THE MICHIGAN. DAILY MICHIGAN DAILY .q ?ublished every morning except Monday during the iversity year and Summer Session by the Board in ntrol of Student Publications. Vember of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- a & ,i the Big Ten News Service. AsOClated F B1el nt $e 1933 CMoAt m . coWRAOE 1934 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the Associated Press is exclusivel:r entitled to. the use republication of all news dispatches credited toit or otherwise credited In this paper and the local news blished herein. All rights of republication of special patches are reserved., entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as and. class matter. Special, rata of postage granted by rd Assistant Postmaster-Generml. ubscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mal.y 0. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by LI, $4.25. ifices: Student Publications-Building, Maynard Street, n Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. ,epresetatives :CollegePublications Representatives, 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Aston Si reet, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, NA EDITOIUAL STAFF Telephone 4925 'TOR.........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN .'.. ...'.BRACKLEY SHAW MECTOR ..............C. HART SCHAAF ..... ....ALBERT H. NEWMAN .R..... .CAROL J. HANAN NIGR'I EDITORS: A. Ellis' B11, Ralph G. Coulter, WiI- :I am'I. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. k3PORTS ASSISTANTS: Charies A. Baird, Donald R. Bird, Arthdr W, Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie Western. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan. REPORTERS: Roy Alexander, John A. Babington, Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evais, Ted A. Evans, Bernard H. Fried, Thomas Groehn, Robert D. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski, Thomas H. Kleene, Rfch - ard E. Lorch, David G. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman, Xenneth Parker, George I. Qlhnby, Willarn B. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Arthur S. Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, A. B. Smith, Jr., Arthur M. Ta1'ub, Philip 1% Van Zile. WOMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie Held, Eleanor Johnson, Jose- phine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Mary Robinson, Jane Schneider, Margaret Spencer. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...........W. GRAFTON SHARP CREDIT MANAGER........... BERNARD E.'SCHNACKE WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER............. .... ......... .................CATHARINE MC HENRY iDEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her- trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef- roymson. ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra- mner, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard, James Scott, David Winkworth. WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Winifred Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady, Betty Chapman, Patricia Daly, Jean Dur- ham, Minna Giffen, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Janet Jackson, Isabelle Kanter, Louise Krause, Margaret Mustard, Nina Pollock, Elizabeth J. Simonds. NIGHT EDITOR: RALPH G. COULTER Meet The has been set as a goal because it will be bene- ficial to the greatest number. But to be com- mended above all is the promise that the price level will be kept stable after it reaches the desired point. Changes in the price level in the past have caused untold suffering, and the prospect of never-ending fluctuations is far from pleasant. The assurance that this will be the last should give us courage to co-operate whole-heartedly with the President. A stable price level in the future will be of untold benefit to the country. When it is achieved it will mean that henceforth the investor will be forever assured of payment in the same dollars which he lent, and that the debtor will never have to repay his obligations in dollars of greater value. One objection may be raised to the promised change in the value of the dollar. It is asked who will be willing to invest at the present time when he is assured beforehand that he will be repaid in cheaper dolars. But since for some time no one could be induced to invest anyway, the Presi- dent is absolutely wise in moving toward a time when the dollar will have been stabilized and investment will be made just that and no longer speculation. Experiment is necessary in times like these. Any of the president's experiments which aim toward a stabilized currency deserve entire approval. Musical Events RUSSIAN OPERA NOW IN DETROIT Beginning tonight with Moussorgsky's "Boris Goudonoff," Max Panteleiff will present his Rus- sian Opera Company at the Masonic Auditorium in Detroit for three days. The productions, which include Rimsky-Kor- sakoff's "Le Coq D'Or" on the second day, and Moussorgsky's "Khovanschina" on the third day, will be entirely in Russian with expatriated Rus- sian singers and native costumes and props. Many operatic stars who gained prominence in New York or abroad will be included in the pro- gram. - - 0 Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre- garded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu- tors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words if possible. POLL SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED QUESTIONS ON UNION BEER, LIBRARY HOURS I wish to bring to the attention of the students of the University of Michigan two points of para- mount importance in connection with the poll of campus opinion held Friday, November 17th. First, I see no reason why our enterprising stu- dent newspaper and our estimable Undergraduate1 Council should not be publicly condemned for their recent action in excluding one question from1 the student referendum, (1) The issue of Novem-i ber 12th carried the front page head "Plan Cam-; pus Poll to Test Liquor Views"; in connection with a proposed Union forum the issue of November1 14th carried the front page head "Authorities to1 Consider Sale of Intoxicants," and the sub-head "Expect Big Crowd at Liquor Debate"; the issue1 of November 15th carried the sub-head on thei front page, in connection with the student poll, "Expect Beer, Auto Issues Prominent." After thisi series of articles clearly emphasizing student in- terest on the general subject of the liquor prob- lem, according to The Daily of November 16th the question as to whether or not beer should be served in the Michigan Union and Michigan; League was not included on the ballot because there was a lack of student interest on this1 question!! (2) . How does The Daily arrive at this false conclusion? The general opinion seems to be that there is no question as frequently raised in student discussions than the one about. beer in the student clubs. Then, why did The Daily make this statement? The truth may hurt but here it is. The Daily3 and the Undergraduate Council were persuaded by the officials of the Union .not to raise thisl troublesome issue on the threat that the Union officials could not handle the counting of the ballots if this question were included. One step further back, the Union boys were advised (sic) to avoid this issue by a member of their governing board who has had an emotional complex from his early years on the liquor ques- tion. Now I submit that no one man, nor any small group of men or women, should prevent a simple expression of opinion on a question of great in- terest to the campus, in a poll of student views as was conducted. I would go further and say that no one man, nor any small group of men or women, should stand in the way of a rational solution of the liquor problem in this or any other community. May The Daily be truthful, and may the fana- tics be buried under an avalanche of rational opinion!! Second, it seems a discouraging commentary, on the views of values on this campus held by the compilers of the questions for the poll, the Under- graduate Council, that such issues as Women's Hours, Class Dances, and Movie Prices were in- cluded in the subjects of the referendum while the one issue of great importance to those who come here for other purposes than attending class dances and movies, the issue of library hours was never mentioned. The lack of availability of library services on Sunday, the rule of eight o'clock return for overnight charges, and the closing of departmental libraries and study halls Sunday, has caused more inconvenience and com- ment than any of the questions submitted by the Undergraduate Council. (3) '+,a n. n -- - +Ii ciinf vf nmrv hnrq,c ensm the departmental libraries and study halls, if at all possible. Second, the rule of eight o'clock return for overnight charges is inconvenient and unneces- sary. First, when a student takes a book out after nine o'clock to study later into the evening, it is not encouraging this ambition by asking him to return it at eight the following morning. Sec- ond, it is rather unnecessary as few students will arise to read in the library at eight in the mor- ning, as a general rule, though I grant there may be exceptions. In the foregoing discussion I have brought forth two points in connection with the recent student referendum. First, the deliberate and bald per- version of truth by The Daily in connection with the reasons for eliminating the question of beer in the student clubs from the question list. This, and the true and unfortunate reason for the ex- clusion. Second, the omission of the one question of paramount interest to those of the campus who attend college here, while issues of little burning moment were included. A Disgusted Student Editor's Note - (1) The Daily did not exclude anything from the referendum. Conducted by the Undergraduate Council, poll questions were de- termined solely by members of this body. (2) In The Daily, issue of November 15, ap- peared a statement to the effect that the question of beer in the Union would be included if suf- ficient interest were manifested. No communi- cations were received indicating a desire to in- clude the question, by the Undergraduate Council, the Union, or The Daily. (3) Appeals were repeatedly made in the col- umns of The Daily for poll questions. Numerous suggestiong were made, but they did not include a question on library hours. Mr. Disgusted Stu- dent, why didn't you unburden your mind to the Undergraduate Council early enough to have ac- complished something? NATIONAL STUDENT LEAGUE ANSWERS DAILY To the editor: Last Thursday, an editorial was printed in The Daily attacking the National Student League Bul- letins.. At the same time, it attacked the prin- ciples upon which, in the editor's opinion, the N.S.L. is based. The writer of it, however, mis- quoted the bulletins and misjudged the program of our organization, and we feel it necessary to point this out for a better understanding of our viewpoint and to arrive at the truth of the matter, which we are sure your paper desires. To quote your editorial, "These bulletins do not represent the opinions of the large majority of students at Michigan as was announced in the first bulletin. . . " Referring back to that bulletin we find, "The interests of the N.S.L. are those of the large ma- jority of the student body." There is a wide difference between the meaning of "opinions" and "interests." At no time have we claimed to represent the majority of students, but we insist that we do represent the interests of the majority. We stand for academic free- dom, lower tuition, higher student workers' wages, democratic student government, etc., all of which are in the interests of the student body. Quoting the editorial again, "First, the League has announced that . . . the United States has now been 'forced' to eat humble pie, as it were, and recognize the Soviet Government.. . To main- tain that he (Roosevelt) was 'forced' to do this is a child's argument." Our bulletin states, "Today the United States is forced to recognize the achievements of .the Soviet Union and as a result, official recognition." Nowhere do we state that the United States was forced to recognize Russia, but we do say that it was forced to recognize the achievements of the Soviet Union. Whether you have done it deliberately or not, the fact remains that you have entirely changed and twisted the meaning of the paragraph as it was printed in our bulletin. In paragraph four The Daily misquoted the N.S.L. as saying, "the problems of the laborer and the student are one." -The N.S.L. has at no time stated this. Only a fool would think that the laborer is interested in lower tuition, academic freedom, etc. But we stated, "The future pros- pects of the students force them to realize that, along with the impoverished intellectuals, they must align themselves with the working class." And this is true. Upon graduation, the majority of the students will find themselves either wage- earners or unemployed and, therefore, part of the working class. The working class, by its his- torical position, having the least to lose and most to gain, is the class which will change the basis of society fundamentally. And so we state again that the students must ultimately align themselves with the working class if they are to solve their future problems. Finally in your last paragraph you point out that the student on the Michigan campus is con- servative. This proves nothing. We realize that the student is conservative, but is this to be com- mended? Oxford college in England voted against participation in war. This campus votes for the continuance of the R.O.T.C. and a large group for participation in war. Why the campus can't even be aroused to show some spirit for a team which has lost only one game since 1929! But all this, as we have stated, proves nothing. Just because the student body is conservative does not mean that the N.S.L. should dissolve. On the contrary it calls for greater efforts and greater co-operation of all campus groups. To quote the beginning line of The Michigan Daily's editorial in last Friday's issue, "We hear much of liberal and radical thinking these days and it seems as if it will have to be this sort of thinking which will bring us out of the present economic muddle." With this in mind, we ask The Daily to join us in promoting liberal and radical thought upon this campus. Ibsen once said, "That man is most intelligent who closely allies himself with the future." Perhaps some work in the right direction will bring this type of in+if t urltra.-onevrvative allied-with- 5_ I 3 - -1 eamr n. M ICHIGAN'S fighting Wolverines will bring the Big Ten title back o their Alma Mater today for the fourth consecu- ;ive time. By clinching the championship in the game yesterday the team also increased its mar- gin in the national title race.1 What will a championship team, both of the Conference and possibly the nation, mean to the student body at Michigan? Will Michigan allow' her great achievement to go unheralded? Will he students forget to repay those who have worked so hard and unselfishly for the honor of heir school? The Michigan team will reach the station in Ann Arbor today at 3:30 p. m. Michigan's "Fight- .ng Hundred" band will march to the station to greet them. Every right-minded, loyal Michigan tudent should be there, too. Let's show the team we appreciate what they have done for Michigan. Let's acclaim the "Champions of the West" in rue championship style! PA i Stabilized Al1reney . . E CONOMISTS have pointed out that there were undoubtedly three mo- ives behind the President's plan to raise the rice level. The first and perhaps foremost, as President toosevelt himself suggested in his radio talk at he time, was to relieve the burden of the debtor y making it possible for him to repay his debts n a dollar of the same value as that in which bey were contracted. A second purpose was to stimulate business and 'dustry through the implied increase in profits rhich usually accompanies an upswing in prices. The third was chiefly psychological, based on be belief that a promised decrease in the value f the dollar would encourage an immediate rush o buy before such a decrease took place. A month's experiment with the gold buying lan which was to have brought about this prom- sed rise in the price level has shown little result. Zumblings of discontent and more open criti- isms are beginning to be heard, and it looks at his time as though the President will find it ecessary to take other steps to produce the effect te desires.