dr-C oL±r I Lr n DI.AJJX Ti e Jei T ODAY the Women's Board of Rep- resentatives will meet to decide rhether or not to take action on the hour changes vhich the co-eds have indicated they desire. For the first time in its history the Board of lepresentatives will be able to have before it, vhen it sits down at the executive table, definite aformation as to what co-eds want. Owing to dif- erentiation in the voting'- between men and iomen it was possible to determine co-ed senti- aent as well as all-campus sentiment, and it is low now a matter of history that the undergrad- tate women of the University are in favor, by a h'ee to one majority, of 1:30 permission on Sat- trday night, and by a five to two majority, of 1:30 permission on Sunday night. It has been interesting to watch the arguments gainst the desired extensions as they have been rought forward and, one by one, defeated. The ast to go was the one which held that, if an extra lour were granted Sunday night, Jerry Hoag, nanager of the Michigan and Majestic theatres, vould immediately lengthen his attractions, there- y making it again impossible for a law-abiding o-ed to see a late Sunday night show. Why he hould wish to transform his theatres into stag stablishments is a question which the propound- rs of this argument overlooked or at least failed o answer. Reason alone should be enough to destroy this idiculous contention, but Mr. Hoag, to clinch the natter, has issued a statement to the effect that he will in no event lengthen his Sunday programs. :n the same statement he also points out that his supposed lengthening of the Sunday shows several years ago, when 11 o'clock permission was granted, .s pure fiction. A degree of student government supposedly >btains at the University of Michigan. The Under- graduate Council has done its part, in the matter >f women's hours, by enabling co-eds to express bhemselves, clearly and authentically. The body which is to meet today knows the will of those it represents. It is to be hoped that it will act ac- cordingly. Council Fails To Meet The Team... plus "FOOTLIGHT James Cagney Joan Blondell Guy Kibbee PARARDDE" Dick Powell Ruby Keeler Frank McHugh r,' 1 i .:. 1 I 1 i "Footlight Parade" is a production full of humor, music, and clever situations. The musical numbers, "Honeymoon Hotel," "Shanghai Lil," and "By A Waterfall," are introduced and pre- sented under ar unusually original situation; something that has never been done before is given to a musical show audience at last. James Cagney, pugnacious man and actor, ex- hibits his versatility in this production with his voice and a nack for tap-dancing that is just as good as those people who make a profession at! such. His role is that of a man in charge of thinking up units, or stage productions, to be run as "preview-preludes" to talking pictures. Allj sorts of concoctions (such as, a black cat number, a voo-doo selection, or a slave-girl presentation)j are thought of until the final inspiration comes, out of which the three main songs are sprung. Each song is run at a different theatre at one hour intervals, so it is necessary to change from one theatre to another between these via the bus, in which the girls change from one costume to another. This is all done to please a big shot in charge of a large group of theatres throughout the country and to secure his contract. Done. The best of the three selections is -"Beside A Waterfall." In this there are a vast number of changes from one scene to another and an equal amount of chorus formation; all done in the water. The photography aided in putting this over by its interesting slants and shots taken from above, below, to the side, and the front with a change of the scenery at the same time (before your very eyes!). The humor was packed into the "Honeymoon Hotel" and you will enjo3 the part played by the little boy (the same one who played in "Golddiggers of 1933") in finishing off the humor. Then came a bit of propaganda, just ashin "Golddiggers of 1933," with a display of Roosevelt and the NRA in the "Shanghai Lil' (it seems to be the thing to do, I guess). But Jimmy Cagney's dancing and voice in this per- :i Xv f 1 V, - ZZ- Christma.,s ,,Gift In no other way is it possible to show your own good judgment and at the same time compliment the taste of your friend than by giving a good book. FICTION AND NON-FICTION The solution to any and every gift problem is. a good book. Just tell us thetastes of the person you are buying for and we'll find the per- fect book. Sparkling new fiction - books on current happenings- mystery stories - vital, modern biographies-and books on the "Art of Making Wine," Bridge or any subject. C H LDREN'S BOOKS The largest stock of good books for children to be seen in Ann Arbor, for wee tots and for growing boys and girls. It is an education in itself just to examine them. Some as low as 15c. Don't fail to come in and look them over. t Y i s 3 1 E. G, Y }M "I' vI 1 Collegiate Observer I'll 11 By BUD BERNARD Designed as a training medium for a new kind of politician whose creed will be intelligent public leadership, a new course in classical humanities has been instituted at the University of Wiscon- sin. Twelve students have registered. At last a little light on the age old ques- tion: We learn from the University of Dela- ware that you can trust any girl who admits she likes onions. A scientifically minded Winnipeg student, while attending a lecture, was desirous of noting the, effect of fire upon brilliantine and promptly ap- plied a lighted mnatch to his neighbor's head with a flashing result. In an interview the victim of the experiment remarked in crisp tones, "Well, I should should worry I saved two bits, the price of a singe." The miscreant announced ardently, "It was in the interests of science. I would do it again if I had to." FINE BINDiNGS Famous old classics done in bindings by the craftsmen of Riverre and Inman. These are the finest bindings known to bookmakers and are now offered at prices that will astound you. _Additional Suggestions for Christmas Shoppers Famous Barowe Globes and Hammond Atlases. ..$1 up Fine Fountain Pens and Desk Sets ..........$1.95 up Michigan Memory Books..............$4 and $5 Genuine Leather Zipper Notebooks.........$4.50 up Writing Paper in GiftBoxes ................50c up MichiganBlankets.................$8.75 and $10 'I IT WOULD BE a great misfortune if the Undergraduate Council's fiasco I