help clarify the changes taking place in the
Any upper classman will tell you that the
personality of a teacher is of tremendous im-
portance in determining how much is to be got-
ten from a course. The most striking thing
about the Sunday morning programs at the
League is the exceptional ability and outstand-
ing personalities of the men who arehtodlead
them. In each is embodied to a high degree
the rare combination that enables a professor to
achieve both the esteem of his colleagues and
popularity with his students. As a group, they
are fine speakers and clear thinkers, and the
presence of their names i a guarantee that the
coming colloquies will bear no traces of tepidity.
The discussions will fall into four divisions.
During the first month the subject will be "This
Changing World," and will be introduced next
Sunday by Prof. R. D. McKenzie, chairman of
the sociology department.
Professor Preston W. Slosson, of the history
department, will present the following month's
topic November 5. It is to be "Religion in this
Changing World."
The third month's subject, "Personality in This
Changing World," will be introduced December
3, by Dr. Bennett Weaver, of the English depart-
An exposition of the final topic, "Relations
with God in This Changing World," will be given
by Prof. Leroy Waterman, head of the depart-
ment of Oriental languages and literatures, Jan-
uary 8.
The first meeting of the freshmen interested
took place last Sunday. Subsequent meetings
will be held each Sunday from 1 until 10:30, the
first one of each month to be addressed by one
of the faculty members mentioned above, the
remainder to be devoted to discussion in groups
of about twenty lead by three or four upper-
classmen prepared through the week by the same
faculty -man. The discussion and addresses will
begin at 9:30, enabling anyone to attend who
may not care to-breakfast at the League.
The meeting last Sunday, it might be remarked
in'passing, was graced by one of the best speeches
which in our opinion and the opinion of many
others President Ruthven has ever made.
Screen Reflections
Two billings which concern themselves with
pressing contemporary problems are scheduled
for release at the Majestic Theatre today in the
shape of a double feature program. The two
pictures are "Sign of the Eagle," with Charles
Bickford, Richard Arlen, and Mary Brian - a
drama of 3.2 beer and its struggle against the
hard boys who have been selling higher per-
centages since 1920, and 'Afraid To Talk," a
portrayal of corrupt municipal office holders and
an underworld trial.
"Sign of the Eagle" recounts the adventures
of Nails Anderson (Charles Bickford), old-time
truck driver for a brewing company who prospers
in the bootlegging business while the son of his
old employer, Bill Hoffman (Richard Arlen), is
struggling against poverty with his wife Elsa
(Mary Brian). But finally, after a 14 year lapse,
Bill is able to take advantage of Rooseveltian
beer, start up his old brewery on a legal basis,
and enter into competition with other 3.2 sellers
and the gangster Nails. Bombings, machine-
gunnery, muscle men, and a vengeful mother
all figure in the rising action and conclusion.
An answer to many pertinent questions Ameri-
can citizens are asking and sometimes not re-
ceiving about rule by municipal political parties
is reputed to be contained in Universal's "Afraid
to Talk." Screened from the drama "Merry-Go-
Round," it presents a group of office holders un-
der the dictates of a party czar, who find them-
selves forced by an outraged press and a touchy
public to gain a conviction for an underworld
murder. Since an important election is at hand,
the bosses figure it might be a good thing to do
something about the matter. They are suddenly
balked, however, when the gangster-murderer
produces evidence which will unveil the activities
of the far from lily-white officeholders.
The party men retaliate by locating a "fall
guy," portrayed by long-haired, youthful Eric
Linden. Sidney Fox is cast as his wife, Tully
Marshall is the D.A., Louis Calhern his assistant,
Mayo Methot the traitor underworld queen, and
Edward Arnold tops off the assembly as the un--
derworld head man. - G. M. W., Jr.
.Editorial Comment
THE other day former Michigamua President
McKay, accompanied by B.M.O.C. Bursle,
and our Tom Powers, campus Gargoyle, borrowed
new Press Building Ghost Vedder's car, found it
out of gas. To get down town they generously
contributed a cent apiece to buy a quart of gaso-
line. Completing the round trip, McKay mom-
plained, feeling that a pint would have suffied..
Leon Groppet, campus agitator who was
boced down last week by freshmen in front
of Hill Auditorium, had a letter which he
wanted in the Campus Opinion column of
The Daily. To be sure of its publication he
took it to Prof. Louis A. Strauss, chairman of
the Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions. The letter said in part, "Christ, why
did they they have to raise tuition now, of
all times." Professor Strauss read it, looked
up, "Who," he said, "do you think you are,
Ernest Hemingway?"
LAW Professor Waite said to his class recently,
"Rumors are very insidious things on this
campus. You will all hear at some time or other
that either Dean Bates or myself (and it gen-
erally rotates from one to another as the years
go on) was forced to give up the practice of law
as a. profession because once in the heat of a
trial I (or Dean Bates) picked up an ink bottle
and hurled it at the judge. I assureyou that I
have never thrown a bottle of ink at anyone."
Leaving it up to the Dean.
* * * *
Ownie Crumpacker was looking for a good
two hour course. Someone suggested French
113b so he wrote it down. Imagine his em-
barrassment on arriving in class to find that
not only had he had the same professor last
spring but also French 113b.
IT SEEMS that the freshmen, as, usual, are
gravitating toward the Rhetoric Library to get
a line on the big shots among the fair sex on
the campus. The real disappointments comes
when the yearling finds that the girl being ogled
is no bigger a shot on campus than he. It is
a vicious cycle.
- * * * *
THE Polly Sigh department is going in heavily
for economy. Professor Pollock of Poli. Sci 5
suggested that the students, to avoid the undue,
expense of buying several books, chip in with
two-fifty each, all use the books, give them to the
General Library at the end of the semester.
That new college at Bennington, Vt., is
an attractive .place. When we stopped there
the other day Fletcher Wardwell, Grosse
Pointe sub-deb, sent her love to Keko Burs-
ley, president of the Undergraduate (if you
please!) Council and Jean Moore, another
Grosse Pointer, sent hers to Wally ("Ensian")
THE freshmen this year are running true to
form. On the freshman examinations in Hill
Auditorium one of them said a brigantine was
a kind of ointment, another said an uncivil man
was a man without a country, while a third
called a centenarian a Roman army officer.
Mainy, Off ices
Move Into Old
Dr. Ruthven Takes Rooms
In Angell Hall; History
Department Changes
With the moving of the Law
School of the University into the
recently-completed Hutchins Hall,
various units and departments have
been moved from other campus
structures into the space in the old
Law Building formerly occupied by
the law classrooms and faculty of-
The history department, formerly
located on the first floor of Angell
Hall, is now situated on the first
floor of the south wing of the old
Law Building. The office of Prof.
Arthur E. Boak, head of the depart-E
ment, is now in the room formerly
used for meetings of the Board of
Extension Division Moves
The Extension Division, once sit-
uated in University Hall, has been
moved to the first floor on the
north side of the old legal building.
The journalism department, on the
fourth floor of the West Medical
Building, now occupies the second
floor of the north wing of the Law
Building. The sociology department
has some offices on. the first floor,
and also utilizes the greater portion
of the third floor. This department
was located in the Economics Build-'
ing, near the center of the campus.
The bureau of government, which1
for some time has oeen in the Law
Building, will retain the same offices
on the first floor. The economics de-
partment will utilize the space in the
Economics Building which has been
vacated by the department of soci-
New Study Room
A portion of the psychology de-
partment has taken the space va-
cated by the journalism department
on the fourth floor of the West Med-
ical Building. Although complete li-
brary facilities have not as yet been
provided there, the large library
room, on the second floor of the old
Law Building, has been made into a
study room.
The offices of the president, which
have been situated on the first floor
of University Hall, have been moved
to the first floor of Angell Hall, in
the space formerly occupied by the
history department, to the right side
of the main entrance.
Fraternities and Sororities
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Gould Will Lecture On
Art Institute Sciedule
Laurence M. Gould, former -pro-
fessor of geology here and a Mich-
igan graduate, has been selected :as
a featured speaker on the world ad-
venture lecture series sponsored by
the Detroit Institute of- Arts, His
topic will be "With Byrd at the Bot-
tom of the World."
The program of international
celebrities speaking on exploration.
science, travel, and the arts, includes
such authorities in their respective
fields as Roy Chapman Andrews,
Count Von. Luckner,' Dr. William
Beebe, and Lowell Thomas.
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THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY exchanges blackened
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Beginning October 1, 1933, we request every customer who
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ceipted electric bill as his identification.
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A few of the older institutions, such as Prince-
ton, prohibit fraternities anc others, such as
Harvard, give them no encouragement. Many
denominational colleges bar them. So do most
of the new experimental institutions like Reed
and Antioch. The rest of the cQlleges and uni-
versities in America admit them gladly, indiffer-
ently, or with thinly veiled hostility.
These articles intend only a moderate point. A
fraternity may harm a talented boy by standard-
izing him. It may help a boy who is stupid or
shy. For the rest, there is little effect one way
or another. Let us have no pretensions to any-
thing ,greater.
It is arrant nonsense to criticize fraternities as
"rotten to the innermost core," as one critic does,
or as "the most representative, most truly demo-
cratic social system in any American college."
They are neither. If fraternities had been wholly
bad, they would never have survived as long as
they have, Here at Californiatthey help to solve
the housing problem. They satisfy a natural
desire on the part of the undergraduate 'to
be one apart," to participate in' secret or semi-
secret activities which allow him the distinction
of being called "Brother."
On the other hand, that they are neither repre-
sentative nor democratic has been illustrated by
system." There are good houses and bad and a
chapter which is nothing short of a "dive" one
semester may, through the influence of one or
two intelligent members, attain a high standard
the next. Some chapters here at the University
encourage idleness, dishonesty, and even drunk-
enness, while others can boast in their rosters a
fine group of students.
There is one thing to say, however, and it is
illustrated by an incident that happened recently.
A large group of people went around to fraternity
houses selling A. S. U. C. cards. In many houses
the salesmen were almost insulted, the house
presidents making light of the whole affair and
exemplifying the mock, empty-headed aloofness
which some fraternity men assume.
Most fraternities are in a bad way financially.
Many of them are also "on the spot" in light
of the characters of their members. If there is
not a general clean-up soon, with a definite regu-
lation .of rushing and a stricter qualification set-
up, Greek letter societies may find themselves
in from the outside which they have scorned for
so many years.
Fraternities have bred the campus political
phenomenon known as the "caucus," as unfair
and tricky a bit of political dealing as 4ny,
smooth vote-getter could want. As manipulated
here, the caucus is nothing less than a machine
for gravy-dishing, and it should be stamped out.
Fraternity men show a tendency to hang 'to-
gether in positions where such a spirit is not
honest. A certiain "Big House" on this campus
has had the unusual record of never going a year
wfthout a senior managership position to its
Such antics, reflecting on the University as ,
whole, are sophomoric and disgusting. But, they
are also eradicable, and in that hope lies the
way for a sane student life at the University.
-(Daily Californian, University of California)
Again the much-discussed subject of initiation
is brought to our attention in the Acadia Athe-
naeum. The article says that we are but weak-
minded prototypes of our pre-historic ancestors
if we allow paddling with barrel staves, duckings
in cold water, fights and so on to remain as
forms of initiation. We are told that our col-
leges are founded upon British models, but in
the Old Country there is no place for initiation.
In the British colleges freshmen are treated as
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