I The Weather Cloudy and somewhat colder today with northwest winds. Llg~ A6F Ali\ I TgWW4t t i I I --Rqollmpr I VlT.T YT.TWUV'1.. C I YV .L,. LIZV £NO. 5Z ANN ARBOR., MICHIGAN, 'THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1933 ANNARBR, ICHGAN TURSAY.NOVMBE . _1933. PHJU.. FIVE CEkNTS Opponents Of New Deal Hit B Rooseveli Radio Speech From Warn Springs Stresses Actioi Against Foes Of Natioi No Declaration On Monetary Progran President Ignores Public Attack On His Policy B Former Special Advisoi WARM SPRINGS, Ga., Nov. 22.- -- (P) - President Roosevelt calle the nation tonight to war agains those who are "obstinate, powerfu and intolerant of the things we figh for today." Speaking over the air in participat ing in the Maryland tercentenary celebration, the President made n reference to current issues, nor to the critics of his gold program, as he stated: "May we in our own fights for things which we know to be right fight as ably and as successfully as he (Lord Baltimore) did some 300 year ago. For we have our own fights tc wage, not against the same foe he beat down, but against other foes jusi as obstinate and just as powerful and just asrintolerant of the things we fight for today." While his chief lieutenants fired back today to criticism of his gold monetary program, the President continued silence, and arranged for a talk later in the week with acting Secretary Morgenthau to push ahead the dollar revaluation plans. There were some who read into the fighting words of the President a ref- erence to the attack on his monetary program, but he made no direct dec- laration today of this issue. Mr. Morgenthau is coming here Friday or Saturday for a conference on what was described today at the "little White House" as "things in general" and nothing specific. Ignoring the public attack on his monetary plan by the resigning 0. M. W. Sprague, former special adviser to the treasury, Mr. Roosevelt appears to be going straight ahead. Alpha Nu Debates On Rail Ownership Stating as their main argument that the present inefficiency of rail- road operations was due to labor troubles, excessive competition, and speculation, members of the affirma- tive team won a debate last night be- fore Alpha Nu society on the ques- tion, "Resolved: That the Federal Government Should Own and Oper- ate the Railroads of the United States." '. Both teams were composed of Alpha Nu pledges, the affirmative team being Paul von Bergen, '37, and Frank Aldrich, '37, and the negative team being Carl Nelson, '37, and Ar- thur Marlow, '36. The negative side of the debate hinged on the issue of corruption under Federal control. This side con- tended that under bureaucratic con- trol corruption would be a certain re- sult. Chairman of the debate was Lee Walker, '34, president of Alpha Nu. Condition Of Cooley Is Much Inproved DETROIT, Nov. 22- ( M ;rti- mer E. Cooley, 78 years old, former dean of the engineering college at the University of Michigan, who was struck down by an automobile as he crossed a street here Tuesday, is ex- pected to leave the hospital within a few days. Dean Cooley was struck by a car driven by William P. Ritchie, 23 years old, as he stepped from a curb into, a busy downtown street. He suffered a slight brain concussion. At the time of the accident Dean Cooley, recently named Michigan en- gineer for the Federal P u b 1i c Works Administration, was engaged in preparing reports on the proposed Detroit subway and the international bridge at Port Huron. Long experi- ence in the realm of public utilities appraisals has made him an inter- national authority in the field. + I Is He Intolerant? Picard Hopes Michigan May Be First State WithLegal Liquor NEW YORK, Nov. 22-(P) - A hope that Michigan will be the first state in the Union in which legal liquor is sold was expressed today by Chairman Frank A. Picard, of the Michigan Liquor Control Commis- sion, as he prepared to appeal to the Federal Government for a lifting of the embargo on intoxicants. He will confer tomorrow in Wash- ington with Dr. James M. Doran, Commissioner of Industrial Alcohol, in an attempt: 1 - "To learn whether, in the event the MichiganLegislature ap- proves a plan for State sale of in- toxicants, the United States will lift the embargo to permit Michigan to order and transport liquor to a bonded warehouse of the Federal Government in Detroit." 2 - "If that fails, to learn whether the embargo will be modified so that the State, probably through a whole- sale concern, can order not more than three bottles of each brand for sampling and testing purposes." The object of the appeal to the Federal Government, Picard said, is to enable Michigan to "start stock- ing its stores and be ready to go at the earliest possible moment." Picard, with William F. Nagel, the managing director of the Commis- sion, and William G. Lewis, secre- tary, has been here several days con- ferring with distillers and distribu- tors' representatives. He said that he had obtained prices on fully three- quarters of the "internationally known lines." In the event the State Sale Plan goes through, he said, Michigan will be able to buy cheaper than whole- salers and sell much cheaper than retailers. "We will be able to drive out the bootlegger," he said, "by selling at a low price the best available quality." Frank Picard, Who will appeal to Washington for a lifting of the em- bargo on intoxicants today, recently spoke on the liquor question in Mich- igan at a Union; Forum. At that time he expressed the opinion that a number of "moonshine" bootleg- gers in the upper sections of the State would be able to undersell the1 distributors of government liquor un- less the government's prices were put sufficiently low-. -associated Press Photo Dr. O. M. W. Sprague, special fi- nancial advisor to the treasury, re- signed in protest against the Roose- velt monetary policy, saying the na- tion was threatened with a complete collapse of governmental credit. 'To Hold Dinner r Next Week For 300 Foreigners Various Organizations To Give Thanksgiving Meal For Students Wednesday Foreign students of the University will meet for Thanksgiving dinner in the Union on Wednesday, Nov. 29, the affair having been made possible through the co-operation of the Uni- versity, the Union, the League, the Student Christian Association, the Rotary Club, and the student groups of the various churches. Thanksgiv- ing dinner has been chosen as the most representative American custom and therefore best suited to express a common interest in international good will. Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, the William W. Cook professor of American Insti- tutions, whose distinguished services on numerous international confer- ences make him particularly authori- tative in his field, will be the speaker at the affair. Invitations to the dinner have been extended to approximately 300 stu- dents, including in that number, not only all the foreign students but also those students who are in residence here but were born in foreign coun- tries. The International Directory will be distributed for the first time then, according to Mr. J. Raleigh Nelson, counsellor to foreign students. The directory, which has been completed after considerable work on the part of the foreign student office, will in- clude the names and birthplaces of all students born in foreign countries. A copy of the directory will be given to each guest. To receive the guests, a committee' of the deans and their wives, all of the student pastors, and a represen- tative from the student body of each church will act as hosts and hos- tesses. This same committee will act as hosts for tables of six people. "Color should be the note of the dinner," Mr. Nelson said, "since many of .the foreign students will lend a cosmopolitan atmosphere to a purely American custom, by wearing the for- mal dress of their countries." Decora- tions, carried out in fruits and vege- tables, will be appropriate to the sea- son. The University Glee Club will contribute several numbers to the program. sufficiently low. Says Silver May Restored To Be 'Glory' WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. - (/P) -A prediction that President Roosevelt would move to restore silver to monetary glory before Congress convenes on Jan. 3 came today from Sen. Key Pittman, (Dem., Nev.) 1 Pittman disclosed in a cable to ' Sir George Schuster, at New- Delhi, India, his belief that President Roosevelt would aid silver. "We deeply appreciate India's action relative to silver agree- ment," Pittman cabled. "The President has under con- sideration action before Congress - meets. Congress will undoubtedly carry out the agreement." Plans r Sixth Annual Drama Festival Made Plans for the sixth Ann Arbor Dramatic Festival next spring got under way when the Civic Committee met with Robert Henderson yester- day afternoon in the Union. Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of the English department was elected vice-chairman of the Festival com- mittee for the second semester in the absence of Prof. O. J. Campbell, present chairman, who will be in California. Steps were also taken to make the Festival committee an in- corporate body. The committee includes Professor Campbell, Dean Joseph A. Bursley, as treasurer; Professor Jones, Daniel L. Quirk, Jr., of Ypsilanti, Mrs. Guy Maier, Mrs. Marion Hutchins, Prof. James O'Neil, Neil Staebler, and Mrs. A. C. Furstenburg. Mr. Henderson announced that the 1934 Spring Dramatic Festival would be brought to Ann Arbor direct from a six week's season, opening Easter Sunday in Milwaukee, under the local management of Margaret Rice. By combining the Milwaukee and Ann Arbor engagements, it is expected that especially distinguished artists can be secured, he said. Final contracts were signed several days ago to present the Dramatic Festival at the Tremont Theatre in Boston, opening Christmas night. Large Crowd Hears Vienna Singing Boys Choral Union Attraction Is Encored Eight Times In Varied Program Encored eight times by an en- thusiastic, over-capacity audience, the Wiener Saengerknaben (Singing Boys of Vienna) presented a program of German folk .songs, sacred num- bers, and a short comic opera on the Choral Union Concert Series last night at Hill Auditorium. Under the direction of Hans von Urbanek, and accompanied on their tour of the United 'tates by Rector Josef Schnitt, their dean, these boys, ranging in age from 8 to 15 years, represented an organization founded in Austria in 1498 by an imperial de- cree of Emperor Maximilian I. Their program consisted of three groups of sacred songs depicting the progress of the holy year through the various seasons; a short comic opera, "Wedding by Lantern-light," by Jean Jacques Offenbach, composer of "Tales of Hoffman;" and four short German folk songs. This choir is recruited from the lower social classes of Austria, and is made up of foundlings and boys from over-large families. They are quartered in a wing of the Imperial Palace in Vienna, and remain there until ready to take their places in life. In this, their first foreign concert tour, they have appeared in Constitu- tion Hall in Washington; the George M. Cohan Theatre in New York City, and in Baltimore, where they were accorded enthusiastic receptions com- parable to the one given them last night here. The next program on the Choral Union Series will be that of the Cin- cinnati Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Eugene Goosens, and will occur Dec. 5. Grid-Graph To Portray N. U. Game Saturday In expectation of a large attend- ance, Union officials are making preparations for accommodating 700 at the third and final appearance of the new Grid-Graph Saturday after- noon in the ballroom, when football fans will be given a graphic demon- stration of the play-by-play account of the battle between Michigan and Northwestern at Dyche Stadium, Evanston, Ill. By means of a direct telegraph wire running between Ann Arbor and the press-box at the stadium, a de- scription of each play will be relayed to the Union, where it will be flashed on the huge board within a few sec- onds of its execution on the field. T. Hawley Tapping, general-secre- tary of the Alumni Association, will assist the telegraph operator in the stadium and in addition will furnish Legislature 0f State Debates LiquorCurb Council F a v o r s Package Sale T h r o u g h Stores Distributors Predict Adoption In House By Saturday Expect Measure Will Face Opposition In Senate; May Be Redrafted LANSING, Nov. 22. - (P) - Liquoi control to end 16 years of State Pro- hibition was placed at the top of thE docket as the Legislature convened today in special session. A bill drafted by the Legislative Council proposing package sale through State stores and designated distributors without private profit was rushed into the House with ad- ministration approval. Referred at once to the liquor traffic committee, leaders hoped to bring it out for floor consideration Thursday afternoon. Admitting it would be subject to at- tack, members of the council never- theless predicted its adoption by the House by Friday or Saturday. Dissension closed in on the measure from many quarters. Its major test was expected to come in the Senate. In the meantime, interests claiming to be adversely affected by the bill, backed by powerful lobbies, were pre- paring to fight. It was understood measures had been prepared by hotel and druggists' groups, in the hope they could be substituted for the legislative council's proposal. One would allow hotels to sell package as well as glass liquor at a profit. The other provided for sales for profit by drug stores. Wide differences of opinion de- veloped among members of both the Senate and the House. Sen. A. J. Wilkowski (Dem., Detroit,) chairman f the Senate Prohibition Committee, indicated he is ready to demand a virtual redrafting of the measure. In the House some members levelled attacks at clauses which let only cities and villages,byaction of their governing bodies, have drinks by the glass. Rep. Ate Dykstra, (Rep., Grand Rapids), heretofore one of the dryest of the dry legislators, favored an amendment to allow sales by the glass in cities of 100,000 population without action by the council. This provision, which would affect only Detroit, Grand Rapids, and Flint, was In the original draft of the legis- lative council's control bill. It was stricken out when it was decided it would be more equitable to treat all ities and villages alike by letting overning bodies make their decision, ubject to a local referendum. Another change was suggested to :nake the bill wetter. It provided for >tarting all cities and villages off with ales by the glass with a referendum equired to halt them. A tentative )oll of the house was undertaken by Rep. William M. Donnelly, (Dem., Detroit, a member of the council, to fudge the reception such an amend- nent would meet. He said he found 3omparatively little demand for the hange. i GRAND RAPIDS, Nov. 22. - (R) - Michigan struck another major blow at unemployment W e d n e s d a y. Throughout the State thousands of names were being transferred from charity rolls to the employment lists of the Civil Works Administration program, as more counties launched programs of work relief. Two Western Michigan counties, Mecosta and Newago, approved large highways programs that will employ hundreds of men, and Kent County, largest on the western side of the State, progressed toward completion of its program. Meanwhile word from Lansing was awaited to send a score of road crews out on the State's highways to earn their first real wages in months. N. W. Paquette, resident engineer for the State Highway Department, said that the word would come from Mur- ray D. Van Wagoner, State highway commissioner. The Mecosta and Newago County programs approved Tuesday will pro- vide 285,885 man hours of labor, 116,- 186 in Mecosta and 169,696 in Ne- wago. Kent County, after a full day's deliberation, had approved highway projects that would provide 600 men with work for 40 days, but still did not have a complete program ready to present. Effects of the CWA program were felt throughout the State. In Ot- tawa County 100 men were at work, building a City Hall in Grand Haven and completing smaller projects. Barry County planned to send 400 men into the work lines Wednesday morning, and Allegan County had jobs for 400 men, while Wexford hoped to produce work for 3,000. McGrady Cancels Local Engagement Ruthven, Sharfman, Fisher Will Address Delegates At Banquet Session The possibility that William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, may appear tonight before Labor Institute delegates in the open- ing session of the conference was voiced last night by Spencer Miller, Jr., of New York, secretary of the Worker's Education Bureau, in a tele- phone conversation with Dr. C. A. Fisher of the Extension Division. It had been planned to present As- sistant Secretary of Labor Edward F. McGrady as the leading speaker tonight, but Dr. Fisher yesterday re- ceived advices from Washington which said that McGrady had been called to Warm Springs, Ga.,,for a conference with President Roosevelt. Dr. Fisher immediately called Mil- ler in New York City and received his promise to try to induce Green to appear. Miller went into confer- ence with Matthew Woll, vice-pres- ident of the Federation, inaneffort to secure Green's acceptance. Dr. Fisher also wired Madame Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, asking that she send some represen- tative of the department to speak at the convention here. Late last night he had received no definite information from either Madame Perkins or Green, but he stated that possibly someone high in labor circles or in the Labor Depart- ment might appear. In planning .,the Institute, Dr. Fisher asked a month ago if Mr. Green would consent to speak. At that time the latter was forced to refuse because of other engagements, making it dubious whether he will ac- cept this later invitation. The program for the initial ses- sion tonight had called for Mr. Mc- Grady to speak on "Labor and the NRA" following a banquet at 6:30 p. m. in the Union. Four University men are also listed to speak, with Prof. Max Handman of the depart- ment of economics acting as toast- master. President Alexander G. Ruthven is to give the opening address, welcom- ing delegates on behalf of the Uni- versity. Following him will come Dr. Fisher, who is in general charge of arrangements. Representing the department of economics, Prof. I. L. Sharfman will present the economist's views on the general subject of labor in relation to recent recovery acts. Then will come the feature speaker of the night, un- determined at present. This is the second institute of this type to be sponsored by the Extension Division. It will attempt to present "a fair and unbiased account of what the National Recovery program im- plies, not having the intention of for- mulating any pre-conceived plan for or against any method of procedure but simply trying to find out through study and discussion, what, for Amer- ican labor, is the significance of the governmental activities of the past six months." Settle May Try To Reach Even Higher Altitude WASHINGTON, Nov. 22.--(P)-- A new balloon flight into still greater heights of 'the stratosphere is re- garded as a possibility by Lieut. Com- mander T. G. W. Settle, who with Maj. Chester L. Fordney of the ma- rine corps this week reached an alti- tude of about 58,000 feet. As he made ready tonight to return to Akron, O., from where he and Fordney started their venture, Settle predicted that man in the future might readily soar as much as 15 miles into the upper regions of space. Whether the two men broke the world's altitude record will be deter- mined by the bureau of standards The Singing Boys Of Vienna-A Gang Of Kids Who Love Candy Soviet Aviation Workers Die In Crash Of Girantic New Airliner MOSCOW, Nov. 22. - (R)-- The death of 14 Soviet aviation workers in a crash of the newly commissioned airliner K7, the largest land plane in the world, was announced today. The accident occurred Tuesday while the giant craft, a six-motored monoplane designed to carry 128 per- sons, apparently was making a trial run from Kharkov. Among those killed were the chief pilot, the manager of the assembly branch of the Kharkov Factory, en- gine constructors, workers in the aviation plant, mechanics, and the Communist secretary at the factory. A commission was named to inves-' tigate the cause of the disaster and to fix responsibility. air accident in Russia in the past few months. Eight executives of the avia- tion industry were killed Sept. 5 in a crash at Podolsk. Among them were three of Russia's leading aviation fig- ures. The K7 had made 20 test flights and news of the catastrophe brought out how, on its initial ascension Aug. 21, 40 workers in the Kharkov plant stowed away in it in order to have the honor of being the first pas- sengers. Their presence was not discovered until the great ship alighted, when all the stowaways scurried out. Be- cause of their great enthusiasm for the steel giant they were not pun- ished. By W. STODDARD WHITE "st Ann Arbor gross?" "Ist's so gross wie Detroit?" "Sind Sie in Wien gewesen?" "Auf Englisch, wie heisst das?" Laughing, shoving one another, playing tricks, a group of boys marched through dark side streets of Ann Arbor last night on their way to a downtown hotel. At their head was one slightly older, curly-headed, swinging a gnarled cane. Beside him strode a priest and a dark-eyed young man, both evidently popular with the boys. Bringing up the rear was a slim, red-headed sister in nurses's uniform. But for their short blue coats and be-ribboned sailor caps and the fact that they spoke not a word of Eng- lish, they might have been any group of American boys of from eight to 15 years old. But they were Austria's musical representatives in the United States, the Singing Boys of Vienna- were their friend for life. By the time you got to the hotel there was one hanging on each arm, chattering Vienna slang faster than you could keep up with them, and firing every sort of question at you. One of your most interesting im- pressions of these boys is that they are delightfully ingenuous. Far from being only politely interested in what you think of their work, they were very pleased to hear you say their concert was enchanting, and they ex- hibited a lively interest in your com- ments. Arriving at the hotel, they at once explored every corner of the ample rooms with the thoroughgoing in- quisitiveness of so many puppies, and pranced up and down the carpeted halls until the sister called, when presto! they vanished. For, appar- ently, after-concert refreshments are a pleasant feature each night, and there was much eager excitement over the large paper bags being emp-