The Weather Cloudy and warmer, possi- bly light snow Friday; Satur- day fair, moderate temperature. C, r 5k ig t an ~Iat EdiLtorials Let's Go To Pep Meeting.. Student Voting Today ... VOL. XLIV No. 47 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS Pep Meeting Will Arouse Spirit For Saturday's Battle Squad, Coaches, Band To Appear On Stage; Cheer Leaders Will Assist Held To Spur Team To Conference Win Yost, Kipke, Fay To Talk On Program; Students Make Other Speeches On the eve of the traditional 30- year old contest with the University of Minnesota for possession of the Little Brown Jug, famed replica of Wolverine-Gopher battles since 1903, one of the largest crowds in the his- tory of Micligan football is expected to gather tonight to spur the team on to its fifth conference victory of the season. Students will demonstrate their support of the 1933 football team before the final home game of the season when the team, its coaches, the band, and cheerleaders take the platform of Hill Auditorium at 7:30 p. m. Benny Oosterbaan, member of the Varsity coaching staff, will not be on tonight's program. His place in the list of speakers will be taken by mem- bers of the team, who will tellMich- igan football followers just what they might expect from the Maize and Blue on the following day. Yost To Talk 'Fight' Fielding H. Yost, director of ath- -letics of the University, will deliver one of his famous fight-talks and Head Coach Harry Kipke will deliver a short address before introducing in- dividual members of this year's squad. Stanley Fay, '34Ed., captain of the current. version of "Champions of the West," will speak on the struggles which hae accompanied the winning of the first six games of the 1933 season. He will be followed by other members of the first team. Mattern Heads Singing Prof. David Mattern, director of the Varsity Glee Club, will lead the au- dience in the singing of songs to the accompaniment of music furnished by Michigan's "Fighting Hundred," who will also play as they take the usual before- and after-meeting march between Morris Hall and the auditorium. Other speeches of the meeting will be delivered by campus undergrad- uate leaders instead of by prominent alumni members of the University, as has been the custom in the past. Undergraduate Council members in charge of the meeting expressed the hope last night that "every student in the University, whether an under- graduate or a student in one of the advanced units, would attend the meeting and lend full support to the team which has taken a large stride toward establishing one of the great- est football records in the history of the game," Prof. Sharma± A pointed To New Committee Prof. Jackson R. Sharman of the School of Education has been ap- pointed a member of a new national committee on education, according to word received here yesterday. Pro- fessor Sharman's appointment was announced in Washington by Dr. Paul C. Stetson, superintendent of schools in Indianapolis, Ind. The education committee will meet and report from Feb. 24 to March 1. in Cleveland at the convention of the department of superintendence. "The- appointment of this commit- tee is an important item in a funda- mental reorganization of the conven- tion plan followed by the educational leaders in their national professional organization for many years," Dr. Stetson said. "The change was made to extend greater responsibility to in- dividual members in the department's attempt to plan more effectively for meeting the current crisis in educa- tion." Sunderland Leaves For 77- TRf . Gargoyle Campus Sale Will Be Ended Today The second issue of Gargoyle, all dressed up in its athletic and romantic cover by John Held, Jr., had an even better first day sale than the initial' issue of the year, it was announced at Gargoyle of- fices last night. A few hundred copies of the is- sue, which follows its predecessor in its lack of "slapstick" and ap- peal to a greater maturity upon the part of students, are still left and will be placed on campus sale for the last time today. Reserved copies will be on sale at the football game tomorrow. This stadium sale is being held to introduce the magazine to alumni and visitors, G a r g o y 1 e officials stated. Detroit Alumni Will Honor The Varsity Seniors Annual 'Football Bust' To Be Held December 2; To Present Signet Rings Honoring the 15 members of the senior class on the Varsity football squad, the University of Michigan Club of Detroit will hold its annual Football Bust Saturday night, Dec. 2, at the Hotel Statler, according to an announcement received here from J. Fred Matthaei, '14, president of the organization. This banquet marks the return to the old custom which was abandoned last year. -Offcials of the club are inviting all the seniors on the team, and are hoping to be able to enter- tain the other members of the squad and the Varsity Band. In addition to members of the De- troit alumni body, it is probably that there will be graduates from other cities in this sector in as much as the banquet committee has extended in- vitations to the members of all Uni- versity of Michigan clubs within a radius of 250 miles of Detroit. The program entertainment has been not definitely announced, as yet, but it will undoubtedly include prom- inent members of the team, as well as coaches and officials of the Detroit club. The customary presentations of University signet rings to the senior letter-winners on the squad will con- clude the banquet. Abandon Hope For S. S. SaXilby Crew VALENTIA, Irish Free State, Nov. 16 - (A) - Hope was virtually aban- doned today of rescuing the 27 men in the crew of the British freighter Saxilby, of whom nothing was seen nor heard since their last despairing SOS as they took to the boats of the storm-battered vessel Wednesday morning. One by one searching vessels gave up the quest after reaching the spot, about 300 miles off the Irish coast, from where the last signal came, without finding a trace of the Saxilby or its lifeboats. Expect Early Recognition Of Russians President Leaves Capital Today After Final Parley With Maxim Litvinov U.S.-Russian Trade Relations Discussed Roosevelt Says That U. S. Citizens In Russia Must Have Religious Freedom WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.--(1)- Both from administration and Soviet sources today came indications that ,n announcement on Russian recog- nition by President Roosevelt was close at hand. The executive was expected to 2lear the way for the resumption of jiplomatic relations with Russia be- fore he leaves for Warm Springs, Ga., tomorrow. The White House today reiterated hope for a successful conclusion of the parleys with Maxim Litvinov, the Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs, before Mr. Roosevelt departs. The visitor arranged to confer with the President again late today or to- night. Meanwhile, State Department offi- cials who have been assisting in the negotiations gave the impression that an understanding had been reached. May Delay Sailing Members of the Soviet delegation refused to comment, but it was known that Litvinov was in an even more genial humor than customary. It was said, however, that it was un- likely that he would leave the capital in time to sail on the Paris tomor- row. Future trade relations were known to have figured in the Russo-Amer- ican conversations, but the attitude of Secretary Henry A. Wallace today caused some doubt as to whether any conclusion has been reached on im- mediate deals. The secretary of agriculture said that he personally disapproved of a long-term loan to Russia for the pur- chase of American agricultural com- modities so long as this country re- tained its high tariff walls. Other officials, however, who have been more intimately in touch with the trade negotiations, have favored the extension of long-term credits to the Soviet Government. Russia's rec- ord for paying foreign obligations contracted after the Communists took power 16 years ago has been un- usually good. Debt Accord Indicated A general understanding between the President and Litvinov on the is- sues involved in recognition would mean, in the opinion of some offi- cials, that satisfactory formulas had been arrived at for handling debts, propaganda and religious matters. From the first, informed observers have anticipated little trouble in dis- posing of the latter two subjects. In the past, Soviet officials have given assurances that their government would not carry on propaganda, against other governments if the lat- ter in turn would agree not to try to undermine Communism in Russia. President Roosevelt has insisted that it be clearly understood that American citizens in Russia have complete freedom of worship. Mos- cow has asserted that this freedom is granted now. Should Litvinov follow a well de- fined- precedent, any agreement on debts would extend only to further negotiations after recognition was accomplished. Gain Is Seen In Number Of MenWorking Relief Administrator Says There Are More Families On Relief Rolls Government To Buy Quantities Of Coal Gains In Weekly Wages Revealed By Secretary Frances Perkins WASHINGTON, Nov. 16- () - Heartened by a labor department es- timate that 85,000 additional per- sons had returned to work last month, the administration set to work today on its plan to increase the number to 4,000,000. A White House conference, to be presided over by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, was called for next Mon- day to formulate relief plans affect- ing women and to consider ways of finding them employment. At the same time, Harry L. Hop- kins, the relief administrator, made public figures for 131 cities and ur- ban counties, showing 1,485,634 fami- lies were on relief rolls in October, compared with 1,479,232 the previous month. Hopkins said the task of transfer- ring men from work relief rolls by giving them jobs under the $400,000,- 000 civil works program began to- day. Hopkins, who also heads the Civil Works Administration which is at- tempting to give employment to the 4,000,000 by Dec. 6, announced he had given $500,000 to the Federal Surplus Relief Corporation to buy low-grade Texas cattle at a minimum price of $1.75 per hundred pounds. He said the meat would be processed and distributed to the needy. Purchase of a large quantity of coal for the destitute also is planned, he added. Clothing, various foods, and bedding already are being sup- plied. The October employment gain was reported by Secretary Frances Per- kins, She added at her press confer- ence that the statistics also indi- cated a gain of six million dollars in weekly wageshbeing paid over the previous month. Since March, she said, more than 2800,000 workers in the industries surveyed have been given employ- ment and payrolls increased nearly $70,000,000 in October over March. Bennett Speaks On Government Housing Plans Vote 4 Campus To Ballot Today On Ten Important Questions; To Include All Schools French Cabinet Faces Downfall On Budget Acts Would Be Third One To Be Overthrown For Same Principle PARIS, Nov. 16 - (A) - Premier Albert Sarraut's cabinet, after 20 days of life, faced what a high offi- cial called "certain overthrow" to- night on budget-balancing proposals. Two previous ministries have fallen on measures publicly described as imperatively needed to save the French franc and France's gold. Financial Minister Georges Bon- net, meanwhile, warned that the fi- nancial situation was becoming in- creasingly grave and that a panic might spread through the country if the cabinet were defeated and the budget-balancing attempts failed. He pointed out that gold holdings in the Bank of France were a little more than 80 billion francs the week ended Nov. 10, the lowest in 18 months. Denies Council Seeks Control Of Fraternities Threaten Social Probation For Houses Not Turning In Monthly Statements Denial of the charge that the bud- gets for the semester and monthly financial statements which all fra- ternities are required to turn in are primarily for the purpose of regu- lating the houses was made yester- day by Maxwell T. Gail, '34, secre- tary-treasurer of the Interfraternity Council. Gail also delivered a threat of the council Judiciary Committee of so- cial probation for those houses which fail to fill out the blanks by Thurs- day which have been "in the hands of house managers for several days." The chief object in having houses turn in these budgets is, according to Gail, to bring to the attention of the house president and the steward the exact condition of the house fi- nances at least once a month. "The houses that keep a good ac- count of their condition are rarely the ones that are forced to close," he said, "and we feel that the primary purpose of this plan is to make houses that have not been in the habit of keeping accounts begin the practice." An extension of eight days is be- ing allowed houses in turning in their reports, which are ordinarily due on the fifteenth of each month for the month previous. Budgets for the se- mester have been due for several weeks, but will be acceptable along with the monthly statements for Sep- tember and October. Although the meeting of the Ju- diciary Committee has been definite- ly set, it is understood that they will meet to take action on the houses which fail to comply with the rulings on the matter of budgets and reports some time after Thursday, the date on which reports are due. Singers Will Appear During Half Saturday The Michigan Singers will ap- pear between the halves of the Minnesota game, according to Warren Mayo, '36E, president of the Varsity Glee Club. Due to the possibility of snow, the pre- sentation was postponed last Sat- urday by officials of the Varsity Band and Glee Club. All men interested are to as- semble in front of the band seats at the start of the intermission, and are to leave their seats one minute before the half ends. More men are needed to complete the full strength of the group, Mayo said. Scalpers Begin Activities Early For Next Game Students Warned Sale Of Tickets Is Illegal Under State Law Indications that the Minnesota- Michigan football game Saturday will be a sellout were evidenced yesterday by the presence of out-of-town scalp- ers on the campus. The scalpers, presumably from De- troit, were launching a concerted drive to buy tickets from students at the regular sale price to be resold shortly' before the game at much higher values. This was the first time that scalpers had been seen in Ann Arbor as early as the Wednesday be- fore a contest. Scalping for the Michigan-Ohio State game, which at- tracte -over 93,000 spectators,- was carried on later in the week. The scalpers were in action both at the Union and the Lawyers Club. At the latter place they were canvass- ing from room to room in an attempt to gather a large number of student tickets. Two men were stationed in front of the Union, accosting students as they entered. Students were warned by author- ities that the sale of their tickets is illegal under State law. A much greater amount of scalping has been noted this year than in the recent past. Morgenthau Takes New Office Today WASHINGTON, Nov. 16- (1P) - Henry Morgenthau, Jr., an unwav ering supporter of President Roose velt's experiment in a managed cur- rency, tomorrow will assume com- mand of the nation's finances. With a brief White House cere. mony he will be inducted as under- secretary of the Treasury, moving tc that department from the Farm Cre- dit Administration, the affairs of which he has directed in a way that has brought unstinted praise from officials. Meanwhile, at the Treasury, Sec- retary Woodin, about to go on a long leave of absence, and Under- secretary Acheson, who resigned,were saying goodbye to their associates. Both were guests of honor at a luncheon given by Assistant Secre- tary Hewes and attended by other departmental officials. Division Street To Be Includ Of Questions Beer led In Law List Accurate Check On Voters To Be Kept Auto Ban, Honor System, R.O.T.C., Class Dances Will Be Voted On Balloting on a list of 10 general topics selected by members of the Undergraduate Council will take lace from 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. to. Jay at seven booths located at various >laces about the campus. In accord- %nce with carefully-arranged plans f those in charge, the voting will be ,onducted in such a manner that checking will insure the accuracy of ;he count and no student will be able o vote more than once. The questions included in the bal- ot, which were printed complete in iesterday's issue of The Daily, in- :lude proposals for the sale of beer ;ast of Division St., modification of he existing ban on automobiles,re- noval of certain student residences rom the jurisdiction of the Univer- ity, and the establishment of an ionor system for examinations. Questions Listed Also on the ballot are questions on iompusory physical ecUcation for -en and women, the abolition ofthe R.O.T.C., the extension of time on -losing hours for women, willingness to participate in the case of war, and >pinions on the prices which might be charged for class dances and local movies. The seven booths, under the man- 3gement of more than 75 committee- nen of the sophomore and junior lasses of the literary and engineer- -ng colleges, will be located. In An ;ell Hall lobby, the engineering arch, ;he Legal Research Library, the Main *ibrary, University Hall, and in the obbies of the Union and the League. :n addition, tables will be placed in he foyer of Hill Auditorium for the onvenience of those attending the ?ep Meeting tonight. Arrange Calls A check of all dormitories, frater- cities and sororities will be made dur- ng the dinner hour, in an attempt to ,ecure as many votes as possible. A 'eeting of the committeemen in harge will be held at 5:30 p. m. at he Union for the purpose of arrang- ng the calls to be made at individual louses. Inasmuch as voting will take place imultaneously at the various loca- ions, an elaborate system to check he names of those voting will be em- loyed by the committeemen in harge. At each polling place the in- lividual in charge will check the lumber of the ballot after the name f the person voting, in the student lirectory. After the polls are closed he directories will be taken to the ounting room and will be gone hrough alphabetically to insure ac- curacy. The current interest in the ques- ions listed on the ballot has been ex- )ected to attract a large number of both student and faculty voters, of- ficials in charge of the poll stated last night, and it is hoped that the vote will be large since its signifi- cance will be directly proportional to its size. Students And Alumni Join In Radio Pep meet Students and alumni collaborated in the presentation of the University of Michigan football bust, a pep meeting dedicated to the Varsity gridiron squad, over radio station WJR, Detroit, at 10:30 p. m. last night. The first speaker on the half-hour program was Regent James O. Mur- fin of Detroit, who commented brief- Ly on Michigan spirit, remarking that: "That' spirit during the foot- ball season thrives on clean and wholesome competition." ' He was followed by Willie Heston, '05, for- mer All-American halfback and a member of four point-a-minute Says Be Of Program Likely To Permanent Feature National Policy J. M. Synge's'Playboy Of The Western World' Opens Toniioht Government housing, at present an emergency measure, is likely to be- come a permanent feature of our national social program because it voices a general interest, Prof. Wells I. Bennett of the College of Archi- tecture told a radio audience last night. He declared that there are unlim- ited possibilities for social better- ment and economic stability if the ideals of adequate housing are ex- pressed in sound planning, consis- tently put into effect. The quantity of housing thus far built or likely to be built under priv- ate enterprise is pitifully small com- pared to the need, he said. Public concern over the situation has been increasing for some years, he said. "Disease in the slums consumes on- ly slum dwellers, but the organized crime nurtured there strikes out at all society and finally at government itself. In every way poor housing is unsocial and poor national economy," he declared. Under the NIRA the urban hous- ing problem will probably be at- tacked in two ways: by improving the existing city as a place to live and by decentralization of the present metropolitan center, he said. German Withdrawal Will Be Discussed The Ann Arbor chapter of the League of Nations Association will hold an open forum at 8 p. m. Tues- 'Criminal At Large' To Feature Minna Phillips, British Actress The curtain will rise on Comedy Club's initial offering of the dramatic season when it presents Edwin Gram- ercy and his Laboratory Theatre group from Detroit, in J. M. Synge's success, "Playboy of the Western World," at 8:15 p. m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. "'Playboy of the Western World' is not about an Irish peculiarity," George Bernard Shaw said some years ago in an interview, "but about a universal weakness of mankind, the habit of admiring bold scoundrels. Most of the heroes of history are bold scoundrels, you will notice. ization suddenly struck out the idea that to satirize the follies of human- ity is to insult the Irish nation, be- cause the Irish nation is the human race and has no follies." The plot centers about an Irish peasant boy who kills his father. As soon as his story spreads through the village he becomes a hero, he is admired by the villagers and honored at the fete, until, in the last act, when his father comes in, swathed in band- age, and sends the boy back to the plow. While this appearance will mark the first time the Laboratory The- By MARJORIE E. BECK When Robert Henderson opens his production of Edgar Wallace's "Crim- inal at Large" next week, Minna Phillips will be/ playing the lead as Lady Lebanon, the haughty, unsmil- ing mistress of Mark's Priory, her manor. It is difficult to conceive of so gra- cious and charming a person as Miss Phillips playing so unlovable a part, but Mr. Henderson knew what he was about when he cast this ver- satile actress in the role. A familiar figure on the London, Continental nmr Amarie.v ,+ ct. fMice Phill~im hc of its kind that she has ever been in or seen. It is an intensely thrilling drama, not without its little twists of com- edy, dealing with Scotland Yard in its position as the highest pinnacle of detective agencies. And, as a Brit- isher, Miss Phillips is capable of ren- dering a sincere and sympathetic in- terpretation of her role. As she so aptly phrases it, Miss Phillips has led a "Kangaroo life." Born in Sydney, Australia, she came to this country almost 25 years ago to pursue her passionate interest in flh11if' fhrnnh her Anci oU f Uvoice- Her