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November 22, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-22

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Established 1890

per -many the fraternity whose bandsmen eat
in the kitchen after the rest of the brothers.
Then, too, there were rehearsals. Every Wednes-
day night for two hours, and often other nights
as well, the bandsmen sat ,in Morris Hall and


V i--- 1 1 M 4V

Musical Events



I;> .


Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion ,a iI the Big Ten News Service.
ssoriated oll ate tess
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The Associated Press is exclusivel: entitled to the use
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mall.
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mail, $4.25.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
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Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR ...... ... ,.......BRACK~LEY SHAW
NIGHZ EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil-
1ain G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George
Van Vieck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
iuPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charies A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin,
Marjorie Western.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: Roy Alexander, John A. Babington, Ogden
G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Ted R.
Evans, Bernard H. Fried, Thomas Groehn, Robert D.
Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski, Thomas H. Kleene, Rich-
ard E. Lorch, David G. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman,
Kenneth Parker, George I. Quimby, W11liam R. Reed,
Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Arthur S. Settle,
Marshall D. Silverman, A. B. Smith, Jr., Arthur M.
Taub, Philip T. Van Zile:
WOMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer,
Florence Harper, Marie Heid, Eleanor Johnson, Jose-
phine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie
Resnick, Mary Robinson, Jane Schneider, Margaret
Telephone 2-1214
....................... CATHARINE MC HENRY
i)EPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef-

painstakingly memorized intricate combinations
of the marches and alma maters of Michigan and
her football opponents, All in all, they probably
put in ten hours a week on the band alone during
the football season - and many of these men are
leaders in their fraternities or in campus societies,
leaders of dances, officers of committees, and all
of them students with full schedules.
They gave not only their time. For the period
of two semesters they were deprived of a ten-
dollar deposit for their uniforms. On these same
uniforms they had to pay cleaning and pressing
bills - whatever the weather or conditions or
frequency under which they were worn. They
contributed a substantial financial outlay toward
their 'membership in Michigan's Fighting Hun-
The band is at the beck and call of the cit-
izenry of Michigan, and twice within the next
few weeks the bandsmen will make trips to Detroit
by bus for public appearances. At any time dur-
ing the year they may be called on to break their
own plans for band appearances.
The other side of the ledger - the compen-
sation side - is not a big one: a day and a half in
Chicago, requiring ten hours in day coaches and
permitting only three or four hours for sight-
seeing; a ground-floor seat at football games;
the personal pleasure the individual may derive
from public appearances as a representative of the
University of Michigan; and an opportunity to
develop the bandsman's musical culture.
Clearly, then there is no lack of a patriotic
attitude among the bandsmen; clearly no unwill-
ingness to do more than his share to make not
only the football season, but the whole year,
musically, culturally, and educationally better.
It is not asking too much of the administration
of the various schools and colleges that the band
members receive at least academic credit for their
work. Assuming that the present schedule would
be adhered to and that the bandsmen would be
held as strictly accountable as they are now for
their absences, it seems only reasonable that
membership in the band could be made an elective
course, offering one or two academic hours, the
prerequisite to be the director's admission based
on ability of the applicant.
We take the liberty of inviting the adminis-
tration's serious consideration of this method of
killing three birds with one stone: rewarding
noteworthy work in behalf of the University;
,ttracting more musicians for a bigger and better
Varsity Band; and offering academic credit in
a legitimate academic enterprise which promotes
cultural interest in both the individual and the
campus as a whole.

In adventu Canite tuba in Sion.......C. Porta
In Nativitate Domini:
Pueri concinite .................. J. Handl
In Hebdomada Sancta:
Adoremus te..................0.. . Lassus
In festo Ascensionis:
O Rex gloriae ...........Praenestinus
In festo Pentecostes:
Virute magnam .................. C. Porta

"Wedding by Lanternlight".........Offenbach
Comic Opera in costume
Stehet Auf ! ................... Rosenberger
Wiegenlied ....................... Burkhart
Nun will der Lenz uns gruessen......Pfleger
Bruederlein und Schwesterlein..... J. Strauss
Waltz from "Die Fledermaus"
Q UERY: What will the score of young boys per-
forming in Hill Auditorium think of the vast-
nesses of that buildings? Query: What will the
people filling the vastnesses of Hill Auditorium
think of the Boys Choir from Vienna?
They will probably be a novelty to many, un-
acquainted as many are with choir music, except
as it comes on the radio. The Choir is to begin
its concert with a group of 16th century religious
songs, sections from masses or motets. The group
is chosen from the best of that literature, by men
who are the most known: Praenestinus (Pales-
trina), who was the cantor of the Cathedral of
St. John Lateran at Rome and who averted the
removal of music from the Church by his excel-
lent works; Orlando Lassus, one of the famous
Netherland polyphonists; Handl, who is some-
times know as Gallus, cantor of St. Johann am
Ufer in Prague; and Porta, a Franciscan monk
who devoted his life to church music. The Vienna
Choir Boys, in presenting these works, are carry-
ing on the 400-year-old tradition of the organiza-
It was in the 17th century that the intro-
duction of secular music came about, when, be-
coming a state-supported group, the choir per-
formed operas as well as their traditional sacred
Continuing this line of music to night, the Choir
is going to give a German Singspiel, "Wedding by
Lanternlight" by Jean Jacques Offenbach. De-
spite his name and descent, Offenbach is more
French than German. His world is of frivolity,
comedy. The general effect is that of a Fair.
The little operetta to be given tonight in costumes


ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra-
mer, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rotlibard,
James Scott, David Winkworth.
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Winifred Bell, Mary Bursley,
Peggy Cady, Betty Chapman, Patricia Daly, Jean Dur-
ham, Minna Giffen, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Isabelle Kanter, Louise Krause, Margaret
Mustard, Nina Pollock, Elizabeth J. Simonds.
Philosophy Of The
Undergraduate Poll.. .
AS WE write, the final results of lastl
A week's campus poll are still being
counted and tabulated, and it is thus too early to
discuss them. It is fitting, however, to indicate
the thought that lay back of the condition of thel
In the first place it was desired to obtain al
large vote, since the significance of a balloting ob-
viously depends upon the number taking part.
This was the first reason for the numerousness
of the questions submitted.
That this was a sound view is seen in the fact
that far and away the largest number of students
ever to vote on anything were attracted to the3
polls. Fifty per cent more votes were recorded
than in the previous record straw-vote, taken last
year during the presidential campaign. No one
of the questions was under the wide discussion of
last year's presidential race, nor was as much
publicity given the poll. Yet, because questions
interesting many groups were posted, a good many
more people voted.
In the second place it was desired to obtain the
sense of the campus as a whole on the questions
asked. There was not, at least primarily, any
desire to discover the strength of this or that
radical group. An indication of the campus rank
and file opinion was deemed to be the most signif-
icant matter that could be ascertained, and the
only material for argument that could possibly
succeed in working change.
At first thought the sight of a question on war
placed beside a question on the price of movies is
ridiculous. But consideration must convince even
the most single-thoughted that a large and typical
vote is, by every law of reason, vastly more sig-
nificant than a small vote participated in by only
expounders of a cause.
The purpose of the Undergraduate Council poll
was to discover the complexion of the campus,
not to determine the strength of radical minor-
Open Letter In
Behalf Of The Band...
L AST SATURDAY a hundred and
five young men stood at attention
on a street near the campus and awaited a whistle
signal. When it came they relaxed from their
military postures and, with shouts of what
sounded like pure relief, dashed in a hundred and
five different directions.
-,,.FL ,.,, io ~ mn f flip 'V.rity+

Campus pinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily., Anonymous communications will be disre-
garded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
tors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to
less than 300 words if possible.
Six-year-old Bobby - "Mother, who are those
men and why are they carring guns?"
Mother -"They are soldiers, dear, and today is
Armistice Day."
Bobby -"What is Armistice Day, Mother?"
Mother -"Armistice Day is the day on which we
honor our soldiers who died in the last war."
Bobby -"What did they die for, Mother?"
Mother -"In order that there might never be
another war, dear."
Bobby - "Mother, did our soldiers win the war?"
Mother - "Yes, I suppose so, Bobby, if anyone
could ever win a war."
Bobby - (after a pause and with real concern in
his little voice) "But Mother, if our soldiers died
that there wouldn't be another war, and if they
won the war, why do we need so many soldiers
now and why do they march today with their
guns as though they were going to another
Mother - (with exasperation in her voice) "Oh
Bobby, you're an impossible child! Why do you
ask so many questions? I don't know.
Bobby remains silent for a few minutes. By this
time our Mother and Child are opposite the
Natural Science Building.
Bobby (pointing to the campus building) "Mother,
what are those buildings?"
Mother - "Those are part of the University,
Bobby -"What's a university for?"
Mother -"It's a place where people go to study
and learn things to make the world better."
Bobby - "Mother, were those soldiers from the
Mother - "Yes dear, they are all students.
Bobby - (again baffled) "But Mother, you said
that bright people went there to study and
learn things to make the world better. Why
don't those soldiers learn things then?"
Mother -"What do mean, Bobby?"
Bobby - "Why don't they learn that the other
soldiers - those who you said died in the last
war - didn't want any more war? And why
don't they stop marching to war on Armistice
Mother (exasperated) "Bobby, you are hopeless!"
War Resister.

has to do
and Peter,
taken over
for a loanI
a treasure
ning bells

with a rural love affair between Lisa
who at the request of his uncle has
the guardianship of Lisa. Peter asks
from his uncle, who says he will leave
under the old oak tree when the eve-
ring. Minor complications follow, but
is made happy when Lisa herself is
to be the treasure.




The Michigan Daily Classied Columns
can supply you wit either ri.es
or Passengers.
The Daidy classified advertising
columnsare the most eeonomi-
cal andd most efficient means of
contactingcythe studentbod..

CASH RATES .*. lie Iine
CHARGE RATES. .l5cline

t I




More secular numbers are in the concluding
group which winds up with the engaging waltz
from "Die Fledermaus" written by the waltz king,
Johann Strauss.
Prognostication: This should be an unusually
entertaining and colorful concert.
Sally Place
Moussorgsky: Boris Goudonoff.......Sunday
Rimsky-Korsakoff: Le Coq D'or.....Monday
Moussorgsky: Khovanschina ........ Tuesday
ON this coming Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
evenings, November 26, 27, and 28, the Russian
Opera Company will give the above three operas
in the large Masonic Auditorium in Detroit.
The Company is being presented under the
direction of its founder, Max Panteleiff, who also
appears in the operas. The productions are com-
pletely Russian, the cast is made up of expa-
triated Russians, the operas are sung in that
language, and the brilliant costumes are Russian
in design and execution. The conductor is Eugene
Men and women who have gained positions in
the operatic field here in America or in Russia
will have the leading roles. Ivan Ivantzoff has
won distinction by creating the title role in "Woz-
zeck" by Alan Berg, when it was produced at the1
Metropolitan Opera House by Leopold Stowkow-
ski. Stefan Kazakevich made his debut in music
as boy-soloist in the Russian Choir of New York
City. Nadine Fedora, a contralto, began her
career through concert work and on the radio.
Alexis Tcherkassky, baritone, is the son of Princess
Marianna Tcherkassky, former Russian prima-
donna. Vasily Romakof, bass-bariton'e, began his
career at the Moscow Philharmonic Institute of
Russian opera is not complete without a ballet,
which in this company is made up of young women
each of whom is caable of performing solo num-
bers. The prima ballerina is only seventeen.
The Russian Opera Company is giving these
performances for moderate prices, in response to
popular demands.
because he had used it in the same course for
A couple of freshmen thought it was high
time they were hoofing back to the straight
and narrow. They set out for the Episcopal
Church, got mixed up and attended a Catholic
service without realizing their mistake. It
was only when they remarked to the priest
after the service how much they enjoyed the
Episcopal Liturgy that the error was dis-
* * *

I, -

Time Flies .. .
Only a shori time
left to get youi'
at thie low price of
Wednesday and Thursday
Make 2nd and 3rd Payments
at the

Collegiate Observer
When students at the University of Pretoria,
South Africa, chose for a debate subject: "Re-
solved. That we should return to communism
among wives as advocated by Plato," the rector
decided not to make the hall available unless the
subject was changed. It was changed to, "Re-
solved, That any subject is fit for debate."

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