THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, r me For Senate away Decision Approaching' Lawrence Waterway lay Cost $153,000,000 r More o Dredge Channel Ancient Fortress Scene Of Bloody Battle In Havana d States And uld Work On Canada Project ogetner 3ITOR'S NOT This is the first series of artiies presentng several erent opinions held, by University essors dealing with the feasibility the proposed St. Lawrence Sea- By PHILIP T. VAN ZILE e question of the proposed St. ence Seaway is occupying an asingly important place in the c mind as the time of its ratifi- ri or defeat by the Senate draws An unbiased consideration and ghing of the facts pro and con tecessary to a careful judgment e question. veral schools of opinion have ed on the campus; all of them nt arguments worthy of consid- on. An exact statement of the em is necessary to any further deration of the question. e plan of the International Joint, nission, composed of Canadian American engineers, contem- s a seaway to accommodate of 27-foot draft, which will in- approximately 85 per cent of rorld's shipping tonnage. To ac- lish this the locks of Sault Ste. e will be deepened two feet; the )it River will be deepened where sary, and compensating' works e installed at this point to reg- and maintain proper levels in xreat Lakes. e St. Lawrence River will be ed from a depth of 14 feet to a of 27 feet; between New and Ontario, dams, locks and r plants will be installed to pro- safe passage for boats and to e energy derived from the fall in rater level for power purposes. e Thousand Islands the channel e dredged and the water level olled as well. t estimates on the project vary y, depending on different ad- ents made for power expendi- for lake channel development, harbors, for outlays already and depending on whether the or only American costs are con- d. One estimate based on offi- investigation would have the d States face a furthers outlay wvigation purposes of only $153,- 0. Another estimate, resting on ame basic figures, puts the in- e cost for navigation to both ries, excluding lake harbors, at '00,000. rty million dollars has already' appropriated towards compie-' f the project and the rest must ?propriated by Congress, pro- the Senate ratifies the treaty at xt session. It has been estimated he seaway will take eight years; -Associated Press Photo Ancient Atares fortress in Havana (above) was the scene of a recent bloody battle between rebellious soldiers and troops loyal to the government of President Grau San Martin. Members of the ABC, Cuban secret society seeking reinstatement of Carlos Manuel de Cespedes as president, retired to the fortress but surrendered after a day of bitter fighting. Loyal soldiers, pictured here, are shown on the firing line during previous disorders. W.A.A. Executive Board Alters Women's Sport Point Systems idents Being eistered For iew Positions ay Is Final Day For' gistration Without The yinent Of Dues istration of students desiring ations after graduation in Feb- or June, or after the Summer n in August is now being held office of the University Bu- of Appointments and Occupa- Information, 201 Mason Hall. service is open to senior under- ates and to graduate students ,pplies to teaching as well as aching positions. T. Luther Purdom, director of reau, announced that this week only one in which registration made without the payment of After Friday, he stated, there e a late registration fee of $1 students. ;he past few years the bureau cured a large number of varied ations throughout the country1 11 as some in several foreign 'ies for University graduates 'aduate students. In order to more completely fulfill the needs of the women on campus interested in sports the Women's Ath- letic Association executive board re- cently altered the intramural and W.A.A. point systems, Billie Griffiths, '35, president, announced yesterday. The student may work at the same time to win points for her W.A.A. letter as well as gaining points for the participation cup given to the sorority or dormitory which has the greatest percentage of its members active in sports. The awards for the individual are a small "M" for 300 points, the privilege of buying and wearing a W.A.A. pin for 600 points, and a large "M" for 1,000 points. Points may be earned in either major sports or individual activities. The major sports are hockey, basket- ball, and baseball; the players on the first team receive 100 points and those on the squad 50 toward their W.A.A. letter. The individual activ- ities include such sports as riding, swimming, badminton, bowling, rifle, tennis and hiking. The winner of an individual tournament receives 50 points toward her W.A.A. award. The houses entered in the intra- mural hockey or basketball tourna- ment receive 25 points toward the participation cup and, if winners, re- ceive 100, or 50 if they place sec- ond. Entrance in individual activities such as bowling or badminton gain To Vote On Prices Of Movies In Poll (Continued from Page 1) education for men? Should there be compulsory physical education for women? R. 0. T. C. Should the University it. 0. T. C. be abolished? Women's Hours: Do you favor re- taining women's hours as they now stand? Do you favor the abolition of all women's hours? Should present rules be modified? Should women be allowed to stay out till 11:30 on Sun- days? Should women be allowed to stay out till 1:30 on both Fridays and Saturdays? Should women be allowed to stay out till 1:30 on Saturdays and 12:30 on Fridays? War Participation: I will not sup- port my country in any war. I will support my country only in case my country is invaded. I will support my country in any war. Class Dances: Which orchestra would you like to see at your class dance this year? Circle the price you would like to see set for your class dance (from $1 to $10). Movie Prices: Circle what you be- lieve to be a fair movie price (from 15 cents to 50 cents). five points for the house, and winners add 100 points toward the cup. Thus a woman may gain 50 points toward her W.A.A. award by winning a bowling tournament and gain 105 points toward the cup for her house. Among the new changes instituted are the requirements for active mem- bership, which state that a student must have earned 50 W.A.A. points to have -the privilege of voting or holding any office in that organiza- tion. Another alteration is that the season for individual sports is limited to a 12-week period. No woman may' earn team and individual points in the same season; for example, she may not enter basketball and bowling, tournaments in the same season. Remers Book On IChina Is Published1 Publication of "A Study of Chinese Boycotts," a 300-page book by Prof. C. F. Remer of the economics de- partment, by the Walter Hines Page School of International Relations of Johns Hopkins University was an- nounced yesterday. Professor Remer, who has spent considerable time in China and who is considered an authority in the field of international economic relations, treats not only the present situation of China but the possibility of eco- nomic effectiveness of the boycott as a means of non-violent coercion. In the gathering of data and sta- tistics and in the writing of the book, Professor Remer was assisted by Wil- liam B. Palmer of the economics de- partment. The study is especially significant, Professor Remer believes, because China has used more effectively than' any other nation the boycott which is provided for in the Covenant of the League of Nations. Professor Remer was in China from 1912 to 1922 and again in 1930- 31. In May of this year he had pub- lished a book on "Foreign Invest-' ments in China." The present work has been in preparation for over a year. Rice, Famous Playwright, To SpeakSunday Elmer Rice, noted playwright, will speak here Sunday night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre under the auspices of the Hillel Players, it was announced yesterday by Law- rence Levy, '34, president. His subject will be "The Future of the Theatre." Tickets will be on sale in Angell Hall lobby today and tomorrow, and at the Lydia Mendelssohn box office Saturday and Sunday. Admission will be 50 cents. In 1929 he was awarded the Pulit- zer Prize for his "Street Scene." His plays have been translated into many languages and have been published in book form. He blasted theatrical tra- dition when, as an unknown, he had his first play accepted through the naive procedure of mailing it to a producer. Mr. Rice first studied for law, but became so interested in drama that he took that field as his life work. Some of his works are "The Adding Machine," which was produced by Play Production here, "Street Scene," the stage and screen success, and, Counselor at Law," in which Paul Muni became a big success. French Natives To Talk Before Cercie Francais The Cercle Francais will present two informal talks by natives of France at its regular meeting at 8 p. m.. today in the League. The speakers are Pierre Lambert, Grad., and Mar- cel J. P. Bogart, Grad. Frances L. Hill, '35, will give an account of the methods of instruction at the Uni- versity of Lausanne, Switzerland, which she attended for two and a half years. GET FIVE MAIL POUCHES CHARLOTTE, N. C., Nov. 15. - (/P) - Four men armed with two machine guns held up a mail truck on West Third Street near the heart of the city here today and escaped with one registered mail pouch and four pouches of first class mail. Plan Talks For Annual Meeting Of Accountants Sharfinan Will Speak; Discussion Of Securities Act Is On Program Authorities in the fields of ac- counting and economics will speak on problems confronting the accountant at the ninth annual Michigan Ac- counting Conference to convene to- morrow in the Union. The conference, sponsored by the School of Business Administration, the Michigan Association of Certified Accountants, and the Michigan So- ciety of Public Accountants, will con- sider both the technical and non- technical aspects of accounting prob- lems. George P. Ellis, president of the American Society of Certified Public Accountants, will deliver an address on "The Social Responsibility of the Accountant," and Professor I. L. Sharfman, chairman of the eco- nomics. department, will make an ad- dress at the evening banquet on "Current Developments in the Social Control of Economic Life." At the morning meeting of the conference, which will deal with the more technical aspects, C. J. Lynch, president of the Michigan Associa- tion of Certified Public Accountants, will preside over a round table dis- cussion based on the "Balance Sheet Display under the Michigan Corpora- tion Act." Robert E. Payne, Eric L. Kohler, William T. Sunley, M. D. Harris, and M. B. Walsh will speak at this session. Balwin B. Bane, chief of the Secur- ities Division of the Federal Trade Commission, will speak in the after- noon on the subject of the Federal Securities Act. Walter A. Staub, pres- ident of the New York State Society of Certificed Public Accountants, and Henry C. Murphy, economist of the National Bank of Detroit, will speak on the same subject. YESTERDAY WASHINGTON-President Roose- velt explained the new work relief program which will make $400,000, 000 in salarieshavailable for workers by Dec. 15. TOKIO - Advocates of a large Japanese navy hailed a shake-up in high navalcommands as a definite triumph for their cause. WASHINGTON - In a report is- sued to President Roosevelt, Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, NRA administra- tor, told the chief executive that the NRA will have to be much more stringently enforced if it is to suc- ceed. HAVANA - Government t r o o p s were exerting full force to stamp out what threatened to become a seri- ous movement on the part of various rebel organizations. WASHINGTON-President Roose- velt was given the plan for control of liquor by the Federal government after repeal. The plan was drawn up by a special cabinet committee. NEW ORLEANS - The case of John H. Overton was presented to a Senate committee on elections. Over- ton's seat to the United States Senate is being contested. Mussolini's Nephew Is Editor Of Milan Paper ROME, Nov. 15. - () -Premier Mussolini today appointed his 21- year old nephew, Vito Mussolini, as cditor and general manager of his Milan newspaper. The paper, Il Popolo d'Italia, fre- quently is used to express government opinions. Vito is a son of the pre- mier's brother, Arnaldo Mussolini, who was manager of the newspaper at the time of his death in December, 1931. Kohn Denies Hiring Of Architects For .PW ABuilding A complete denial that the Public Works Administration was the proper agency for hiring architects to de- sign buildings which are being built with the aid of Federal funds was is- sued recently and appeared in the November issue of Architectural Fo- ,rum, architects' trade magazine. The statement, from Robert D. Kohn, director of housing for the PWA, reads as follows: "So far the Public Works Administration has had nothing directly to do with the en- gagement of architects for projects on which they are going to make loans. School buildings, hospitals, and other structures of an institu- tional nature, which are eligible un- der the general "Public Works defi- nition," as well as housing projects presented for our consideration all come in completely 'supplied' with architects and engineers. "These men have been, of course, selected either by the municipalities and states or by the local corpora- tions presenting the housing projects. Where Federal public buildings are involved the plans are in charge of the fourth assistant secretary of the Treasury. The PWA has no official knowledge of how the architects are selected there nor is it officially con- cerned in the matter." Further statements, also in Archi- tectural Forum, stress the fact that official representation in Washington will not be of any assistance to arch- itects and engineers who desire to receive government contracts. While, no prosecution is being made of those who do make such representation, the Treasury Department has an- nounced that the practice will be out- lawed. March Will Talk On Exhibit Of Paintings A gallery talk on the present ex- hibition of painting and sculpture by Ann Arbor artists and amateurs will be given at 3 p. m. Sunday, Nov. 12, in the west gallery of Alumni Me- morial Hall, by Mr. Benjamin March, lecturer on Far Eastern Art at the University and formerly a member of the staff of the Detroit Institute of Art. The exhibition continues through Wednesday, Nov. 15, and will be re- placed at once by an exhibition of Seventeenth Century Persian fres- coes which havenbeen reconstructed by Sarkis Katchadourian and circu- lated by the American Institute for Persian Art and Archaeology. This exhibition was one of those shown' last year at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City and is said to have received particular commen- dation from the New York critics. This exhibition opens Nov. 16 and runs through Nov. 29. The jazz age is at its ragged tail end. It is no longer smart to be immoral. -Rabbi A. H. Silver. PRINTING-Lowest City Prices THE ATHENS PRESS Downtown - 206 North Main Next to Main Post Office Dial 2-1013 WE SELL TYPEWRITING PAPER I 1i IF DANCING EVERY NIGHT Except Monday at PREKETE'S GARDENS above The Sugar Bowl No Cover Charge 109 and 111 S. Main St. Interview Men In Regard To RuleViolations More than 200 men students who have been violating the Regents' rule by living in apartments without se- curing the permission of the office of the dean of students are being inter- viewed by Prof. Fred B. Wahr, as- sistant dean. "We are judging each case upon its individual merits," Professor Wahr said, "and are not laying down any blanket rules about violations." The rule which the Regents passed in June, 1930, reads, "All men students in the freshman class must live in approved men's rooming houses and no unmarried male student may be allowed to live in an apartment. The dean of students is given authority to make exceptions to this rule." An apartment has been defined by the office of the dean as "a room or group of rooms, with or without kitchen and bathroom facilities, which is not under the direct super- vision and care of a responsible householder (a woman) and so af- fords its occupants opportunity for entertaining mixed company; being so located that the University rules and regulations governing approved rooming-houses do and can not apply " Archaeology Talk To Be Given Today The second of the University Lec- tures will be given today by Dr. Carl E. Guthe, director of the museum of anthropology, at 4:15 p. m. in Natural Science Auditorium, on "N o r t h American Archaeology." The lecture will be largely devoted to a discussion of the aims and methods of archeology and will also treat the various Indian civilizations, their histories, and their contribu- tions torthe present American cul- ture. Try To Adjust Dispute In Toolmakers' Strike DETROIT, Nov. 15. - M) -- Their arbitration of a seven-week strike of tool and diemakers barely com- plete, conciliators in the Detroit area today moved to adjust differences which have brought threats of a gen- eral strike. Jay J. Griffen, chairman of the Joint Strike committee of the Me- chanics Educational Society of Amer- ioa, said Tuesday that unless all strikers were reinstated that a gen- eral tying up of "every shop in town" would be called today or to- morrow. a'.: 'i _., s _.e._ .. _...... _.__ _. Engraved Personal Cristmas Cards See Our Special Lot 50 CARDS WITH NAME FOR $1.00 AND $2.65 The Mayer- Schairer Co., Stationers, Printers, Binders Office Supplies Phone 4515 112 South Man Street OF. BO C 2 2 AMPUS CUT RAl 218 South State DRUGS "Next Goldmar - - - - - - - - -- ---- - , - - - - - - M --P% - - - - - -- FREE! FREE! A trial Size of )ST TOOTHPASTE For 39c AMELS, LUCKIES AHESTERFIELDS $1.12 Carton 60c REM for C 49c To n's" Dlds I S er 'S um h, Iuperior MILK-ICE CREAM 5 lbs. Wrisley Water Soften 49c 0 $1.00 Squibb Liquid Petroloti packages for 23c I 11 B