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November 26, 1933 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-26

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The Weather
Snow and colder Sunday;
Monday cloudy, probably fol-
lowed by light rain or snow.



VOL. XLIV No. 55



Few Houses

Varsity Band To Meet
Team Today At Station

File Monthly
Interfraternity Judiciary
Council Will Consider
Extent Of Regulation
Fraternities Bound
To Comply With Act
Hope For Improvement
Of Fraternity Financial
What course Interfraternity Coun-
cil officials will take in enforcing the
regulations which were passed last
spring-requiring fraternities to sub-
mit to some central agency a
monthly report of their financial sta-
tus, to prepare and submit a budget
for the semester at the beginning
of each semester, and to have an ac-
ceptable audit of house accounts at
the end of each semester - will be
decided next week at the meeting
of the council Judiciary Committee.
Only about half of the fraternities
on campus have submitted their
monthly reports for Septembertand
October to the office of the dean
of students, which was chosen to be
the "central agency" named in the
plan. What steps, if any, will be
taken to force the others to turn in
their reports will be discussed by the
Judiciary Committee. Houses which
have not yet complied may avoid
penalty by turning in their reports
before the meeting is called, it was
Maxwell T. Gail, '34, council secre-
tary-treasurer issued the following
statement yesterday in regard to the
"The failure of some houses to turn
in their reports and budgets indicates
that they do not understand that this
act is mandatory, and that the ju-
diciary committee is required to see
that it is enforced. Those houses
which have not complied, either
through negligence or misunder-
standing, are liable to penalty, which
will be determined at the next meet-
ing of the committee.
"However, there is still time for
those houses whose reports are not
yet in to get them in before this
medting. It is not the desire of the
judiciary committee to penalize any
house. It is charged with enforcement
of the rules adopted by the council.
This rule was adopted by a majority
vote of the fraternities last spring,
and all houses are bound whether
they were present at the meeting or
not. The judiciary committee and
Council officers wish to act only as
the servants of the fraternities. If any
three houses so request, the officers
are required to call a meeting at
which this rule can be reconsidered,
but as long as it is on the books,
those houses which do not co-operate
are liable to penalty."
The plan, as presented for vote last
spring, provided that a financial ad-
viser be appointed for each house,
who must be an adult and reside in
Ann Arbor pr vicinity. In case the
Judiciary Committee notices that thei
budgets, reports, and statements of
any one fraternity show a defective
condition, such condition will be re-
ported to the advisor, who will then+
investigate conditions and advise the
members of the fraternity of the fact.
Gargoyle Gardenia
Awarded To 3ary

Pray, Frank Funk
Finding it impossible to differen-
tiate between an excellent perform-
ance in a small part and a well-sub-;
stantiated piece of work in a diffi-
cult and long role, the Old Gentle-
man split the laurels for the per-
formance in "The Round Table,"'
Lennox Robinson's Irish comedy; be-
tween Mary Pray, '34, in the lead
role and Frank Funk, '35, who did a
small bit excellently.
"Any critic is apt to find it diffi-
cult," said the Old Gentleman, "to
say which is the better of two per-{
formances when the work of both ac-
tors reaches such a high degree of

Led by the Varsity Band, a
large crowd of students and
townspeople is expected to turn
out this afternoon to meet the
returning Varsity team, which will
arrive at the Michigan Central
station at 3:30 p. m.
The "Fighting Hundred" will
march to the station from Mor-
ris Hall and will march back up
State Street after meeting the
By virtue of the victory over
Northwestern yesterday the Wol-
verines won their fourth consecu-
tive Conference championship, es-
tablishing a modern record in the
Big Ten. None of the men who
were in the game have ever played
with a Michigan team that did
not either share or win outright
the title in the toughest league
in the country - the Western
'economic Plan
Is Anti-Social,'
Lecturer States
Dr. Ward Proposes Four
Points Necessary In A
Successful System
Branding our present economic
system as self-defeating and anti-so-
cial, Dr. Harry F. Ward yesterday, in
his second lecture in a series of four
on "Religion and the Economic
Crisis," proposed a new kind of so-
ciety encompassing four major points.
First, stated Dr. :Ward, we must
have a society in which there is
plenty for all. An abundance of all
necessities of life and no impover-
ished, undernourished groups. "The
consequence of inequality is an an-
tagonism between classes which in-
vites the disintegration of society.
The nearer we come to equality of in-
come and of goods, the nearer we
can come to social and religious
The second requisite in Dr. Ward's
new society would be social security.
On this point he said that since
Dr. Ward will deliver two more
lectures, one at 9:30 a. m. today
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on
"How Can 'We 'Get This Society."
At 8 p. m. in Hill Auditorium he
will address an all-University con-
vocation in his final lecture on
"The Task for the University
there is no security for the masses,
there is no security for the masters,
who, as a result, have invested their
money in other countries to prepare
for the breakdown. According to Dr.
Ward's ideals, people should be re-
lieved of worries and strains which
makes real life impossible.
Under his third point he included
the development of all capabilities
which a human person possesses.
"The reason we have had the great
sin of religious non-conformity is be-
cause we have neglected the cultural
advantages," Ward stated.
His fourth point was creative par-
ticipation for all. "The one reason
that we have under-efficiency of all{
plants and factories is because there
is no impetus of creative force. We
will not reach a better state as a so-
ciety until each of us as an indivi-
dual has a better ;opportunity for
creative work."

NRA Fixes A
95-Cent Price
For Cleaning
Order From Washington
Sets Local Price For All
Suits, Coats, Dresses
Outlaw Fraternity,
Dormitory Rebates
Local Firms Sought A 75-
Cent Charge; New Scale
In Effect Tomorrow
Prices for cleaning and pressing
suits, topcoats, plain dresses, and wo-
men's plain coats will go up tomor-
row to 95 cents in all Ann Arbor
cleaning establishments.
The minimum price was deter-
mined yesterday in a telegram from
Karl S. Betts, NRA administrator in
Washington, which read as follows:
"Minimum price effective immedi-
ately. Your area suits, topcoats,
plain dresses, and women's plain
coats 95 cents. Full price schedule
details follow. Section eight article
seven outlaws fraternity and dormi-
tory fees mentioned by you."
This message was sent in response
to one dispatched to Washington by
the District Council of Dry Cleaners
of Washtenaw County in which they
maintained that, due to the special
conditions prevailing in Ann Arbor
and Ypsilanti because of the large
educational institutions there, the
Council advocated a minimum price
for cleaning of 75 cents. They also
"voted to petition that a 10 per cent
fee be allowed on the work done for,
fraternities and college dormitories
for the guarantee collections and
payment of the bills charged their
members for work done."
The order which disallowed the
Council's petition for lower prices in
Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti will go into,
effect Monday.
Executive Body
Is Created For
Dental School.

Board Of Directors May
Meet Dec. 3 To Discuss
And Vote On Question
The first hurdle which must be
negotiated if women's hours on Sat-
urday nights are to be lengthened
will be met Tuesday when the Board
of Representatives meets to vote on
the matter. Previous to the vote, the
womenddelegates will have been in-
structed on the matter at house
meetings Monday.
The Board of Representatives,
which is composed of the presidents
of all sororities, league houses, and
dormitories, does not have final juris-
diction in the hours question, how-
ever, and it is not certain that even
this body will sanction later Saturday
night hours.
In the event that the Board of
Representatives approves later hours,
the Board of Directors, another of the
three women's legislative groups, will
meet Dec. 3 to discuss the question
and bring it to a vote. If the Board
of Directors finds later hours to its
liking, the papers showing the fa-
vorable vote of the two legislative
bodies will be passed on to Dean Alice
C. Lloyd, whose office has absolute
final authority to approve, to ap-
prove conditionally, or to reject.
Proponents of the plan now on foot
to lengthen hours Saturday night
have pointed to lateness records of
the Judiciary Council, which acts in
disciplinary cases much as, does the
disciplinary committee of the Under-
graduate Council. These records show
that women are late far more on
Saturday than on any other day in
the week.
One hall, in the month of October,
had 64 latenesses on Saturdays, as
against 9 on Sundays, 31 Mondays, 8
Tuesdays, 10 Wednesdays, 6 Thurs-
days, and 13 Fridays. Another hall
had one lateness each day. of the
week but Saturday, when there were
nine. Still another averaged less than
one lateness a day for all days ex-
cept Saturday, when there were 12.
This comparison is found to be sub-
stantially true of all other halls, resi-
dences, and sororities.


Pass Resolutions To
Presented To Board

Conversion of the former dean's ad-
visory committee in the School of
Dentistry irto an executive com-
mittee was announced yesterday by
President Alexander G. Ruthven.
The committee, which is to act
with Dean Marcus L. Ward in all
matters pertaining to administration,
will be composed of Dr. Chalmers J.
Lyons, Dr. U. G. Rickert, and Dr.
R. W. Bunting, all full professors in
the school.
The new organization is similar
to that which was put into effect in
the literary college at the beginning
of this year and somewhat like that
in use in the Medical School. In the
latter, however, the committee ad-
ministered the school without a dean
from 1930 until a few months ago,
when Dr. Frederick G. Novy was ap-

Church Support For NRA Plan
Criticized By Liberal Speaker

Likening the churches' support of
the NRA to their "make the world
safe for democracy" campaign in the
World War, Dr. Harry Ward, eminent
liberal, yesterday predicted that the
churches would soon suffer the same
disillusionment and repentence which
was theirs following the war.
The question that all churches
must face, according to Dr. Ward is,
"Do the humanitarian aims and
standards -of the NRA coincide with
the social ideals of religion 'on these
points. If so, what do facts show
concerning the likelihood of enforcing
the NRA standards:
"'Jobs for the jobless' was the slo-
gan of the administration in adopt-
ing the NRA code. They expected
that of the 15,000,000 j o b l e s s
they could re-employ 6,000,000 of
faca hu Ta.n. At..raaitt

more than share-the-misery. "How
can the shorter work day," he asks,
"make for a more abundant life if
the workers do not have a living wage
much less a cultural wage?"
In commenting on the NRA stand-
ard of wages he said that they were
nothing short of ridiculous. Under
the present system a factory laborer
is doing well to earn $14 for a 35-
hour week. In the south a new code
modifying an old one has been passed
which allows 14 cents an hour for
laundry workers.
Dr. Ward compared these wages to
those of the Minimum Health and
Decency budget which is compiled by
the Bureau of Labor Standards, New
York. According to this report $30 a
week is necessary for a decent liv-
"I appreciate the administration's
aims and I admire their courage,"

e's Gardenia is the
rd for the best per-
d in by a student ac-
in a bit or lead in a

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