The Weather Some rain or 'snow followed by colder at partly cloudy tomorrow. today, night; Y * 4, 4y 1U at Editorials I Union's New Manager. Modern Criticism. I i I I M I I_ VOL. XLIV No 50 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS N U . S May Roosevelt Greets Envoy Bullitti--Kalinin Hails Recognition Campus Asks Modification Not Enter Olympiad Warns Germany That Ban On Jews Must Be Lifted If America Is To Enter No Discrimination, A. A. U. Demands Resolution Is Adopted By Unanimous Vote Of Con- vention Of Association PITTSBURGH, Pa., Nov. 20.- (I) - The Amateur Athletic Union, most powerful sports governing body in the United States today warned Germany that unless restrictions on Jewish participation in the 1936 Olympic games at Berlin are rescinded the United States will not send a team to the eleventh Olympics. By an almost unanimous vote the national convention of the associa- tion adopted a resolution setting forth its attitude and asked the American delegates to the interna- tional Olympic committee to apprise that committee and the German Olympic body of its stand. A guarantee of no discrimination against Jews by the Germa} delega- tion to the last international Olympic committee has been violated, the res- olution said, "if not by direct restric- tion, certainly indirectly by the with- drawal from them of the rights of German citizenship and of a reason- able opportunity to train, prepare for and take part in sports competition in general and in the Olympic games in particular."' Unless this condition is changed, "in fact as well as in theory, to per- mit and encourage German athletes of Jewish faith or heritage to train, prepare for and participate in the Olympic games of 1936," it continued, neither the American Olympic asso- ciation nor the members thereof will certify any athlete of the United States of America for competition in the Olympic games of Berlin." The resolution ended in a note of conciliation, stating that it was not prepared as "one of threat or bitter- ness," but there was little mistaking the temper of the delegates as they gave a ringing chorus of "ayes" when the question was put to a vote. J-Hop Ticket Prices To Be Cut This Year Committee To Announce Price Scale For Annual Dance At Later Date A reduced J-Hop ticket price, not fixed as yet, was unanimously ac- cepted Sunday in the first meeting of the 1934 J-Hop committee chair- men. The primary reason for the price reduction was the reduced budget which provides ample room for a lower-priced admission, committee- men said. However, the fact that the price will be reduced is not an indication that the tradition, prestige, and en- joyment of the hop will be in any way less than in former years, com- mittee members stated Announcements of t h e elected committee chairmen were made yes- terday by the general chairman, Philip A. Singleton, '35E. Charles Hewitt, '36L, was appoint- ed as vice-chairman of the dance. Charles Brownson, '35, was given the position of secretary. The sale of tickets was given over to the direc- tion of John Garrels, '35E, and Gale Sterling, '35E. Ruth Kaser, '35, was appointed chairman of the invitations commit- tee. The floor committee will be un- der the direction of James Eberle, '35, and William Wagner, '35M. Sam Hazelton, '35E, and Donald Cook, '35B.A., were named as co- chairmen of the booths committee, Decorations will be under the direc- tion of Carl Marr, '35A, Robert Kraft, '35E, Stuart Swanton, '35D, and Lawrence Wines, '35F&C. Pub- licity will be under the supervision of Ann Dunbar, '35, and Sidney Fran- kel, '35. A list of prominent bands, from Of Auto Ban; Favors Beer On State; Likes R.O.T.C. -Associated Press Photo President Roosevelt is shown shaking hands with William C. Bullitt shortly after designating him as the United States' first ambassador to the U.S.S.R. The greeting took place just as the President left for his Thanksgiving vacation at Warm Springs, Ga. Report Settle I Is Down Near llowayN J Began Balloon Ascension Early Monday; Fordney, Assistant, Is Alumnus CHICAGO, Nov. 20.-(/P-- Chi- cago sponsors of the Settle bal- loon ascension tonight said they received a report that the stra- tosphere balloon was down in New Jersey near Alloway. AKRON, 0., Nov. 20 - (P) - As Lieut. Commander Settle, who, with his aide, left the Akron Airport at 9:27 a. m., announced by wireless telephone that the gas in his huge bag was beginning to contract, forc- ing a descent, advices from Hagers- town, Md., said that the silver ball of the balloon was glistening in the sunshine just north of the city. The bag was headed in the direc- tion of Philadelphia, traveling due east over southern Pennsylvania. The sun, which had expanded the gas to permit the ascent into the stratosphere, was shedding less heat on the bag, and the resultant con- traction of the bag had its immedi- ate effect on the lifting capacity of the hydrogen. In a wireless-telephone conversa- tion with Admiral King, of the Naval Bureau of Aeronautics, Settle said: "We're at the peak now, and I think we'll start down." Accompanying Lieutenant - Com- mander T. G. W. Settle in his airtight metal gondola as he floats far above the earth in his second attempt to reach the distant stratosphere is Maj. Chester L. Fordney, a graduate of the University engineering college in the class of 1917. Major Fordney was recently selec- ted for the trip by Commander Set- tle because of the expert technical aid he has given him in preparation for the ascent. For weeks the major has been aiding in getting things in condition for the trip. In addition to assisting Settle in planning the fight, Major Fordney helped the balloonist save the gon- dola from the hands of destructive souvenir-hunters after the failure of his first attempted ascent late last summer. StudentsG ranted Driving Privilege To Football Games Students may drive to out-of-town football games from their home towns without violating the provi- sions of the auto ban, Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, stated yes- terday. "If a student drives from his home town with the knowledge and con- sent of his parents and does not drive in Ann Arbor or the immediate vicinity, it will not be a matter of immediate concern to the Universi- ty," the announcement said. This modification, the first that has been made in several years in the automobile regulation, is a change from the old rule which made it necessary for a student to be ac-. Reich, French Foreign Plans To Be Viewed Pollock, Dawson, Parker Will Talk At Session Of League Chapter Tonight The second in a series of open forums under the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Chapter of the League of Nations Association will be held at 8 p. m. tonight in Room 100, Hutchins Hall, with Prof. DeWitt H. Parker, chairman of the philosophy depart- ment, Prof. John Dawson of the Law School, and Prof. James K. Pollock of the political science department speaking. According to officials of the asso- ciation's local chapter, the principle object of the meeting tonight will be to obtain discussion from the audi- ence on the various viewpoints of French and German foreign policy, Germany's break with the League, and her recent withdrawal from the World Disarmament Conference. The psychological concepts which have brought the German nation to its present position of economic and political isolation will be discussed by Professor Parker, who will suggest possible solutions for the present crisis. An attempt to analyze the re- cent negotiations which led Great Britain to accede to Germany's de- mands will be made by Professor Dawson. The formal discussions will be concluded by Professor Pollock, who plants to interpret the recent "Yes-No" election in Germany at which Chancellor Hitler was given a confidence vote of more than 90 per cent of those balloting. Professor Pol- lock will also estimate the possibility of Germany's return to some form of international co-operation through such agencies as the League of Na- tions, the Four-Power Peace Pact, or other international machinery. GENEVA, Nov. 20- ( - Leaders who have sought for weeks to find some basis for agreement on dis- armament virtually decided today to suspend their efforts for two months, Former Student Killed In Detroit Auto Wreck Miss Elizabeth McRae, University graduate of the class of 1916, and teacher in the Grosse Pointe HighI School, was killed yesterday in De-1 troit when a car in which she was driving to school collided with an- other automobile.I -Associated Press Photo MIKHAIL KALININ * * - Russian President Sees New Era In Recognition MOSCOW, Nov, 20. -(I)- Mik- hail Kalinin, the president of Soviet Russia, expressed the conviction to- day that resumption of diplomatic relations between the United States and Russia 'will greatly benefit "not only their mutual interest but also the economic and cultural progress of mankind." "I strongly believe that now will begin an era of fruitful and mani- fold cooperation between our two na- tions,", he asserted. Singing Of Vienna To Appe-r Here Choir Will Feature Comic Opera In Tiird Concert Of Choral Union Series Of unusual interest to Ann Arbor music lovers this reek is the pro- gram to be presented by the Sing- ing Boys of Viennk -when they give the third concert of the Choral Union Series at 8:15 p. m. Wednesday in Hill Auditorium. According to an announcement re- leased yesterday from the offices of the University Musical Society, the outstanding part of Wednesday's pro- gram will be the presentation of the Comic Opera, entitled "Wedding by Lanternlight," by Jean Jacques Of- fenbach. The boys will give this opera as the second number in the evening's program, when they will re- linquish their sailor blouses for the attractive costumes employed in the operatic performance. The balance of the program will include sacred numbers from Porta, Handel, Lassus, Praenestinus and general numbers by Rosenberger, Burkhart, P f le g e r and Johann Strauss. The group, which is under the musical directorship of Hans V. Ur- banek, and under the deanship of Rector Josef Schnitt, was brought to this country by the Hurok Musical Bureau, Inc., of New York City, in collaboration with the artists divi- sion of the National Broadcasting Co. Because of the program Wednes- day night there will be no organ re- cital in the afternoon in Hill Audi- torium. Prof. Palmer Christian's next recital will be on the following Wed- nesday, Nov. 29. TO FINGERPRINT COOLIES HSINCHING, Nov. 20.-(") - The Manchukuo government is planning to fingerprint the 20,000,000 Chinese coolies in Manchuria as well as im- migrants as a means of keeping out undesirables. Balloting Of Student Body Gives State Street Beer Sale 4 To I Margin Count Shows 3,364 Voted In Day's Poll Only One-Third Advocate Complete Abolition Of Ruling On Automobiles By E. JEROME PETTIT University students are not in fa- vor of abolishing the ban on the use of automobiles, according to the all- campus poll conducted by the Under- graduate Council last week, although they are in favor of some sort of modification. The form of modifica- tion which the majority of them pre- fers, according to the tabulation, is one which would permit students with degrees to drive cars. A total of 3,364 votes were cast in the election, although very few indi- cated their choice on all of the ques- tions proposed by the ballot. Only the totals in the literary and engineering colleges could be obtained at a late hour last night, but these figures, taken together with fie indications from the votes counted in the other schools, clearly demonstrated what the majority of the students thought in regard to the 10 general issues con- cerned. Six-hundred and eighty-one stu- dents in the two largest colleges of the University voted to continue the ban as it now exists, whereas 786 voted for its modification. A total of 793 students stated that the ban should be continued and only 323 were in favor of doing away with the ruling altogether. Strangely enough, even the seniors in these two colleges agreed with the underclass- men that fourth-year students should not be permitted to drive, but fell in line with the other students in fa- Daily To Print Complete Results On Wednesday The results of the recent all- campus straw vote, listed by col- leges, and presenting grand totals on the several issues involved, will be published in tomorrow's issue of The Daily. voring the modification to permit students with degrees to drive auto- mobiles. A total of 1,334 of the voters in the two colleges favored the sale of beer east of Division Street, while only 444 students were opposed to{ the proposal. In the grand total of all the colleges, 2,725 favored such a measure and 639 opposed it. This was the only question upon which the actual totals from all the schools and colleges were available last night. The University R.O.T.C. will be re-7 tained if the students have their way, as 1,239 voted against removing it and only 445 favored its abolition. On the question of war participa- tion, the students were obviously not, sure of their stand. Although 861 of the voters said that they would sup- port their country only in case it is invaded and 283 stated that they would not, 660 students pledged to support their country in any war and only 539 voted that they would not. On the question asking the voters if they favored retaining the present closing hours for University women, those voting were split in their opin- ions with about a two-to-one ma- jority favoring later hours for the co-eds. On the other hand the stu- dents were decidedly opposed to abol- ishing closing hours altogether. A total of 989 went on record in favor of a change as opposed to 446 who placed their weight with the status quo. Only 481 favored the abolition of all rules regarding what time the women should be at their official res- idences in the evening, and 859 said that the rulings should be continued; voting however, for some form of modification. Practically the same number of students favored a modification which would allow women to stay out until 11:30 p. m. on Sunday nights and 1:30 a. m. Friday and Saturday nights, 893 voting in favor of the Sunday night ruling and 945 favor- Players' Director I M E E I Lennox Robinson is the director of the Abbey Irish Players and author of Play Production's forthcoming play, "The Round Table," next Fri- day and Saturday nights in Lydia Mendelsohn Theatre. ter considering its effectiveness, they believed the honor system should be used, 935 students in the literary and engineering colleges voted yes, 805 answering no. The margin, though slight, indicated that the majority of the students in the two colleges fa- vored the use of thie system but this indication was greatly modified by the fact that the voting was reason- ably close in the literary college, stu- dents opposing the measure by a vote of 764 to 632, while in the engineer- ing college the students were in favor of the use of the honor system by a vote of 303 to 41. The system is now in use in the latter college, indi- cating that those students who have been under the system for some time are heartily in favor of it whereas those not well acquainted with it are largely undecided, though slightly opposed to its adoption. Resident Votes Undetermined On the question regarding the amount of jurisdiction which the University should have over the resi- dences of students, the total num- ber of votes could not be determined last night, although the general trend was determined by those which had been tabulated. All agreed, men and women alike, in all of the colleges, that the University should not have jurisdiction over the residences of students with degrees. On the resi- dences of undergraduate men stu- dents however there was a great dis- crepancy between the votes of the men and of the women. The men in the several schools and colleges fa- vored no jurisdiction over the resi- dences of undergraduate men while a majority of the women voting though that the University should control such matters. Likewise the women took the same stand on the question regarding University regula- tion of residences for undergraduate women, stating that they preferred to be under the jurisdiction of the University. The men agreed with them on this issue, a large majority of them voting in favor of official regulation of women's residences. Students in the Engineering Col- lege favored compulsory physical ed- ucation for men by a large majority but men students in the Literary College, strangely enough, were op- posed to it. Women students favored cdmpulsory physical education for the men but opposed compulsory training for women. The men in both the engineering and literary colleges upheld the women in this latter stand. Funeral For Mrs. May Will Be Held Tomorrow Funeral services for Mrs. Anna Marie May, wife of Dr. George A May, director of Waterman Gym- nasium, who died yesterday morning, will be held at 4 p. m. tomorrow from the Muehlig chapel, with the Rev. Henry Lewis officiating. Dr. and Mrs. May resided in the Cutting Apartments at 705 South State St. Mrs. May has resided in Ann Ar- Principals To Convene Here Next Thursday High School Leaders Will Confer With Freshmen And Upperclassmen High school principals representing 42 Michigan schools, two Indiana military academies, and institutions in Ohio and Canada, will meet here Thursday for conferences with Uni- versity freshmen who graduated from their institutions last year, it was announced yesterday by Ira MI. Smith, registrar of the University. Coming here for conferences which have been arranged by the registrar, the principalsare given an oppor- tunity to discuss with their former pupils the problems and difficulties confronting the students during their first year at the University. In this manner they are prepared to make alterations in their own teaching methods which might aid their fu- ture graduates. Invitations are sent out to the for- mer principals of all students who entered the University this year and, upon their acceptance, the freshmen are notified by the degistrar of the times for individual conferences. Al- though primarily arranged for first- year men, upper class members are also invited to visit the principals while they are in Ann Arbor for the one-day meeting. Approximately 450 first-year stu- dents will take part in the inter- views this year. A luncheon, attended by University faculty members who have been in close touch with the work of the freshmen, is given at the Union by the University for the visiting educators. All of the con- ferences between principals and stu- dents are held in the office of the registrar in Mason Hall. Tentative Plans Announced For Music Festi Moore Preparing Heger's 'Ein Friedenslied' For Debut At May Series Tentative programs for the Forty- First Annual May Festival, which will probably be held May 9 to 12, 1934, have been announced by Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the School of Music and the University Musical Society. The tentative dates set for the fes- tival, which are earlier than in for- mer years, will provide for six con- certs, including four evening pro- grams and matinees Friday and Sat- urday afternoons. The opening concert Wednesday night will probably be an all-Bee- thoven program, one part to consist of Beethoven's "Ninth Symphony" and the other section to be devoted to the playing of one of Beethoven's monumental concertos by an out- standing pianist to be selected for the occasion. Thursday evening, Haydn's "Sea- sons" will be sung by the University Choral Union, which will also par- ticipate in the "Ninth Symphony" program. During the other half of (Continued on Page 2) First Contest With C. Co D. DETROIT, Nov. 20..- (Special) - Michigan's Varsity debating team opened the 1933-34 forensic season with a 3 to 0 decision over the Col- lege of the City of Detroit here to- night. An audience of more than 500 people heard the debate. Michigan. represented by Abe Union Thrown Open To Women And en Alike For Open House More than 3,500 men and women students are expected to attend the annual Union Open House, to be held from 7:30 to 10:30 p. m. tonight. On this occasion each year the en- tire building is thrown open to all students of the University and they are allowed to inspect it at their leisure. In addition to the open house fea- tures, the event also will be a cele- bration of the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the institution. It originated Nov. 13, 1903, but the ac- tual birthday celebration was post- Another event that has been pop- ular in the past is the exhibition swimming meet by the entire Varsity squad. It will be repeated tonight un- der the direction of Coach Matt Mann}, in the Union pool. All members of the Union commit- tees will be on hand throughout the evening to conduct visitors through the building, according to Lawrence Clayton, '35, of the Executive Coun- cil, who is in general charge of ar- rangements. He stated that a number of spe- cial events have been planned for the