The Weather
Partly cloudy Saturday and
Sunday; somewhat colder Sat-
Sir iga~cn
The ]Proposed Liquor
Control Bill.,
VOL. XLIV No. 48
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ I U
Russia Recognized;
Bullitt Chosen For
I ,-
Youthful Diplomat Given
Reward For Advocacy
Of Recognition Policy
Roosevelt Begins
Southern Vacation
Ending Of Sixteen Year
Breach Finally Effected
By Emissary, President
VANNAH, Ga., Nov. 17-(')-
Happy over the solution of the
long-standing Soviet recognition
issue, President Roosevelt travel-
ed southward tonight for two
weeks of comparative relaxation
at his Warm Springs, Ga., re-
Just before boarding his spe-
cial train at 6 p. m. tonight the
President informed newspaper-
men who expectantly thronged
his office of the resumption of
relations with the Russian gov-
ernment. Obviously in high spir-
its, he read the exchange of cor-
respondence to the correspon-
dents. ,
Maxim Ltvinov said tonight that
the results of his conferences
with President Roosevelt "open
a new page in the development
of relations of real friendship
and peaceful collaboration be-
-tween the two largest republics
in the world."
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.- ()-
Recognition of Soviet Russia by the
United States was announced today
by President Roosevelt.
sitting at his desk shortly after 4
p. m., Mr. Roosevelt smilingly said
that the sixteen-year breach between
the two nations was actually ended
at 10 minutes before midnight last
At that time ,he and Maxim Lit-
vinov, Soviet Commissar for foreign
affairs, came to an agreement on the
points that have been in negotiation
since Litvinov arrived on Nov. 7. The
two were in the White House at the
William C. Bullitt, a State Depart-
ment expert on Russian affairs, who
has at'tended to personal conversa-
tions between the Executive and the
Russian diplomat, has been named
by the President as the first Ameri-
can Ambassador to the Soviet Union.
Who will be the Russian ambas-
sador to this country was not im-
mediately disclosed.
The White House made public a
bulky document covering the points
agreed upon. Mr. Roosevelt chuckled
when he asked the reporters to read
it in its entirety.
The exchange of communications
between the President and the Soviet
Government's foremost d i p 1 o m a t
showed that an understanding had
been reached on propaganda, the
right of religious freedom for Ameri-
can citizens in Russia, civil rights of
American nationals, and some claims.
An agreement also was reached for
a "consular convention" between the
two countries, in which the United
States is to be assured that its citi-
zens will have all the rights that are
granted to the nationals of other
states under existing treaties with
the Soviet. The convention will deal
specifically with the rights of con-
suls of America and Russia.
The involved question of claims.
and counter-claims between the two
countries was largely left for fur-
ther negotiations.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17- () -
William Christian Bullitt, a youthful
diplomat of 42 behind whose smiling
geniality is a two-fisted determina-
tion, received in double measure to-
day a reward of years of advocacy
of Soviet recognition.
Not only did President Roosevelt
announce the resumption of normal
relations with Russia, but he gave
Bullitt the job of ambassador and
the task of cementing the friendly
relations which the President's con-
versation with Maxim Litvinov had
established after 16 years of diplo-
matic frigidity.
In the State Department office,
which he has served since April 21 as
Non-Profit Sale
Liquor Control
Plan Is Selected
Submission Of Proposal
To Legislature Planned
By Political Leaders
LANSING, Nov. 17. - P) -A plan
of control calling for the sale of
liquor without profit except to the
State was agreed upon by legislative
and administration leaders for sub-
mission to the Legislature next week.
Its sponsors claimed it will "drive
out the bootlegger."
The legislative council, made up
of six Democratic and three Repub-
lican members of the Legislature,
made public the terms of the meas-
ure it will recommend. If adopted
by the Legislature the method of dis-
tributing liquor in Michigan will be:
Seventy-five State stores will be
established in the larger communities,
to sell liquor at cost plus a state
"tax" of not more than 40 per cent.
In other communities specially de-
signated distributors will be named.
They may be retail merchants, hotels,
or other established business places.
They must sell at the same prices
obtained in State stores and may take
no profit on sales. Their only com-
pensation will be yearly remunera-
tion, paid by the State, at a rate not
to exceed $1 per each person in the
territory served and in no event more
than $1,200 a year, regardless of pop-
Drinks by the glass may be served
in restaurants and hotels, in cities
and villages only, if such sales are
approved by a two-thirds vote of the
city council or village governing body.
The voters of the city orvillage with-
in one year, circulate petitions for a
referendum on whether sales by the
glass shall be allowed.
If the signatures of 20 per cent of
the number of electors who cast bal-
lots for secretary of state in the last
preceding electionare secured the
referendum must be held within 60
days after the petitions are filed.
Members of the council insisted liquor
must be cheap if the bootlegger is to
be driven out. It was estimated the
State percentage can be fixed at a
level to produce $5,000,000 to $10,-
000,000 a year for school aid.
Drafters of the bill prophesy
whisky can be sold in Michigan for
$1.25 to $1.50 per fifth and $1.50
to $2 a full quart -if Federal levies
are not excessive.
The plan for liquor control in
Michigan which the sub-committee
will submit at Lansing, while not the
same as that advocated by a Uni-
versity committee appointed by Pres-
ident Alexander G. Ruthven, is based
upon suggestions made by the Uni-
versity group.
The committee, headed by Prof.
Robert C. Angell of the sociology
department, was appointed by the
president last spring. It was called to
Lansing to help the state sub-com-
mittee in preparing a satisfactory bill,
and suggestions it offered played a
prominent part in making the pres-
ent bill.
Syn e' s Play Is
Well Received
By Playgoers
Ann Arbor turned out last night to
welcome back Edwin Grammercy,
who, with his Laboratory Theatre
Group from Detroit, presented for
Comedy Club J o h n Millington
Synge's success, "Playboy of the
Western World," at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Starring in the feature role of
Christy Mahon was Mr. Grammercy,
and he was supported by May Kil-
gour as the pretty young innkeeper,
Margaret Flaherty. Appearing as
Shawn Keough was Tom Dougall,
known to campus audiences for his
work here in Comedy Club several
years ago.
Others in the cast included Elaine
Newell as Widow Quin, Patrick Deasy
as Michael James Flaherty, and Old
U.S. Control
Addresses Accountants In
Closing Session Of Ninth
State Conference
New Securities Act
Discussed By Bane
Accountants Must Support
NRA Against Selfishness
Of Clients, Ellis Says
Administration policies of control
over industry are neither radical nor
revolutionary, Prof. I. L. Sharfman,
chairman of the economics depart-
ment, declared last night before the
closing session of the ninth Mich-
igan Accounting Conference.
"Despite a color of arbitrariness to
the whole program, it is but a nor-
mal evolution of our economic life.
Every one of the long run policies,
the Federal Securities Act, the Bank-
ing Act, and the Tennessee Valley
Authority, is a forward step to be
commended," he stated.
The NRA codes which are the chief
source of alarm are not nearly as
strict as railroad regulation has been
for many years, and in their recogni-
tion of such institutions as trade as-
sociations and collective bargaining
they are but sanctioning something
which has long been existent, he said.
"The Tennessee Valley project is
but a single instance of government
ownership, but it offers an excellent
opportunity to test such ownership in
actual practice on a large scale. It
has been proved that private owner-
ship is not necessarily either honest
or efficient," he said.
In behalf of the Michigan Associa-
tion of Certified Public Accountants,
Paul W. Pinkerton, past president of
the American Society of Certified
Public Accountants, presented Du-
rand W. Springer, first president of
the American society and former au-
ditor of the University, with a $500
check in appreciation of his service
to state and national accounting or-
Balwin B. Bane, chief of the se-
curities division of the Federal Trade
Commission, was the main speaker
of the afternoon session, addressing,
the conference on the Federal Secur-
ities Act, recently passed by Congress
as a control of the issue of corporate
Refuting the claim of bankers and
financial leaders that the act has
ruined the investment market and
prevented the flow of capital into
legitimate enterprises, Mr. Bane de-
clared that "the claim that new se-
curity issues have practically disap-
peared was made before the passage
of the act, and there had been from
an authoritative source a graphic
presentation of the state of the se-
curities market at its lowest ebb in
'10 years shortly prior to the con-
sideration and enactment of the Fed-
eral legislation."
Protection of the security investor,
the primary function of the act, will
(Continued on Page 6)
Big Ten Alumni In East To
Celebrate End Of Season
Celebrating the conclusion of the
1933 football season in the Western
Conference, alumni of Big Ten uni-
versities now living in the Washing-1
ton district, will hold their annual
round-up in the form of a dinner-
dance Saturday night, Nov. 28, in the
West Ballroom of the Shoreham
Hotel, Washington, according to- an
announcement received yesterday in
the officies of the Alumni Association
The event will honor especially
alumni of the school winning the Big
Ten championship. Awards will also
be made for the university which is
represented by the most graduates.
To Register Alumni At
Booth In Union Today
Plans for registration of all alumni
returning for today's football game
were announced yesterday afternoon
by T. Hawley Tapping, general sec-
retary of the Alumni Association.
There will be a booth in the lobby
of the Union open all morning and
graduates are requested to identify
themselves at the desk, Mr. Tapping
Total Number Of
Record Vote
Indicated In
Campus Poll
Cast, Though Uncounted,
Is Probably Near 3,000
Tabulation Of Votes
Is Set For Today
'No Predictions Made
Council Officials As
Decisions On Issues
Undefeated Teams Clash At
Stadium Today; Thousands
Attend Hill
The largest number of students
and faculty members ever to take
part in an all-campus University poll
yesterday voted on the 10 current
issues proposed by the Undergraduate
Council on the ballot distributed at
various points on campus.
Although the total number of bal-
lots cast could not be accurately de-
termined at a late hour last night,
it was estimated that between 2,500
and 3,000 persons voted. Printed bal-
lots had been entirely used up by
6 p. m. yesterday and a new lot was
printed to take care of those voting
at the Pep Meeting. The largest num-
ber of votes ever cast in a preceding
all-campus election was about 2,200,
Council officials stated last night,
declaring that yesterday's poll should
serve as an excellent guage of cam-
pus opinion on the questions pro-
posed on the ballots.
All dormitories, fraternities, and
sororities were canvassed by commit-
teemen conducting the election at
dinner time yesterday and it was re-
ported that every house on the cam-
pus was contacted, although some of
the ballots had not been returned at
a late hour last night. These will be
collected today, officials stated, and
will be counted with the other bal-
The counting and tabulation of the
ballots, which is expected to take
sometime in consideration of the
careful check which will be made
to prevent duplications, will be under-
taken today and it is hoped by those
in charge that results will be
known in time fo. Ablication in to-
morrow morning's i ,ue of The Daily.
No accurate prediction could be made
last night regarding the outcome of
the balloting on any of the particular
issues involved, but the results will be
made public as soon as the counting
is completed, those inscharge of the
poll said.
Head Cheerleader Asks
Fans To Support Team
Cheering throughout the season
has shown marked improvement, but
there is still plenty of room for more
volume in the yelling and for more
care in which card instructions are
followed, according to Thomas B.
Roberts, '34, head cheerleader.
In the formations today honor will
be paid to Michigan's coaches as well
as to the visitors and to the team,
so all persons occupying the cheering
section are urged to co-operate in
making the displays and cheers a
Hill Auditorium Resounds
To Cheers Of Enthused
Student Body
Oosterbaan, Husing,
Yost, Kipke Speak
Team Attends Rally For
First Time In Michigan
Football History
The "Champions of the West" were
urged on to another football victory
last night when the largest crowd
ever to attend a Michigan Pep Meet-
ing filled Hill Auditorium to capacity
to lend support to the 1933 football
For the first time in the history of
Maize and Blue football, the Varsity
team was present at a pep session
the night before a game, which, in
this case, is probably the outstanding
contest of the current season.
Wolverine coaches, led by Director
of Athletics Fielding H. Yost, told
the followers of the team just what
they might expect when the Michigan
eleven takes the field this afternoon
to oppose the Minnesota squad. Head
Coach Harry Kipke and Assistant
Coach Benny Oosterbaan gave short
pep talks, Kipke introducing the
individual members of the squad, who
came into the city from Barton Hills
by special bus. They returned to their
before-game hideout at the close of
the meeting.
Prof. David Mattern of the School
of Music, led in the singing, to the
accompaniment of music furnished
by Michigan's "Fighting Hundred."
Led by Drum Major Donald A.
Strouse, '35, the band played Mich-
igan fight songs as it marched to the
auditorium and also on the return
to Morris Hall.
The huge crowd, made up of stu-
dents, faculty members, townspeople,
and week-end visitors, established a
new record in the history of Univer-
sity Pep Meetings. Coming near the
close of the season, the entire project
was an innovation carried out under
the direction of the Undergraduate
Council, and the students of the Uni-
versity evidenced their loyalty by
lending full support to the meeting.
An unusual and unexpected fea-
ture of the program was a short talk
by Ted Husing, dean of sports an-
nouncers for the Columbia Broad-
casting System, who will announce
the game from the stadium this
afternoon. Not to be outdone by the
frenzied crowd which yelled for him
to remove his coat in keeping with
Michigan's Pep Meeting tradition,
Husing took off his coat, vest, and
shoes and then rolled up his sleeves
before addressing the cheering mob
of rooters.
188-Station Network
Will Broadcast Game
The Michigan-Minnesota football
game will be broadcast over 188 radio
stations today, the largest hookup
ever arranged for a football game,
Ted Husing will announce the ac-
count of the game for the Columbia
network and Don Wilson will cover
it for the National Broadcasting
Company. Ty Tyso, famed Detroit
sports announcer, will detail the ac-
count for WWJ. Among Detroit and
Windsor stations broadcasting the
account of the game will be WWJ,
Radio Commentator
Pep Meeting Talk
It seems to be an established tra-
dition that the gallery at Michigan
pep meetings insists upon all speak-
ers removing their coats and vests
before addressing the crowd. Ted
Husing, popular sports broadcaster
of the Columbia network, did the
boys one better at the pep meeting
in Hill Auditorium last night. He
removed his shoes.
Following Coaches Fielding H.
Yost, Harry Kipke, and Bennie Oos-
terbaan on the program, the radio
commentator found the audience at
the height of its enthusiasm. In re-
sponse to the cries of the gallery,
Husing not only removed his coat
and vest, but deposited his shoes in
the middle of the huge stage, and
met the demands of the crowd by
asking, "How's the hunting up there
in the gallery?"
Husing continued with stories from
his long list of football experiences,
speaking in his usual quick style, so
well known to his radio audience.
Husing pointed out that the North-
western-Notre Dame game had been
originally scheduled for the Colum-
bia network, but that the impor-
tance of the Michigan-Minnesota
contest in determining a national
champion had influenced the offi-
cials to putthe latter contest on the
Last year Columbia put two of the
Michigan football games on the air,
as they likewise are doing this sea-
son, clearly showing the outstanding
importance of the Michigan games
throughout the country, Husing
stated. The game today is the sec-
ond game broadcast by Columbia this
year, the same network putting the
Ohio State contest on the air last
Husing and his assistant, Les
Quaily, will send a play by play ac-
count of the game over the entire
network of the Columbia Broadcast-
ing System.
To Honor Rice
With Reception
Next Sunday
Appearance Of Pulitzer1
Prize Winner Is Secured
By Hillel Players
A special reception will be held in
honor of Elmer Rice, noted play-
wright, following his lecture Sunday
night in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre, when he will speak on "The Fu-
ture of the Theatre." Members of
the English department, Comedy
Club, and Play Production have been
invited as special guests, it was an-
nounced. He will be introduced by
Prof. O. J. Campbell of the English
Mr. Rice is coming to Ann Arbor
through special arrangements by the
Hillel Players as their initial presen-
tation of the year. He is well known
for his Pulitzer Prize winning play
in 1929, "Street Scene," which ap-
peared both on the stage and on the
According to dramatic authorities,
Mr. Rice is without question one of
the two most eminent playwrights
in America. His plays, notably "On
Trial," "For the Defense," "Coun-
Michigan Is Prepared To
Defend Titular Ho p e s
Against Traditional Foe
Changes In Lineup
Caused By Injuries
Savage Will Be Out Of
Lineup; Kowalik And
Wistert Slightly Hurt
Ready to fight desperately in de-
fense of a Big Ten and National title
and to preserve an undefeated sea-
son record, Michigan's great Wolver-
ine eleven will take the Stadium field
at 2 p. in. today against Minnesota's
strong challengers.
Every Gopher contest in the past
six years has been a classic; the
teams have been almost evenly
matched. No one of these battles
has been won by more than seven
points. This afternoon's fray prom-
ises to be no exception.
Dogged by hard luck throughout
the season, the Gophers have fig-
ured in several ties with formidable
opponents, remaining undefeated.
The Maize and Blue must be the
first team to win over the Northmen
or the Western Conference lead
shifts to Purdue, provided the Boil-
ermakers take Iowa today. A tie
would throw the Lafayette outfit
into a tie for first place with Michi-
The Wolverines, rated at the na-
tion's top this season, are conceded
a hair-line edge over the Gophers,
who have the physical and psycho-
logical advantage of a two weeks' rest
over the Maize and Blue.
Wearied Michigan goes into a bit-
ter chapter of the Big Ten annals
today; the next to last chapter in
the title defense. With Savage, a
stellar guard, out of this game, and
Wistert and Kowalik slightly injured,
the Wolverines have their share of
cripples. However, Wistert and Ko-
walik, as stated in The Daily after
the Iowa game, will start against the
Northmen although a great many
unfounded rumors have been cirue-
lated concerning these men all week.
Another Shake-up Seen
Another shake-up in the Maize
and Blue roster looms as Bill Ren-
ner has been filling in at right half
in place of Jack Heston for a large
portion of the week, and the passer
appears to be a logical candidate for
the starting lineup.
Warmer weather for the contest
was promised by weathermen late
last night, and should the sky be
clear before game-time, a huge crowd
is expected. Temporary bleachers
were up yesterday afternoon nearly
all the way around the huge bowl,
while a small army of workers la-
bored to clear the snow off the tar-
paulin covering the playing field, and
also out of the end-zones. This early
move was made as a safeguard
against the delay caused Saturday in
clearing the field. Snow was banked
high all around the field yesterday,
while the ground under the tarpau-
lin was still frozen hard.
Minnesota Shift Revised
With the famed Minnesota shift
revised and polished to meet the de-
mands of modern football, Coach
Bernie Bierman's Gophers will have
a great variety of plays at their com-
mand. Concentration of power in
the running attack is effected by the
usual massing of the backfield as
well as the occasional use of the un-
balanced line. Minnesota is expected
to have a bag of tricks ready for un-
defeated, untied Michigan.
Ted Petoskey is expected to play a
large part in both offense and de-
fense this week, while Everhardus,
"The Flying Dutchman," scoring
leader of the Big Ten Conference, is
also expected to star. Wistert, Hilde-
brand, Kowalik, Austin, and Ward
will pull the tightest of defenses
around the Gopher attack, while Fay
at his position of safety-man and
Regeczi and Bernard behind the line
will be keystones of the Michigan
Minnesota Michigan
Tenner ........LE.. . Petoskey
Bruhn. .........LG.... Hildebrand
Oen (C) .......C....... Bernard
Brown Jug Is Trophy Again
For Michigan-Minnesota Game
The football game today between
Michigan and Minnesota will have as
its goal for the first time in many
years the genuine "Little Brown Jug''
which has had such a hectic history
in its 30 years of existance.
There are many conflicting stories
as to the original purpose of this re-
ceptacle, which was purchased by Mr.
Thomas B. Roberts, '04, who was then
student manager of the team. One
theory maintains that its purchase in
Minneapolis in 1903 was for the pur-
pose of carrying pure water from the
hotel at which the team was staying
to the field to preclude any attempt
by the ardent Minnesota fans to
tamper with or dope the water . It
was one of Fielding H. Yost's "point
a minute" teams which feared the
tampering. Another story as to the
jug's origin maintains that a change
in water was considered dangerous to
the welfare of the team.
At its original inception, the "Little
Brown Jug" was neither little nor
brown. It was an exceptionally large,
plain crockery jug of about five gal-
lons capacity, according to Mr. Rob-
it as a trophy for his University.
Later the idea developed that the vic-
toriousteam would have possession
of the jug.
Several years ago the jug was
stolen, but it turned up the following
year in time for the game. There was
much doubt at the time as to the
authenticity of the article, but at
least it closely resembled the original.
Since this "doubtful" jug has been
the trophy, Michigan has 'lost no
games to Minnesota. Mr. Roberts
thought this jug was not large
enough to be the original one, its
capacity being limited to about three
gallons instead of five.
With the discovery of the genuine
jug in the bushes near the Dental
School last summer, the story came
out as to how the substitution had
been maneuvered. Football author-
ities had considered it "impossible to
hold a Michigan-Minnesota game
without the accompanying interest
which the "Little Brown Jug" fur-
nished. Consequently, they painted
the spurious one with the "M's" and
scores from photographs of the orig-