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November 25, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-25

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it igan


Later Pei-mission
For Women . . .


No. 54



Wolverines Clash
With Wildcats In
Final Game Today

Must Win Or Tie Today To
Get Undisputed Title In
The Big Ten

Prof it System

Many Veterans To
Hear Last Whistle
Team Rests In A Chicago
Hotel Before Tangling
With Wildcats '
(Special to The Daily)
CHICAGO, Ill., Nov. 24-- Michigan
must win or tie tomorrow. With a
grim determination to finish the sea-
son in a blaze of glory by taming the
Northwestern Wildcats, the Wolver-
ine squad, which arrived here this
afternoon, will take the field in
Dyche Stadium for the opening kick-
off at2 p. m. C. S. T. (3 p. m., Ann
Arbor time).
The Maize and Blue warriors,
many of whom after today's battle,
will pass into Michigan's Valhalla of
past football stars, are spending to-
The Michigan - Northwestern
game today will be available to
Ann. Arbor radio listeners over
three stations, it was announced
Broadcasts from Evanston will
be made by WWJ, Detroit, with
Ty Tyson announcing, and
WBBM nand WMAQ, of Chicago.
The WWJ program will go on
the airWJat2:45 p. in., Ann Arbor
night at the Hotel Sovreign here, and
will travel the short distance north
to Evanston just before game time
For the first time in many weeks,
the Wolverines will be facing a team
as battered and bruised as them-
selves. Matching the loss of Carl
Savage, stellar guard, who will proba-
bly be unable to play any considera-
ble portion of tomorrow's contest, is
the injury of Al Kawal, an out-
standing lineman of the Purple, who
was laid out for the season last Sat-
urday against Notre Dame.
Ollie Olson, one of the greatest
(Continued on Page 3)w
Grid-Graph To
Relay Account
Of Wildcat Tilt
T. Hawley Tapping Will
Relay Information For
Local Fans
Bringing local football fans not
able to attend the Michigan-North-
western game a graphic representa-
tion of the play-by-play account of
the battle, the new Grid-Graph will
make its third and finalappearance
of the year at 3 p.i., today in the
Union ballroom.
In anticipation of the largest at-
tendance of the season, arrangements
are being made to accommodate a
crowd numbering close to 700, accord-
ing to an announcement issued by
John Donaldson, '34, chairman of the.
committee In charge of the project.
Constant connection between Ann
Arbor and Dyche Stadium, Evanston,;
by means of a special telegraph wire,
will make it possible for each play
to be demonstrated on the huge'
board within 0 few seconds after its

Is Impossible,
Ward Believes
Terms Present Economic
Arrangement 'Immoral'
And Destructive
A denunciation of the present eco-
nomic "profit" system as "socially
immoral" and "economically impos-
sible" was delivered last night by
Harry F. Ward, professor of Christian
Ethics at Union Theological Sem-
inary, New York City, who addressed
a large audience at the Presbyterian
Church on the subject "The Extent
of the Breakdown."
"If anyone ever had the idea that
this is just another of the depressions
from which the capitalistic system
has lifted itself in the past, if anyone
ever believed that the economic sys-
tem had a self-starter on it which
would keep it going, he must surely
be sufficiently disillusioned by now,"
Professor Ward declared. The open-
ing of new markets has in other cases
"primed the pump" of economic re-
covery, and now that the system is
faced with the fact that it cannot ex-
pand further, nothing is left but its
failure, was Professor Ward's conten-
The wholesale destruction of food
products under conditions of want
and need on the part of millions was
termed a "social crime" as Professor
Ward declared that the only basis on
which the present system could be
maintained was on a "basis of starva-
Professor Ward said that inflation
was "socially disastrous," citing the
Professor Ward will speak at,
2:30 p. rn. today in Lane Hall '
Auditorium on the subject "What
Kind of a Society Do We Want?"
and at 9:30 a. m. tomorrow in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on
"How Can We Get It?" The
final address of the series will be
delivered at 8 p. m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium on the subject
"The Task for the University
fact that the reason the German
middle-classes are so solidly behind
Chancellor Adolf Hitler is that their
economic security was ruined by the
inflation of 'the post-War period.
Technological improvements since
1929 would put from two to three
million people out of work even if
we could return to the "boom" times
of that period, Professor Ward de-
clared, stating further that the "dole
system" in England is the only thing
standing between the Englishman
and doom.

Outlook Said
To Be Bright
Change To World Of Plan
And Control Is In View,
Columbia Man Says
Patton Speaks On
Farm Relief Policy
Labor Institute Will End
Conference With Single
Session This Morning
Denouncing segmentary thinking
as the cause of many of our real and
imagined troubles, Dr. Louis Ans-
pacher, formerly of Columbia Uni-
versity, declared last night before a
session of the Labor Institute that
the history of the world is written in
spirals and not in cycles.
There are no signs of degeneracy
or even of depression in our present
situation, he said. Rather we are on
the threshold of a change from a
world of eccnomic hazard to one of
plan and control, he stated, "and
while the world may have less to live
on just at present, it has more to
live for than it ever had before."
Taking a determined stand for
American participation in the League
of Nations and the World Court, he
stated that today no nation can live
to itself alone and that we, as a "ma-
ture people," must assume our share
of the responsibility for world peace.
Lashing out at the waste of war,
Dr. Anspacher said we should realize
that we are all stockholders in a
bankrupt universe. In counseling
complete cancellation of war debts'
and reparations as a means of ending
the war, he cited the success of such
a policy following the Napoleonic
If no nation can live to itself,'
neither can any class in this age of
mass production, he said and we must
look forward to full labor representa-
tion on the council of every director
of industry.
"This panic is different from any
other in our history, because it has
resulted from over-investment in
producers' goods and in a surplus'
economy rather than in an economic
lack," he said.
The former professor of philosophy
launched another fiery attack on
"vote-getting" as the prime reason'
for disarticulation in our political
control. In answer to a question as to
how he would remedy the situation,
he recommended an educational
qualification for voters and an age
limit of 31 rather than 21.
In the opening speech of the after-
noon program, Dr. H. S. Patton,
(Continued on Page 6)
South Refuses To Go
West; Curves A Flop
West may be all the rage, but so far
as co-eds at Tulane University are
concerned, she is taboo.
According to the meals they eat,'
the co-eds here still believe in
stream-line figures, although some
girls confess that, "I'd rather be aR
little plump with dimples than a'
bunch of bones slung together."
It has been found, however, that.
wonen dormitory residents pass up
the large course dinners and lunches'
served daily, and, instead, feast upon'
salads and french dressing, with ap-
ples or oranges for dessert. Lettuce'

is, by far, the favorite on the cam-
pus, and string beans and other vege-
tables of the green nature are eag-
erly devoured.
To destroy big appetites, the co-eds
engaged in a coke and a smoke be-
fore each meal.

Al Smith Hits
Money Policy
Of Roosevelt
Democrat Leader Assails
'Baloney Money' In A
Magazine Article
Says He's For The
Tried Old Methods
Tells President Inflation
Is Peril; Won't Have A
Nation Of Guinea Pigs
NEW YORK, Nov. 24.-(A')-Al-
fred E. Smith broke openly 'today
with President Roosevelt's monetary
program, declaring that he was for
sound money and a return to the
gold standard.
"I am for gold dollars as against
baloney dollars," said the former
Governor in an editorial to be pub-
lished in the December issue of The
New Outlook.
"I am for experience as against ex-
periment. If I must choose between
private management of business and
management of a 1government bu-
reaucracy, I am for private manage-
"If I must choose between the lead-,
ers of the past, with all the errors
they have made and with all the sel-
fishness they have been guilty of, and
the inexperienced young college pro-
fessors who hold no responsible pub-
lic office but are perfectly ready to
turn 130,000,000 Americans into
guinea pigs for experimentation, I am
going to be for the people who have
made the country what it is.
"And I say this wi h full knowledge
of the fact that there are many
things in the old rder of society
which I should like to have changed
and which I do not applaud or even
Portions of Smith's editorial were
made public at the office of The New
Outlook. The former Governor, who
recently was a guest at tea at the
White House, was not present. -
The statement,. which created a
sensation in the metropolis, expressed
Smith's personal disbelief that "the
Democratic Party is fated to be al-
ways the party of greenbackers, paper-
money printers, free silverites, cur-
rency managers, rubber dollar man-
ufacturers and crackpots."
Roosevelt Declines To
Answer Monetary Critics
WARM SPRINGS, Ga., Nov. 24 -
(P) - President Roosevelt let it be
definitely known tonight that he is
pushing on with his commodity dol-
lar effort as he declined any public
reply to the critics who were joined
in a severe statement by Alfred E.
Two fighting lieutenants came to.
the "little White House" today and
one of them- Hugh S. Johnson, re-
covery' administrator - fired back at
the administration monetary foes
even before seeing Mr. Roosevelt. But
the apparently unconcerned presi-
dent spent the day as usual here and
Henry Morgenthau, acting secretary
of the treasury, and General John-
son had to wait until nightfall to get
in a talk.
"The country may be sure that
Franklin D. Roosevelt is not going
plunging over' any abyss," General
Johnson asserted, pointing out his
reply applied to both O. M. W.
Sprague, the resigned treasury ad-

viser, and Mr. Smith.
"Any man who falsely impugns the
credit of the United States is im-
pugning the welfare of our people."
Gen. Johnson Has
Ride In Ford Car;
Peace Dove Coos
WARM SPRINGS, Ga., Nov. 24.--
(R') - Gen. Hugh S. Johnson rode into
town today in a Ford and the myth-
ical dove of peace was fluttering se-
renely tonight over the long row be-
tween the NRA administrator and
Henry Ford.
With a smile breaking over his
grim, determined face, Johnson told
newspaper men that he thought the
automobile manufacturer had com-
plied with the terms of the NRA
automobile code which he refused to
sign and that he was satisfied.
However, he warned his legal de-
partment was in disagreement with

Measure As It Stands Is
End Of Division Street
Rule, Pack Says
Beer And Liquors
Would Be Allowed
Common Council Still Has
Power To Pass A New
Zoning Law
The State liquor control bill as it
passed the House yesterday com-
pletely voids the east of Division
Street charter provision prohibiting
the sale of beer and other alcoholic
drinks in the campus area, Rep. Phil
Pack, who presided at the House
meeting, told The Daily last night.
As the bill now stands, Mr. Pack
said, it would be possible to sell not
only beer but whiskey and other
hard liquors in the University sector,
depending entirely upon whether ap-
plicants for licenses received the ap-
proval of the Common Council.
Council Could Vote New Law
The clause in the act which re-
peals all local ordinances is in the
first section of the bill. It says:
"This act shall govern and control
such traffic within every county,
township, city, and village within
the State of Michigan, any local or
special act or ordinance to the con-
trary notwithstanding, and shall su-
persede any and all local and special
acts and ordinances pertaining there-
Although the Division Street char-
ter provision would thus be voided
if the bill were to pass the Senate
and be approved by the governor,
Mr.. Pack said that the' Common
Council could pass another alcohol
-zoing regulation similar to- the'
voided one, and this new law would
be legal.
Battles Divided
In the battles which featured the
Common Council's discussion on beer
license permits last spring, the Com-
mon Council was almost evenly di-
vided in its desire to observe or dis-
regard the charter provision. On
every important vote during the bat-
tle, which extended for a period'of
weeks many stormy extra sessions,
the council voted seven in favor of
selling beer in the campus sector and
eight against it. Each time the de-
ciding vote was cast by E. E. Lucas,
council president.
City Attorney William Laird, in-
formed of the provisions in the bill
last night, said that no amendment
could be made to the city charter of
Ann Arbor without a vote of approval
by the citizens of the city. Thus, the
Council itself could not amend the
The bill provides for some mer-
chant or merchants, approved by the
Common Council and the State Li-
quor Control Commission, to sell li-
quor, receiving in return a fiat year-
ly fee. All sales must receive the
approval of the local Council.
Call 2-1214 For Final
Scores Of Major Games
Final scores on football games
played throughout the country
will be available to all by calling
the Daily Football Service at
2-1214 after 6 p. m. today.

Six Councilmen In
Favor Of Control
Of Liquor By State
Out of seven Ann Arbor Common'
Council members interviewed last
night, six stated they were in favor
of State monopoly control of the
liquor traffic asragainst one in favor
of private control, and five declared
themselves opposed to sale of liquor
by the glass as against two doubtful.
Those who signified their backing
of the State monopoly clause which
was stricken from the bill by the
State House yesterday were Presi-
dent E. E. Lucas, third ward; William
H. Faust, sixth ward; Prof. Walter
C. Sadler, seventh ward; Phares E.
Winney, fifth ward; Max Krutsch,
fourth ward; and Prof. Leigh J.
Young, seventh ward. Leigh Thomas,
third ward, was the only one inter-
viewed who announced himself in fa-
vor of private enterprise in the liquor
Professor Young, Mr. Lucas, Mr.
Winney, Mr. Thomas, and Mr.
Krutsch all came out against sale
of liquor by the glass. Mr. Faust said
he would favor a referendum on the
question, and Professor Sadler said
he would rather study the question
further before making a statement.
Classi*f ication
For 2nd Term
To Start Dec. 1
Those With Names Which
Start At End Of Alphabet
Are To Register First
The Vorheisses and the Zilches get
a break on the classification sched-
ules for the literary college, the
School of Education, and the School
of Music, which was announced yes-
terday by Prof. Daniel L. Rich, direc-
tor of classification, while all rules of
seniority are thrown to the winds.
Beginning Dec. 1 with those stu-
dents, all classes, whose names begin
with the letters from V to Z, inclu-
sive, the program will allow the per-
sons whose names begin with A or
B to classify only on or after Dec. 12.
From Dec. 1 to Dec. 15, Room 4 in
University Half will be open from 8
a. in. to 12 noon and 1:30 to 5 p. m.
during the week, on Saturdays it will
be open from 8 a. m. to 12:30 p. in.
A further innovation allows fresh-
men, continuing all the courses which
they were taking the first semester, to
have their election blanks approved
without examination by the record-
er's office. It is believed this provision
will relieve faculty advisors of a good
deal of work.
The schedule in full is as follows:
V to Z, inclusive Dec. 1; T to Z, Dec.
2; S to Z, Dec. 4; O to Z, Dec. 5; M
to Z, Dec. 6; K to Z, Dec. '7; H to Z,
Dec. 8; E to Z, Dec. 9; C to Z, Dec.
11; A to Z, Dec. 12, 13, 14 and 15.
After Jan. 1, there will be a fine of
$1 for late classifying. The class cards
will be held in the Recorder's office
until a coupon is filed, by the student
indicating he has paid his second se-
mester fee. The fee is payable Feb.
8, 9, or-0.

State M
Is Lai

Representatives Pass Bill
Allowing Liquor By Glas
Will Kill Campus Blue L


Plan Is

Partial Local Option
Allowed; Senators G
Turn Next Week
LANSING, Nov. 24.-(1-A sti
liquor control bill providing for sa
by the bottle exclusively to designal
merchants, and sales by the glass
every community in which the lo
governing body will give its conse
was adopted by the House of Rep:
sentatives late Friday.
The vote was 72 to 24. The meas
goes to the Senate, where it will
considered next week. Its passage v
preceded by two days of deba
Shortly before the final roll call '
House cut out a provision calling :
the establishment' of 50 state stor
The amendment was offered
Rep. Gus T. Hartman, (Rep., Houg
"Liquor Business not for State"
"The state has no more right
go into the liquor business than i
the shoe or grocery business," Ha
man declared. "It will cost $300,(
to $400,000 a year to operate Ste
Having eliminated state stores t
House substituted a section declari
the state liquor commission "may
cense any established hotel or mi
chant" to sell liquor by the bottle.
State monopoly on liquor sales w
largely retained. As the meas
passed it provided'the stte must 1a
all liquor brought into Michigan
sale. Merchants or hotels designat
to handle it would secure their iqt
from the state and would sell withc
private profit. They would be for
to sell to consumers at prices fixed
the state, and the/ state would to
the revenue derived from the diff
ence between cost and selling pri
The retail distributors would be co
pensated by the state at the rate
not more than one dollar per year
each person residing in the ci
township or village served, and in
event more than $1,200 a year.
Glass Sales Must Be Ratified
Another change written into t
bill gives townships, as well as cit
and villages the right to sales by t
glass if approved by the townsl
board. If the council or other govei
ing body of any unit,except counti
casts a majority vote in favor of sa
by the glass, such sales become le
The bill originally called fora t
thirds vote of the governing bo
This was changed to "majority."
The question of sales by the gli
could be ratified or rejected by a p
ular local referendum later, if pe
tions for an election within a yi
were circulated.
Further Action
Is Foreseen Or
Co-Eds' Ho u
Hope for the modification
women's hours were advanced a
other step yesterday with the
nouncement by .b race Mayer,
president of the League, that tO
would be a meeting of the Board
Directors Monday, Dec.3, in wh
the question will be taken up. T
step will follow the meeting of 1
Board of Representatives which
be held Tuesday. Both the boas
are parts of the Women's Self- Gi
erning body.
Unofficial spokesmen for won
students were hopeful that so
changes will be made, but there a
considerable doubt that modificat
will be as far-reacing asmany
the girls anticipate. The suggest(
for changes have been as folo'
11:30 p. m. permission on Sund
and 1:30 a. m. on Saturday as w
as Friday.

There are Only-

Dr. Wynekoop Confesses
Murder Of Son's Wife
CHICAGO, Nov. 24.--(P)--Dr.
Alice Lindsay Wynekoop confessed
today that she fired a bullet into the
heart of her son's wife, Rheta Gard-
ner Wynekoop, whose nearly nude
body was found Tuesday on an opera-
tion table in Dr. Wynekoop's office.
Dr. Wynekoop in a signed confes-
sion stated that she believed Rheta
was dead from chloroform, adminis-
tered to relieve pain, when, in fear
of blame for Rheta's asphyxiation,
she seized her pistol and fired the
bullet to give a semblance of murder
by robbers.

Only Upperclass Women Are
Considered For Blagdon Loan'

,ecution on the ileld.
Donaldson stated that, as has b
stomary this year, T. Hawley T
ng, general secretary of the Alu
ssociation, will be stationed in
ess-box at the stadium to a
.e telegraph operator in descrit
.e plays and relay information
ecial interest on to local fans.
As an additional feature, there
two announcers placed in the b
om who will explain trick plays
tails of the game which can no
early demonstrated on the grE
:ey will be assisted by a systemn


Jones Tells Of European Trip;
'English Are Polite,' He Says

it "The Eng
1 of polite and
whom I hav
wilProf. Howar
will EngiH
all- nglish dep
and terview. Pi
t be past year in
aph. ropean cour
n of a work whi
be ably on th(
the trip. With
will daughter, h

,lish are truly the most Professor and Mrs. Jones carried on
charming people with research work, in connection with
ie come in contact," said the life of Tom Moore, famous Irish
rd minford Jones of the lyric poet, on which subject Profes-
artenrt in arecent in sor Jones is now writing.
faer Jnes spcent the "I especially enjoyed being in Ire-
rofessor Jones spent the land," he 'commented. "The Irish,
ZEngland and other Eu- even in the city of Dublin, still hold
ntries doing research for on to many rural characteristics. The
Jonhes somentedpubaioh.political situation there is also ex-
Jones commented favor- tremely interesting."-
e greater portion of his Commenting on the relation be-
Mrs. Jones and their tween the Irish and the English, Pro-
Le left the University in fessor Jones said that a goodly num-

With the first semester well ad-
vanced, many students are turning
their thoughts to the problem of
financing the second semester. Of
particular interest to junior and sen-
ior women on campus is the Charlotte
Blagdon Loan Fund, sponsored by
Women's League, and under the care
of the University Loan Fund Com-
mittee. Applications and recom-
mendations are now being considered,
and those considering themselves
eligible are urged to get in touch with
members of the League Board or
of the Women's Athletic Association.
Loans from the Fund are limited
to $200 and are subject to the fol-

The scholarship fund is main-
tained by contributions given by
classmates and friends of Charlotte
Alice Blagdon, '25, and was started
to symbolize to future Michigan
women ideal womanhood as embodied'
in Miss Blagdon. Charlotte Blagdon
was active in almost every phase of
campus life. During her years on the
Michigan campus, she was President
of Portia Literary Society, President
of the Women's League, a member
of the Oratorical Board, and Manager
of the Girls' Glee Club. She was also
a member of Sigma Delta Phi, Phi
Beta Kappa, Mortar Board, Wyvern,

ee of 25c will
he expenses of
)a1rnnm ioors



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