Sfr igan aitij Editorials New Directorate Of Studenz Alumni Relations; Chance'T Vote On 'State Street Beer. VOL. XLIV No. 45 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1933 m PRICE FIVE CEN' No one is in a more strategic posi- tion than the lawyer to help the de- velopment along sound lines of a long-run pattern of public control, Prof. L L. Sharfman, chairman of the economics department, declared last night in a talk before students and faculty members of the Law School. Such a long-run program must be worked out on a more careful basis than the present system of con- trol, necessarily hurriedly put into operation to meet the economic crisis, its organization of volunteers making overnight decisions with no particular consistency, Professor Sharfman said. "It is inconceivable that the whole attempt to mold economic activity within the existing capitalistic system to serve more effective social ends will be brushed aside by the courts," he said. "But there are many prob- lems to be solved- before the begin- nings can be molded into an orderly system of control." Fear that a dictatorship is threat- ened arises because of the immensity of the problem of getting the country out of the depression and the swift- ness and vigor with which it has been attacked, Professor Sharfman said. The permanent policy must be so constructed as not to arouse any such fear, he declared. "We must think in economic terms today not because we care to lay too much stress on the material side of life but because of the paradox of potential plenty and actual want which must be done away with," he stated. Speaking as a former student of law and one who had passed his bar examination, Professor Sharfman emphasized the close &orrelation be- tween the fields of law and eco- nomics. "Students of the social sciences must be not merely analysts and his- torians, but critics and reformers as well. Law students must be concerned with what the law ought to be as well as with what the law is," he said. Writer Tells Of Meeting Noted Men Of Europe Speaking behind closed doors, Cyril Arthur Player, special editorial writer and former foreign editor of the De- troit News, last night told members of Sigma Delta Chi, national profes- sional journalistic fraternity, inter- esting experiences in his career on various newspapers. Mr. Player, a native of England and a graduate of Oxford University, is the only American who has inter- viewed Paul von Hindenburg since he became president of Germany. He' was commissioned in 1931 by the government of the Reich to write a biography of its president, and has also interviewed many others promi- nent in European affairs, including Marshal Josef Pilsudski of Poland; Pres. Thomas Masaryk of Czecho- slovakia; Dr. Eduard Benes, Czech foreign minister, and Mahatma Gandhi. He attended the Geneva and Washington arms conferences after the World War and, an authority on contemporary European govern- ments and problems, has written con- siderable material other than that for newspapers. Campus journalists heard Mr. Player discuss his meetings with for- eign leaders and with interviewing in general in what was termed "the most interesting talk ever delivered before a Sigma Delta Chi chapter." Religious FreedomI n Way Of Russian Recognition mT ?A Qu' YYmTrh m WANTi . 1 A up _ Pep Meeting To Attract A Large ,CrowdFriday Council Members Believe Absence Of Rivalry Of Classes Will Help Members of the Undergraduate Council last night expressed the opin- ion that the Pep Meeting for the Michigan-Minnesota football game, to be held at 7:30 p. m. Friday, in Hill Auditorium, should arouse a greater interest on the part of the student body than similar meetings of the past. The other meeting held this year, in connection with Homecoming Week, followed the plan of former years in attracting numerous fresh- men and sophomores interested in the class games held on the follow- ing day. This week's meeting will be one of the first which has not been held on that date and Will be de- voted solely to the activities of the football squad. Michigan's football winnings for 1933 have already established a new record in the history of the game. If the Wolverines win from Minne- sota this week and defeat Northwest- ern on the following Saturday it will mean four consecutive Big Ten titles for Michigan and two consecutive na- tional championships. It is in support of the team which has won all of its games this season that the students have been asked to attend the rally Friday night, Council officials stated yesterday. Instead of calling upon prominent alumni to address students at the rally, in keeping with the custom of the past, Friday's meeting will be strictly undergraduate, the officials said. Members of the Michigan coaching staff, whose names are to be announced later, will speak, and the rest of the meeting will be in the hands of the students themselves, Council members explained. Gargoyle Will Make Second Appearance The November issue of the Gar- goyle will appear on campus at 8 a. m. tomorrow, it was announced last night by Thomas Powers, '34, managing editor. The number will contain many new features and most of those which made the first issue a sell-out. "A few persons are insulted but many are praised, in keeping with the policy of this new Gargoyle," Powers said. Selections From Several Of Miss Millay's Poems Will Be On Program Edna St. Vincent Millay, consid- ered by many as America's greatest contemporary woman poet, will ap- pear at 8 p. m. today in Hill Audi- torium as the second lecturer on the 1933-34 Oratorical Association lecture series. The loud-speaker system willbe in use tonight so that Miss Millay may be heard equally well from all parts of the Auditorium, it has been an- nounced. A large audience is expected to hear the woman poet, who comes to Ann Arbor as the literary attraction on this year's program. The attend- ance will be considerably higher than that at the first lecture of this year's course, officials said. Tickets for the remaining five lec- tures on the Oratorical program, in- cluding that of Miss Millay, will be on sale at Wahr's until 5 p. m. today, and at the box office in Hill Audi- torium after 7 p. m. Persons who bought single admis- sion tickets for the performance of Dorothy Sands Nov. 1, may apply the purchase price of that ticket on a season ticket by presenting their stubs, according to officers of the association. Single admissions for the appear- ance of Miss Millay tonight are also on sale at 50 and 75 cents. Miss Millay will rdad selections tonight from her published works, including "The Harp Weaver," "The King's Henchman," "Figs from Thistles," "Second April," "The Lamp and the Bell," "Two Slatterns and a King," "The Buck in the Snow," "Fatal Interview," and "The Princess Marries the Page." No definite pro- gram has been announced. Reach Halfway Point In Drive For Poor Fund Half way point in the Community Fund drive had nearly been reached last night when tabulations of all money collected and pledged thus far showed the Fund had attained $29,- 915.40. The Fund is endeavoring to raise $60,000. Miss Edith Owen, secretary of the, fund, said last night that the increase in the last few days had been "quite encouraging" and figures indicated that only about one-half of the peo- ple the fund workers intend to visit have been seen thus far. Inasmuch as it is planned to visit 7,000 people before the campaign comes to an end, Miss Owen expressed the belief that there was a good chance of attain- ing the desired goal. The fund workers will continue with .the campaign, Miss Owen said, until they have reached all the per- sons on their lists, regardless of how long this may take. Hillel Players Will Bring Elmer Rice Here For Lecture In tone with Ann Arbor's gay dra- matic season, the Hillel Players will present Elmer Rice, prominent play- wright, at 8:15 p. m. Sunday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, accord- ing to an announcement made last night at a special meeting of the players. Playwright Rice is reputed by many to be one of the greatest contempo- rary writers of modern drama. Not- able among his more recent works are "The Adding Machine," produced by Play Production last season; "Left Bank;" "Counsellor at Law," which was Paul Muni's starring vehicle on the stage recently; "Street Scene," produced both on the stage and on the screen; and his latest play, "We, the People." While Mr.Rice is on tour at pres- ent, he was especially secured by Hillel Players for this engagement. He willspeak on "The Future of the Theatre," and will be introduced by Prof. O. J. Campbell of the English department, according to Lawrence Levy, '34, president of the club. Reed Asks For Prompt Action On Tax Receipt Pleads For Facilitation Of Collection Of Rates In Talk Over Radio NEW YORK, Nov. 14.- (Special) - A plea for a vigorous approach to the problem of tax collection was made here tonight by Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the University of Mich- igan political science department, who spoke over the radio with E. Fleetwood Dunstan, chairman of the Municipal Securities Committee of the Investment Bankers Association of America. "If self-preservation is the first law of nature, it is also the first law of municipal finance in the present crisis," Professor Reed said. "Devices for facilitating tax cdllectiofl, such as the installment payment of taxes, will help. So will a public opinion aroused against the tax slackers who owe a large portion of the amount of taxes outstanding and who can pay but refuse to. "We can save money, too, by mak- ing the taxing year synchronize with the fiscal year, thus doing away with the necessity for short term borrow- ing by the city in anticipation of its tax collections. A city which has once begun to borrow in this way is like the man who grabbed the bull by the tail. It does not dare to short- en a tax year because itwould bring two tax levies unpleasantly close to- gether. Nor does it dare to lengthen one budget year because to meet 18 months' expenses it must levy a tax which would frighten every taxpayer within an inch of his life." Pick Forestry School Senior r Committees ew System To Tabulate Campus Vote Ballots To Be Numbered; Classes, Colleges, Sex, And Rank Classified Expect Beer, Auto Issues Prominent Interest Is Evidenced For Union Beer Proposals; Inclusion Is Undecided Results of the all-campus straw vote, to be held Friday of this week under the auspices of the Undergrad- uate Council, will present the view- points of various classes and groups as well as the opinion of the student body at large, according to plans now under way to tabulate the votes under, a system which will segregate classes, colleges, rank, and the sex of the voters. Each ballot will be numbered and voters will be required to designate class, sex, and the college to which the voter belongs. In addition, a sep-i arate vote will express the opinion ofi members of the faculty on the mat- ters presented for consideration. According to present arrangements, the questions on the restriction of theE sale of beer and on the automobile ban will be of outstanding considera- tion. In addition, it is expected that much interest will be shown by wom- en students on the proposal to change the time of closing hours for women. Class dances are also due for a great amount of consideration inasmuch as in the past the students at large have had little voice in the selection of orchestras for the dances or in theĀ° establishment of prices to be charged for tickets to these functions. The ruling enforced by the Univer- sity this year which prohibits certain graduate students from living in apartments is expected to cause vot- ers from certain schools of the Uni- versity to support proposed limita- tions on the jurisdiction of the Uni- versity over the residences of stu- dents who have a degree or who have maintained a satisfactory scholastic standing. The establishment of the honor system, the abolition of the R.O.T.C., and the question of war participation are also included in the poll and are expected to be the center of contro- versies resulting in close tabulations when the votes are counted Friday night. Other questions, if considered of general campus interest, may be included in thelist to be voted upon Friday. Any student having sugges- tions to make to the members of the Undergraduate Council in charge of the poll have been requested to pre- sent such suggestions today in writ- ing, at the offices of The Daily, in the Student Publications Building. Many students have already re- quested that the poll include a ques- tion asking the voters if they prefer to have beer sold in the Tap-Room of the Union. Members of the Coun- cil in charge of the balloting stated last night that no decision had been reached regarding the inclusion of this question in the list but that if enough students wished to vote upon the issue it would probably be among the other matters to be balloted upon Friday. Class Officers To Meet To Discuss Dance Plans A meeting of class officials, for the purpose of drafting plans for the year and for discussing orchestras which might be engaged for the various class dances, will be held at 8 p. m. today, in Room 306 of the Union. It has been planned by Gilbert E. Bur- sley, '34, president of the Undergrad- uate Council, who will preside. All Social, Professional House Heads To Meet Definite information concerning the relation of fraternities and sororities to the state sales tax will be given out at a meeting of all fraternities and sororities, includ- ing professional houses, to be held at 8 p. m. tonight in the Inter- fraternity Council Room in the Union. Maxwell T. Gail, '34, secretary- treasurer of the Council, who re- turned last night from a trip to Lansing accompanied by Dean Jo- seph A. Bursley, Bethel B. Kelley, '34, president of the Council, and Victor Lane, local attorney, refused to comment on the purpose of the trip, but announced the meeting for tonight. Select Novices For Tau Beta PiMembership Twenty-Five Seniors And Three Juniors Receive Highest Of Honors Twenty-five seniors and three jun- iors last night were formally initiated into Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineer- ing fraternity, at an initiation ban- quet held in the Union. Featured as main speaker of the- evening was Robert S. McMath, '13E, who has made extensive research in photography of celestial objects. His talk was illustrated by celestial mo- tion pictures. Prof. A. D. Moore acted as toastmaster at the banquet,' while Frederick Kohl, '34E, presented the welcoming speech to the new mem- bers. Seniors elected into the society are John Ainslee, Joseph Bennet, Adrian Broggini, John Brown, Parker Cox, Ronald Culver, William Elmer, Au- guste Hershey, Martin Holben, Frank Highley, Robert Harrison, William Kugler, Harold Legatski, Richard Liskow, Wesley McMullen, Robert Merritt, Walter Mikelson, Tso Fong Poon, Kennith Roe, Kennith Row- land, Jack Salmon, John Spoden, Louis Westover, Richard Wilcox, and Julip Yglesias' Juniors initiated last night were Maurice Demers, Henry Merker, and Joseph Wagner. The seniors were picked from the upper fourth of the class, while the juniors came from the upper eighth. Educators To Hear Talks By Ruthven, Reed Liquor Bill Problems n i i Discussed Carl Delano, Chairman Of Sub-Committee, Speaks On Proposed Plan Faces Question Of Sales By The Glass Will Attempt To Force Out Bootleggers By Reduced Prices Of Spirits Problems facing the sub-committee of the State legislature appointed to draft a liquor control bill, the manner in which these problems were met, and the general outline of the bill as it will be presented to the legislature a week from today were discussed last night at the Union Forum by Carl Delano, chairman of the sub- committee, and Frank Piccard, chair- man of the State Liquor Control Commission. , Before attempting to frame a bill, Mr. Delano said, the committee toured Canada in an endeavor to find out how the Ontario and Quebec systems worked. It discovered that of the two, the Quebec plan, which was the more liberal, was the more popular and the more effective, and it is upon this plan that the Mich- igan law is based, although some changes have been made to fit the situation as it applies to this state. Sales By Glass? The biggest problem which the committee faced was, should liquor be sold by the glass in restaurants and hotels? "It is almost impossible to set up a system of liquor dispens- ing which will be satisfactory to both the citizens of Detroit and those of the smaller counties," Mr. Delano said. For this reason the committee decided, and has incorporated the de- Aision in its bill, to allow the people of a political subdivision to decide by' vote whether they wish to purchase liquor by the glass in their particular political subdivision. How to get the liquor into small centers, and yet not establish govern- nent dispensaries which would, be- cause of lack of trade, be operated at a loss, presented another problem. For this the committee's bill proposes the selling of liquor in such commu- nities through already established private businesses. The dispenser would be paid a flat rate for his serv- ice, and the amount of liquor he sold would make no difference to him be- cause he would get the same flat rate anyway. There would be no per- sonal profit for him in large sales. Bootlegger Is Problem The problem of keeping the price of Liquor low enough to restrain the aootlegger also perplexed the com- .nittee. The bill devised has no pro- ision for a State tax, the money oming, instead, from a conservative rofit (to the government, not the in- lividual retailer) at the government ;tores and those stores designated by ,he government to sell the beverages. "It is impossible," Mr. Delano said, 'to write a bill that everyone will agree on 100 per cent, but we feel ,hat this bill is a good one and we Are going into the State legislature a week from today and fight as hard as we can for it." The bill proposes the sale of wine of 23 per cent alcohol by volume in any place which cares ,to handle it. Ihe alcoholic content may yet be cut to 16 per cent, Mr. Delano said. Crosby Names Thirteen Serve As Members Five Groups To Of. President Alexander G. Ruthven and Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the political science department will speak at the 38th annual meeting of the National Association of State Universities, to be held tomorrow and Friday at the Stevens Hotel in Chi- cago, it was announced here yester- day. President Ruthven will speak at the session of the Committee on Co- operation with Religious Agencies, at 2 p. m. tomorrow, and again at 9 a. m. Friday at a discussion on fur- ther adjustments to economic condi- tions. Professor Reed will speak to- morrow afternoon at the meeting of the Citizens' Councils for Construc- tive Economy. Ex-Gov. William E. Sweet, of Colo- rado, will address the assembly at a dinner to be held at 7 p. m. tomor- row. Representing the National Re- covery Administration, Mr. Sweet will consider "The National Recovery Program." President Walter Hullihan, of the University of Delaware, will give the president's address at 9 a. m. tomorrow. National Education Association Plans NRA Code For Schools Under a National Education As- sociation plan received here recently by Dean James B. Edmonson of the School of Education, the schools of the nation may be brought under a code similar to the NRA agreements. The association's plan, which it says has the approval of school boards and teachers throughout the country, is to be adopted in a some- what informal way since the NRA has not seen fit to include education under any code provision. The code proposed for schools by the NEA is as follows:. Whereas public education, as one of the nation's major enterprises, in- volving approximately 1,000,000 em- ployees, serving 30,000,000 children, youths, and adults, outranking in the number of its employees all except fnn nf the mainr industries of the And whereas co-operation, fair dealing, spread of employment, and higher wages to keep pace with high- er prices are principles of recovery which apply to the policies of public bodies just as well as to private in- dustry and business; Be it resolved by the Board of Ed- ucation of the school district of .... ......(or by the board of control of the University of .........) that this' board voluntarily accepts the provi- sions of the President's Re-employ- ment Agreement issued from the White House on July 27, 1933, insofar as these provisions can be applied to the public school systems. Be it further resolved: 1. That the purchasing agents of the board are directed to secure as far asnnssibles unplies and eauin- The appointment of 13 senior men of the School of Forestry and Con- servation to serve on the class com- mittees for this year was announced yesterday afternoon by John S. Cros- by, newly-elected president of the class. As a representative of the forestry school on the Senior Ball committee, Crosby named Grant A. Morse. For positions on the finance com- cittee, the president selected Charles C. Mony, Charles Stoddard, and Rob- ert Farrington. Richard Jones, William Kellogg, and Carl Bergtorff have been ap- pointed to the committee on caps and gowns. The invitations committee will be composed of Carl Holcomb, Richard Ewalt, and Donald Thomas. Class canes will be selected by Harry Smith, David Claverdon, and William Duggan. Gilbert E. Bursley, president of the Undergraduate Council, announced last night that all class presidents, who have not already selected their committees, should do so immediately and submit them to him personally. . r A IA Y 1" 0 1 I r i E r r Recommends Letting Freshmen Move Into Fraternity Houses From the viewpoints of both freshmen and fraternities, the plan of having freshmen move into houses after the beginning of the second se- mester is a good one, according to H. Seger Slifer, '15L, national sec- retary of Chi Psi fraternity, and accountant for many houses on the campus. This comment was made by Mr. Slifer following the announcement that the Interfraternity Council in its regular meeting Wednesday passed a resolution petitioning the Senate Supervision of freshman studies by upperclassmen was cited by Mr. Sli- fer as one of the reasons why fresh- men should be allowed to move in. "Then, too," he said, "the average room in a fraternity house is a better room than that in a rooming-house for the same amount of money." From the point of view of the fra- ternity, especially from a financial standpoint, the plan will render val- uable assistance to many houses which otherwise may not be able to 'Playboy' Is Clean Comedy, Mo ore States Unfavorable Reception In Ireland Due To Lack Of Sympathy With Hero Contrary to many rumors which have spread over the campus, John Millington Synge's "Playboy of the Western World," Comedy Club's forthcoming presentation, is not a bawdy, "dirty" play, but instead clean comedy, according to Clarence W. Moore, '34, president of the club. The reason for the great amount of hissing which met its first appear- ances in Ireland, was due to the fact that the Irish failed to understand