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November 25, 1933 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-25

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waiter came in carrying a silver, iced bucket for
Farley. It held two bottles with fancy, green caps.
The bottles were filled with Farley's favorite
drink - milki
MME. SZE, wife of the minister from China,
has quieted the consternation in the White
House kitchens. They ran out of Ning Chow Kongo
- and that is a scented tea which is a great
favorite with the President.
"It's so hard to find," confided Mrs. Roosevelt to
Mme. Sze.
The next day Mme. Sze did some vigorous
shopping. And there arrived at the White House

track-inded philatelists. Hattie Bell Ross, as
Mrs. Drennan, an aged and enthusiastically help-
less piece of garrulousness, indicated for the sec-
ond time this season that she has a high degree
of appreciation for this type of comedy; she has
the unenviable task of supporting the bulk of
Act I with a long dissertation on funerals, wherein
her amusing use of change-of-pace is decidedly
agreeable., William Halstead, as Christopher Pe-
gum, the lover of Daisy, moves through the play
in likeable intellectual clumsiness, which is cor-
rect; but the violence of his sudden understand-
ing and conversion to Daisy's point of view is a
bit hard to swallow.
The squeaky voice of Goddard Light, as Jonty
Drennan, the diminutive mystic, could not over-
come the poor impression conveyed by over-
playing; his virginal binge in the final act capped
three acts of mediocre work. Lucille Anderson
and Elizabeth Griffith as the sisters Pegum were
bothersome. The remainder of the cast was far
better than adequate.


f , ,1

The Daily classified advertising
ehimns are the most eCOnoM-
ea l and most efficient means of
co taetIn O tie stdent Ody .
CASHIt RATES . I lie line

ished everymrning except Monday during the
sity year and Summer Session y the Board in
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ber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
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oriated(toileinte reps
1933 NAT AL ~ cvaie 1934a_
Associated Press is exclusivelyy entitled to the use
ublication of all news dispatches credited to itor
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ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Assistant Postmaster-General.
crlption during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail.
During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
8: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,

not only Ning Chow Kongo but half a dozen other
rare scented teas-
A gift from an old Chinese merchant to the
President's grandfather started the tea habit in
the family.
T HE new government buildings have plenty of
grandeur but the older Capitol and the state
department building seem more pleasant these
cold days.
Wood logs burn in the open fireplaces of their'
quaint, high ceilinged offices, and, somehow, work
seems easier.

Campus Opinion


'ublications Representatives,
Street, New York City; 80
'2 Plorth Michigar. Avenue,


THE supply of dogs became- almost embarrassing
at the White House recently when a Great
Dane pup arrived by express from New York.
The President decided to give the petto little
Jack. Greenway, son of the new, congresswoman,
Isabella Greenway of Arizona. Jack was so de-
lighted he immediately named the pup, "Pres-
The next morning the President's mail included
a very formal little note which said: "The dog is
very cute. Thank you. Jack Greenway."

Telephone 4925
ITY EDITOR~... ....... ...... ....BRACKLEY SHAW
IGM' EDITORS: A. Ellis Bell, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil-1
1am G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George
Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
PORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin,
Marjorie Western.
VOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
EPORTERS: Roy Alexander, John A. Babington, Ogden
0. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott. Courtney A. Evans, Ted R.
Evans, Bernard Ti. Fried, 'Thomas Groebn, Robert D.
Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski, Thomas H. Kleene, Rich-
ard E. Lorch, David G. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman,
Kenneth Parker, George I. Quimby, William R. Reed,
Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Arthur S. Settle,
Marshall D. Silverman, A. B. Smith, Jr., Arthur M.
Taub, Philip T. Van Zile.
!OMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer,
Florence Harper, Marie Held, Eleanor Johnson, Jose-
phine McLean.Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie
IResnick, Mary Robinson, Jane Schneider, Margaret
Telephone 2-1214
'OMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER......................
EPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
trick; Classified 'Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusl; Circulation, Jacek Ef-
SSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra-
mer, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard,
James Scott,. David Winkworth.
one Bassett, Virginia Bell, Winifred $ell, Mary Bursley,
Peggy Cady, Betty Chapman, Patricia Daly, Jean Dur-
ham, Minna Giffen, Doris 91mmy, Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Isabelle Kanter, Louise Krause, Margaret1
Mustsrd, Nina Pollock, Elizabeth J. Simonds.
pater Permission
'or Women...,

THIS is the current favorite story concerning
Senator J. Ham Lewis of Illinois:
The small twin sons of Senator and Mrs. Ben-
net Champ Clark of Missouri have seen so much
since their arrival here that they are slightly
mixed up. They returned from an hour at the
Lnicoln Memorial the other day.
"Oh, mother," said one of the five-year-olds,
"we've just been to see a statute of an angel."
"Angel nothihg," said the other. "He means the
statue of J.= Ham Lincoln."
For the first time in history the White House
is on ship time. Ships' clocks chime off the hours
and the half-hours from the President's study,
his office and his bedroom.
mail to find this brickbat in it, a telegram
from Chicago saying: "SuggesU issuance of
special stamp depicting your retreat from New
The writer's first name was "Aloysius."
"Dear Sir," answered Farley, "I an disap-
pointed that a man named 'Aloysius' would feel
like that toward me. I thought you knew my
middle name is 'Aloysius.' Suggest you come down
and help me design the stamp.''
Viscount and Viscountess Astor, tells this one
on himself. He is visiting is nearby Virginia,
where his mother, one of the famous Langhorne
beauties, was born.
When he arrived in New York he stayed at the
Friends phoned and asked:
"May I speak to Mr. Waldorf Astor?"
"Oh, yeah?" the telephone girls answered.

Letters published in this column should not be
construed- as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily: Anonymous communications will be disre-
garded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
tors are asked to be brief, confhiig Li 1nselves; to
less than 300 words if possible.
To The Editor:
In .The Daily yesterday a student who signed
himself "War Resister" reported a conversation
that took place between Bobby and his mother.
Bobby was in a thoughtful mood on this occasion,
but believe me, Bobby is not always like that.
I know, for I live next door to Bobby. Much of
his time he spends maneuvering up and down
the length of the lawn, dressed in his trim sol-
dier's uniform and looking for all the world like
one of our own fine, courageous R.O.T.C. men.
He asks his mother again and again if she will
let him join the R.O.T.C. The other day he and a
couple of neighbor boys were going through the
paces of a real siege-attack. Why, honest, it
made the shivers run up - or was it down - up
my spine to see their fierce and noble valor! I
thought to myself, "By thunder, there's no rea-
son why we Americans should feel uneasy for the
safety of our country when we have such brave
young soldiers as that coming on."
No, Mr. War Resister, it was only in a thought-
ful mood that you found Bobby, and you can't
go much on that. Everyone has them once in a
while. When Bobby is truly himself you find
him expressing his real animal instincts of bra-
very, patriotism, self-defense, manliness and dar-
ing, those qualities with which God has endowed
him --and remember that God does all things
Before I end this communication, let me speak
of something which has been on my heart for
a long time. So many students, when they come
to the University where critical thought on many
things goes on, lose their native-born pugnacity
and love of country. Of course it is natural that
we should change our minds on most matters as
we grow up. But it is an awfully serious mistake
to allow critical thinking to disturb the instinct
of strong, valorous love of one's country. It is
most undiscriminating to allow thinking to upset
such fundamentally necessary instincts as pa-
triotism or belief in "my country right or wrong."
Why, thei greatest men who have ever lived, really
lived, you know -- Alexander, Frederick the Sec-
ond, Bismarck, Napoleon, Mussolini - were pa-
triots. No, fellow-students, let us all remember
how Bobby acts when he is in his own natural
role, and let us strive to keep our R.O.T.C. en-
thusiasm and patriotism alive and strong.
-Joseph Kippur


In sure
An Early
R entschler

(.c .rt . - ..


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

pie at its best
until you've tasted it pip-
ing hot from an electric oven.
Famous chefs for centuries
have vied in baking the flaky,
light crust and spicy, juicy
goodness of the filling, You,
with an automatic electric
oven and its gentle electric
heat, can bake the SAME
KIND OF PIEin your kitchen.
With the accurate oven ,heat
control of an electric range,
you can do it much more
surely and easily, with no
doubt. as to the result. You
simply set the dial for the
correct temperature, and the

oven does the rest. Uniform
electric heat retains all the
moisture in the mincemeat.
It is just as juicy and flavor-
ful when baked as it was
when it went into the oven;
and the light, flaky piecrust
will delight you! An electric
you bake one pie or a dozen,
you get exactly the same uni-
form results.
You can own a modern elec.
trc rnefor $89.50-com-
pletely installed and ready to
cook. See them on display
at your dealer's
or any Detroit
Edison office.


S TRIKING witness of the wisdom
with which the Undergraduate
>11 was organized is evidenced in its categoriza-
on, dividing voters according to class; school, and
x. This makes it possible to say not only that
te total vote was four to one in favor of 1:30
rmission for women on Saturday night and
free to one for 11:30 permission on Sunday
ght, but also that the womenthemselves favor
ese changes, by a three to one majority in
ise of the first, and five to two in the case of
e second.
It was to be expected, when it was found that
.e campus as a whole opposed the present wo-
en's hours, that the argument would be brought
rward that the women themselves were not op-
sed. The foresight of those who organized the
)ll has made this contention impossible. For
e vote shows that the women themselves, as
ell as the campus as a whole, are by a sub-
antial majority in favor of an extra hour on
th Saturday and Sunday nights.
One of the chief arguments heard against 1:30
turday permission is that it is against the re-
;ious scruples of some persons to extend their
creation into the Sabbath. This argument is
ry fragile. One-thirty as a closing hour would
At force anyone to stay out that late who didn't
ant to. No one thinks of banning, say, dancing.
et dancing is against the religion of some. Those
lose religions forbid dancing need not dance;
ose whose religions forbid Sunday recreation
>uld not need to indulge merely because per-
ission to indulge were available.
Against 11:30 Sunday permission it is ad-
nced that a full night's sleep is needed in
eparation for Monday's classes. It would be
teresting to know the percentage of co-eds who,
turning to their residence at 10:30 on Sunday,
immediately to bed. We are inclined to believe
at most of them stay up until 11:30 now, and
nce would not be effected, as far as sleep is
ncerned, by latening the Sunday night closing
It is a hopeful sign that the desired changes
e to be discussed at the meeting next Tuesday
the Board of Representatives. This body,
iich is composed entirely of co-eds, has the
wer to start the machinery that can bring about
e changes. . Since the group, as its name im-
es, represents campus co-eds, and since campus
-eds have already clearly expressed themselves,
eir action Tuesday should be easy to predict.

The Theatre.
Seizing happily upon a Lennox Robinson ve-
hicle which combines-good story construction with
opportunity for individual acting, Play Produc-
tion last night presented the best piece of stu-
dent drama since the success of "Hedda Gabler"
last year. No portion of the production was
slighted, and the acting, directing, and technical
work combined to extract from the play all the
details of mingled comedy and psychological dra-
ma that the author was so careful to write in it.
This reviewer (who should know better than to
gloat) predicted on the occasion of Play Pro-
duction's 1933 debut that a tasty modern vehicle
would bring more applause to the work of the
organization than a more dusty opus could hope
for; the lengthy and well-merited demonstration
by the audience at the final curtain foreshadowed
happy days for Mr. Windt's company this season.
Mr. Robinson was evidently at some pains, in
the writing of his play, to steer clear of startling
transitions from necessary comedy to the heavy-
ish dramatic content of his theme. The mirthful
doings immediately following the opening curtain
are rather far from any suggestion of the prob-
lem that is later to manifest itsel-f, but the author
succeeds in dropping accumulative hints as to
Daisy's eventual rebellion from her drudgery, un-
til Daisy's cry of blended desire and anguish at
the act's close is willingly accepted, despite the
suddenness of its stirring quality. Her difficulty
in bringing herself to take love with an added
onus of a household existence is skillfully built up
until the climax in the last moments of the play,
when both she and her lover are forced to make
a decision in the few remaining minutes before
train time. The use of bells, heard only by Daisy,
as a symbol of all the romance that her life
has missed is employed with sufficient promi-
nence to leave no hazy impression in the minds
of the audience, and yet the device is not reiter-
ated to the point of annoying artificiality. And
the exceedingly funny comedy does not obscure
the essential tawdryness of Daisy's background.
Mary Pray, as Daisy Drennan, reaches the high
spot of her campus dramatic career, which is a

Collegiate Observer
A poll of 22,865 college students in 71 different
colleges and universities conducted by the Na-
tional Student Federation reveal the following
Thirty-nine per cent are absolute pacifists who
will not fight in any war whatsoever.
Thirty-three per cent are pacifists, but will
fight in absolute defense, in case of invasion of
the United States.
Twenty-eight per cent voted that they are mili-
tarists and will fight in any war the United States
The extensive poll shows that 72 per cent of the
students are pacifists while only 28 per cent are
militarists. It is interesting to note however, that
every student at Norwich University, Northfield,
Vt., voted to fight for his country regardless of
Willingness to take a back seat isn't always
a sign of modesty.
Kisses are like olives in a bottle; after the
first one the rest come easy.
A good man is an asset to any women. A
handsome man is a joy to the aesthetic sense.
But a good hndsome man is a contradiction
to all laws of nature.
A student at Marshall College is earning his
way through college by embalming cats to sell to
anatomy students.
Four' perfect bridge hands were dealt at a
fraternity rushing party at the University
of New York. We wonder whether the actives
or the rushees received them????
For the benefit of those who like to spend the
minimum amount of effort in studying, the Uni-
versity of Southern California Daily Trojan has
listed the "pipe" courses.


First Methodist.
Episcopal Church
State and Washington
Frederick B. Fisher
Peter F. Stair
10:45-Morning Worsiwp.
"A Philosophy Of Right
Dr. Fisher
(No evening worship. Convocation at
Hill Auditorium. Dr. Harry F. Ward,
(For Students l
12:15 - Half-hour forum.
3:00 -International Student
6:00 - Student-led devotional
St. Paul's Lutheran
(Missouri Synod)
West Liberty and Third Sts.
November 12
9:30 A.M. -Service in German.
9:30 A.M. -- Sunday Scnool and Bible
10:45A.M. -Service in English.
Pastor will deliver Sermon.
"The Glory of a Christian


Zion Lutheran
Washington St. at 5th Ave.
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
9:00 a.m.-Bible School. Lesson topic:
10:30 A.M. - Service with sermon on
"The Final Judgment"
5:30 P.M. - Student Fellowship and
Supper. Michigan' Student-Luther
League will entertain the Ypsilanti
Student Club.
6:45 P.M.-Registrar Ira Smith will
speak to the students on "Educa-
tion for Service."
St. Andrews
Episcopal Church
Division at Catherine Street
Services of Worship
Sunday, November 19, 1933
8:00 A.M. - Holy Communion
9:30 A.M. - Church'School
11:00 A.M. -Kindergarten
11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer, and Ser-
mon by the Reverend Henry Lewis.

The Fellowship a
Liberal Religion
State and Huron Streets
Sunday Morning at 10:45
"Roosevelt, Russia and


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