The Weather
Partly cloudy and continued
cold Thursday; Friday snow
with rising temperature.
Apartments, Dormitories, and
Rooming Houses ... .
Will Not Vote
On Beer Sale
In Tap-Room
Apparent Lack Of Interest
Causes Council To Take
Issue From List
Ballot Will Include
Movie Price Query
Ten Major Topics Named
On Questionnaire For
All-Campus Poll
As a result of apparent lack of in-
terest in the question, the possibility
of selling beer in the Tap-room of the
Union will not be included in the list
of questions to be submitted to the
student body in the all-campus poll
which will take place tomorrow. In
place of this question, which was un-
der consideration yesterday by Un-
drgraduate Council members in
charge of the poll, voters will be
asked to state what they consider a
fair price to be charged for movies in
Ann Arbor.
The price charged for movie tick-
ets has always been of concern to
University students, but this will be
the first time that an all-campus
Allen D. McCombs, '35, member
of the Union executive council,
who has been appointed to direct
those in charge of the all-campus
straw vote, will meet the mem-
bers of the committees of the
junior and sophomore classes of
the literary and engineering col-
leges at 4:30 p. m. today in Room
306, the Union, to discuss plans
for tomorrow's balloting.
vote has been taken on the issue,
as well as upon some of the other
questions included in the ballot.
The ballots, on which spaces have
been provided for the voter to desig-
nate college, class, sex and whether a
student or faculty member, will pre-
sent the following list of questions
on 10 general topics:
Beer: Should beer be served east of
Division Street?
Auto Ban: Should the ban be con-
tiAued as it is? Should it be entirely
abolished? Should it be modified?
To permit students with degrees to
drive? To permit all seniors to drive?
To permit driving on the basis of
scholastic achievement?
Honor System: After considering
its effectiveness, do you believe the
honor system should be used?
Residence: Should the University
have jurisdiction over residence of
students, with degrees? Should the
University have jurisdiction over res-
idences of undergraduate men stu-
dents? Should the University have
jurisdiction over residences of under-
graduate women students?
Compulsory Physical Education:
Should there be compulsory physical
(Continued on Page 6)
Cass Funds To
Meet Expenses
Of Cheerleader
Expenses incurred by the Varsity
head cheerleader in attending out-of-.
town football games at Illinois and
Northwestern this year will be paid
from the funds of the class treasuries
of the eight literary and engineering
college classes, as a result of the de-
cision reached by officials of these
classes at a meeting held last night.
The presidents and dance commit-
tee chairmen of these classes, meet-
ing at the direction of the Under-
graduate Council, took such action
when it was shown that the cheer-
leader had undertaken such trips at
his own expense. Formerly the Stu-
dent Council paid for such trips out
of its own treasury but the present
Council, operating on a budget ap-
proximately one-third as large as in
former years, was unable to under-
take such a program.
Last year the cheerleader made the
out-of-town trips with the band but
this season the band attended only
one football game away from home.
While long-haired previewers
were vainly atttempting to deter-
mine last night how many de-
grees sillier Gargoyle is this month
than ever before in its history, ar-
rangements were being made for
Hull Sails To Pan-American Conference
-Associated Press Photo
Secretary of State Hull and other members of the United States
delegation to the Pan-American conference in Montevideo are shown as
they sailed from New York. Left to right: Spruille Braden, Dr. Sophia
P. Breckenridge, Secretary Hull and J. R. Clark.
Vienna Choir
To Sing Here
Boys' Organization Called
Saengerknaben B e g a n
In 1498 In Austria
The Vienna Boys Choir, known
throughout continental Europe as the
Wiener Saengerknaben (the singing
boys of Vienna), which will appear
as the third of the current series of
Choral Union Concerts Nov. 22 in
Hill Auditorium, is one of the most
beloved musical organizations in Eu-
rope. Not only are the members of
the group fine singers, but they are
actors as well, trained for stage pro-
ductions, a unique organization with
a rich tradition in musical history.
By imperial - decree; the Saenger-
knaben was founded by Emperor
Maximillian in the year 1498 as an
adjunct to the famous Court Or-
chestra in Vienna. By the middle
of the seventeenth century, they en-
larged their talents to include opera,
becoming a national institution, nur-
tured by the state.
Political upheavals and wars could
not sweep away the Saengerknaben.
It survives today, stronger and more
gifted than ever, It was with the
Saengerknaben that Haydn, Mozart,
Schubert and many other illustrious
ones received much of their musical
The adult world has bowed to these
youthful singers who, as fine gentle-
men of the rococo period, in peri-
wigs and brocaded costumes, or as
ladies with hoop skirts and curly
chignons, can preserve the illusions
of the stage, while they sing with
exquisitely trained voices. Their re-
pertoire includes many charming op-
eras, church choruses, national cho-
ruses, and Christmas songs.
This unusual organization, which
has lived since the time America was
discovered, has been heard repeated-
ly in all the countries of Europe and
thousands of cities and communities.
Nearly everywhere, in fact, except in
America. And this opportunity has
come at last, since this season will
mark the first American tour of the
Singing Boys of Vienna, who take
their place with other outstanding
artists on the 1933 series of Choral
Union Concerts.
Crowd Greets
Millay Reading
Five Unpublished Poems
Presented By Poetess On
Her Program Here
A near-capacity audience heartily
applauded the program of readings
of her own poetry rendered by Edna
St. Vincent Millay, foremost Ameri-
can contemporary poetess, last night
in Hill Auditorium in the second of a
series of six such presentations spon-
sored by the Oratorical Association.
The high point of the program was
reached when Miss Millay inter-
preted for the first time in public
five poems which she has just recent-
ly completed, This group included,
"Huntsman, What Quarry?", "Sap-
pho Crosses the Dark River into
Hades," "Spring in the Garden,"
"Childhood Is the Kingdom Where
Nobody Dies," and "Reflecting That
the World is Ready to go to War
Again." This last selection was writ-
ten only a fortnight ago, and consti-
tutes an expression of her own feel-
ings on the subject of war. Her new
collection consists of six or seven
poems in all, and will be published
sometime next spring or fall.
The poetess' first readings were
selected from "The Harp Weaver,"
including "The Ballad of the Harp
Weaver" and "Autumn Chant." She
continued with a series of poems rep-
resenting the comments of little peo-
ple on various things, and three son-
nets from "Fatal Interview." The
last of the works read was "Por-
trait by a Neighbor" from an older
volume of her verse entitled "Figs
from Thistles."
She concluded her program with
a playlet in the form of a moral in-
terlude, "Two Slatterns and a King,"
written in the style of the early En-
glish morality play, which Miss Mil-
lay described as "an informal, gal-
loping sort of verse."
Charles Orr, Grad., will address a
meeting of the Vanguard Club at 8
p. m. today in the Union. He will up-
hold what was to have been the af-
firmative side of a debate on: "Re-
solved, That Hitlerism is a Detriment
to World Recovery."
Announced In
Three Classes
Presidents Of Freshman
L i t e r a r, Engineering
Units Name Committees
Schumo Is Chosen
Frosh Frolic Head
Two Committees Chosen
In Third-Year Forestry
And Conservation Class
Three more class presidents an-
nounced appointments to committees
yesterday, in the freshman units of
the literary college and College of
Engineering and the, junior unit of
the School of Forestry and Conserva-
In the engineering college Paul
Krans, president, named Richard
Schumo as general chairman of the
Frosh Frolic. Other embers of the
committee from this llege are John
Brown and Eugene Dming.
George Cosper, prgsident of the
freshman literary class, named 10
men on the Frolic coimittee, as fol-
lows: James Briegel. Richard Oliver,
Marjorie Turner, Elizabeth Servis,
Marya Hoffman, Edward Drury, Ber-
nard Weissman, Daniel Hart, Frank
Dannemiller, and William Oliver.
On the executive committee he
named John Osgood, chairman, Rob-
ert Owen, Joseph Hinshaw, Thomas
Oyler, Elizabeth Kelly, and Lillian
William Cornell will head the fi-
nance committee, with Ray Good-
man, Robert Pulver, Edith Hamilton,
Gertrude Zemon, and Frank Eager as
the other members.
For his two other committees
Krans named Frank Person, chair-
man, Donald Hillier, Richard Knoble,
Paul Nims, and Carleton Sherburne
on the finance committee, and Arthur
Whiting, chairman, .alph Smith,
Homer Williams, Edward Young, and
Henry Gilfillan on the executive com-
Edward Miller will be the represen-
tative on the Slide Rule dance com-
John Langenbach, president of the
junior class in the School of Forestry
and Conservation, named F. S. Van
Sickle chairman of the executive
committee. Other members are W. H.
Hildebrand and P. M. Fishley.
On the finance committee he
named N. H. Karmann, chairman,
Robert Dugan, and M. T. Goetting.
Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, president of
the Undergraduate Council, stated
yesterday that any appointments
which have not been made must be
Post-Season Game
Between Michigan,
Army Not Favored
Attempts of a group of Chicago
sports leaders, especially organized
for the purpose, to arrange a post-
season football game between Michi-
gan and the Army came to naught
yesterday, according to Detroit pa-
pers, when athletic authorities at
the University said that such a game
would not be possible.
Early in the 1933 season Big Ten
officials, voting at the request of
members of the Michigan legisla-
ture, vetoed proposals for a similar
game between Michigan and the Un-
iversity of Detroit and it appeared
that local authorities had in mind
that refusal, as well as former nega-
tive votes on post-season games,
when they stated that the Big Ten
was not likely to permit such a con-
In their earlier veto this fall, Big
Ten leaders said that past experi-
ences had shown that games ar-
ranged for charitable purposes had
fallen short of raising huge sums of
money and that extending the sea-
son beyond Thanksgiving was not
in keeping with Big Ten tradition.
Membernof the University Board in
Control of Physical Education could
not be reached last night for opinions
on the stories which appeared earlier
in the day.
Oosterbaan To
Speak At Pep
Meeting Friday
Coaches, Players To Talk
Before Gathering In Hill
The inside information on Minne-
sota's football team - at least what
part of it is now available to Mich-
igan followers -will be presented to
those attending tomorrow night's
Pep Meeting in Hill Auditorium,
when Benny Oosterbaan, assistant1
football coach who has been scouting1
the Gopher games this fall, takes the,
platform to explain what Coach Bier-
man's men are expected to do against :
the Wolverines in Saturday's con-
In addition to Oosterbaan, Head
Coach Harry Kipke will speak at the
meeting, introducing all of the mem-
bers of the 1933 football squad. It
was explained, in connection with the
attendance of the players at the
meeting, that in the past they have
not been allowed to attend meetings
held the night before a contest for
fear they would become too excited.
Kipke stated yesterday that he was'
asking all players to attend tomor-
row's meeting in order that they
might become thoroughly aroused for
Saturday's game.
Stanley Fay, '34, captain of this
year's squad, will also speak at thes
meeting. Fielding H. Yost, Director of
Athletics of the University, will also
be on the program, which is to in-
clude talkspby undergraduate stu-
dents and those active in athletics.
Tommy Roberts, '34, head cheer-
leader, aided by junior assistants, will
lead in the yells and a member of
the School of Music faculty will be
secured to direct the singing. As in
the past, the names of leading Mich-
igan songs will be displayed on a
screen for the convenience of those
New York Architect To
Speak This Afternoon
James B. Newman, a graduate of
the College of Architecture, will
speak on "Income Producing Struc-
tures" at 4:15 p. m. today in the Ar-
chitecture Auditorium. The lecture is
open to the public. Mr. Newman, a
member of the firm of Ely Jacques
Kahn, architect, New York recently
gave lectures on this subject at the
architectural School of Princeton
Freshman Wants Daily
To Help Find His Pants
If a freshman loses a pair of pants
on Black Friday in Ann Arbor that's
not news. But if the freshman is
still searching for his pants one
month later that is news.
One of the University's yearlings
apparently lost his breeches at the
fray between the freshmen and soph-
omores and he has virtually turned
the campus inside out in his perse-
vering search for them.
Especially worried have been the
family of Undergraduate Council
President Gilbert E. Bursley, '34.
Prof. Philip E. Bursley, who, among
his other duties, is also counselor to
freshmen, and other members of
"Peko's" family report that the trust-
ing freshman has repeatedly phoned
the Bursley residence regarding his
lost garments. Unable to be of any
assistance to the first-year man, the
Bursleys have appealed to The Daily
to help the student find his precious
pants. The Daily has obliged; the
pants are still A.W.O.L.
Seven Students
Are Elected To
Honor Society
Professor H. C. Anderson
Talks To Triangles; New
Members Scrub Arch
With the thermometer hovering
close to zero yesterday afternoon,
seven thoroughly chilled engineering
students, on their hands and knees,
scoured the Engineering Arch as part
of the traditional initiation cere-
monies for Triangles, honorary junior
engineering society.
Unfortunately, according to mem-
bers of the society, the extremely
cold weather did not permit the an-
nual bath with water and brushes,
as water froze as soon as it was
poured on the walk. Instead, however,
the students were occupied most of
the afternoon in measuring the dis-
tance from the corner of South Uni-
versity and Washtenaw avenues to
the brass Triangles plaque-in-the
arch, and in scrubbing the sidewalk.
To make the work more interest-
ing, one of the initiates beat con-
stantly on a large iron triangle, while
old members threw pails of dirt on
the walk. By 5:30 p. m. the archway
was fairly clean, and the majority of
the seven students were considerably
exhausted and cold.
At a banquet held last night in
honor of the new members, they were
formally initiated. Featured as main
speaker of the evening was Prof.
Henry C. Anderson, head of the me-
chanical engineering department and
newly appointed director of student
and alumni relations.
Speaking of his new position, Pro-
fessor Anderson explained that he
did not plan to overturn any existing
organization. "All of the campus so-
cieties can be of great help in making
the University a more livable place
for students and faculty alike."
In the course of his work he said
he would co-ordinate the activities
of the societies and keep them from
overlapping. He feels that they have
a definite part in helping to make
University life more interesting for
In conclusion Professor Anderson
said, "If my new position is going to
curb activities or make less fun for
students, I will quit!"
The students elected into the or-
ganization, selected on a basis of
scholarship and interest in activities,
are Jack Bellamy, Robert Sloans,
John Dersch, Oliver Spark, Gale
Sterling, Allen Knuusi, and Salvatore
Henry Felker acted as toastmaster
at the banquet. Philip Singleton pre-
sented the welcoming address, and
Jack Bellamy delivered the response
for the new members.
Banker Asked
To Take Over
Cabinet Post
Morgenthau Named Head
Of Treasury In Absence
Of Secretary Woodin
Roosevelt To Talk
With Cuban Agent
Reports Distinct Progress
In Steps Toward Recog-
nition Of Russia,,
Highlights in the day's news
yesterday centered around Presi-
dent Roosevelt, and the principal
features in dispatches from
Washington were:-
The announcement that Henry
Morgenthau, Jr., would become
actual if not titular head of the
United States Treasury, while
Secretary William H. Woodn
takes an indefinite leave of ab-
The President's report of "dis-
tinct progress" in 'negotiations
toward Russian recognition.
Announcement of a forthcom-
ing conference between Sumner
Welles, ambassador to Cuba, and
President Roosevelt, relative to
conditions in the island republic.
Unconfirmed announcements
that the government may organ-
ize a Federal corporation for
liquor control.
The Roosevelian assertion
that politics would have no part
in the administration of Federal
relief programs.
Hugh S. Johnson's declaration,
on his return to the capital, that
steps would be taken at once to
correct "bad conditions" regard-
ing'compliance with the NRA.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15- 0) -
To administer the nation's finances
through the vital period that lies just
ahead, President Roosevelt has cho-
sen 'his neighbor, close friend and
trusted personal advisor, Henry Mor-
genthau, Jr.
By Saturday Morgenthau will be-
come the actual, if not titular head
of the treasury department, while
Secretary William H. Woodin, whose
resignation the executive declined
to accept, takes a leave of absence
and .goes west in search of rest and
To make room for Morgenthau,
Dean Acheson, yothful undersecre-
tary of the treasury, submitted his
resignation, and Mr. Roosevelt ac-
cepted it.
The President announced these
changes today to a group of corre-
spondents assembled before his pa-
per-laden desk.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15--(A)-
Coincidentally with the resumption
of personal conferences today with
Maxim Litvinov, President Roosevelt
reported distinct progress toward
Russian recognition but set no time
for an announcement.
The chief executive indicated the
parleys might extend beyond Fri-
day. He added, however, that if the
necessary documents had not been
signed, sealed, and delivered by the
time he leaves for Warm Springs,
Ga., it would not be a sign that the
negotiations had broken down.
Hugh S. Johnson came back from
his Mid-Western swing today voicing
1 a determination to obtain better com-
pliance with Blue Eagle agreements
and codes and announced tonight
that, beginning Dec. 12, NRA would
conduct public hearings on charges
of profiteering.
Johnson told newspapermen he
had found compliance conditions
"bad" and that steps would have to
be taken at once to correct the sit-
uation. He took that report to Presi-
dent Roosevelt when at the luncheon
table he*described his findings on a
10-day speaking trip that took him
from Chicago and Minneapolis as
far south as Fort Worth.
completed at
at the Union
once and left
main desk.
for him
Poetess Deplore s Stage Fright
But Enjoys Public Appearances
Crew Leaves'
Ship In North
Atlantic Storm
VALENTIA, Irish Free State, Nov.
15.- VP) - The fate of the little Brit-
ish freighter Saxilby, whose crew of
27 was reported to be abandoning
ship in a raging North Atlantic
storm, was hidden tonight as at least
six ships raced to her rescue.
The 52,000-ton Berengaria seemed
likely to be the winner but was
forced to reduce speed and was not
Thursday morning.
Another British freighter, the St.
Quentin, lost her steering gear in the
same storm and tonight was wallow-
ing helplessly not far from the Saxil-
by, about 300 miles off the Irish
coast. The St. Quentin's situation
was not critical, however.
The Saxilby's wireless had been
silent since morning. The wife of
the St. Quentin's captain, Mrs. Daisy
Perie, and their four-year-old child
were aboard the St. Quentin.
The British steamer Manchester
Regiment, 92 miles from the Saxilby,
in a wireless message tonight said
that the Saxilby "does not answer
repeated calls; making very little
headway in mountainous seas; whole
The Berengaria heard the distress
call from the little cargo vessel,
changed her course, and rushed at a
speed of 27 knots toward the last-
reported position of the Saxilby.
The Dutch steamer Boschdyk, the
American steamer Westeldara, the
big British cruiser H. M. S. Exeter,
and the S. S. Nevisian were among
those hastening to help the Saxilby.
"Before a program I am almost
panicky but when I come, on the
stage I adore it. I am so nervous
all day, sometimes for several days
before I am to do a group of read-
ings, that I wish I had never let
myself in for it, but when I get in
the wings I begin to get excited and
after I have actually begun I enjoy
myself enormously."
This was the surprising admission
of stage fright that Edna St. Vincent
Millay made last night after her
tremendous success in Hill Auditor-
ium. Very, very weary, but still ex-
quisitely alive, she was talking, re-
laxed in a chair before her steaming
dinner in a cozy room at Martha
She went on, explaining how she
liked .to read her poems before an
audience,rbut how she never could
learn not to be afraid before she was
to come on.
. "Tomorrow I speak in Rochester,
and all day I shall be chewing my
nails," lifting her expressive finger
tips, "and yet I know that tomorrow
night I shall love it.
"What kind of poetry do I enjoy
reading most? It depends so much
upon the audience. Dramatic po-
etry is a vacation to me. When I
read lyrical works, I have to be my-
self and when I act a play it gives
me a relief from working so hard
at being myself. That's the hardest
thing to do. to be myself. Were you
No Increase In Women's Hours,
This Year, Dean Lloyd States
Postponement of closing hours for
women is out of the question for this
school year, according to Dean Alice
C. Lloyd, who was questioned yester-
day on this issue of the all-campus
poll which is to be voted upon to-
Such an increase would involve a
complete change in the system of
night chaperons for the dormitories,
Miss Lloyd said, and the matter con-
"As for the suggested interchang-
ing of Friday and Saturday hours, I
might say that the matter is not
one for the women alone to decide,
for it would necessarily concern the
hours for dances which have been de-
termined by the Student Affairs
Committee," Miss Lloyd said. "If the
campus desires a change the question
will have to be passed by the women
and then by the committee before it
becomes effective."
WASHINGTON, Nev. 15- (P) -
William Phillips, acting secretary of
state, announced tonight that ar-
rangements had been made for Sum-
ner Welles, United States ambassa-
dor to Cuba, to confer with Presi-
dent Roosevelt Sunday at Warm
Springs, Ga., on developments in the
island republic.
Phillips issued this statement:
"In view of recent developments in
Cuba, Ambassador Welles has re-