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November 28, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-28

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The Weather ]
Cloutdy, colder in west, snew Wome
arries today ; tomorrow, un-47 1 Shorer
tedprbbysoorrain. mt Meet Te

n's Hours ShouI
led; Council Fai

Associated Press Photo
The acting head of the treasury, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., is shown
with President Roosevelt, at the wheel of his car, as the Chief Executive
showed him around at Warm Springs, Ga.

Everh rdus
Chose#i Most
Valuable Man
Teammates 1 ominate Him
As Their andidate For
Chicago Alumni Trophy
Halfback Termed
Team's Sparkplug
Is Leading Scorer Of '33
Conference Champions;
Coaches Laud Him
(Published by special arrangement with
The Chicago Tribune)
Michigan's footlall lettermen yes-
terday selected Herman Everhardus,
of Kalamazoo, as the most valuable
man of the team that went through
to its fourth consecutive Big Ten
championship this year. They named
him as their candidate for the Chi-
cago Tribune Trophy, given to the
player in the Conference most valu-
able to his team and outstanding in
Big Ten competition. As such he
succeeds Harry Newman, who last
year was not only named the most
valuable player here,but was given
the same rating in the Big Ten, and
later chosen as the outstanding foot-
ball man of the 1932 season.
The honor is justly deserved by
Everhardus, it is felt here, although
the three others of Michigan's Big
Four - Everhardus, Wistert, Ber-
nard, and Petoskey - all received
votes. Everhardus after being an al-
ternate at left halfback with Jack
Heston for two years, came into his
own this season and not only earned
a starting berth that was never ques-
tioned, but became the sparkplug of
the team. In the matter of furnish-
ing the team's dynamite he has also
succeeded Newman.
Coming here from Kalamazoo Cen-
tral High School, Herman Everhard-
us was touted as a big time football
player. Eb immediately ran into
stiff competitioii: 7he group he en-
tered with included all of the stars he
is finishing with this year, and a few
others besides. In spite of the com-
petition, however, he won the Chi-
cago Alumni Trophy for being the
most promising freshman in the
spring of 1931.
The next fall he started alternat-
ing with Heston, but seldom got the
starting call. Bill Hewitt was star-
ring in the running attack that sea-
son. He won his greatest acclaim
that year in the post-season contest
with Wisconsin. In that game, with
Michigan packed down to its one-
yard line, Everhardus punted from
the corner of the end zone out of
bounds on Wisconsin's 33-yard line,
the kick going out laterally en the
opposite side of the field.
In 1932 Michigan built its attack
around Newman's passing and run-
ning, and again Everhardus alter-
nated with Heston. But when the
1933 practice season was about to
open and the coaches wondered
where they would find the sparkplug
to keep the team "up" it was Ever-
hardus who responded.
In the opinion of the Michigan
coaching staff, the honor of his be-
ing picked as the most valuable play-
er on a championship team is justly
deserved by the "Flying Dutchman."
Everhardus is a good student, too.
In his first three years in school he
has earned better than a B average.

Rodkey Speaks
At Law Club On
Speaking before the students and
faculty of the Law School in the
third of a series of four talks on cur-
rent problems, sponsored by the so-
cial committee, Prof. Robert G. Rod-
key of the School of Business Ad-
ministration, will discuss "New De-
velopments in Banking" at 6:45 p. m.
today in the lounge of the Law Club.
Professor Rodkey is particularly
well qualified to discuss this topic in-
asmuch as he, accompanied by two
other members of the University fac-
ulty, went to Washington last spring
to advise the President on the sub-
ject. The banking problem was cho-
sen for discussion largely because of
its timeliness and interest at the
present time, according to Alfred B.
MacChesney. chairman of the social

Ward Attacks ChargesConspiracy
As 'Failures'
Lecturer Says University
Men Have Not Proved
Constructive Leaders [
Finds NRA And AAA
Fighting Each Other
He Claims Democracy Has
Lost Its Right To That
Name By Use Of Force
The failure of university men to -Associated Press Photo
be intelligent and constructive lead- William Fox, retired moving pic-
ers in the current economic and so- ture magnate, told a Senate banking
cial crises was attacked by Dr. Harry committee in Washington that bank-
F. Ward Sunday night in Hill Audi- ers had conspired to force him out
torium in the last of his addresses on of the movie business and gain con-
"Religion and Our Economic Crisis." trol of his vast holdings.
Although it is the intellectual uni-
versity group whichdshould give peo- Miller Addresses
ple without broad educations analysis M le
of present conditions, it is doubtful,
Dr. Ward declared, whether theyCA
themselves are any more oriented,
judging by some of the inconsistent CHICAGO, Nov. 27- (Special) -
policies which are followed. Col. H. W. Miller of the engineering
For example, industry having all college was the featured speaker at
of the advantage in the present the annual reunion of the Sixth and
"price and profit system," a new ba- Seventh Batteries of field artilleries
sis will have to be determined to held at the Lake Shore Athletic Club
help the farmer involving the fixing here tonight. Colonel Miller dis-
of standards of living for all people cussed "The Causes of War, Peculiar
regardless of cost of production, he Weapons, and Resulting Practices."
said. Consequently, the NRA and the The reunion is an event which has
AAA are following contradictory poli- taken place annually since the first
cies and nullifying the efforts of each one at Fort Sheridan, Ill., Nov. 27,
other, he maintained. 1917, when the officers of these bat-
This "price and profit" system, al- teries were first commissioned.
though having outlived its usefulness
and practicability, maintains its pow-
er in the American mind throughB a d p
mistaken ideas which have been bred T O
into it, Dr. Ward declared. The is u iOn
American worker does not have as
much freedom in industrial plan-
ning and control as does the Rus- Hour Question
sian worker, he said.
Democracy has lost its right to that
name through the fact that the state Later Hours For Co-Eds
has to support it by force, and un- Comes Before Advisor
less a new system is provided before
the final breakdown of the present Group For Vote Today
one, the result will be attempts by
opportunists and will not be con- Women's hours, a subject of great
structive, the speaker maintained, controversy in recent weeks, will meet
The present scientific culture is an its first obstacle when it is presented
exponent of the cult of objectivity, before the Board of Representatives
an unemotional viewpoint in dealing this afternoon.
with human affairs, and this is the Subjects which will be brought up
viewpoint which intellectuals have in the meeting today and which were
adopted, Dr. Ward declared, adding discussed and voted on yesterday in
that science and invention have been sororities and dormitories are 1:30
developed for the nearly exclusive permission both Friday and Saturday
benefit of the industrial class. nights, or 1:30 Saturday night and
12:30 Friday night, or 11:30 'Sunday
night and one late permission a week
Co-Ed Magician Is for seniors regardless of scholastic
standing. Another question which
Snapped By News will be discussed is whether men
should be allowed to stay at the
Reel Cameraman houses after 11 p. m.
If the Board of Representatives
approves later hours, the Board of
Paramount news reel cameramen Directors will meet Dec. 3 to discuss
were on the campus yesterday after- the questions and bring them to a
noon to take moving pictures of vote. In the event that this body
June Warsaw, '34, displaying her also approves later hours it will be
abilities as a magician. A group of taken to Dean Alice.C. Lloyd.
University students had an oppor- Although Dean Lloyd has made the
tunity to appear before the camera statement that hours were not
when they acted as Miss Warsaw's lengthened to 11:30 p. m. Sunday
audience. because it was feared that theatre
If the film is satisfactory, it will managers would lengthen their pro-
be released as part of the regular grams as was done once before when
Paramount News and will probably hours were lengthened from 10:30 to
be presented on local theatre pro- 11 p. in., Jerry Hoag, manager of
grams either next Sunday or the fol- the Butterfield theatres, stated last
lowing Wednesday. night that he has never lengthened

A New York Times photographer his programs and that he regulated
was also present to take a picture of his Sunday night second shows so
Miss Warsaw demonstrating her that the feature picture finished at
tricks to two Michigan co-eds. This about 10:50 p. m.
picture will be syndicated for Wide "In the event that women's hours
World service and sent to 60 or 70 are changed to 11:30 p. m. Sundays
papers in this country as well as to I will not lengthen the time of my
foreign newspapers. programs," Hoag. said.
Editors Of Gargoyle Throw Out
Dull Departments In Silly Issue

No Players, No Speeches, And
No Cheerleader At Welcoming

Next month's Gargoyle, appearing
Dec. 6, will brighten up a week of
ennui and mid-semester examina-
tions with a more sparkling wit and
"sillier than ever" humor for the edi-
tors have thrown to the four winds
those departments which have failed
to contribute to the overwhelming
success of the new Gargoyle, at the
same time continuing and improving
on these features which have been
so well received.
The period of experimentation

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