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November 21, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-21

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ipke Is Satisfed With

Showing Of Wolverines Against
Gophers Hold Wolverines To Scoreless Tie IMichiaan Star

ax -


Open Dates....
Okay, Gophers!
Percy Appears....
* * *
THANKS, IOWA! - Personally, I
don't see just how you did it, but
I'll bet they're plenty sore down there
in Lafayetteright now. It looks like
Noble Kizer is going to have to point
his boys for Indiana.
Right now I am campaigning for a
ruling against open dates before con-
ference games. Personally, I didn't
like the way the Gophers had us
scouted almost down to the last play
twhile they crossed us up right and
left. And it was the same way with
the Illini. On the average of the
two games we were just a half a
point per game better than the op-
position, and I consider the Wolver-
ines very, very fortunate and quite
outstanding to get off that easily.
And incidentally, the student body
is extremely proud of the fight put
up by the Michigan team Saturday.
Right here I might congratulate the
student body on the turnout for the
pep-meeting Friday night. I have
never seen such enthusiasm on the
part of Michigan students, and I
want to say that my faith in Michi-
gan is restored.
* * *
tifully constructed for the slip-
pery field Saturday. Lund is one of
those straight-line runners who does
not dodge and slip. His. long run
through the Maize and Blue line was
a straight-line affair and any ele-
mentary physics student will tell you
that there is less chance of one of
those straight-line boys slipping than
in the case of a dodging back like
Herm Everhardus
One more thing impressed me;
Minnesota played Michigan's charac-
teristic game to perfection. It might
have been two Wolverine outfits on
the field except for the shift. Both
got out there and defended bitterly
all afternoon, allowed no breaks to
speak of, and got practically nowhere.
It was a good football game, any-
Editor: Dear Sir:
I desire to communicate to you in
regard to the local constabulary,
whom, after last Saturday's rugby
match I do not hesitate to character-
ize as unqualified bounders. Bound-
ers, I say!
As I understand it, your Board in
Control of Athletics, or whatever you
choose to call the bally organization,
has recently given out a ruling to the
effect that inebriated persons are
evicted from the arena upon com-
plaint from anyone in the vicinity.
I am extremely unfortunate in pos-
sessing a speech defect, and last Sat-
urday at the match I was conversing
with a fellow next to me whose name
was Mike. Someone's grandmother,
(dash it all!) who happened to be
sitting nearby, heard me talking, and
thought from my speech defect that
I was slightly under the bally wea-
ther I suppose. So she complained
to the police and I was jolly well
evicted from the place in short order!
I might even say that I was hauled
out by the scruff of the bally neck
and blooming well tossed into a re-
markably frigid snowbank before I
could remonstrate with the fellows.
Now this fellow Mike, who seemec
a nice sort of chap, though a trifle
crude, took my part to the extent
of laying out three of the constables.
He is now in stir (you know... the
jolly old Bastille) and has requested
me to let you know.
I must confess that I rather hesi-
tated to write to you since we have
never met, but after all, it didn't
seem to be quite cricket, you know.
Percy Frostbottom

Praises Lund As
Responsible For
Gopher Yardage
ieam Points For Finale
With Northwestern In A
Light Workout
Reports Laud N. U.
Hildebrand Not Injured;
Savage Returns To Face
Wildcats In Last Game
Michigan is still on top of the
Conference heap. And Coach Harry
KiPke is well satisfied with his Wol-
verine football team. To him the
game Saturday was a contest of two
good teams held down by the ele-
"The boys made a good showing
against a very good Minnesota out-
fit," Kipke said yesterday. "The wet,
frozen field slowed us down and made
side-stepping practically impossible.
It kept the guards from getting out
of the line fast and made blocking
generally poor."
Kipke expressed himself as feeling
lucky and happy that the team had
gained a tie against the Gophers.
When asked why Minnesota gained
so much more ground by rushing
than Michigan did he said:
Lund Is One-Man Team
"This Lund is a great runner-
the best Michigan has played against
this year, and it was his ability, not
the aid of his team-mates, that gave
Minnesota her yardage."
The team now points for its last
game of the season with Northwest-
ern in Dyche Stadium, Evanston.
Jack Blott has scouted the Wildcats
this year and his respect for the Ev-
anston team is evidenced by a long
eight-page scout report.
Blott Praises Wildcats
"Northwestern has a nearly air-
tight defense," Blott said, "and No-
tre Dame was very lucky to score on
them Saturday. In spite of all the
yards the Irish gained against the
Wildcats, Northwestern's line tight-
ened in the tough spots every time.
The lone score was made only be-
cause the Irish runner luckily threw
off six tacklers who should have had
him. They'll be hard for Michigan
to penetrate next Saturday."
The Wolverines enjoyed a light
workout on Ferry Field yesterday,
drilling mainly on defense of Wild-
cat plays. Willard Hildebrand, whose
neck was strained slightly in the
game Saturday, was declared by the
team physician, Dr. Frank Lynam,
able to play today. Carl Savage has
fully recovered from his ankle in-
jury, although he did not take part
in the practice yesterday. He will un-
doubtedly face Northwestern Satur-
day in the last game of his football
Ice Hockey
Next week will see the inaugura-
tion of the first indoor season on the
Intramural schedule. Ice hockey, one
of the newest sports to join the
Michigan roster, will be featured on
the program.
Varsity hockey coach Eddie Lowrey
wll again be in command of the3
practices. As yet only a half dozen
co-eds have signed up for participa-
tion, but the time limit for enteringj

will be postponed until the latter
part of next week.
* * *


-Associated Press Photo
When Minnesota plays a conference opponent predict a tie. This opinion was further strengthened last
Saturday when the powerful Gopher eleven marred the heretofore perfect Michigan record by battling them
to a scoreless tie. In the above picture, Everhardus, the star Michigan back, is being pulled down by Bruhn,
Minnesota guard. Kowalik lies in the left foreground. No. 65 is Tenner, the Minnesota left end, who is
coming up to aid Bruhn. At the extreme right is Larson, Gopher right end, being blocked out of the play.
Reeling back on his left foot is Captain Fay of the Wolverines.

For Cage Title
At Windvit
Five Michigan Stars Make
Honor Team ; Games To
Be PlayedThanksgiving
There will be five Michigan hockey
stars competing for national honors
in the finals of the Hockey Cham-
pionship matches in Chicago the
week-end of Thanksgiving. After
two days play through the Great
Lakes Tourney held Saturday and
Sunday at Palmer Field, two All-
State stars were chosen to play on
the first team representing this re-
gion, and three will play on the sec-
ond team.
Ann Zauer and Jane Eaton will
play on the first team, while Dolores
Gilman, Virginia Derby, and Marietta
Derby have been chosen for the sec-
ond team..
Chicago took starring honors in
the tourney, and placed five of their
stars on the first team. Three Chi-
cagoans will play on, the second
team. Three Wetomachek stars are
on the first team and one on the sec-
ond, while Cleveland finished with
one on the stellar squad and. four
on the second.
Two of the three final games in
the tournament last week-end fin-
ished in a tie. Chicago's seconds and
the University seconds fought to a 1
to 1 standstill. Wetomachek num-
ber 2 and Michigan number 2 fin-
ished with the same score.
A combination of Chicago and
Michigan 1 elevens eked out a 2 to
1 victory over a Wetomachek-Cleve-
land merger.
The University All-Stars have
challenged the Ann Arbor teams, and
the matches will be played off to-
morrow at 4:15 p. in. at Palmer
Phi Kappa Sig's In
Speedball Finals
The Phi Kappa Sigs barely edged
out the D. U.'s, 7 to 5, in the semi-
finals of the speedball tourney lastj
night on the Intramural Sports
By virtue of the victory, Phi Kap-
pa Sigma will meet Theta Chi Wed-
nesday or Thursday of this week in
the finals, on Ferry Field if possi-
The Theta Chi's downed Phi Beta
Delta earlier in the week.
Phi Beta Delta leads the 37 teams
entered in the volleyball tourney,
having won four games and lost none.
The Oxford undergraduates voted
by al large majority for pacifism. If
we could get some educational group
at work on Oxford it might do a
great deal of good. - Lord Middle-
ton, educator.

Cappon Gloomy\As
First Game Nears';
'Too Bad', li Says
Coach "Cappy" Cappon character-
ized one of the early season diffi-
culties that his basketball team will
face in the near future rather tersely
yesterday as "too bad." Cappon had
reference to the forthcoming encoun-
ter with Kalamazoo, Dec. 4.
Cappon was moodily. playing
checkers when he made the pro-
nouncement, but nevertheless it was
a sincere one. It is not until the
football season ends November 25
that Cappon will have the oppor-
tunity to work with the entire squad
of court candidates. He has one
week then to drill five men into a
smooth functioning unit. In the
meantime Kalamazoo, well prepared,
awaits confidently for the opportuni-
ty of battling the team it defeated
twice last year.
After three weeks of working out
a group of about 20 men in the In-
tramural building four nights a week
and emphasizing offensive funda-,
mentals, Cappon has aproached
nearer the solution of his guard
problem. Out of a host of sopho-
mores he has picked up Tomagno,
Rudness, and McCallum, likely
looking candidates for the partner-
ship with Petoskey in the back court.
At the forward posts Manny Fish-
man, Don Black, Jack Teitelbaum,
and more especially Al Plummer, a
regular last year, are the most out-
standing applicants. Fred Allen ap-
pears to have the center position
cinched in the early practice sessions.
When the current gridiron season
ends next Saturday Cappon will move
into Yost Field House and look over
the newcomers: Oliver, Tessmer, Re-
geczi, Wistert, Ford, Malashavich,
Borgmann, Johnson, Renner, and
Nelson,-all of whom will have been
released from the services of Head
Football Coach Harry Kipke. Fred
Petoskey, captain of this, year's court
team, will also join the squad at this


clay, the Gaels of St. Mary's, r
FRESHMAN BOXERS one of the best on the Coast, v
All freshman boxers who can- held to a 6-6 tie by a fighting Sa
not report at the regular time at Clara eleven that refused to ad
3 p. in. Wednesday, report today defeat.
at 4 p. m. in the boxing room. Notre Dame, held scoreless in
All others report at the regular last four games, managed to I
time. over a touchdown in the Northwi
Verne Larson ern contest, defeating the Wilde
_7to. .
"If Dietrich
could only see me now!"
Yes, even hardened-to-beauty Hollywood hearts
might well flutter at such a well-groomed sight!
A snowy-white, trimly tailored Arrow dress shirt
... a suave, perfectly shaped Arrow formal col-
lar, topped off with a fine silk Arrow evening





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