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November 23, 1933 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-23

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Women's Glee
Club To Open
1933-34 Series
Formal Song Recital Will
Include Contemporary,
Carol, Classic Groups
Officially inaugurating their 1933-
34 season, members of the University
Women's Glee Club will present their
initial concert,, a formal recital of
songs, Dec. 6. The concert will be
closed, it is planned, admission to be
by invitation only.
Three main groups of numbers are
planned: a group of classics one of
songs of contemporary composers.
The complete program will be an-
nounced next week. An instrumental
trio composed of Miss Ruth Pfohl of
the School of Music, Romine Ham-
ilton, SM, and Ruby,Peinert, '34SM,
will play at the same time .
Prof. Earl V. Moore, musical di-
rector of the School of Music, and
Prof. Palmer Christian of the music
school, are sponsors of the Glee Club,
together with Dean Alice C. Lloyd,
Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher, and Miss Ethel
Margaret Martindale, '34M, is
student conductor of the group, and
Helen Gray, '34, is librarian in charge
of the club collection of compositions
which has recently been started as
a part of the organization's expan-
sion program.
Co-ordination And
Training Requisite
For Hockey Ptyer
"Anyone with a sense of co-ordi-
nation who is willing to train can
become a skillful hockey player" ac-
cording to Katherine Curtis, chair-
man of the Great Lakes Section and
president of the Chicago Hockey As-
sociation. Miss Curtis, after her
graduation from the University of
Wisconsin in 1922, played fullback
on the Mid-West team. This is the
first year she has not entered com-
petition, for in the capacity of presi-
dent of the Chicago Hockey Associ-
ation she has devoted her energies to
promoting hockey interest in high
Field hockey is a thoroughly ama-
teur sport as these women play it,
travelling expenses resting with the
individual. Any woman enthusiast
may join a hockey club. Three of
these form an association these being
separated, geographically, into the
midwest, farwest or Pacific, north-
east, and southeast divisions. The
teams chosen as representatives of
the divisions meet at a national tour-
nament where a selection committee
decides on the United States and
United States Reserves hockey teams.
Last year's national hockey teams
were defeated at Copenhagen, but
continued exhibition play throughout
the British Isles with varying success.
The women picked from the ten con-
tending groups visiting in Ann Ar-
bor last week-end, represent the
Great Lakes and will strive for na-
tional honors in the finals of the
Hockey Championship at Chicago
over Thanksgiving.
Miss Curtis accounts for the East-
erner's and European's supremacy
over the Westerner in the former's
earlier start in the realm of sport.
A hockey stick is as an important
part in the life of the English girl as
her doll. Nevertheless, Miss Curtis
predicts a future in hockey for the
American women - and her frank

blue eyes, her cheering smile, and her
experience go a long way to make it
seem possible.
Faculty Dinners Given
By Two Sorority Houses
Kappa Alpha TLeta and Phi Sig-
ma Sigma entertained members of
the faculty last night at dinner.,
Kappa Alpha Theta had Prof. and
Mrs. Preston W. Slosson, Prof. and
Mrs. Morris P. Tilley, Prof. and Mrs.
Wilber R. Humphreys and Prof. and
Mrs. Burton D. Thuma at a formal
faculty dinner.
Dora Eliasohn, '34, was in charge
of an informal dinner at the Phi
Sigma Sigma house given for Dean
Alice Lloyd, Miss Jeanette Perry, Mrs.
Byrl F. Bacher, and Miss Ellen B.

Shape Of Robinson's Head Is
Key To His Theatrical Success

Lennox Robinson, director of the
Abbey Irish Theatre in Dublin, gives
credit to the shape of his head for
his theatrical start.
More than 25 years ago Dublin was
without a good theatre, and Lady
Gregory and John Millington Synge,
two young Irish writers, saw a need
for a community playhouse in the
city. The first Abbey Theatre was
conceived on the pattern of a com-
munity laboratory theatre, drawing
its actors for the most part, from
the middle laboring classes.
One day, as the two sat in the
theatre, a young man walked in to
look about. Synge liked the shape of
the man's head, and turned to Lady
Gregory. "Some day that man will
be the director of the Abbey Thea-
tre," he said.
Mr. Robinson's comedy arises out
of character and situation, with sud-
den bursts of poetry fantasy in very
prosaic situations. "His is a calcu-
lating comedy," Valentine B. Windt
of Play Production said, "that slyly

Chart At League
To Rate Activities
The new aptivities chart at the
League serves as an excellent way in
which to see how each dormitory,
sorority, and league house rates 'in
the various activities on campus. Un-
der each house is listed the number
of women in the house, the scholar-
ship, and the names of the women
participating in each activity.
The activities are classified under
the following heads: League Activi-
ties, Women's Athletic Association,
Publications, Music, Art, Theatre and
Dramatics, Class Activities, and Hon-
orary Societies. Each of these divi-
sions is again subdivided into groups
which are suitable to the organiza-
In addition, points are given for
attending the monthly League teas
and the special dancing classes which
are given in preparation for the
Junior Girls Play.
Several sororities and league hous-
es are carrying out the same idea
as embodied in the activities chart
in the League, are keeping on dis-
play a chart with the same activities
listed as those on the League chart.
Each girl's name is posted, followed
by her scholastic rating and the ac-
tivities in which she participates.
All dormitories, league and sorority
houses are urged to turn in at Miss
McCormick's office a list of the
names of all the women taking part
in the various activities and the
names of the activities in which they
are participating.
Russell T. Woodburne, Grad., spoke
to 40 members of the Graduate
Luncheon Club yesterday on his ex-
periences as a graduate student in
Germany, froin which country he
has recently returned.
The luncheon club meets every
Wednesday noon with some faculty
member or student who speaks in-

laughs up its sleeve at the audience.
His dialogue is fluent and natural."
According to Arthur Shields, man-
ager and leading actor who was here
with the company in 1929, the Play-
ers' repertory consisted of 64 plays,
which could be produced with little
rehearsing. Some of the actors, he
said, had played the same part for
18 years.
"The Round Table," Play Produc-
tion's forthcoming production which
will open Friday night in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, has never be-
fore been presented in America. "Is
Life Worth Living?" the latest of
Robinson's plays, opened recently at
the Masque Theatre in New York.
Stunt ight Is
Marked By Skit,
Song, And Dance
"Stunt Night" again gave campus
talent a chance last night at the
League. This time there were one or
two newcomers to campus programs,
with a few of the ones who have al-
ready established their popularity.
Barbara Morgan was one of the
newcomers. She is a transfer from
Vassar, this being her first year on
the campus. Her part in the per-
formance was a skit entitled, "Mar-
gie's Girl Friend," a slangy bit about
the dumb friend of a dumber girl
Billie Griffiths, prominent in cam-
pus dramatics, sang two numbers in
her pleasantly low voice, one "The
Day You Came Along," and the
other, "Lazy Bones."
The chairman of the dance in the
new Junior Girls Play was next to
show her skill. She is Marie Heid,
'35, who did a tap number to the
tune of "Dinah."
Tom Stacey, a member of the or-
chestra, added a unique performance
to the program by playing a piano
number, "Washington a n d L e e
Swing," with his back to the piano.
Suggestions for future programs
were requested by the master of cere-
monies, who explained that the offer
was open to all campus talent. The
object of the occasion is not only to
promote a spirit of friendliness
among the guests as amateur nights
traditionally do but to bring out new
campus entertainers, he explained.
Al Cowan's orchestra played for
dancing. "Stunt Night" will be held
again next Wednesday in the Grill
The Applied Education department
of the Ann Arbor Women's Club will
meet at 2:30 p. m. today in the
League. Prof. Walter L. Badger of
the chemical engineering department
will be the guest speaker.
A group of 580 Oberlin College stu-
dents have formed the Oberlin Pub-
lic Affairs Society, the purpose of
which will be to consider a wide
range of problems, the basic one
being the economic replanning of


Velvet Dress Suit
.Displays NewMode
In Winter Fabrics
In case you're wondering about it,
the suit is quite as good for winter
wear as it was during the early fall
months. In fact, the winter suit is
seen in even greater varieties of
styles, plain and fur-trimmed, with
short or three-quarters coatsband in
various modes which may be worn
for an infinite number of occasions.
The suit which has caused the
greatest interest at the present mo-
ment is the dressy suit of cut or un-
cut velvet, heavy crepe, or very sheer
wool. Such a suit is worn with a
blouse of handkerchief linen, satin,
or, and this is the most popular, me-
tallic cloth. It is seldom so cum-
bersome that it cannot be worn un-
der your long fur coat on the very
coldest days, though often it has its
own heavy, fur-trimmed coat.
One of the most striking models
seen recently was made with an as-
trakhan trimmed jacket and worn
with a very tip-tilted little hat of the
same fur. The muff, and, you just
must have a muff, was of astrakhan,
too, and finished off with wide moire
ruffles which fell over dainty wrists
encased of course in moire gloves.

Mosher Hall Entertains
26 At Birthday Dinner
Mosher Hall feted 26 women whose
birthdays fall in November at a
birthday dinner last night. The fol-
lowing girls were honored: Mary
Alice Blake, '37, Phyllis Blauman, '37,
Marian Case, '37, Mary Louise Clan-
cey, '37, Bernadine Field, '36, Jane
Fitzgerald, '37, Marian Gordan, '36,
Jean Hoffman, '37, Dorothy Howard,
'37, Helen Kern, '34, Kate Landrum,
'37, Arabelle Levenson, '36, Maxine
Levin, '35, Mary Louise McLean, '35
Annabelle Mondschein. '34, Marie
Mottashed, '37, Miriam Sauls, '36,
Alice Taylor, '35, Virginia Ulrich, '35,
Lillian Vinacow, '37, Caroline Welz,
'35, Wilma. Whiting, '37, Laura Wino-
grad, '36, Helen Giiiespie, '35, Gladys
Dinkel, '34, and Irma Bosma, Spec.
Where To Go
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Fe-
ma Whitney, "Back Page."
Stage: Majestic, "Criminal at
Dancing: League Grill Room, Den,
Hut, Dixie Inn, Joe Parker's, Preke-

Garden Section Directs
Faculty Club's Meeting
The Faculty Women's Club will
meet at 3 p. m. today in the ball-
room of the League, with the Gar-
den Section taking charge of the af-
ternoon's program. Mrs. J. R. Gree-
ley will give a talk and demonstra-
tion on the making of Christmas
decorations for use both outside and
inside the home, such as wreathes
and winter bouquets. Members of
the Garden Section will afterwards
direct the making of these decora-
Presiding at the tea tables will be
Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, Mrs.
Emil Lorch, Mrs. John L. Brumm,
Mrs. C. C. Meloche, Mrs. Bradley E.
Davis, Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, Mrs.
Ira Smith and Mrs. Wells Bennett.

Congregational Group
To Hold Social Evenir
There will be a social evening h
in the Congregational Church p
lors, 9 to 1 p. m., Friday. Enterta
ment will be dancing, bridge, a'
ping-ong. The M-Men, orches
will furnish the music. Mrs. A.
Tinker will chaperon.


Fifth Avenue Shop
300 South Main St.





College S hop
A TIE for street and classroom wear - it's of
brown "Mandrucca" --a soft pliable leather
that gives exceptional wear and the utmost in
comfort--All-leather heel at $7.50
Black Tynet-is another leather of equal con-
fort and wear - a tie style of fine fitting last-
All-leather heel at $7.50


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713 South University

Telephone 4171

East Liberty at Maynard
Gratify Your Love
of Luxury With New

Lounging Pajamas

. . . .

Feel like a queen ... they're all such grand affairs
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a joy! You'll adore the fabrics . . . you'll glory
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Back to the pre-war period!
That's the last word from(
Paris. Back to the Elegant
Formality of days when la-
dies dressed the part. Since
it's smart to dress up again
we've gathered a collection
of dressy clothes for after-
noon and evening that will
be an inspiration to obey
the Paris command-
695to $4 .75
Main Floor
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Smart Styles at


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Mos, of these dresses are woolen
ones and just grand for class-
room and street wear - indi-
vidually :elect styles - many




just recently unpacked.
colors and dark tones.


Now's a splendid time to add a
dress or two to your wardrobe
without raking much of a den
in your allowance. These are
dresses which were originally
prI:d at 15.00 to $19.50-
Sow Red z-ced for this pre-holi-

New Permanent Charrn
is YOURS ... with the

Combination Spiral
and Croquignole Ends
Also Eugene Waves

day sale, at $10.00 each,

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