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November 14, 1933 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-14

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Mrs. Gerrit Dickema Relates
Experiences At Nordein Pal

p y .

Many Houses
Entertain Over
The Week-End
Sororities Occupied With
Pledge D a n c e s, Initia
tions; WelcomeAlumnae
Sorority houses have been enter-
taining alumnae on football week-
ends. Pledge formals and teas have
also kept the houses occupied.
Alpha Chi Omega
Guests at the Alpha Chi Omega so-
rority over the week-end .included:
Ivalita Glascock, St. Petersburg, Fla.,
Phyllis Miner and Elizabeth Greene,
Collegiate Sorosis
Collegiate Sorosis held an initia-
tion last night fqr six women. Those
initiated were KatherineLeopold, '35,
trances English, Grad., Helen Ste-
venson, '35, Mary Hutchinson, '35,
Dorothy Utley, '36, and Margaret
Newnan, '35. Yellow roses flanked
by yellow tapers ornamented the lace
table cloth.
Delta Zeta
Mrs. Margaret Peafe, Cincinnati,
O., national delegate of Delta Zeta
sorority, was entertained by the local
chapter at a formal dinner last Sat-
urday night. The guest list included
Mrs. Ira Smith, Mrs. J. C. Brier,
Miss Nora Hunt, and Mrs. Clyde
Gamma Phi Beta
Gamma Phi Beta welcomed many
alumnae Sunday who returned to at-
tend the annual Founder's Day tea.
Mrs. Ella B. Anderson poured.
Among the alumnae who returned
were: Miss Pansy Blake, Wyandote,
Mrs. Lucile J. Haas, Grosse Pointe
Miss Charlotte Bush, Grosse Pointe,
Mrs. Alice Cramerer, Detroit, Mrs.
Lida R. Stevens, Detroit, Miss Del-
phine Johnston, Detroit, and Mis&
Betty Hurd, Rochester, N. Y.
Among the Ann Arbor alumnae
who were present were: Mrs. S. H.
Adams, Miss Rose Anderson, Mrs.
E. S. Wolaver, Miss Linda Eberbach
and Miss Jane Breaky.
Phi Sigma Sigma
Edith Bergman, Flint, and Helen
Greenwald, Oak Park, Ill., attended
an informal dance Saturday which
was under the direction of Dora Elia-
sohn, '34. Decorations were in the
red and blue of Armistice Day.
Zeta Tau Alpha
The patronesses of Zeta Tau Alpha
sorority entertained the members at
dinner Monday, at the Whitmore
Lake Hotel.
Norman Conger To>.
Talk Before S.A.R.
The Washtenaw Chapter of Sons
of the American Revolution will hold
a meeting at 7:30 p. m. today at the
Michigan Union.
The following State officers will
attend the meeting: past president
Francis Campbell, president, Norman
B. Conger, vice-president, Wallace C.
Hall, registrar Dean W. C. Krich-
baum, and secretary Raymond Van
Syckle, all of Detroit.-
President Conger will be the prin-
cipal speaker. Students who are eli-
gible to membership in the Sons of
the American Revolution are invited
to attend the meeting.
Engineering Society Will
Initiate Pledges Tonight
Twenty-eight pledges, chosen from
the senior engineers ranking in the
upper quarter of their class scho-

lasticaily, will be initiated at 5:30
p. m. today in the Union into Tau
Beta Pi, engineering honor society,
according to an announcement by
DeForest Eveland, president.
At a banquet at 6:30 p. m. fol-
lowing the initiation, Robert R. Mc-
Mahon, '07, Detroit, will be the guestj
speaker. Besides active members and
initiates, 30 faculty men and a, score
or so of Tau Beta Pi men living in
the vicinity of Ann Arbor are ex-
pected to attend.
The Presbyterian Church will hold
a baked goods sale tomorrow in place
of the bazaar of last year. There will
also be a table displaying costume
jewelry and a utility table. A tea will
be held from 3 to 5 p. m., and a sup-
per from 5:30 to 7 p. M.,

Modern Gowns For Hostess And G'Uests

Patrons Are
Selected For
Union Formal
Sell Out Of 300 Tickets;
Bernie Cunmins Is To
Play For Annual Dance
All tickets to the fourth annual
Union Formal to be held Friday have'
been sold, according to Richard
Shoupe, '35, of the dance committee.
The sale was limited to 300 tickets
in order to prevent over-crowding of
the ballroom, and this limit was'
reached the latter part of last week.'
Bernie Cummins and his New'
Yorkers orchestra will play for the
event. Dancing will be from 9:30
p. m. to 2 a. m.1
The complete list of patrons and
patronesses was announced yester-
day, as follows: President -Alexander
G. Ruthven and Mrs.. Ruthven, Re-,
gent Edmund C. Shields and Mrs.
Shields, Regent James O.,Murfin and
Mrs. Murfin, Dean Joseph A, Bursley
and Mrs. Bursley, Mr. and Mrs. T.
Hawley Tapping, Prof. A. Leidy and
Mrs. Leidy, Prof. James K. Pollock
and Mrs. Pollock, Prof. Henry C.
Anderson, Prof. Robert G. Rodkey,
Prof. William A. McLaughlin, Dr. and
Mrs. Dean W. Myers, and Mr. and
Mrs. Don C. May.
Play Production To'
Hold Classes For
This year for the first time classes
in rhythmic training and modern
dance are being given to men and
women students in Play .Production.
Valentine Windt, director of Play
Production, recognizes the import-
ance of a body that is a responsive
instrument for expression. Correct
body movement contributes to the
portrayal of an idea of emotion, but
if faulty or inadequate detracts from
the expression, Mr. Windt said.
The specific purposes of the dance
classes are threefold, Mr. Windt said.
First, to develop throughout the body
a feeling for" and a response to
rhythm, accent, phrasing and dy-
namics, and to increase the realiza-
tion for both individual and group
Secondly, these classes aim to
teach the stuident how to handle the
body easily and freely in movement,
overcoming tension and awkwardness
through exercises in flexibility, relax-
ation, strength coordination, and
control. Attention is given to posture,
poise, and correct line in movement
as wvell as to free total body move-
Moreover, opportunity is given for
the development of imagination and
dramatization in both individual and
group rhythms. Consciousness of ap-
propriate mood, movement and
rhythm in grouping, awareness of
line, contrast, opposition, and unity
are stressed.
Miss Emily White of the physical
education department has received
enthusiastic support from the Play
Production students in this work.

Athena Pledg~es
New Members;
Plans Programn
Eleven women were pledged to
Athena Literary Society, national so-
ciety for women in speech and the
allied arts, at ceremonies held last
night in the League.
The new members, admitted after
e x t e n d e d tryouts, are: Roberta
Thompson, '34, Mary Mildred Mur-
phy, '35, Grace Bartling, '36, Doro-
thy Saunders, '35, Helen E. White,
'36, Irene Minna Giffen, '35, Peggy;
Cushing, '36Ed, Lillian Fine, '36, Dor-
othy Briscoe, '37, Lillian Rosen, '36,
Rowena Goldstein, '35.
At a short active meeting follow-
ing the pledging it was decided to
hold meetings on the first and third
Mondays of the month.
Members of the pledge group
elected Miss Fine to serve as their
group president. She announced that
the new members would entertain
the actives with a short program at
the pledge tea Monday, Nov. 20.
Simplicity Is Chic
In .Dinner, Dance
Formals This Year
Worry over a houseparty clothes
question causes more anxiety than
a midsemester. It's the traveler's
ideal of enough, without the whole
ward-robe. Since the days will con-
centrate on the formal dinner and
dance, a formal gown, with a cape or
jacket effect for dining, is the pri-
mary thought. Simplicity is smart-
ness whatever the type of girl or
colr of dress, and to illustrate this
we saw a black velvet model, trailing
in a modish fantail train, and worn
at dinner with a crushed white vel-I
vet wrap with three-quarter sleeves.
Rhinestone hair ornaments, star-
shaped as some we have seen, glit-
ter provocatively under candle light.
replacing earrings.
For tea dancing and breakfasts,
plain and dressy wool frocks should
be included. One spice brown model
had orange and white plaid collars
and pocket flaps, while a popular ox-
ford grey two piece suit, closed at the
neck with a kolinsky ascot. Up-
standing tuck gave the shoulders
And among the necessaries you'll
find what has been called a Sunday
night frock, a cocktail frock, and an
after five frock, of ankle length, in a
dark color, such as the new mulberry
or grape shades, and brightened in
some manner at wrist and throat.
Chinese embroidery and starched lace
are decreed as those touches for this
Adeiphi To Hold Formal
Initiation For 15 Pledges
Adelphi House of Representatives
will hold a formal initiation at 7:30
p. m. today for the 15 men who were
recently pledged. Plans for the or-
ganization for the rest of the year
will also be considered, according to
Melvin Levy, '34, president.

Great magnificence is the keynote1
of the Nordein palace, where Her1
Majesty Queen Wilhelmina of Hol-
land rejeives officially, according to
the description of Mr's. Gerritt Dieke-
ma, who was at the Hague as the'
wife of the United States ambassa-
dor to the court of the queen. l
Mrs. Dieiema, wno is director of
Betsy Barbour House, describes the
palace with its "acres of gleaming
white marble floors, walls done in
handsome vari-colored satin damask,
many windows draped with the- same9
material, countless mirrors with gilt
frames, lovely old fireplaces, scores
of statues and bronzes, and rare
Speaking of her first audience with
Queen Wilhelmina, Mrs. Diekema
said, "In contrast to the Englishl
court there are few instructions as
to the necessary wearing apparel,
when one meets the Dutch queen.
The ladies are asked not to wear
black as Her Majesty dislikes it ex-
tremely. On an occasion of this kindl
the proper costume is one's best af-1
ternoon attire."
Formality is of course attendant
with the first meeting with the
Queen. The arrangements for such
an audience must first be made
through the grand mistress of the
court. In her arrival, escorted byi
the wife of the dean of the diploma-
tic corps, Mrs. Diekema was ushered'
into a salon where she was received
Ann Arbor Women
Will olc Metin
The Ann Arbor Women's Club will
meet at 2:30 p. m. today in the
League. Mrs. S. W. Groomes and Mrs.
L. H. Hollway, delegates to the State
convention of Women's Clubs held in
Detroit last month, will give a re-
port of the conference.
A one-act play, directed by Mrs.
D. G. Meickle, chairman of the drama
group of the Fine Arts department,
will also be given. The cast will in-
clude Mrs. Beickle, Mrs. A. C. Barth,
Mrs. M. W. Howard, Mrs. W. S. Mor-
ton, Mrs. William Guatine, Mrs. A. C.
Shroth, and Mrs. J. B. Hewett.
Informal Discussions
To Be Held By Alpha Nu
Charles Rogers, '34, will lead an
informal discussion at the regular
meeting at 7:30 p. m. today of Alpha
Nu of Kappa Phi Sigma, honorary
forensic society, on the question "Re-
solved that University enrollment be
limited to higher entrance require-
ments, and also that once students
are admitted to school that higher
requirements be enforced to stay in."

by one of the queen's ladies-in-wait
ing, one of the chamberlains, and th,
grand mistress of ceremonies. Af to
a short wait, irs. Diekema wa
shown into the presence of the queer
Mrs. Diekema spoke of Queen Wil
helmina as being very gracious. "A
I entered- the room the queen aros,
and smiled a welcome. Her smil
was very charming and put me quit
at ease, or at least as much as is pos
sible when one meets a monarch fc
the first time."
SWere Go
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Nigl
Flight," with John Barrymore an
Clark Gable; Whitney, "False Faces,
with Lila Lee and Lowell Shermar
Stage: Majestic, "Dinner at Eight.
with Blanche Ring.
Dancing: League Grill Room, Hu
Den, Dixie Inn, Joe Parker's, Preke
tes, 316 Cafe.
Formal Initiation Held
By Honorary Sororit
Mu Phi Epsilon, national honorar
musical sorority, announces the for
mal initiation of Maretta Martinel
'35, Traverse City; Leta Musgrav
'35, Marion, Ill.; Virginia.Ritter, '3
Clarkesville, Tenn.; and Florence A
len, Spec., Ann Arbor.
The ceremony was held Sunday
the home of Mrs. D. E. Seeley.

-Associated Press Photo
A hostess frock of ice-blue crepe satin is worn by Helen Vinson,
(left) film actress. The long sleeves and high neck are a modern
note in this type of gown. Clara Bow (right) chooses a dress of dull
red crepe for informal evening wear. A velvet turban, gloves, and shoes
in the same shade complete the costume.

q t

One of the most striking gowns
seen this season was worn by Jean
Greenwald Saturday night at the
League dance. It was striped diag-
)nally with a contrasting orange
sash which, tied in the back, gave a
bustle effect.j
Blue was a popular color at the
League, and Gertrude Walker ap-
peared in royal blue with a beaded
neckline and Ruth MacDonald in
light blue crepe. Vivid colors bright-
ened the darkened dance floor, red
being especially noticeable. Miss
Myrtle Pollen, Ann Arbor, dressed
in bright red satin, and Dorothy Leak
in green with fur trim. Vivian Miles
was lovely in a maroon velvet with
draped neckline.
Miss Alta B. Atkinson, manager of
the League, was seen in the grill, no
doubt on her way from the Uni-
versity Press Club's play in the Men-
delssohn Theatre. Ruth Loebs, in a
green and gold dress, and Betty
Zeta Phi Eta Will
Sponsor Lectures
Under the sponsorship of Zeta Phi
Eta, women's speech society, Prof.
Louis M. Eich of the speech depart-
ment will open a series of lectures
with a talk entitled "Lecture Re-
cital." Professor Eich will speak 'to
members of the sorority and the gen-
eral public which is invited, at 8
p. m. today in Room 203 Mason Hall.
Prof. John H. Muyskens of the,
phonetics department will follow Pro-
fessor Eichs in the lecture series with
a talk, "Clinic Cases," Nov. 28.. The
time and room will be announced
later, it was said.
Parent-Teachers Will
Sponsor Benefit Bridge
The Parent-Teachers Association
will sponsor a benefit bridge party at
7 p. m. Tuesday, Nov. 21, at the Ann
Arbor High School. All the faculty
and Ann Arbor members of the As-
sociation are cordially invited to at-

Goutremout were among the other
popular underclassmen noticed at the
Black velvet, smartest of smart
materials this season, predominated
in the gowns seen Saturday night at,
the Union, where a capacity crowd
was gaily celebrating the afternoon's
victory. Sally Pierce, campus ac-
tress par excellence, chose the'velvet
trimmed with cream lace, and Kitty
Rucker ornamented her simple black
gown with crystals. Miss Margaret
O'Brien, '33, last year's women's edi-
tor of The Daily and now a Detroit
Free Press reporter, was present, and
the smart severity of her dress was
relieved by white.
Black in other materials was also
popular, among the outstanding
gowns being those of Virginia Hugg,
who chose crepe with a black velvet
top, and Mary Earnshaw, who wore
black chiffon with net sleeves. Vir-
ginia Denny departed from the black
rule, however, and was charming in
pale blue crinkle crepe, edged with
brown fur. Another colorful gown
was that of Miss Dorothy Schmidt,
Detroit, who chose red crepe adorned
with a huge yellow chiffon flower.
Goddard Presides Over
Meeting Of Garden Club
Professor Edwin C. Goddard pre-
sided last night at the question box
on gardening held by the Ann Arbor
Garden Club in Pattengill audito-
rium. Professor Goddard is chairman
of the committee on highway beauti-
fication in the State Federation of
Garden Clubs.
Mr. Peter V. Patterer, Battle Creek,
formerly associated with the Arnold
Arboretum in Boston, was the prin-
cipal speaker for the meeting.
The women students at McGill
University have at last gained en-
trance into the men's Union. Their
admittance into the Grill room and
the Jazz Tea form part of the con-
cessions which the Union House
Committee has seen fit to grant.

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