THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, b udents Want Less Restrictions; Beer On State Street, And R. C 1.T.C. - - -- - ote To Modify Women's Hours id Auto Ban All-Campus Straw Vote YES 1. Should beer be served east of Division St.?.........2,725 Twenty-Five Cents As 'Fair' Movie Price; 2.50 For Dances estions Of War ncluded In Ballot Auto Ban NO 639 1,403 1,427 447 474 917 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Should the ban be continued as it is? ..............1,017 Should it be entirely abolished?.................... 561 Should it be modified?.......... . . ..............1,773 To permit students with degrees to drive?..........1,477 To permit all seniors to drive? .................723 To permit driving on the basis of scholastic achievement?................................... 727 983 Tillingness Is By Students For Country Expressed To Fight (Continued from Page 1) port my country in any war." Nine hundred and eleven students put a "no" after this. "I will support my country only in case my country is invaded" received the approval of 1,421 votes. No defi- nition of what was meant by "inva- sion" - whether, for instance, the sinking of an American ship with American citizens dying as a result is "invasion" - was not mentioned, and this question produced a number of difficulties because of its vagueness. One thousand one hundred and ninety-eight students said they would support their country in any war. Seven hundred and ninety-six checked the "no" after this state- ment. Physical Education Vote Close The closest vote of the entire elec- tion occurred in that perennially de- batable subject, compulsory physical education. Both men's and women's compulsory physical education was disfavored, but in each case the vote was extremely close. There were 1,- 423 favoring compulory masculine education and 1,515 against it. Equally close, 1,367 voters favored physical education of a compulsory nature for women while 1,421 were opposed."A most interesting element in this vote was the fact that fresh- men and sophomores were opposed, while juniors and seniors, who had had to take physical education, be- lievedthat it should be continued. University jurisdiction over the residences of undergraduate men stu- dents should be abolished, the voters decided in a close count, but supervi- sion of the residences of undergradu- ate women students should contin- ue, two out of every three voters said. The University should have no jur- isdiction over residences of students with degrees, 2,380 said while 469 thought some supervision should be exercised. One thousand seven hun- dred and sixty-seven opposed juris- diction over undergraduate men's residences while 1,560 favored it. The question on supervision of undergrad- uate women's residences brought a vote of 2,183 "yes" and 752 "no." Want Later Women's Hours Women's hours as they are now met with general dissatisfaction, 1,- 968 opposing them with 811 in favor. Most of those opposed to the present arrangement were for some plan of modification, but 920 said they fa- vored the complete abolition of hours for women students. Womenshould be allowedyto stay out to 11:30. p. . Sundays, 1,542 persons decided, 528 recording their opposition to this proposal. Even more" emphatic was the approval ac- corded the proposition that women be permitted to stay out to 1:30 a. m. both Fridays and Saturdays. The vote here was more than three to one, 1,719 voting affirmatively and 425 negatively. R.O.T.C. Favored Eight hundred and eighty persons were of the opinion that the Uni- versity R.O.T.C. should be abolished, but an overwhelming majority saw no objection to the present plan of voluntary participation in the unit. Consequently, the vote against abo- lition was 2,018. The highest vote in the entire elec- tion occurred with regard to the serv- Honor System 8. After considering its effectiveness, do you believe the honor system should be used?................. . ...1,623 Residence 9. Should the University have jurisdiction over resi- dences of students with degrees?................... 469 10. Should the University have jurisdiction over resi- dences of undergraduate men students?............1,560 11. Should the University have jurisdiction over resi- dences of undergraduate women students?...........2,183 Compulsory Physical Education 12. Should there be compulsory physical education for men? .........................................#...1,423 13. Should there be compulsory physical education for wom en? ...........................................1,367 R. O. T. C. 14. Should the University R.O.T.C. be abolished?....... 880 Women's Hours 15. Do you favor retaining women's hours as they now stand? . ........................................... 811 16. Do you favor the abolition of all women's hours? .....920 17. Should present rules be modified ............ .....1,462 18. Should women be allowed to stay out till 11:30 on Sundays". ........................... ...... ....'1,542 19. Should women be allowed to stay out till 1:30 on both Fridays and Saturdays? ......................1,719 20. Should women be allowed to stay out till 1:30 on Saturdays and 12:30 on Fridays?...................728 War Participation 21. I will not support my country in any war ............ 647 22. I will support my country only in case my country is invaded....... ........... .................1,421 23. I will support my country in any war ..............1,198 1,382 2,380 1,767 752 1,515 1,421 2,018 1,968 1,392 724 528 425 841 911 581 796 Lombardo Gets Orchestra Vote In Campus Poll Second Choice Goes To Hal Kemp; Many Other Bands Listed Guy Lombardo and his Royal Can- adians are going to have a busy sea- son if voters in the recent all-campus poll have anything to say about it. In fact if they have their way he will be playing at all class dances this year. His dreamy, smooth rhythms which! are heard over the radio must have had quite an effect on Michigan men and women. Exactly 523 voters elected Guy and his band as their first choice for their class dance this season. A total of 316 men and 207 women wrote his name on the ballot opposite question number 24. The orchestra of the well-known Guy not only received the largest number of total votes from the sev- eral colleges but he also received the greatest number in each of the classes individually. Juniors were most enthusiastic in their acclaim, indicating that it is not impossible' for his orchestra to be selected to play for the 1935 J-Hop, which will be held in February. Second choice of all voters was Hal Kemp's orchestra, receiving a total of 143 votes. Other bands to get a large number of votes were Isham Jones, Casa Loma, Jan Garber, Fred War- ing's Pennsylvanians, Wayne King, George Olsen, and Eddie Duchin. Ben Bernie, who played at last year's J- Hop, received only 56 votes and Rudy Vallee tallied but 12. Local orchestras named on the bal- lots, in the order of votes received, were Max Gail, the Union Band, Al Cowan, and Chubb's orchestra. Practically every leading band in the country received some votes, many of them apparently facetiously named by the students. Some senior suggested the United States Naval Band for the Senior Ball and one junior recommended that the Chicago Symphony Orchestra play at the J- Hop. Lieut. Settle Lands In 6 Delaware Bay Marshes BRIDGETON, N. J., Nov. 21-41P)7- The achievement of an American stratosphere record had no more thrils to it than the safe landing of Lieut. Commander T. G. W. Settle and Maj. C. L. Fordney, his co-pilot, who squashed to earth in the tidal marshes on the edge of Delaware Bay. After their contact with the earth and while much of south Jersey searched woods and fields they slept peacefully wrapped in the folds of the great gas bag that had carried them to new heights. They came total darkness, ^ight miles southwest of Bridgetown and perilously close to the wide ex- panse of Delaware Bay at 5:50 p. m. yesterday only to find themselves marooned by the tidal water. Males Price Asked By Students Would End First Class Movies; Hoag Say 'Bunk!' The fair theatre price as decided by University students in the cam- pus poll would make the presenta- tion of first run pictures an impos- sibility, and might necessitate the complete closing of the theatres, Jer- ry Hoag, manager of local Butter- field theatres, said last night. Mr. Hoag said the theatres were now operating at the lowest possible price which is consistent with the presentation of good pictures and a reasonable profit for the entrepren- eurs. The present price is 40 cents at night and 30 cents in the afternoon. Students indicated that they be- lieved a price of 25 cents would be fair. Almost twice as many voters considered this a more reasonable price than any other sum. Next to 25 cents, which received 1,155 votes, came 30 cents, receiving 604 votes. A large number, 374, considered 35 cents (the present average afternoon and night prices) as fair. Support- ing the present night prices were Senior Women Want More Brawny Men; Open House At Union Attracts Large Crowds, The ballroom, bowling alleys, bil- liard room, and swimming pool were packed to capacity as a crowd esti- mated at close to 3,000 students, both' men and women, thronged the Union last night for the third annual Open House. Dancing was the most popular ac- tivity. The Michigan Union Band played for a crowd of dancers that overflowed the ballroom and made it necessary to throw open the Terrace. Organized competition was spon- sored in bowling, while there were ex- hibitions of ping pong and swim- ming, and the billiards and pool tables were opened to the students at reduced prices. A team of women bowlers defeated a picked quartet of men in two out of three games by a margin of 121 points. Melvin Silverman and Robert Bonney, finalists in the campus ping pong tourney, played an exhibition match. Matt Mann's Varsity swim- ming squad competed in a series of races and demonstrated strokes. ing of beer east of Division Street. There never was any real doubt about the outcome on this question, and the vote proved to be as empha- tic as everyone thought it would be, the count showing that beer's sale in the campus area was favored by a more than four to one majority. Two thousand seven hundred and twenty- five voted "yes" and 639 "no." The honor system was approved in a close vote, 1,623 to 1,382. Favor Driving For Holders Of Degrees The all-campus balloting, which conclusively indicated that Univer- sity students are not in favor of en- tirely abolishing the existing ban on the use of automobiles, likewise dem- onstrated that the students are in favor of only one type of modifica- tion -that which would permit stu-' dents with degrees to drive cars. Even the seniors of the several col- leges were opposed to a modification which would permit fourth-year stu- dents to drive and very few were in favor of issuing permits on the basis of scholastic achievement. Students in all of the colleges rep- resented voted against the continu- ance of the ban as it now exists, but they likewise agreed on the type of change preferred. Klein At Last More life in Michigan men is the desire of senior women, if you want to interpret the compulsory physical education vote among senior women in that manner - and there really isn't any reason why you shouldn't. Women believe the men should take physical education, thus de- veloping that masculine chest, thosel forceful biceps, and that generally' robust air. Also, women are quite certain that they themselves should take compulory physical education. As for the senior men, they (or at least the majority of them) are equally positive that all the required masculine physique was developed by the time they entered college, and if it wasn't it's too late to be both- ered with. Opinions Differ On Residence Question Men students in the literary college voted against any University super- vision of men's residences - which would mean that men could live in apartment houses if they wanted to - but women students in the college I did not take kindly to the idea of complete masculine freedom. Four hundred and ninety-seven women were opposed to no University supervision of men's residences while 367 favored the plan. Two hundred and seventy men were in favor of the idea and 197 men were convinced they should be supervised., Both men and women were certain that women should live in residences under University control. Five hun- dred and forty women and 363 men believed such supervision was desir- able, while 288 women would like to try it on their own, and 109 men want to see them do it. only 114, and this number was three' smaller than those who wanted tor see the price reduced to 15 cents - the lowest amount mentioned on the ballot. Nine students believed, if the votes mean anything, that the prices were too low. Three wanted to see them raised to 45 cents and six were will- ing to pay, and thought they ought to, 50 cents. One hundred studentsa thought 20 cents a fair price. The poll indicated that 123 stu- dents considered the present average price of 35 too low, while an over- whelming number, 1,976, were con- vinced that the present average price was too high. Women Vote For Lower Dance Price Than Men Apparently women have their es- corts' purse strings in mind when they go out on a date, to an even greater extent than the escorts as a matter of fact. At least the women, when asked to name on the all-cam- pus ballot what they considered a fair price to be charged for their class dances this year, voted in favor of lower charges than did the men. A large number of men, 306, were in favor of paying $5 for tickets to class dances whereas 173 women thought that $2.50 was a sufficiently large price to be paid for one eve- ning's entertainment. In fact all of the women voted for lower prices than did the men, 133 of the co-eds favoring a price of $2. On figures above $5, however, the men were not so insistent, only 10 of them suggesting that $10 be charged for tickets to the functions. The median figure named by the total voters was approximately $2.50, indicating that all of the students believe that the prices charged in the past for class functions have been too high. A large number of juniors voted on this question in the balloting, as well as on the issue relating to orchestras to be selected for this year's dances, showing that the J-Hop is apparent- ly of greater interest to the juniors than are the other class functions to the members of the respective classes. Ask {Class Dues Payment By Juniors And Seniors Announcement was made last night by Harry Hattenbach, class treasurer, that senior literary stu- dents may pay their class dues from 9 a. m. to noon today and tomor- row in the lobby of Angell Hall or to any member of the dues collecting committee. Co-operation of seniors in prompt payment was requested. At the same time, Cy Rosenberg, chairman of the junior literary class finance committee, announced that dues of that class would be reduced from $1 to 50 cents. Payment may be made in Angell Hall on Thursdray from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Stump Speakers To Hear Rogers Talk Lieut-Col. Frederick C. Rogers, head of the University R. . T. C., will address the regular weekly meet- ing of the Stump Speakers Society, engineering speech fraternity, in a talk scheduled for 7:45 p. m. today in the Union, according to Allen Cleveland, '35E, program manager of the society. Following Colonel Rogers' speech, which will deal with a problem of military importance, the regular "training circles," which are small discussion groups, will debate the topic he proposes. A general assembly for parliamentary practice and de- bate will also feature tonight's meet- ing. Kiwanis New Officers To Meet At Union Friday Newly elected 1934 officers of the Michigan district of Kiwanis Inter- national will hold their first official meeting from 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Friday in the Union. Plans and details concerning the work of the coming year will be gone over with particular reference to the preparation for the coming Club Of- ficers' Training Conferences, which will be held in each of the eight di- visions of the Michigan district early in December. YE STERDA NEW ORLEANS - Lack of funds caused the Senate sub-committee in- vestigating the political practices of Huey P. Long to discontinue their scheduled work. . * * *I WASHINGTON - $100,000,000 was allotted to the Federal Emergency Housing Corporation by Secretary Harold Ickes for the purpose of slum clearances. * * * NEW YORK - Frank A. Picard, chairman of the Michigan State Li- quor Control Commission, conferred with distillers and importers regard- ing possible supply sources, should his State decide to carry on its own liquor business. * * *I HORTA, Azores - Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh landed safely after a hop of over 900 miles from Lisbon. * * * LANSING - Gov. William A. Com- stock returned from a hunting trip to prepare a message for the special session of the State Legislature which will convene at noon Wednesday. * * * DECATUR, Ala. -Proceedings in the "Scottsboro Case" were watched over by armed civil guards to main- tain order and protect Negroes against any possible violence. . * * * H A V A N A -Gustavo Gutierrez Martinez and Segundo Prendes, members of the guard of former- president Machado, were brought to trial on the charge of murder. ii i F Purchased By Chicag~o Cubs CHICAGO, Nov. 21 - (P) - After almost four years of persistent try- ing, the Chicago Cubs today finally purchased Charles "Chuck" Klein, 1933 National League batting cham- pion and one of the greatest left- handed hitters in baseball, from the Philadelphia Nationals. Two veteran utility infielders- Mark Koenig and Harvey Hendrick -and Theodore Kleinhans, a south- paw pitcher recently purchased from Atlanta, together with a bundle of cash, estimated at $65,000, will be given to the Phillies by the Cubs for the batting star around whom the Cubs will build their attack and bid for the National League champion- ship next season. A c t i n g President William M. Walker, of the Cubs, announced to- day the long-sought deal had at last been consummated. Probably no ball club pursued any player more insistently than the Cubs did Klein, who in six seasons with the Phillies compiled the lifetime ma- jor league batting average of .359 and won the 1933 National League bat- ting crown with a mark of .368, or 23 points higher than his closest rival. Second Forum Of S.C.A. Will Be Held Today The second of a series of five Art Fnrms will h nresented at 4:15U n PATRONIZE THESE FAMOUS ESTABLI SHMENTS p . TO ASSURE YOURSELF OF REAL ENJOYMENT ON YOUR TRIP TO THE NORTHWESTE'RN GAME beter dance at the hut "bill" marshall's band plays the tea dance each afternoon 0oull make your headquarters at, "huby"/ moran's band plays k i l m.i1M, r.. yk ... r 51 .= _..