t an
For Believers, Agnostics And
Atheists; The Forgotten Party.
Ten Faculty
Members Get
Advancements Are Made
Effective Immediately In
Three Are Raised
To Professorships
Others Made Assistants,
Associates In Various
Ten promotions in the College of
Engineering, effective at once, were
announced >yesterday after having
been formally approved by the Ex-.
ecutive Committee of the Board of
Hugh E. Keeler was promoted from
associate professor to professor of
mechanical engineering; Edwin M.
Baker from associate professor to
professor of chemical engineering;
and Robert H. Sherlock from asso-
ciate .professor to professor of civil
Christina N. Wenger, formerly as-
sistant professor of English, was
named associate professor of Eng-
lish; Charles W. Good was elevated
from assistant professor of mechan-
ical engineering and assistant to the
director of engineering research to
associate professor of mechanical en-
gineering and retained the rest of his
former title.
In the electrical engineering de-
partment. Stephen S. Atwood was
promoted from assistant professor to
associate professor. Warren L. Mc-
Cabe was promoted from, assistant
professor of chemical engineering to
associate professor of chemical engi-
Three instructors were raised to
the rank of assistant professor. Don-
ald W. McCready in the chemical en-
gineering department, Arthur A. Jak-
kula in the civil engineering depart-
ment, and Henry L. Kohler in the
mechanical engineering department.
Ramsdell Gives Talk
At Forestry Congress
Professor W. F. Ramsdell, of the
School of Forestry and Conservation,
in addressing the Central State For-
estry Congress held last week in Chi-
cago, stressed the interpretation of
reforestation in a broad sense to in-
clude enlargement, protection, and
improvement of existing forests as
well as planting trees.
Professor Ramsdell said in his
speech "The Reforestation Dollar -
How Fast Will It Grow?", that the
dollar expended by the public for
reforestation had the advantage of
money spent by private interests,
since certain indirect benefits, such
as a protected water supply, forest
beauty, as well as wild life increase
would be derived.
There are still a few vacancies in
Michigan's 100-piece Varsity Band,
and prospective bandsmen were be-.
ing urged yesterday by Prof Nicholas
D. Falcone, director, to communi-
cate with him immediately. A re-
hearsal will be held at 7:15 p. m. to-
day in Morris Hall, corner of State
Street and Jefferson Avenue. Sopho-
mores and upperclassmen are eligi-
ble, as are freshmen who are mem-
bers of the local R.O.T.C. battalion.
I !
In a program unique among local
lecture offerings of the past few
years, Dorothy Sands, highly ac-
claimed by the press for her por-
trayal of the development of the
theatre, will come here Nov. 1 to
present "America's Theatre Glor-
ious." Among her impersonations of
famous actresses in the history of,
the American stage will be Mary
Pickford, Helen Hayes, Ethel Barry-
more, and Lillian Russell.
Air Commodore P. F. M. Fellowes,
D. S. 0., leader of the expedition
which flew over Mt. Everest in April
of this year, will appear on Jan. 25
to add another thrilling story of ex-
ploration to the list of those pre-
sented in the past by the Oratorical
Association. Every great explorer
from Peary to Byrd has appeared
in Ann Arbor under its auspices.
Commodore Fellowes will bring with
him motion pictures portraying the
story of the expedition.
Robins Will Discuss Russia
An authoritative discussion of con-
ditions in Russia will be given here
Dec. 12 by Col. Raymond Robins,
who was in Russia during the Soviet
Revolution and the year following,
and who returned this year to make
an exhaustive study of the results
of 15 years of Soviet rule. He comes
back to the lecture platform to of-
fer his analysis of conditions there
just as the recognition of Russia ap-
pears imminent.
Capt. C. W. R. Knight will come
to Hill Auditorium Feb. 20, bringing
with him his unusual motion pic-
tures of bird life, "Monarchs of the
Air," and his trained golden eagle,
the famous "Mr. Ran'shaw." The
Oratorical Association has been at-
tempting to secure this popular at-
traction for several seasons, but
without success, it is said.
The 1933-34 lecture season will be
concluded March 1 with the appear-
ance of Dr. Amos O. Squire, consult-
ing physician at Sing Sing PrisOr
Dr. Squire, in a position to gain an
insight into the lives of prisoners,
has become an accurate analyst o
human character and will present
an intimate discussion of "Famous
Criminals I Have Known."
Taxis Allowed For
Fraternity men. may use taxicabs
in rushing in case of rain, according
to a statement of Bethel B. Kelley,
'34, president of the Interfraternity
Two members of the economics de-
partment, Prof. Morris A. Copeland
and Prof. Howard S. Ellis, have gone
on leave of absence for the year, it
has been announced by the depart-
Professor Copeland is now in
Washington, D. C., where he is work-
ing as a member of the committee
on government statistics, a body
sponsored by the American Statis-
tical Association and the Social Sci-
ence Research Council. The group
deals with problems of government
arising out of newer methods of
control. William M. Hoad, formerly
an instructor in the economics de-
partment here, is now working with
Professor Copeland in Washington.
Granted a fellowship by the So-
cial Science Research Council, Pro-
fessor Ellis is spending the year in
Vienna. He is making a study of
post-war social and economic experi-
ments there.
Two new teaching fellows have
been added to the staff, it was an-
nounced. They are Charles A. Orr,
'32, graduate student- in the Univer-
sity last year, and A. R. Mott, former
instructor at the University of Ne-
Sororities Warned To
Observe Rushing Rules
Panhellenic Association empha-
sizes the observance of the fol-
lowing rushing rules:
There shall be no personal calls
on rushees.
The time of pledging on Satur-
day, October 7, has been changed
from 3 p. m. to 12 noon.
No rushing with men is allowed.
No sorority woman may procure a
date for a rushee or double-date
with her.'
140 Applications
For Women's Work
Effectively Handled
New fields of work are opened up
this year to the women students
seeking employment through the of-
fice of the Dean of Women, and As-
sistant Dean Byrl Fox Bacher re-
ports, the office has been able to
place, in a position where she can
earn the necessary amount, every
student who has applied for a job.
The number of applications and
placements has increased corre-
spondingly this year over last, and
Mrs. Bacher believes the possibility
of further placements is good.
There have been more than 140
placements in private homes where
students earn their board and room.
Of these, two women are working in
the capacity of clerical and stenog-
raphical assistants to faculty mem-
bers, an entirely unprecedented field
of work in the history of the employ-
ment bureau. In two unusual cases
students are earning their rooms in
private homes, one by tutoring, and
the other by supervising piano and
violin practice.
According to Mrs. Bacher, .about
100 women students are earning their
board by waiting on table at the
League, in the dormitories, and in
tea rooms. Several hold cashiers po-
sitions in restaurants, tea rooms and
Women To Be
Awarded Gift
Three $100 Grants Will Be.
Available To Seniors Of
B Average Or Better
Three gift scholarships of $100
each will be available for women stu-
dents it was announcedyesterday by
the Alumnae Council. These grants
njay be obtained immediately for
use during the coming year by any
senior woman possessing a B aver-
age or better during her University
For the past two years the Alum-
nae Council scholarships have been
awarded in the form of full-time fel-
lowships to three women working for
advanced degrees at the University.
In 1931, Eleanor Cook, of Detroit,
received her M. A. in the Botany de-
partment. Last year Margaret Ives,
of Detroit, a Vassar graduate who
had received her master's degree at
Michigan began work on her docto-
rate in the field of psychology. Clara
Roe, of Flint, a Michigan graduate
with a master's degree at the Uni-
versity of Chicago, was the holder
of the Nellie Jackson-Alumnae Coun-
cil Fellowship for 1932, working on
her doctor's degree in American His-
It was found this year, however,
that due to unfavorable economic
conditions, many worthy seniors
would be unable to complete their
studies at the University. The coun-
cil has decided, therefore, to apply
the available funds to gift scholar-
ships for undergraduate women stu-
dents rather than to fellowships for
graduate students.
All applications for these grants
must be on file at the office of the
dean of women by Oct. 3.
3,000 Students
Pledge Support
To NRA Drive
Practically all of the pledge cards
provided for the purpose were util-
ized yesterdayhas more than 3,000
students indicated their willingness
to support the NRA. The campus
drive will continue today and inde-
pendent students who ;were unable
to sign yesterday will be given an-
other opportunity to do so, according
to Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, President
of the Undergraduate Council, which
is sponsoring the drive.
In addition to the booths which
were maintained on the campus by
the Union, members of the Interfra-
ternity Council contacted fraterni-
ties, supplying each with cards to be
signed and mailed in for stickers.
The League Board of Directors is
providing a similar service for soror-
ities and league houses. Dormitories
w e r e contacted yesterday w h e n
Council members taxied about the
city distributing cards.
Tampico Toll
Placed At 50;
Many Injured
Authorities Fear O t h e r s
Are Buried In Debris,
Drowned In Rivers
300 Injured; Much
Of City Laid Waste
Half Of Center Of City Is
Intact As Entire Build-
ings Are Wrecked
TAMPICO, Mexico, Sept. 26.-(IP)
-The known death toll from last
Sunday's hurricane which buffeted
this oil port for several hours was
placed officially tonight at fifti, with
three hundred known injured and
much of the city laid waste.
It was feared, however, that many
more bodies were buried in the debris
of collapsed houses or had not been
recovered from the water which
swirled in from overflowing rivers to
cover the low lying sections.
This correspondent, arriving from
Mexico, D. F., by airplane, the first
to reach Tampico since the storm,
found the city suffering from heavy
property damage but without the
high death toll first feared.
Officials of the city did not at-
tempt to estimate the total number
of injured, but the figure unofficially
was placed at thousands, many of
them receiving treatment in their
Half of the center of the city re-
mained intact, but entire buildings
were twisted to pieces by the wind.
Wooden buildings on the outskirts,
including several churches and mo-
tion picture theatres, were complete-
ly wrecked, with few exceptions.
Roosevelt Returns
To New York City
NEW YORK, Sept. 26.-()-
Franklin D. Roosevelt came back to
New York City tonight for the first
time as president, to receive a tumul-
tous welcome on his motor ride from
the Pennsylvania station to his East
65th street home.
He stopped in the metropolis for
the night en route to Hyde Park, the
ancestral estate, where in the next
week he is believed to be ready to
announce important moves in his
credit expansion program to back the
recovery drive.
Busy hours marked his last day
at the capital and his ride aboard
a special train here. Prof. James H.
Rodgers, of'Yale, one of his mone-
tary experts, travelled with him from
In the last few days the President
has given intensive study to the
problem of pushing out credit. Heads
of all government financial agencies
have been in his study. Senator
Bulkley, of Ohio, a ranking democrat
of the banking committee, conferred
with him today.
Marlen Pew Will Speak
At Press Club Meeting
International relations, the gold
standard, and tariff barriers are to
be topics of an "editor's clinic" to
be held in connection with the an-
nual University Press Club meeting
here Nov. 9, 10, and 11, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Prof. John L.
Brumm, of the journalism depart-
ment, secretary of the club.
Marlen Pew, editor of Editor &
Publisher magazine, will be the prin-
cipal speaker at the convention, dele-
gates to which are editors and rep-
resentatives of the majority of the
state's daily, semi-weekly, and week-
ly newspapers.
-Associated Press Photo
Bill McCormick, veteran test pilot,
was named to fly a plane which Rear
Admiral Byrd received from Phila-
delphia friends for use on his see-
ond Antarctic expedition.
'34 'Eusian Far
Ahead Of Sales
For 19324-933
Advance In Prices Takes
Effect Dec. 15; Student
Directory Ready Oct. 15
The sales campaign for the 1934
Michiganensian, campus yearbook,
which started last week is meeting
with great success and the sales are
far ahead of those for the same pe-
riod last year, according to Robert
J. Henoch, '35, sales manager. The
present drive will be continued
throughout the early part of this
week and longer if necessary.
Sales campaigns similar to the
present one in which the books are
offered for sale at important points
on the campus will be held approxi-
mately once a month.
In cases where only the down pay-
ment is made at the time of pur-
chase, the second and third pay-
ments are to be made at the Stu-
dent Publications Building .on May-
nard Street. It is urged that the
second payment on the 'Ensian be
made before Nov. 15 so that the final
payment of $1.50 can be made be-
fore Dec. 15, after which the price
will advance to $4.50. The final price
of the book will depend entirely on
the date of the third payment as the
first two payments will remain at $1
throughout the year. If the third
payment is made between Dec. 15
and the end of the first semester
it will be $2.50. From then until
April 10 the final payment will be
$3 and thereafter it will be $3.50,
making a total of $5.50 for the book.
The 1933-34 Student Directory will
be on sale Oct. 15.
Rotogravure Section .
Will Appear Sunday
Beginning with the issue of Oct.
3, The Daily will present weekly
a pictorial review of events oc-
curring in the college world, ac-
cording to an announcement made
yesterday by W. Grafton Sharp,
'34, business manager. The new
section will be known as Collegiate
Digest and will contain eight
pages of pictures, not only from
this campus but from other col-
leges and universities throughout
the United States.
The feature, which is compar-
able to the rotogravure sections
appearing in the Sunday editions
of large metropolitan dailies, will
be added to The Daily with no
extra charge to the subscriber.
In spite of an enrollment increase
of 4.7 per cent in the literary col-
lege, mostly caused by the large
freshman class of this year, total
enrollment figures for all schools and
colleges of the University show a
drop of 2.1 per cent from totals com-
puted at the same time last year.
There are now 7,695 students regis-
tered as against 7,864 at this time
last year.
As always, the largest number are
registered in the literary college,
which has 2,362 men and 1,386
women for a total of 3,748. The Col-
lege of Engineering is second with
1,177 men and 1 woman, and the
Graduate School third with 596 men
and 248 women for a total of 844.
The loss is largely concentrated in
the College of Engineering, where
present figures show 77 fewer stu-
dents than last year.
Literary College Gains
This drop would be more than
compensated for by the gain of 167
in the literary college were it not
for numerous smaller drops in other
divisions of the University. The unit
showing the smallest enrollment is
the School of Forestry and Conser-
vation, which has 41 students reg-
The increase in the literary college
is made up of 118 men and 49
women, while the engineering college
lost 75 men and 2 women.
Figures for other schools and col-
leges are as follows: College of Ar-
chitecture, 154 men and 30 women
enrolled as compared to 176 men and
30 women last year. This is a drop
of. 10.7 per cent. In the Medical
School there are now 396 men and
26 women as compared to 388 men
and 38 women last year. The loss in
this unit is .9 per cent.
The Law School has 479 men and
11 women this year and last year at
this time had 477 men and 14 women.
Its loss is .2 per cent. The College
of Pharmacy shows a gain of 25 per
cent with 42 men and 8 women this
year totaling 10 more than the 33
men and 7 women last year.
Fewer in Dental School
In the Dental School there are 140
men and 22 women this year. Last
year at this time there were 176 men
and 12 women registered. The drop
in this unit is 13.8 per cent. The
School of Education had 75 men and
186 women at this time last year and
now has 82 men and 138 women, re-
sulting in a lossof 15.7 per cent.
In the School of Business Admin-
istration there are 100 men and 4
women and last year there were 96
men and 9 women. The loss is 1 per
cent. The School of Nursing has 207
women enrolled as compared to 208
last year, which is a drop of .5 per
The Music School shows 53 men
and 97 women and last year had 59
men and 102 women. The drop here
is 6.8 per cent.
Cleaners Offer
13 Free Tickets
For N.U. G ame.
Thirteen free round-trip tickets to
Evanston, Ill., and admissions to the
Northwestern-Michigan football game
Nov. 25 are the prizes in a unique
contest announced yesterday by
Goldman Bros. Cleaners.
A coupon will be inserted, in The
Daily only, beginning today and con-
tinuing each day up to and includ-
ing Tuesday, Nov. 21. These coupons,
which will appear every day on page
2, entitle their owners to enter the
contest and participate in the draw-
ing Nov. 21, which will be supervised
by the Undergraduate Council of the
University. The place of the drawing
will be announced later.
Entrants are required only to clip
the coupons, fill in name and ad-
dress, and deposit the coupons at, or
, n i fn v "nlc3m nn rn:_A nn- ,hrs
E R-
.. :'
Byrd's Pilot
Early Figures
Register Drop
In Enrollment
4.2% Increase In Literary
School Caused By Large
Freshman Class
Actual Totals Show
Decrease Is Slight
7,965 Now Registered As
Against 7,864 At This
Time Last Year '
University Expedition Starting
Return Trip From Greenland
A radiogram received by Prof. W.
H. Hobbs, head of the department
of geology, last Friday from Uper-
nivik in far northern Greenland
stated that the University expedition
has safely returned from the dog-sled
trip over the inland-ice and is now
beginning its homeward journey. It
is expected that the members of the
expedition will reach Ann Arbor in
The fifth expedition of the Uni-
versity was undertaken in co-opera-
tion with the Pan-American Airways
and is directed by Prof. Ralph L.
Belknap, assistant professor of Ge-
ology at the University. Second in
command and acting as aerologist is
Evans S. Schmeling of the geology
department. The assistant aerologist
is Max Demorest, assistant in the de-
partment. Herbert Gardner is botan-
ist and topographer and Karl D.
Hanen i the radio o innPrato
on the Upper Nugssuak peninsula on
the west coast of Greenland, latitude
74 degrees north, while Prof. Belk-
nap, the director, continued to Cape
York to superintend as construction
engineer the building of the Peary
shaft. Returning early in September'
to the base, which was named Peary
Lodge, an observatory was erected
and aerological and ground metro-
logical observations have continued
throughout the year.
Early in 1933, dog-sled expeditions
were undertaken, one of which was
made over the inland-ice for a dis-
tance of over 100 miles. Belknap,
Schmeling, and Demorest took part
in this expedition and the director
was left alone for a month on the
ice-cap to make meteorological and
aerological observations. W h e n
Schmeling and Demorest made the
return journey to the coast over the
ice, they found that the advance of
the season had melted the snow
Earhart Foundation To Provide
Ten Scholarships For Seniors
Between eight and ten Earhart
Foundation Scholarships will be
available this year for qualified sen-
iors, according to a statement made
Monday by Dr. Roderick D. Mac-
Kenzie, head of the Department of
The scholarships pay a stipend of
$100 a year to take care of transpor-
tation to and from Detroit where so-
cial field work will be carried on.
The work is under the direction of
Earhart Fellows and one day a week
is devoted to research in the metro-
scholarship will automatically elect
Sociology 205, a seminar which will
meet to discuss problems brought up
during the course of the field work.
In connection with the work car-
ried out by Earhart Foundation
Scholars and Fellows, an inter-de-
partment Seminar will be held at
7:30 p. m. today in the Library,
under the direction of Dr. MacKen-
zie and various men from the social
science departments.
The seminar is unique in that for
the first ime it will bring together
10 Earhart Foundation Fellows, ap-
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