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November 16, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-16

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Established 1890

sirability of a system which sets an institution blowing up of the entire life of a great educational
created for classroom instruction at the unhappy institution whenever the dilettantes meet to de-
business of regulating private lives. cide that there are too many battleships? At the
rate of $27,000,000 per ship more or less?
You two-footed thinking organism, what do you
register about this freedom? Other Universities
C amp us pinion have voted long since. Why so slow, the Harvard
of the West?
Grace Farnsworth, Grad.

I _

Published every mornng except Monday during the
University yearand Sumner Session by the Board in
Cotrol of Student'Publications.'
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion a-1 the-Bg Ten News Service.
so agd _!ogae$es
- *1933 NA 10MM wv 1934 - .
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches ar'e rserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
=fcond classt matter. 'Special rae of postage granted by
Third Asistant Postmaster-Generl.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail.
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
.mal, $4,25.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ah Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
#eprese'tatives:; Collee Publications Representatives
Inc., 40 Euat Thirty-f ourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Sreet Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
WO E1'S EDITOR.................CAROL J. HANAN
SIGHT EDITORS: A. Elis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil-
"iam G. Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George
Van Vieck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
1 uORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin,
Marjorie Western.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: Roy Alexander, John A. Babngton, Ogden
G. Dwight, Pail J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Ted R.
nEvans, Bernard H. Fried, 'Thom~s Grehn, Robert D.
Outhrie Joseph L Kpinski, Thomas H. Kleene, Rich-
ardE. Lorch, David G. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman,
Kenneth Parker, George I. Quimby William R. Reed,1
Robert .S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Arthur S. Settle,
Marshall D. Silverman, A. B. Smith. Jr., Arthur M.
Taub, Philip T. Van Zile.
WOMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer,
Florence Harper, Marie Heid, Eleanor Johnson, Jose-
p'.ine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie
Resnick, Mary Roinson, Jane Schneider, Margaret]
fi "W..Telephone 2-2;4
.... .... .... ....CATHARINE MCAHENRYj
jDPATMENT MANAGRS: Local Advertising, Fred ier-j
icp; Classi ed Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
'Ward; Accounts, -Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef-
ASSISTANTS: Megs Brt ess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra,-
ier, ' John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard,
James Scott, David Winkworth.
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Winifred Bell, Mary Bursley,
Peggy Cady, Betty Chapman, Patricia Daly, Jean Dur-
ham, Minna Giffen, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Isabele Kanter, Louise Krause, Margaret
Mustard, Nina Pollock, Elizabeth J. Simonds. 1
Apartm exits, Dormit ories, ]
Rooming Rouses . .
A MONG the subjects to be voted on
tomorrow a particularly interesting
one i that related to student residences. At pres-
ent #t is necessary for freshman women to live
in dormitories. It is necessary for upperclass
women and for freshmen men to live only in ap-
proved places. It is forbidden that upperclassmen
and graduates live in apartments.
Students will be, able to say tomorrow whether
they favor the rules as they stand; and, if they
don't favor them, which of three changes they
\v uld like to see made. The three changes would'
respectively permit: (1) All graduate students to'
live where they chose; (2) All undergraduate men
to live where they chose; '(3) All undergraduate'
women Wo live where they chose.
It is our opinion that the University should have-
no jurisdiction whatsoever over student residences.
We believe that the business of a university is
formal education only, and that for it to interfere
in the private life of students is not only beyond
its logical Acope but also a breach of taste. Why
a university, which hopes for maturity in its stu-'
dents, should insult their dignity by insisting that1
they live only where their conduct may be regu-]
lated is a question to which we believe there is no
logical answer.
The French educational system is excellent be-'
yond dispute. In most French universities the
school officials are agreed .that .it would be rude
to pry into the personal matter of where and
under what conditions a student shall Jive. (And

French universities, to answer the old argument,
are state institutions.)
Chicago University is a good example of a large
schiool which, in this country, h.~as a higha reputa-
tion academically -and at the -same time refuses to
lay down rules for student residence; even those'
co-teds who live in university dormitories have
absoltely no rules concer'ning hours.
We believe that most parents would prefer free-
dom for their sons and daughters. We do not
pretend to have talked to the parents of all of
Michigan's eight thousand plus students, but we
have talked to a good number of them, and the
great majority say that as far as they are con-
cerned residence rules are unnecessary.
Some parents, of course, are convinced that resi-
dence supervision is what they wish for their chil-
dren. Why not let them have it -and pay for,
it? The others should not be obliged to buy some-
thing they do not want, nor should their children
be fettered with rules neither they nor their'
parents think wise.
The argument is merely redoubled in the case

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre-
garded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
tors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to
less than 300 words if possible.
To the Editor:
What is the Michigan of today doing to up-
hold the age-old traditions of Michigan spirit and
Michigan fight? Aren't we letting individuals
carry on the banners of the Maize and Blue with
little encouragement from the student body as a
whole? Aren't we complacently resting on the
laurels of a Michigan ancestry whose pep and co-
operative spirit was once the key to her unri-
valled success? Our critics say we are and it looks
now as though they might be justified.
Our football team has been out on the field
fighting all year. Not just on Saturdays when we
go out and give them a couple of cheers for their
pains and aches, but every day of the week, rain
or shine, like it or not. Sometimes, I imagine they
wonder if the gain to Michigan is actually worth
their toll. They may feel that Michigan is not
behind them as other schools are behind their
teams. It was surprising to hear a number of
Michigan men and women criticizing the team
because it only won last Saturday's game by four
points. They forget that Iowa ranked as one of
the best teams in the country and was inspired by
a rabid Iowa student body to a fever pitch. They
forget also, that Michigan's schedule has been
plenty tough and that they themselves have done
nothing to encourage a wonderful Michigan foot-
ball team which needs only student backing and
support to become a world -beater.
Michigan does care about her team, I believe,
but she doesn't show this spirit in such a way as
to give the team the moral backing it deserves.
The trouble with us is that we are too undem-
onstrative, too unexciteable to give expression to
the spirit that would help the team so much.
Saturday is to be the climax of Michigan's 1933
football saga; victory for her team Saturday will
establish it, unquestionably, as the best football
team in the country. We have the best team in
the country, but to beat Minnesota we need some-
thing more than that. Every Michigan man and
every Michigan woman must loose their vocal
chords and voice their violent approval of a fight-
ing Michigan football team which deserves even
more acclaim than some nine thousand of us can
possibly give it.
There is going to be a pep meeting Fridayk night.
Other Michigan pep meetings of recent years have
been as tame as quilting bees. But lets not fail
our team this time. The members of the team will
be there in person and we owe it to them and to;
Michigan to go to that pep meeting en masse, to,
forget our inhibitions, to forget, for the time
being, our reputation of being the Cambridge of
the West. Many of us have not so many days to
linger at Michigan and this may be our last op-
portunity to really show some concerted spirit.
Our team needs us. Not just some of us, or most of
us, but every one of us. Lits, Engineers, Medics,.
Dents, and lawyers. Fraternity men and Inde-
pendents, Phi Betes. and Kappa Betes. Bring your
dates, bring your landladies, bring your families,
bring anyone, but come. Cheer for that football
team of ours as you have always wanted to. Show
them how proud we are of them. Loosen up. Yell,
cheer, clap, and howl. This is the spark our team'
needs, and with it, they will burn up the football
world and once more will the Wolverine colors be
found at the top of the heap, oscured by none.

The Theatre
Near the close of the nineteenth century there
developed in Ireland a group of dramatists who
for the first time gave to the world true and
native Irish plays. Master dramatist in this new
movement was John Millington Synge, who wrote
plays about the most Irish of his countrymenwand
build up around them beautiful native atmps-
phere and speech. Synge was ideally fitted to por-
tray such figures, for he lived for months at a
time in the peasant regions of extreme west Ire-
Although his plays are filled with rollicking hu-
mor, he himself was quiet and reserved, and was
known even to his friends as the "strange, still
man." It is really only in his poems that the true
seriousness of his nature is to be found, for in his
plays we never find anything, subjective, never
any attempt to point a moral; rather we have the
sincere joy of a man who enjoys all life, and
writes exactly as he feels.
The story of "Playboy of the Western World"
has for its hero a "braggart wastrel" and patricide,
who enters the inn of Michael James a stranger
and fugitive. His secrecy and strange manners
arouse the curiosity of the peasants at the inn,
and finally, through their cajoling, he unfolds
the story of his sordid act. Gifted with Cyranic
powers of speech, he casts a glamor even over the
murder of his father -- "a dirty man, and he
getting old and crusty" - and several times they
force the hero to retell his tale. Each time it is
to an enlarged circle of admirers; and each time
he adds to it many savory details. He tells the
innkeeper's daughter: "He lifted the scythe and
gave it a drive, and I gave a lep to the east. Then
I turned around, and I hit a blow on the ridge of
the skull, laid him stretched out, and he split to
the knob of his gullet."
This is the crest of the wave for the hero, for
very soon in walks his supposedly murdered father
with nothing more than a bandaged head, and our
braggart becomes the laughing stock of the vil-
lage. To be sure, he does try the murder all over
again, but he only arouses the fear and scorn of
his former admirers.
In Synge's own words, he attempted to give to
his characters speeches "fiery, magnificent, yet I
tender," and in this aim he succeeded admirably.
The play runs along in beautiful cadences, and
the lines are filled with a strange rhythm that is I
seldom achieved in dramatic prose. All of his
characters are simple, happy people, whose speech,
though it may sometimes reek of the inn, is al-
ways poetically imaginative. His plot situations are
simple, and. though he may be - as he always is
-more or less ironical, he is never bitter. The
product is a pleasant combination of droll humor
that always appeals to those who appreciate a
really great play.
(Dramatic Critic of the New Yorker -
Reprinted by Special Permission)
Few feats of journalism are as simple as re- I
porting a good mystery play, because the reporter,
in order to be a gentleman, must not tell a single
thing about it at all. If he drops the slightest
hint as to what happened and who did it, he plays
a dirty trick on all the audiences for the rest of
the run. And the better the play, the less he is
supposed to reveal.
So, since "Criminal-at-Large" is a perfectly
swell mystery show, full of the most agreeable
horrors, with the big idea kept a profound secret
until the very end, these lips must be as silent as
the tomb. It is certainly very gripping and ex-
tremely enjoyable. Here are all the thrillers and
curdlers you ever heard of, artfully blended and
made to look no less than elegant. You shiver and
quake for three acts of the jolliest sort of be-
wildered terror.
It is appropriate to remark, however, that the
horrid secret of "Criminal-at-Large" is divulged
in one of the most exciting little scenes that you
ever saw in all your life. It made this lone and
impressionable critic, sitting at his desk at mid-
night, jump and quiver at some odd noises emerg-
ing at intervals form the nearby room. Investi-
gation showed them to be innocent -even utilit-
arian -in origin, but you never can tell at night,

after watching "Criminal-at-Large."
All of which is saying I look upon "Criminal-
at-Large" as one of the scariest and most expertly
fashioned of its species. I liked its comedy, too,
and underneath there is a sound psychological
Its author, Edgar Wallace, was one of the best
frighteners who ever wrote in the English lang-
uage and he was at the top of his powers when
he wrote this one.

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To learn that the University of Michigan stu-
dent body has never taken a vote on the question
of War comes to me with a feeling of surprise not
unmingled with suspicion. I understand that this
cumulative expression will be in order tomorrow.:
Compared to three other educational institu-
tions, I find constructive initiative on this campus
below the average. There is rather too much ultra-
conservatism, and the art of sententious speech-
ifying. Everyone seems to be a compact unit con--
cerned with a narrow field of perspective.
About War: first, students seem hazy about
what it has cost, what it is costing, and what it
will continue to cost, and how it is affecting us
here and now.
Daily, many worthy and capable American'
youths are seeing academic careers permanently.
closed to them. Many because of financial in-
ability alone; thousands who are more worthy
and capable than myself and others who now en-
joy these students privileges will never see a Uni-
versity campus as students.
Why? Because of War and the fear of War only
15% of the tax budget of our country is used for
constructive civic expenses. Calvin Coolidge said
that the total cost of the World War "to you willl
be more than 100 billion dollars, or about the pre-
sent value of all the states west of the Mississippi.
The ransom of an empire burned up in battle."
Red Cross reports in thesstudy of safeguarding
civilians against War states that,"to destroy the
evil is to combat not this or that method of war-
fare, but War itself!"
Combatting War! Has our country done all in
its power to do this! No. Even back in 1927 at
the Geneva Naval Conference called by President
Coolidge to stuff up loopholes left from the Wash-
ington Conference of 1921-22, "the Conference
spent most of its time arguing about the relative
merits of large and small cruisers."
At the unsuccessful Disarmament Conference
meeting in February, 1933, President Arthur
Henderson, at the outset, stated: "...today there
exists a volume of opinion throughout the world
which will support the Governments in any mea-
Q111 of amrament vretion. however drastic, up-

But They Don't Mean a Thing
Unless a Lot of People are Yelling
give some volume to the cheering. The team will know that
you are behind them if you make enough noise.





Every Sports Writer in the country has proclaimed the
Michigan-Minnesota game one of the sport highlights of the
season. It is of primary importance to Michigan's chances for
Conference Championship that she win this game Saturday.
Help the team to be victorious by attending this giant
Pep Meeting Friday Night in Hill Auditorium, to show them

Collegiate Observer
Five men walked out of a mid-year exam at the
University of Syracuse announcing their refusal
to compete against cribbing that had taken place.
The result was that the entire section was given
a mark of incomplete.
Because they violated all rules, and their "gen-
eral attitude" toward upperclassmen was "im-
proper," freshmen at Washington College have
heen deprived for the year of the privilege of

the extent of our support.

I Aml

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